.moon by night

Amber Linings by Ravyn

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“She killed the hag

“She killed the hag.”

“Master will be pleased.”

“He will be furious that she is in this state,” the growling, rough voice hissed as he moved closer to both of the bodies. “We need to move her before her mate arrives.”

The smaller man giggled and moved forward to pick up the master’s new toy. “What about the other one?” He asked, looking at the girl who was crumpled some distance away. They hadn’t expected the Empath to have a friend. “Hag tore her up good. Someone might look for her.”

The taller man shrugged and turned. “Leave both the hag and the walker. We have what we came for…”



He was moving so that the only thing he could feel was her. The world had narrowed to a blur of grey color as he raced down the path of Kyoto. He could still taste the lingering echo of her scream along the back of his tongue, could still feel that all encompassing agony that had danced along his nerves, then the silence.

Her scent was stronger and he paused at the beginning of an alley and took in the scene, his breathing harsh as he looked. Two men, one reaching down to pick his mate up, the other mocking the fallen form of Misao.

Kaoru had killed the one they referred to as hag, and they worked for someone they called as Master. Locking those bits of information away, he drew his sword. He wished he had time to make them burn and scream, but the blood ran hot along the blade of his sword and for now, that was enough. As it was their bodies were tossed around the little alley so that blood ran down the walls. Humans would avoid this area for months, uncertain why, but terrified of the death-ki that echoed in the darkness.

Pausing, he carefully looked around, making sure there was nothing alive that could come out once he had his mate in his arms. Carefully,he brought his blade to his lips and ran his tongue over the iron, tasting the blood of those he had slaughtered. Someone or something had tainted these two. Flicking the blood from his blade with an easily preformed chibur,he committed the taint to memory, rolling it across his tongue before he walked to Kaoru’s limp form. His gift easily broke down the taint and memorized it, dissolving its effect.

Her hair was feathered around her still form and he reached out and touched her pale cheek, looking for some sign of her of her ki. Swearing, he dropped to his knees, scanning her body for some physical injury. He was forced to peel back one of her lids to her check her eyes. Her pupils were dilated so wide her eyes appeared black with only the faintest ring of navy around the edges.Her skin was so white that when he tore open the front of her Kimono, looking for something, anything, her breast bindings appeared dark. Fine tremors began to run down her slender frame,and he swore again at how clammy her skin felt under his hands.

Switching view,a snarl tore from his throat at the sight of her.

Her ki was twisting into and around itself, as if its center had been completely destroyed in an inward or outward push of power that had caught her off balance. There was nothing to buffer her gift from her ki. Her capacity for maintaining control was goneand if she didn’t find a way to gain control, she would die. Kenshin gathered her unresponsive form up into his arms and stood. He needed to get her back to the Akebeko where he could ward the room and deal with this mess.

Turning he looked at the form that was Misao and took in her own ki. Her core wasn’t as corrupted as Kaoru’s, but she wasn’t doing well. Baring his teeth in frustration he tossed a shield over Misao’s limp form. It would protect her from any outside influence until Aoshi got was able to trace the beacon he placed in the shielding. Kenshin’s form blurred as he raced back to his room with Kaoru in his arms’.

As he entered the Akebeko, he stilled as he caught sight of his Master’s frame filling the doorframe of the kitchen. He hada familiar jug of sake in his hand and he gave a disapproving snort before taking another swig. Giving a curt tilt of his head towards Hiko, he located Aoshi’s shields as he hunted through Kyoto for Misao. Gathering the information he wanted to send, he slammed into Aoshi’s shields with no finesse and moved up the steps. Hiko was here, which meant he would deal with the idiots downstairs. Someone might start asking questions when they felt his shields go up and Hiko would be qualified to ignore them.

Already he could feel her attempting to burrow deeper away from the pain and he snarled as he slammed the shoji door shut. Jerking his wards into power he walked over to the futon and kicked it open. Placing Kaoru onto the bedding he stripped her of every stitch of clothing. Her pain was eating at his insides and his instincts demanded that he hunt down the source of her pain and destroy it.

He was the only one who was allowed to hurt her.

The smoldering rage built in his gut and churned. If she died, he would unleash something on this city that hadn’t evenbeen dreamed of since the Bakumatsu. His will melded with the already active wards until the room was black with power, blocking any ki except his own. He could feel his Master downstairs, but Hiko made no move to breach the power that was churning through the upstairs room. It writhed like a living snake around the room and he relaxed a bit.

Now the only thing Kaoru would have to contend with was him.

Kenshin kept a careful eye on his mate as he stripped off his bloody gi, taking in her appearance. There was no sign of her fight on her skin. Settlingnext to her limp body,he pulled his katana far enough from his sheath to cut deep into his wrist. Dropping his sword next to the futon, he tilted her head upwards and pressed her lips to his wrist. Blood pooled on her lips and spilled down the skin her throat, only a little slipping into her mouth. He snarled again, yet there was no reaction.

