.moon by night

Amber Linings by Ravyn

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Kaoru stood in an attempt to relieve some of her tense muscles; the heat raging in her blood forced her to move in agitation

Kaoru stood in an attempt to relieve some of her tense muscles; the heat raging in her blood forced her to move in agitation. Reaching up, she caught the ribbon that held her thick hair away from her face and pulled on it viciously. Her hair fell in a dark, sensuous curtain around her over heated form. Kaoru hissed slightly when the cool strands brushed against her sensitive skin.

She had awoken two more times to small furry bodies, and their small gift of blood had allowed her to shake the continuing need to sleep. The second time, the mouse wasn’t the only change to her body. From mid-thigh down, her kimono and under kimono had been sliced. It looked like she had taken her claws and hacked it off in a fit of temper. The sleeves had been torn off at the hem, and she felt cooler, freer. Running her tongue along her bottom lip, she stretched her body like a cat.

Kaoru went very still as an unfamiliar scent caught her attention. Two healthy men stood outside her door, shifting around as if something was forcing them to be…uncomfortable.

Kaoru felt her incisors fall at the faint sound of hearts beating. Quickly. As if something was causing the adrenaline in their blood to heat. Prey. Kaoru reached for what was crackling in her blood stream. It was an instinct to do so, and she delighted in how it echoed in every pore of her body. She was hungry. Her senses were screaming for her to find release from the pooling heat gathering in her stomach, and to fill her tummy.

Closing her eyes, Kaoru ducked behind the curtain of her hair when she heard the shoji door slide open. Sweat, arousal, and the promise of blood assaulted her senses. She could hear the soft lilting of their hearts and the way they goaded each other on. The soft mummers of who got to try first. A game to them; promised nourishment to her. She knew she was impossible to resist right now…not with the way she looked and the way she smelled.

Kaoru judged their body weight, decided that she really only needed one alive. One would have more than enough blood. Kaoru watched as the nails on her hands lengthened and twisted into sharp claws, and forced herself to hold still as her prey drew closer. She had never used her nails like this before, and she contemplated them thoughtfully. They would be drawn to her against their will. Any male in the area, human or vampire would come to her now that she demanded it.

Her hair hid her feline smile, and her fangs glinted in the play of lantern light.

Kaoru purred when one of the men reached out to touch her, falling into her trap. She was so hungry. He froze when he caught sight of her hand, the dagger like nails, but she gave him little time to react. Instead, she brushed her fingers down his throat and watched as his blood spurted out and then dug them in deeper, allowing herself to rip the front of it out. He fell like a ton of bricks, his body hitting the floor delightfully. Smiling, she licked her nails clean slowly as she watched the other man attempt to move backwards. He was clearly caught between arousal and fright and Kaoru allowed her body to move in a sensuous slink toward the open-mouthed male. The fear was delicious, and it fell off his body in waves. He couldn’t move if he wanted to, not after she ran her tongue over her mouth, and offered him a beautiful smile. Not when she was showing long glimpses of thigh.

Kaoru judged his frantic Ki and dismissed him altogether as unworthy. He wouldn’t be able to hurt a child of her race. If a man was going to churn this fire in her blood, he would have to be able to do so brutally. She craved the violence in her first coupling, and this one…he would never be able to seduce her. His blood would feed her, giving her the power to leave this place and look for a strong mate, and she would leave a broken trail of bodies behind her.

"Where," Kaoru purred, "are you going?" Her voice was a dark promise of heated, wild sex. The man froze, even as his brain attempted to register his friend’s still body, the blood running from his torn throat. However, if the bulge in his pants said anything, he was very aroused by her appearance and the carnage. Kaoru shook her head and stalked closer. She was the only one who could get off killing tonight.

Kaoru traced a hand up the man’s chest, her now normal nails scratching the skin just under his gi. The man trembled slightly as his body betrayed him. Kaoru allowed her other hand to slip lower, caressing his obvious arousal. He reached down in an attempt to pull the rest of her kimono from her shoulders, but she pouted up at him. He wasn’t worth baring herself to. Instead, she tightened her grip on the man’s bulge and scraped her nails back up his muscled chest. His breath sucked in and she smirked. Too bad for him she wasn’t interested in seeing how rough he liked it. It was easy to read his Ki, her fingers tightening and twisting, the man’s moans filling the pale room.

