.moon by night

Amber Linings by Ravyn

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Yahiko stared at Kaoru's sleeping body, his eyes watching her still form

Yahiko stared at Kaoru's sleeping body, his eyes watching her still form. There simply was no comfort from watching for any physical activity, only for the curious swirls of her Ki pattern, because she simply did not move.

Sano walked over and placed a hand on his shoulder. "She is going to be okay." 'She has to be.'

"Perhaps," Megumi flashed, her tone acid. Her body moved into the room as softly and lightly as a cat. Sano decided he hated cats, conniving little furballs that they were. "It depends if her new blood can fight off the wood poisoning."

Yahiko frowned. "But the Battousai…"

Megumi tossed her hair behind her shoulder, her eyes flashing with a hidden amusement. "The Battousai only gave her what she needed to start fighting the wood. It is going to depend on this girl's hold on life. Her Ki is strong, but is it strong enough to warp the Battousai's Ki into something life-saving? A man whose Ki is death itself?"

'Let's hope this girl is strong enough, or not even death will save any of us from his wrath.' Megumi thought, dangerously.

Kaoru moaned and her head lolled to one side, but beyond that there was no sign that the girl was going to awake from the poison-induced coma.


Jineh felt his body scream in agony. He tumbled to the ground, his legs no longer able to carry his form. It was as if his own Ki was fighting against him, tearing him apart from the inside.

He looked vacantly around for any sign of pursuit from the Battousai, his eyes darting to and from trees. Breathing heavily from that exertion, he relaxed as much as his convulsing muscles allowed.

"Did you really think I would allow you to flee for some pathetic delusion of safety?" The voice was chilled darkness. Jineh's face went ghostly pale in the inky surroundings.

"Battousai," Jineh fumbled, his tongue barely able to choke the name out as his body continued to rebel against him.

"Where, in the unhinged void of your pathetic little brain, did you conceive the notion that I would allow to you touch what is mine? Did you think I would let your filthy paws fondle my mate unmolested?" The Battousai's words echoed as though they came from the depths of some dark ocean.

"B…" The feeling of cool steel sliding across his throat cut him off.

Shaking, Jineh attempted to pull his Ki under control and form some type of defense, but instead he screamed in agony as it bit deeper into his already failing muscles.

"I should slit your throat, and watch you gasp and pull for a single breath as the blood runs slowly from your body." Kenshin whispered, his tone layered in jagged edges of ice that shook Jineh even more than his own wavering hold on sanity.

"However, that would be much too quick a death for your…sins."

Jineh sat stupefied as a pair of hot, burning eyes suddenly appeared in front of him. "No, Jineh, what I have in mind will be much, much slower."

Jineh howled in pain as the blade cut quickly into the bone of his right hand, removing the appendage in one quick stroke.

"You see, Jineh, I have acquired a taste for torture; for screams, if you will. To watch those I hate wither in agony as their life seeps out of them is one of my few remaining joys." Kenshin leaned forward, his eyes flashing a feral gold. "Thanks to my past, I have learned how to bring you to the brink of that delicious darkness, and how to hold you back. You will suffer for your offense."

Jineh clutched at the now-bleeding stump, his eyes streaking into a dark red. "You will hear no more screams from me this night." His tongue managed to form the words, but they came out only as a whisper.

Kenshin smirked. "Removing your disgusting hand was for touching her. For touching what is mine. I assure you, when I am finished, there won't be enough left of you to provide a meal for a single crow. Fighting your desire to scream in agony would not be something I would worry about."

Jineh, in a single attempt at a show of strength, attempted to spit in the Battousai's face. His face contorted in the motions, and failed him as he let out another muffled shriek. The Battousai's blade moved quicker than thought, slicing a delicate pattern into his skin.

"And Jineh," Kenshin added as his blade continued to move in lightening slashes. "Before I cut out your vocal cords, you will tell me the name of whoever hired you."

The clearing, for a single moment, rang out with the hideous, agonized scream of one who has been damned with the pain of a thousand deaths.


Kenshin walked into the dojo, his eyes still glittering darkly. He walked by Sano's relaxed form and snarled at Yahiko when he stood in front of him for more than a second.

There was only the faintest trace of blood on the air surrounding him.

Yahiko looked at Sano in question.

Sano stood and carelessly chewed on his fishbone. "I think he went and had a word with Jineh."

Yahiko shuddered and looked at the direction the Battousai had gone.

Kenshin watched Megumi sit back, her face contorted with exhaustion and some pain. Her hands lost the pale glow that had been surrounding them, his gift allowing him to watch her own.