The pain was so hot she couldn’t breathe through it. It slammed through her, her power leaving behind trails of paper thin slices that went deep. Everything and she wanted to return to that cold, icy place. Gathering her waning energy,she shoved at it, but it shoved back. Something else was churning towards her, almost as hot as the other, burning the cuts and everything else it touched, gathering the wild strands of power and forcing them back into a single core. It hurt worse than whatever her body had been doing before.

She huddled in her mind and shivered at the cold. It hurt. Agony ripped at her and she fled as the raging emotion caught up to her. Whimpering, she skidded until she found that sweet darkness and curled up. The air was like ice,but it seemed to slow whatever it was that was chasing her. Curling up tightly, she shook, aware that something else was chasing her, stopping, blocked by the raging fire and pain. Every time it got close the darkness swept in and took her away. She welcomed the sweet chill, partly aware that it was as dangerous as the burning heat, but it was welcoming. The darkness always tasted so sweet.

Kenshin swore through gritted teeth as Kaoru’s body stopped shaking and went limp against his fingers. The blood dribbling into her mouth wasn’t enough to form a link and he snarled as his fingers closed on the bare skin of her upper arms. “Kaoru,” he growled, searching for sign of her mental signature. It had become easy to trace once she started reaching for him, but now he couldn’t locate it and her gift bit and snapped at him as he searched. Pulling back with the mental equivalent of burned fingers, he realized he was growling again.



Megumi finished placing the last of her herbs she would need into her small bag. It had been one of the first and only things Kenshin had bought her. He had grown tired of waiting for her to locate a herb and simply shown up with it. It had come with a warning of course. Nowthat she had the bag, she would have no excuses not to be prepared. Picking it up,she opened the door and almost dropped the bag when she noticed the large frame of her Master’s Lord watching her. Dropping her eyes she bowed her head.

“I see that you are still in one piece,” Hiko commented as he moved aside to let her pass. “It amazes me that the idiot has managed to do something right.” He walked away without another word, moving down the hall and disappearing towards the kitchen. Megumi swallowed hard and shivered. It was amazing, the amount of power he hid behind that arrogance and sake jar.

For one, the Battousai actually listened to him when he spoke. He might bristle when the insults flew, but he paid attention. Megumi had no idea what Hiko had done to earn her Master’s loyalty, but it was a strong, violent thing.

Shaking off her daze, she marched down the hall and slid it open, wrapping her usual attitude around herself as a defense. She was thankful for it when she saw Sano sitting across from Aoshi, both of them watching the girl lying motionless between them.

“Move, roster head,” Megumi ordered. She could smell him. The pervasive smell of his skin was distracting as he shifted over to allow her near her patient. He smelled like sweat and musk and there was the faint herbal smell from whatever soap he preferred. Biting the inside of her lip, she managed to distract herself and began to examine Misao.

There were faint scrapes on her hands; an area that looked like it had been healed from a bite wound. There were dark bruises on her buttocks and back from where she had fallen but that was it. There wasn’t a single shred of evidence that something else had happened. There were no physical wounds, nothing she could heal. Her gift wasn’t in seeing someone inner ki so she didn’t try. Setting back on her heels, she was suddenly aware of the beads of sweat clinging to her temples and rolling down the back of her neck. She hadn’t realized she had been concentrating that hard. “There is nothing I can do for her.”

She didn’t look at Aoshi or Sano, just attempted to calm her own breathing down. The noise of disbelief that came from the back of Sano’s throat hurt and she tamped down on the feeling. “Her wounds are not physical.” Megumi said firmly. “I can do nothing.”

She lifted her head and met Aoshi’s eyes. “Kaoru is going to be the only one with a shot at putting her back together.” They were all silent as they contemplated the dark that had been wrapped tightly around the room on the second floor.



Kenshin stared at his hands and the thin threads of blood pooling down his fingers and palms. His nails were also chipped and broken. Ripping the bedroom furniture next door apart had relieved some of his temper but the sight of his blood brought it raging again. Hissing,he twisted and slammed his fist into the wall, watching it go through plaster and rice paper walls. Snapping his teeth, he breathed deeply and walked back into his room. His wall of power had extended to contain the entire upper floor and he stood in the door way watching her naked chest rise and fall.

He wouldn’t let her take the easy way out.

Moving towards the futon,he settled himself on his knees in front of her; brought his wrist to his mouth and tore a gash with his own teeth. Reaching down, he braced her neck and lifted her limp body against his chest. “Kaoru you must drink,” he snarled, pressing his bloodied wrist to her lips. There was no movement.Her lips were pale, almost bloodless and the red of his blood dripping down her skin was an almost violent contrast.