Kaoru watched in satisfaction as the man’s head fell back, the guttural sounds of pleasure scraping her ears. Human were so…disgusting. Kaoru slowly began to kiss a path up the man's chest, aware of his responses to her hands until she reached his pulse point. Her blunt teeth scraped delicately, and he stumbled backwards. Her tongue snaked out to trace his frantic pulse once. He groaned and attempted to bury his hands in her hair. Kaoru bit down hard, her small white teeth arching into the man’s throat hotly as she pushed his heavy frame against the wall. His grip slowly loosened as Kaoru drained him dry. When she took all she needed, she ripped his throat out as well. Playthings were only good for round one.

"Never trust a beautiful woman," Kaoru purred at the dead man. With the fresh blood in her veins, Kaoru allowed herself to increase her sensuous call. Either someone would come and relieve the great fire in her blood, or she would kill every man that entered this room. Her senses twinged as she turned toward where she could sense great amounts of Ki, and her tongue slipped around her mouth to clean it of blood. More males.


Kenshin stood inside the hotel, his eyes darkening with temper as Aoshi asked questions. Sano was better used as a watch dog in these situations and Aoshi was better at mind probing. His fangs burned with the need to bury themselves in Enishi’s throat and he wondered how long the young man thought he was going to be able to hide from him.

Not long. Not now. Now when he had her. Not when her scent echoed in the small room, the softest wave of jasmine to warn him she was there. Gritting his teeth, he waited patiently for Aoshi to get a room, and then followed him up the stairs. Death lingered on the air. It was as he had told her: she was his to hurt and no one else's. Placing his hand on the doorknob, he entered the vacant rooms and moved towards the strongest disturbance.

Sano and Aoshi moved swiftly behind him, their eyes glinting with the same demonic-like glee. Enishi needed to learn how to play with the big boys.

Feeling the barrier that hid those inside, Kenshin walked in. He frowned when he caught sight of a slightly terror filled Enishi and turned to where he was and stared. Enishi looked up and smiled bitterly. His eyes glinted. "Come to collect your panting whore, Battousai? I am sure she is debating even as we speak as to whom she will spread those long legs of hers for." Enishi's words were careless. Kenshin's molten gaze swung to Enishi with the force of his full anger behind his eyes.

"What did you do?" His voice was bitten off as if each word was pulled from his body. Enishi winced as a moan came through the wall. It was definitely female. The eyes of every male in the room swung toward the door. Enishi watched dispassionately as Kenshin's body went rigid, his bangs falling forward to slide into his eyes.

“Someone didn’t bond his little mate properly,” Enishi drawled. “She went into her mating cycle when I attempted to take control of her mind.” His posture was casually nonchalant. “She killed the two humans I sent back there to guard her.”

Kenshin’s jaw muscles worked hard for several long moments before his eyes narrowed. He could smell her now, all jasmine and hot arousal. Enishi was between him and her needy little calls. The door behind him was open, but the hallway was darkened enough that he couldn’t see anything. His eyes swung back to Enishi’s and he noted the way droplets of sweat rolled down his temple. “You unleashed her mating cycle,” Kenshin softly remarked, his words bitten off in dark fury.

Enishi raised a brow. “Who would have thought it was possible with only a half-bonded whore?” It looked like he was going to say something else, thoroughly taunted, when a slim feminine hand snaked around his waist and jerked him backwards.

Enishi’s eyes went wide as he was inside the door jam, and a form that was decidedly female pressed up against him, her hand dropping from his waist to smooth suggestively across the front of his hakama. All the three men in the room could see was the long length of a naked leg and a mass of dark hair as she rose up on her tip toes to nip at his chin and nuzzle behind Enishi’s ear as she continued to explore his lower-half.

“What’s wrong honey?” Kaoru’s voice crooned from the hallway as Enishi made a low panicked noise. “You don’t like to play?” Her head moved as she sucked on the skin behind Enishi’s ear and the man gave a tortured moan. Her small hand was making work on the knot on his hakama while the other was doing decidedly wrong things to the outside of his pants. However, her teeth grazed against his neck, drawing a slight bit of blood, and her tongue lapped it up. Then she hissed.

They really couldn’t see what happened next, but Enishi was suddenly tossed from the hall, a good deal of his chest gushing with blood. Kenshin turned and looked at the doorframe and went still. Kaoru was leaning against the doorframe, calmly licking her nails as she watched the men. His eyes lowered to where he could see the long, slender length of her calves up to mid-thigh. Her kimono parted enough to show off tantalizing glimpses of breast-bindings, her hair wild and loose around her shoulders, and her little pink tongue flicking in and out as she delicately cleaned her nails. “You taste a bit too sweet for my liking,” Kaoru drawled as she took a bit more suggestive pose.