"How is she?" Kenshin questioned, some of the bloodlust still tingling in his voice.

Megumi raised tired eyes, but her voice was steady. "I have cleared most of the wood from her blood, but it's going to depend on the blood she took from you and her will to live."

Kenshin smirked, his fangs still glinting against his mouth. "Then she will live." Then so low that Megumi almost missed it, "Won't you, my pet."

Megumi tightened her lips at his unlikely obsession with Kaoru. "Batts, what is so special about this…Halfling?"

He moved fast. Megumi found herself staring down the edge of a clean blade. "Are you questioning me, Megumi?"

Megumi swallowed. "No, Battousai. I am just curious as to why you have chosen her above all others."

'Including you, Megumi?' Kenshin mused as he watched her from behind the blood-red fringe of bangs. "Have you ever heard of a Vampire Empath?"

Megumi froze. "Someone who has complete control over the patterns of Ki, and the ability to manipulate another Vampire's Ki."

Kenshin smiled lazily, his teeth sharp in the pale light. "Kaoru is an Empath with a particularly strong gift. When I discovered her, she had already taken Jineh apart from the inside out and misplaced the pieces. She deliberately left him distorted and with no control over his life."

Megumi stiffened. "He was dead?"

Kenshin allowed his smile to widen, a taint of bloodlust flaring, causing his eyes to tinge brilliant amber. "No. No, this little pet of mine left him alive for me to find."

Megumi felt a tinge of terror at the look in his eyes. Jineh's death had been anything but easy. "Did he tell you who sent him, Batts?"

Kenshin's breath hissed between his elongated teeth in a breath of displeasure. "No. There are many gifts in the Vampire world, Megumi, and many of them morph and change with each generation. There are those who can remove a single memory, or perhaps more, from a Vampire's mind if and when they wish it."

Megumi blinked in understanding. "So someone removed Jineh's memory of his backer's name and face."

Kenshin growled low in the back of his throat. "Yes." Standing he moved towards the door. "You may hunt as soon as I return."

Megumi watched him leave, the knowledge that he was going to find suitable prey to feed off strong in her bones.


Sano sat quietly in the place where Yahiko had sat just hours before. The boy was currently explaining to Kaoru's doctor friend that she had a headache and planned on spending the day in bed.

A flimsy excuse, even for them, but Dr. Genzai would take them at their word. Or at least give them a day or so simply because he figured that the boys and Kaoru needed a day alone.

A soft moan caused him to snap to attention, his dark eyes wondering the now shifting form.

"Oh Kami." Kaoru's whispered and very stifled voice answered throughout the small room.

"Try not to move, Kaoru."

"Sano?" Kaoru questioned, her eyes bright with fever and confusion. Sano closed his eyes in relief. Having your gift ripped open, being changed into a Vampire, and being poisoned should have killed her, would have killed anyone with a lesser spirit.

That alone could be why the Battousai had claimed her.

"Shush, Kaoru." Sano instructed as he moved close enough to hold her now pale and cold hand. She needed to eat soon; the cooling skin was a sign of blood loss.

"What happened?" Her voice was soft and Sano had the feeling that Kaoru would remember very little of this conversation. Her eyes were much too bright and she sounded very faint.

But he had to answer her questions.

"The Battousai went and located you. He brought you back."


Sano froze as he felt the approaching Ki of Yahiko. A second later the boy slid the door open, his expression confused.

"Who is Kenshin?" Yahiko questioned as he entered, his voice tinged with the relief that was rolling through his veins.

Kaoru simply sighed and slid her hazy eyes shut.

"Hurt." Kaoru whimpered.

"That's because you are changing." Yahiko whispered, thinking she had fallen back to sleep.

"Why?" Her voice seemed to be coming from farther away.

"Because you are now the Battousai's mate. He changed you into a Vampire."

A faint whimper fell from Kaoru's lips and then she said nothing else.

"Idiots," Megumi's dark voice chastised. "Telling her that served no purpose."

Sano turned, his voice darkening with anger. "Shut the hell up, Kitsune."

"And what if that information causes her to decide that she doesn't want to live? Most of her condition is going to depend on if she wants to live. And you two idiots go and give her information that could cause her to have a death wish." Her eyes snapped with her displeasure.

"She is his mate." Yahiko said weakly.

"And right now it is one-sided." Megumi said viciously. "So far, she belongs to him, but she has not finished the bond. It could still be broken, which means that he doesn't have the hold it takes to force her to live."

Yahiko stiffened. "Is that why he went to hunt?'