Something inside him shuddered and his body echoed the movements. His grasp on her was slim and he could feel her crawling deeper inside herself. Besides the raging storm of her ki and the backlash of what had happened to her, there was nothing. If she continued to pull inside herself and let her ki and gift battle with each other, she would die.

He would destroy everything in his path.

“Kaoru,” he rasped, his voice not quite his own. “You will feed.”


Burying his head into her hair he breathed in the scent of darkness rising in her ki andshoved it back. Her body was cold in his arms as she fled deeper inside whatever niche she had created. “Kaoru,” he breathed, taking in her feel, her scent. “Please swallow little bird. If you go, I will destroy everything before I find you again.”

Her lips stirred and he pressed his advantage. Ignoring the sting of her raging emotions,he fiercely took control of the little nudge she had given him, forcing her to drink. She took two small mouthfuls before she shuddered and her gift came roaring out, forcing him back. He hissed between his teeth when he discovered his blood had little effect besides stabilizing her ki. “You will not do this to me again, Kaoru.” He warned her tightly. He needed to lower her guards somehow….

Her instincts would be running on high and they were in tune to him. “Kaoru you will come back to me,” he purred, using his fury as a weapon to fight against the wall she was attempting to build between her gift and herself, blocking him as well. He had to give her body something else to worry about, divideits attention. Kaoru wasn’t in control anymore. That was fine. Leaning down, he brushed a serious of kisses along her jaw, scrapinghis teeth against her throat. As his tongue feathered out against the soft skin of her throat, he felt her shift again.

“Oh no you don’t,” he snarled, letting his hands warm her skin. There was a faint noise echoing from her throat and he tasted the skin around her collarbones. Her breathing was ragged and her gift danced across his skin and he was forced to pause breathing against her skin. Her gift sang in his ears, tempting him to fall for his own trap and he snarled at it, curling into her body and breathing her in with a hiss. He felt something flicker deep inside her mind and he moved. Grabbing that bit of her, he held on and refused to let go, attempting to locate where she had run. He traced it back to its source and the surprise he felt had him rocketing back to the surface, hissing through clenched teeth when he realized where his little bird was hiding.

His temper churned below the skin and he found that his chest was heaving with temper. “How very interesting, little bird, that you should choose to hide there…” settling back, he watched her from half-lidded eyes. “How very interesting.”

The smell of salt was a stark counterpoint to the hot flame of ginger and the darkness. The agony rolled back and forth until she thought she would die with it.

Thensomething changed.

Something began to gather the bits of pain to it. That hurt more and she struggled, thenthere was the brush of fangs somewhere on her body. She felt that. She could hear a voice even as she struggled and she clung to the darkness, refusing to be brought back. She didn’t want to go back. There was nothing there but pain and death and hurt. Shoving herself to her knees,she escaped the grasping tendrils of heat and fled into the darkness, her throat raw for some reason. Had she been crying? Paper fine shards of hot wire were chasing her, lashing at her legs and ankles and she screamed into the darkness. The pain couldn’t follow and she trembled as she was left in the cool, sweet darkness. It brushed against her like a lover and she wept.

Kenshin settled himself into Karou’s body. His legs wrapped around hers and his nose settled in the hollow of her neck and shoulders, his tongue flicking out to taste her pulse. Biting down he enjoyed a mouthful of her blood before licking her wounds closed. “How very clever,” he purred in her ear as he wrapped himself around her, containing her completely. “I am afraid your game is up.”

He plunged into her shields, shattered them and chased her, welcoming the darkness of his own gift and opening his mental eyes only when he had located her. Looking around, he stood, recognizing the area she had hidden herself as the little dojo in New Edo. “Tokyo,” he murmured, looking around for his mate. “Come out and play, little bird.”

Kaoru was in the actual dojo, a broom heldfirmly in her hands, sweeping the corners as if it would save the world. Kenshin watched her for long moments, planning his attack. “Kaoru,” he crooned, using his voice as the weapon it was. “Come here.”

She ignored him.

His temper was just below the skin and he did his best to control it. However, his determination to take her back was razor sharp and she didn’t stand a chance. He knew she would fight him, but he refused to allow her to win. “Kaoru, come here.”

Her eyes flickered in his directionand something violent flared in there. Something shifted in warning. “Kaoru, I am here to take you back.” He kept his voice in that sensual purr. The broom hummed as he ducked and then rose up, his eyebrows at his hairline as he stared at the woman in front of him.

Her next swipe was quicker than he gave her credit for being able to do in real spaceand it drove into his hip painfully as he shifted. He reached down and jerked the broom out of her hands, gritting his teeth and snarled when she had another one in her hands.

“I am not going back with you,”She snapped in warning, her eyes flaring.