Her eyes swung to the other three men as if measuring them. Her eyes flickered around before she sighed. “A girl just can’t find what she needs around here, can she?” Kaoru turned away from the men and left the room, her hips swaying with a seductive rhythm as she walked back into the other room. Her voice had been a drawl of awareness down their spines and Sano gulped audibly.

Enishi picked himself off the floor and glared at the other men. “She is on a rampage.” There was a strained note in his voice and Sano sighed. Too bad her nails hadn’t been a few inches higher…

“That was Jou-chan?” Sano finally asked his voice rough. “She…”

“Is mine.” Kenshin calmly stated, his voice surprisingly even. For all that he was standing so calmly, there was a spark of temper flickering in his eyes and a set to his jaw that Sano found…difficult to interpret. “Aoshi, kill Enishi. Sano, either aid him or stay out of the way.”

Sano opened his mouth, but Kenshin cut him off. “I have to go and deal with her before she tears a hole in one of the walls and starts molesting the rest of the guests.” There was a note of dark possession in his voice and Sano’s teeth clicked shut. He turned to watch as Enishi picked himself off the floor and glared at the men while Kenshin slipped into the hall to stalk his mate.

Aoshi didn’t really say anything as he moved forward, so Sano simply decided to follow his view. Sano wanted Enishi dead and then he wanted out of there as soon as possible. Being around the two who were fixing to have an orgy in the back room was not on his high priority list. Not when Kaoru was like a sister to him.


Kenshin moved down the hall and smelled the fresh scent of blood. With the size of the blood splatters that were on her arms and clothing, she had to have torn a couple of throats out.

Kenshin eased open the door and thoughtfully examined the room. Kaoru was standing next to another door with her head tilted slightly as she turned to watch him enter, an irritated expression flickering over her eyes. “What do you want?”

There was a man propped up against the wall, his throat still oozing gore. His partner was lying on his stomach, but the blood pooling around him wasn’t as much as it could have been, so he suspected that she had feed off him.

His eyes flickered back to Kaoru, who was watching him with an unamused expression and with more than a little lust. Her hair was loose, falling to her waist in a thick, straight curtain of tumbled silk. Her eyes were wide and practically glowing with bloodlust, her lips bruised and full. It was apparent that she had no intention of bedding either of the men, for the futon remained untouched and rolled neatly in the corner.

He felt his blood heat at the sight of her panting, aroused form standing so fiercely over her kill. His hands slid the door shut behind him with a soft click. Kaoru's eyes watched him cautiously, as if she sensed the danger in him. “I came after what is mine to take.” He returned, his eyes narrowing as she studied him and then dismissed him again.

“I’m not interested.” Her tone was dark. “You had your chance. I prefer a male who knows how to take what he wants.” Her tone was mocking, and he raised a cool brow at her. She had fallen into natural rhythm of her people then. He had never been around a female vampire in her Cycle, but he knew her darker, more aggressive side was going to be showing its true colors. He hadn’t expected this. His lips curled into a predatory smile and he shrugged out of his gi.

“Is that so?” His voice was whisper soft. A female vampire ran mostly on instincts when in a state such as this. She was dark and edgy, high on bloodand her recent kill, and in a constant state of arousal. Her gift, however, would not let her submit to anyone who couldn't overpower her. If he had bonded to her, he could have neutralized her need of the kill. However, he wasn't going to cry over spilt milk. The idea of have a hard tumble with Kaoru was very…inviting.

Kaoru watched him with amusement. “I take it you want to play then?” Her tone was just shy of a breathy laugh, her body sliding into a more defensive position. “How quaint.” Her kimono rode up on her thighs and she crouched low as she watched him, completely uninhibited and aware of her own power. This was no shy Halfling turned into a full-vampire, but Kaoru as she would have been had she been born and raised as one of his own. She raised a hand to her mouth and pressed a few clawed fingers to her full bottom lip, as if attempting to still a smile. “How very quaint.”

She was baiting him…how very interesting. He moved forward almost carelessly and watched as the muscles in her legs bunched. He was slightly surprised at her speed, at how her nails grazed against his shoulder, tearing five marks into his unmarred shoulder. She shot him an amused look as she flicked her tongue out to taste his blood. “Not bad…too bad I am not interested.”