Megumi snarled, her sharp fangs falling down to glint dangerously at them. "She will feed off him until her strength grows, and that will anchor her to him."

Sano stared at Megumi. "Why are you so concerned, fox?"

She frowned darkly at him. "Because if she dies, he will kill us all. And I promise you he will not bother to kill us quickly. No, it will be slow. So if you do anything to compromise my position in this, then I will kill you." Megumi's eyes flashed. "Wood is not the only poison that can kill Vampires."

Spinning on her heel she left the room.


Kenshin moved silently through the shadowed areas of the nicer parts of Tokyo. His lips twisted upward with disgust as he passed yet another dojo.

It appeared that many people sought to learn how to defend themselves now that the time of the Samurai was over and weaklings such as themselves wouldn't be called into service.

It also appeared that they did not govern their daughters' tongues as well as they should.

It mattered little that they had chosen to harm that which he now claimed, and that his claim then had not been as undisputably laid.

It was that they had used his little pet to disrupt him.

It was far too easy, to slide through the dojo with a silent precision. To locate the tag he had left on her weak and human Ki.

To slide his fangs into the soft column of her slender neck. Thick, warm, and with the lingering aftertaste that almost no Ki left in his mouth.

Human blood was weak.

Dropping the still-warm body, he watched thoughtfully as her head lolled to the side and her vacant eyes stared at the wall.

He would leave this body as a warning, and a nice present for her family. They should have taught her more respect.

Besides, her blood would be very welcome in the veins of his mate.


Kaoru's eyes fluttered open for the second time that day causing her to frown as she attempted to piece together what had happened. Her brain seemed to be surrounded in a thick fog and something lingered at the edge of it.

Something other than the stark agony of her burning blood.

"You're awake," The silk and sin voice whispered across her senses like a balm to whatever it was that seemed to be burning away at her insides, "It's time to feed."

Kaoru slowly fluttered her lashes closed as those words washed over her, her muddled brain attempting to reason out the word feed.

Her eyes snapped open in shock when she smelled a warm, tantalizing scent that sent her body into trembles. It wasn't until the corded wrist, with a stark strip of red oozing down it, was placed under her nose that it registered.

"No," Kaoru whispered her voice dry and parched. "Kami, no."

Kaoru felt rather than saw his displeasure before glinting eyes glared down at her. "Kaoru," Kenshin whispered to her, his voice lowering in his displeasure. "You will eat."

Kaoru stared at him with wide blue eyes, the conversation with Sano and Yahiko coming to mind, and this time she trembled for an entirely different reason.

She was his mate.

"I…" Kaoru shut her eyes tightly, praying that this was just a nightmare and not something real. "I can't."

Kaoru stifled a scream when she was suddenly pulled up by solid arms and balanced only by one arm. "If you do not want to die, then you will drink." The tone was cold this time, demanding that she do exactly as he instructed, and some dormant part of her responded to that. "Even if you wish to die, you will still eat."

This time, when he forced his already-healing wrist to her lips, she had no choice but to sink new fangs into his wrist, her instincts demanding survival.

The hold on her back gentled slightly as his silkily dark voice continued to whisper into her hair. "That is a good pet. You will need to feed off of my blood until you are strong enough to kill for your own."

Kaoru felt a single salty tear run down her cheek.

Soon he had pulled his wrist back and was examining her face. Her dark eyes were still covered by her thick lashes and the path that her tear had left on her face sparked a desire to taste her skin under his mouth.

Leaning down, he ran his lips across the trail of her tear before running his tongue over his lips, the salty tang causing his eyes to burn.

Lowering his gaze he noticed that some of his blood was still lingering around her mouth. "We shall need to clean all the blood off you, my pet." Her eyes fluttered open in surprise, but before she could make eye contact his mouth was pressed firmly against hers.

Kaoru stiffened at the almost gentle way his mouth slanted against hers. His touch was almost feather-soft, as if he was testing the texture of her skin. Then he increased the pressure, his tongue making gentle sweeps across her bloodied skin, and once he had managed to clean her mouth to his satisfaction, he ran his tongue down her chin and removed any sign of his blood before coming back up against her mouth for a harder feel.

Kenshin reveled in the faint shock of his own blood on his tongue before deciding that he wanted a better taste. Raising a hand to the back of her neck, he angled his tongue into the depths of Kaoru's mouth.

Kaoru was completely frozen as he lazily ran his tongue in an almost careless fashion across her lips. It wasn't until he demanded that her tongue play back that her body reacted.