Kenshin moved to stalk her again. “I am afraid, little bird, that I am.” Kenshin kept his eyes on his mate as he deliberately kicked the futon open. The room was dark, dank and smelled of a fresh kill. Not exactly where he imaged taking what was his for the first time. The mating cycle would last for anywhere from an hour to a week, until it was sweated from her delicate frame. He had every intention of wearing her out before he moved her back to the dojo. If Sano and Aoshi had any sense, they would kill Enishi and move everyone to more suitable location for a while. His teeth flashed in the pale light. This was going to be enjoyable.

"Where do you think you are going?" His voice, low and heated, sent another shot of fire to race through Kaoru's already humming blood. This one was yummy…but she wanted to find a different toy. Something about him was familiar and she didn’t want him to touch her. However…that didn’t mean she couldn’t touch him… Kaoru hissed, her own small sharp fangs flashing. Kaoru waited until his eyes flickered to judge the positions of the bodies in the rooms before she lunged.

Her smaller body caught his off guard and she slammed him into the western wall with enough force to rattle his teeth. Her hand reached down to grasp him firmly and then her small pink tongue flicked out to catch the drops of red liquid sliding down his arm. Rising up on tiptoes, she sighed into his ear. “Not interested,” she murmured before slamming a fist into his gut and darting away, her left hand glinting with more of his blood as she marked his other shoulder.

“I think,” Kenshin softly remarked as he pulled himself to his full height, his eyes taking on a dangerous glint as he stalked her body across the room, “that is enough games.” Then he lunged after her. She darted away and put the table between them, her fangs flashing as she hissed at him. He curled his own lips back and hissed back, the sound dominate and male and he watched as her eyes dilated in reaction. The hairs on the backs of her arms rose and he hissed again in satisfaction. He hadn’t wanted to hurt her, but if that was the game she wanted to play, so be it. They circled each other, both attempting to maneuver the other. Kenshin narrowed his dark gaze, timing her movements perfectly.

It came sooner than he thought. She bumped into one of the bodies and looked down for a fraction of an instant, and he utilized every inch of his speed to slam her into the wall and press her flat, catching her hands when she went for his throat, and kissed her quite firmly on her mouth. He maneuvered his body between her thighs so she couldn’t slam a knee into his groin and pressed up against her to let her know the effect she was having on him. She twisted and bucked against him and his mind saw white. She tore her mouth away from him and did it again. When his eyes fluttered, she shoved off the wall and they rolled around on the floor as they attempted to dominate the each other.

Kaoru scratched at his pale chest with her sharp nails and attempted to bring up a knee. Kenshin attempted to pin her writhing form, slamming his full weight into her, he attempted to knock the breath out of her even as he grappled for her wrists, wary of her claws. Locking her hands above her head, he held her there, both of them panting. They were both covered in the blood from the floor, since their wrestling match had taken them from one end of the room to the other. His left calve was brushing against the futon and he panted as he stared at her flushed and furious face. Suddenly, with more strength than he gave her credit for, she managed to wrap one leg around his waist and flip them, rolling them onto the futon. He momentarily lost his grip and she sprang for his throat, every intention of killing him clear in her eyes.

Again, he caught her hands, her nails inches from jugular. Her eyes were twisting with lust, violence, and stark need. Her legs still wrapped around his waist, her soft form pressed against the hard length of him, he reached up with his free hand and jerked her head to his mouth. Kenshin attempted to exert every possible piece of authority -while maneuvering them back to him being on top- while he was kissing her. Kaoru was still fighting him, unhappy with the fact that she was caught, unhappy with his mouth on hers. Kenshin brushed his tongue against hers; his touch this side of rough as he fought to prove through his body why he was more dominate. Kenshin pulled his mouth from her for an instant and she used it to bury her fangs in his throat, a last ditch attempt to kill him, to drain him dry.

Kenshin went completely still as her mouth began to pull at his skin, her teeth deep within him. Her movements were rough, meant to hurt him, but as she sucked hard, her body relaxed under him. Kenshin allowed himself a groan as her hand moved up his chest in an unconscious caress. The bond between them tightening and holding firm as she finished it off. Kenshin reached along the link and found the part of her running wild and quickly subdued the aspect of her Ki that demanded blood. More importantly, his blood. When she pulled back, her mouth red with his essence, her eyes had lost the stark need of the kill. Kenshin met her gaze squarely -the bond was complete now- and he wondered what his little firebrand was going to do. It came when her mouth, rich with his essence, was pressed firmly to his. Her weight pulled him down, her nails destroying what was left of his pants. Hands began to roam as her tongue entered his mouth in a demand to play.

Kenshin easily removed the rest of her clothing, tearing at the delicate fabric with his nails. Kaoru snaked her hands along Kenshin firm chest even as one foot slithered up and down the back of his thighs. Her fingers were everywhere, his hair, his skin, and slithering down. Kenshin caught her hands and shook his head. He was panting, his incisors sharp against his swollen mouth. He had no intention of letting her set the pace. He lowered his mouth to her heaving chest and laved at her throat, her generous breasts, and worked to keep her hands firmly above her head.

Leaning forward, he traced her pulse point with tongue -once, twice- before he bit into the smooth column of her throat. Forgetting her hands as he enjoyed the rich, wild taste the mating call brought to her blood, he stiffened in shock when her hands found what they had been looking for earlier. Stroking, tracing, and grasping, she left Kenshin no choice but to release her throat and attempt to reign her in. He was going to need all the energy he had in an attempt to wear her body down enough to get her back to the Dojo. He did not plan on letting her send him over the proverbial edge yet. Gritting his teeth he managed to slip her hands back up his body.

Looking down into her flushed face, he was forced to kiss her mouth again even as he slid his form back between her thighs. Her eyes were almost black with lust as he slide into her with one hard stroke, pushing through her barriers easily. He traced her collarbone with his mouth while she adjusted to him and nipped at the delicate skin at her throat. Kaoru jerked against him, her body pressing flush against his. Her nails dug into his back as she hissed as he moved inside her, her legs tightening with bruising force as she buried her teeth in his shoulder when he drove her mad. Her inner muscles tightened around him and her muffled wail reached his ears.

Kenshin waited until she had removed her fangs before nipping at her bottom lip, before digging the tips of his fangs for a blood-kiss. “Like that?” He questioned. She shifted around him again, smiling against his shoulder as she lowered her head and tightened her inner muscles in a completely unfair use. Kenshin smirked. He dropped his head to kiss her again before continuing their activities.

Some time later, Kaoru fell against Kenshin's chest, her body shaking with the after effects of his touch, her eyes heavy with exhaustion. Kenshin's hands were still buried in her thick hair and Kaoru wondered if she was going to have the strength to roll to untangle their limbs. Her body still burned, but at least she knew her physical state did not allow for anything but numb exhaustion.

Kenshin felt the change in her Ki, knew that the first wave was at least sated for the moment. He waited until her breathing evened out before he disentangled their sweat slick bodies and picked her still form up in his arms. Carefully, he wrapped her in the blanket that had been knocked to the floor in their tussle. Moving, he easily cloaked his presence; he had no intention of anyone seeing anything. Kaoru was his to enjoy only. Anyone else could die.

Moving swiftly, he headed to the Dojo. He would drop Kaoru off in their room and then head off to feed. Hopefully he would get a few hours of rest before he was once again enjoying the cycle of his life mate. Perhaps next time they would have more patience. There were some particularly delightful things that he intended to do to her before her cycle was done.



Yahiko sat on the train, watching the sky go by. It had turned dark a few hours ago and he didn’t really care for riding the train in the dark. Misao had somehow gotten her hands on first class tickets and they were sitting in a closed in chamber.

Soujiro was propped up against the other window, his breathing shallow as he slept off the effects of the Battousai’s attacks. Megumi had softly given him and Misao a field-surgeon lesson as they helped bandage Soujiro up. The short version was that Kenshin had been quietly shoving Soujiro’s lungs, bones, and tissues toward Soujiro’s heart so he could slowly crush it with the flat of his sword. Yahiko had felt slightly sick. He hadn’t thought that was actually possible…

“We should be there soon,” Misao muttered tiredly, her expression slightly tense. Yahiko raised a brow, but she didn’t say anything. Yahiko paused and attempted to see it from her view and sighed with her. Two men, one of them wounded, the other very young, and two vulnerable women. Going into Kyoto. That was sure to cause a stir. Although he doubted it would cause the same amount of stir if Kenshin was actually getting off the train with them. That would have caused a few problems. As far as Yahiko knew, Battousai hadn’t been back to these blood-stained lands in years.