Kaoru felt herself go limp against him as he played ruthlessly against her tongue, demanding a reaction from her.

But it wasn't that which scared her most; it was the warm, almost oozing sensation that the new blood was giving her muscles. Or at least she hoped it was the blood, and not the hand that was stroking her hip.

Kenshin pulled back after he had memorized the inside of her mouth. "Remember, pet, you are mine." Tracing a finger down the pale column of her throat he smirked. "Personally, I can't wait until you're better so I can do a much more personal inspection of your lovely body."

Kaoru froze against him, his words sinking in like a rock falling into the bottom of a well. "What?"

Kenshin smirked before leaning in. "You're mine, pet. Mine to touch, mine to control, mine to hurt; you had best keep this in mind."

Kaoru blinked in horror, her mouth opening and closing in an attempt to reply.

"I think, little one, that it is time for you to rest." His leaned closer still, so that his lips were brushing against hers lightly as he spoke. "We will speak of this later…when we can have a more private discussion."


Sano watched as Megumi carefully pulled long strips of linen into precise bandages. He wondered what she needed them for; most Vampires healed quickly and only the most severe wounds struggled to heal.

And it took even more severe cuts or marks to cause one to scar. This was why the faint and pale ribbon-like slashes across her left wrist that seemed to go further up her arm caused him to wonder at what exactly had happened to her.

It appeared as if a small knife had been used in an attempt to remove the skin from her delicate flesh.

"So, Kitsune, where did you get those scars?" They had to be recent, as no Vampire stayed scarred even if someone managed to inflict them with a wound precise enough to leave one.

A year, at most, was how long one carried the evidence of one's wounds.

Sano had heard, once, of the Battousai carrying a scar on his face, but it had been many years ago and the Battousai obviously had healed his battered flesh into the perfection that they now associated with the demon. He remembered, absently, mentioning the facial scarring to Kaoru and Yahiko and wondered when the young women would question him about it.

If Kaoru was anything, she was observant.

If it wouldn't have gotten him killed, he might have mentioned the almost girly look to the cast of the Battousai's features as well.

"That, Tori-atama, is none of your business." Her voice had gone to frozen ice, and Sano realized he has struck a nerve.

"It's because you're made, isn't it?" Sano questioned her, his voice deliberately light. He knew of the side effects of being a made Vampires instead of a born one, and he also knew the benefits. But being made by a powerful Vampire such as Kenshin should not have clouded any of her healing ability.

Megumi went very still as she paused in her folding of the careful, white, and sterile bandages. "Perhaps I should save Batts the trouble and kill you myself?"

Sano grinned at that. "And how would you go about doing that, Kitsune? Aren't you supposed to heal people?"

Megumi rose gracefully and ignored him, gathering the piles of clean linen. Pausing at the door, she turned and gave him a rather nasty stare. "There are always exceptions to the rules."

Sano watched the shoji door slide shut. Something had hurt her badly enough to leave faint scarring, and he had this gut feeling it wasn't the Battousai. Which meant it was most likely someone who had a grudge against the made Vampire. There was a certain amount of racial dislike, even hate, for those who were not born with their fangs.

So why did that leave the faintest of unease in his stomach? Who could get close enough to the Battousai's pet healer to hurt her so severely that it was taking time for the scars to fade?

An ally of the Battousai? Did this mean they could be expecting company in the near future?

Frowning, he went to look for Yahiko.


Kenshin slid into the room of pitch shadows where his mate was sleeping and settled himself against the wall, his eyes watching her motionless form with a possessive gaze of moon-glow amber.

Someone had to have told Jineh of his coming here, someone who knew the rumors of the fake Battousai, and someone who knew he would take interest in the dojo that sponsored the fool who stole his name for petty human grievances.

Someone who was going to die very soon, once he discovered who it was, and perhaps then he could link Jineh to his backer.

Allowing his eyes to close halfway in the appearance of sleep he ran all the possibilities through his head. He would be unable to seek the person quietly, if he decided to track him personally.

There were others, however, who could not be held in quite so much suspicion. Sano, or better yet, Zanza, was one of them.

Lowering his head he allowed himself to fall into the half-sleep, half-watchfulness that he and his Shishou had practiced for many years to perfect.

Tomorrow, he would begin the steps that would bring him the head, and blood, of whoever had decided to betray him.

He was not a man who allowed others to meddle in his affairs, or to endanger what was his.


Not far from the city of Tokyo, two travelers bedded down for the night, one keeping a careful eye on the other, while the other kept a careful on the surroundings.

They would reach Tokyo by noon tomorrow.


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