Bringing his mate home. Yahiko shuddered at the thought. The idea of Kaoru being Battousai’s anymore than she already was turned his stomach.


Kaoru awoke to the feeling that something warm was oozing through her veins. It was dark, demanding, and totally in control of her. Shuddering in an attempt to control her body’s reactions to the force holding her blood hostage, she rose. It wasn’t until she was sitting up that she realized several important things about herself. The first was that she was naked. Her body was completely bare to her shocked gaze. The second was the fact that she was sore in an area she hadn’t been aware previously that there was a possibility to be sore in. Kaoru hurriedly ran her mind over the past day or s, and her mouth dropped open. The vague recollection of her and Kenshin fighting on a futon, his warm hands running across her skin, his hard…

“You’re awake.” His voice was warmly possessive and tainted with a good deal of lust.

Kaoru looked around for some sort of protection, but was left with nothing but her hair.

“Good.” He made to move forward, the hard muscles of his bare thighs catching her attention…along with… Kaoru turned bright red, even as something hungrily rose its head and snapped its hungry jaws. His body was toned and hard and she knew what it could do to her and she wanted it to.

“What…” Kaoru tried, her voice strained as she moved away from him. This was not how she wanted to spend the morning. Naked and vulnerable and dealing with an overly-sexed vampire who looked like he wanted to eat her.

“Little bird, you don’t remember?” His amusingly questioned. Kaoru stopped only when the bare skin of her buttocks, along with the back of her thighs, hit cool wood and her back pressed against the paper wall. He was suddenly in front of her, his lean muscles open for her fingertips to explore. Kaoru moved her eyes away from his body, her breathing irregular.


“Apparently you need something to jog your memory.” Kenshin breathed against the bare skin of her shoulder, suddenly much closer than before, his thighs settling around her sprawled legs, his lips brushing along the edges of her full body-blush. “Does this help?” His tongue traced along the edges of her neck and his fangs scraped against her throat so that she moaned low in her throat. He hauled her up in one smooth move and Kaoru’s mind blanked out with the feel of him against her…

Kaoru moved so fast Kenshin was mildly impressed. She was on the other side of the room between one heartbeat to the next, the full length of her body open to his gaze. She had broken his hold on her easily and he smiled as he followed the progress of her body as he stalked her around the room.

“Look, Kenshin,” Kaoru tried as her eyes snapped flame and fire at him. Her words were cut off as his eyes narrowed and he playfully lunged and she squeaked and darted away, her chest bouncing with her movements. This game of cat and mouse was far more entertaining now that she wasn’t attempting to tear his throat out. Her eyes kept swinging toward and away from his body, and he could since the tremble in her Ki through their link as his movements worked to reawaken the lust in her blood.

There was a spark along the link as her instincts began to kick into gear, and they practically begged for his help. He had fed, was rested, and her body was craving both his touch and his blood. It was only a matter of time before his body bent her will to his.

“Stay on your side of the room,” Kaoru tried again, her anger an attempt to hide her uncertainty. Something inside her was insisting that she wanted him. The words he had whispered earlier were running around in her head, creating a heat in her that was unquenchable. She wanted what he promised, the dark claiming he had already given her. Wanted his hands on her body, the long length of him inside her, and the hot press of his mouth against hers. She needed the strong caress of his tongue on her skin.

He could smell her arousal, calling, tempting, and he was suddenly tired of the game. He moved then. Lightening fast reflexes that knew each step she would take. She screamed, jerking to the side, but his hands slid over her shoulders and down her back, jerking her into his chest. His mouth met hers then, an insistent call to her body, a caress meant to tempt. She fell flush against him, the soft press of her womanhood against his solid body.

Kaoru gave a sobbing moan as his hand slipped between her legs. He had every intention of sweating her out of her heat as soon as possible. As enjoyable as having her at his beck and call was, he had other things to worry about. He did plan on enjoying every time she came into his hands, every time he brought her body into his keeping, demanding that she give him everything. She was his now and there was nothing she could do about it. Her body betrayed her even as she struggled to keep from falling, to keep from reaching for him as she gave little breathless sobs of pleasure.

His fingers were skilled and as he pressed her into the wall, he hitched her legs around his waist, his mouth pressing against one soft breast. He held her easily as she came, sobbing into his hair as her fingers clutched spastically at his shoulders. Even as she shuddered with climax, part of her refused to give into his keeping. Some almost silent, rebellious part of her refused him. His mouth curved against her chest. He wanted all of her. He wasn’t even close to having started. Only when she was a pile of limp flesh did he ease her body to the floor, absently licking at his fingers, holding her shaking form easily.

“Mmm…” Kenshin whispered in her ear, “You taste good.” Kaoru gave an incoherent reply, her hands clutching at his arms. “I think…I know; I want a better taste. You didn’t give me enough time to play last time.” Kaoru raised dark hazy eyes to meet his, her vampiric recovering abilities already giving strength to her limbs. She probably didn’t notice, but she wasn’t leaning quite so heavily against him.

“I think…this time, you should scream my name. I want all of you, little bird. You will give into me completely this time. You will reach for me and bury yourself into my keeping.” He nipped at her bottom lip. Just because he was demanding that she give him everything, didn’t mean he needed to return the favor. If this was what it took to keep her safe, he would suffer through it. He would be the only one who could hurt her. He hadn’t planned on binding her so tightly to him, or having her as an equal. His little bird, however, would be kept safe from anything but him. She was an Empath, which meant he would have to keep an eye on her emotional state as well as her physical. Time consuming and exactly what he had been attempting to avoid.

He lightly pushed her body towards the futon, watching as she stumbled, her knees still trembling slightly. She collapsed onto the futon and he pushed her shoulders down until she was sprawled out. She attempted to rise, but his hands easily held her still. Kaoru panted as her body recovered from the afterglow and she attempted to find the breath to say something. Anything really, to find out what his point was. Her words were cut off when his tongue traced a path down her breasts, slowly sliding lower. “Oh Kami…” Kaoru moaned as he hitched both of her knees over his shoulders.

Kenshin’s golden gaze rose upwards. “Very close, little bird. Keep trying.” Kaoru felt her eyes go wide, his tongue was stroking in the hidden folds of her body and she lost every thought she could have processed. His tongue was… Kaoru moaned, incoherent words begging, even as her body twisted higher, but he didn’t pause. Her body was thrashing as his strong hands held her still. “My name, Kaoru…” He demanded even as her breathless cries arched into the screams he had promised her. Kaoru had little choice, the fingers that slid inside her were pressing with enough pressure to make her see white. He never sent her over, watching her face as she strained against his hands, but he never allowed her that gratification, the burning that her instincts demanded from her.

He kept her knees on his shoulders, leaning down to kiss the soft skin of her chest, the softness of her center pressed into his chest, stretching her. “Kenshin…” Kaoru sobbed, desperate, wholly wanting what he would give her. He gave a singular sound of male satisfaction before slipping her legs off his shoulders and directing her boneless legs around his waist.

Then he began a new assault on her body. It didn’t take long before she lost control, her body arching out of her ability to handle, her muscles clenching around him tightly. He gave a moan of satisfaction, but simply stilled at her movements. Leaning forward, his lips brushed her ear, and down her throat. “Bind yourself to me, pet. Give yourself into my keeping.”

Kaoru didn’t know what he did, how it changed, but it did. Her body was no longer hers to control; a fiddle he played and tuned, her screams the answer to his body’s friction. He drove her past her ability to think so that she was reaching for what he would give her, reaching for him, reaching for anything. Her cries turned hoarse with the repetition and she sobbed in pleasure as she gave into him. His own echoes of pleasure faded into the background as she felt the world turn white. 

He kissed her neck, licking a path long her vein. “You need to feed.” Kaoru groaned, her body a warm pile of sated lust. She didn’t think she could move, much less find the energy to swallow. He pulled her into his arms, his body firm under hers. He directed her teeth towards his neck, allowing her instincts to take over, letting her use his strength.

She fed quietly, her mouth moving softly against his skin. He had no desire to act on the sudden need that flared at the contact. He knew that it was only round one on day two of her mating cycle. He fully intended to catch a meal and sleep until she woke him again. She would, because her cycle had been fully initiated now, she would have no choice to beg him for her body’s release. He smiled, a flash of sharp fangs, and let his hands slide down the curves of her waist. She had come so close that time to wrapping around his strength. He was confident that she would give in before the week was over. Then she could never escape him. He could use her and her gift and she would do as he instructed.

“I told you, your body was mine to possess. Soon you shall understand what I mean by that,” He whispered as he kissed her temple again, curling slightly around her as she licked his wound. Then, with a little sigh, her eyes fluttered shut and she fainted.

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