“Is that so?” His voice was hard now but her chin tilted upwards and she snarled at him. If he wasn’t so furious with her, he would have thought her little fangs and temper were cute. However, he could feel the time pressing down on them and he didn’t have time to think about those things.

She glared at him. “I am quite happy here and you are getting dirt on my floors. Get out.”

“I really don’t think so, little bird.” Kenshin replied tightly and she swung at him again.

“Don’t call me that!” Kaoru snapped. “I am not yours.”

He snorted in disbelief. “Oh, I think you are.”

“Is that all this is to you?” Kaoru demanded suddenly, her eyes weary. “I am a possession.” Her mouth went hard. “I will not go back somewhere where I am only a possession and nothing more.” She grasped her broom between knuckles that were white. “I won’t.”

Kenshin stared at her for long moments. “Is that what you think?”He asked finally, moving forward, unconcerned about the broom. “I wouldn’t chase a mere possession, Kaoru. You’remine. Perhaps it’s time I taught you what that means.”

She backed up a step before she caught herself and shifted out of his path, the broom still held firmly in her hands. “I don’t need to be taught anything, you bastard. You have made things perfectly clear. You’re just here because of what will happen if I die.”

“Have you thought about what will happen to the others if you die little bird?” Kenshin asked smoothly. “Because the darkness I will unleash on Kyoto, Tokyoand all of Japan will be difficult to stop. Perhaps Shishou couldstop me, but he would have to catch me early; because I will rip this country apart. Not because you are a possession, Kaoru, but because you are mine.”

“Is there so much of a difference?” Kaoru snapped right back, her eyes hard.

Kenshin stopped moving and watched her for a long moment before smiling.

“Oh yes,” he told her wickedly. “You belong to me. You’re my mate, Kaoru. I fight for you. I will fight your battles.” He shrugged. “I won’t let you go.”

She bristled. “I won’t be…”

Her back hit the wall behind her and she found Kenshin’s mouth pressing against hers hard. She struggled against him and he bit her lip. He pulled back and looked into her eyes and snarled. “I. Will. Not. Lose. You.” His fangs were biting into his own bottom lip and he didn’t particularly care. “Do you understand? You will come back with me.” He shook her lightly, letting his desperation turn his voice raw. “I will not go back without you.”

He didn’t give her time to argue with him. He ignored the startled, wide-eyed expression in her dark eyes. Instead, he wrapped himself firmly around and her and jerked them both out of the dreamscape. She was caught off balance and even as she screamed her protest, he managed to dislodge her and they both crashed back into their bodies with agonized howls. Kenshin buried himself against her and fought to hang on, ignoring the way her gift and ki raged against him. Fiercely, he used the blood he had given her and forced it into a cocoon around her mental self, wrapping her in fire and blood and heat, refusing to give her the escape back to wherever she had gone. He held on until his own ki was bruised and battered.

A sobbing moan was the first sign that it had worked.

He crooned in her ear absently. She made a faint, mewling noise of disbelief and then she buried her face in his shoulder, screaming. Her nails bit into his back and he had to fight to hold her to his body. Her body writhed and twisted against his and tears dripped down her face. He set his teeth and held her.

“Ken…” she struggled. “Let go…” she sobbed and her gift roared to life. Kenshin kept his teeth clenched as he fought, keeping in her place and setting up the walls that would keep her kiand gift separated so they would stop eating at each other.

“I will not,” he rasped furiously. He met her eyes and stared at the tears that were welling and falling down her pale cheeks. Leaning forward he kissed her cheeks dry, something shifting inside him at the taste of her tears. “I won’t let you go, not now, not ever. You’re mine, little Kaoruand I will keep you.” He made a low, purring noise in the back of his throat when she arched again as her ki and gift fought each other. “It will be alright,” he crooned.

“It hurts,” she whimpered, closing her eyes. “Just let me go.”

Kenshin breathed deeply before shaking hishead. “I cannot. I am your mate Kaoru. You are mine,” he licked at the remains of his blood from her chin and throat“You are mine.” He looked up at her and met her eyes squarely. “You will not leave me.”

She shuddered as he shifted them, his gift finally managing to rebuild the wall between her gift and ki.She would be sore and hurting but the sensationsher ki was inflicting would end. He had her settled so that she could rest against his chest and she fell limp against him, worn out.

“Why did you come for me?” Kaoru asked weakly.

Kenshin tangled his fingers in her hair and considered her words for a long time. “Because I can’t let you go. If you look at yourself you will find that you can’t let me go either, Kaoru.” He felt her stiffen in his arms. “I maynot like the idea, but we are bound together.”

“I wonder,” Kenshin tiredly questioned her bent head when she refused to answer. “If you are worth all the trouble you bring me?” The weary note in his voice softened his words and his arms held her firmly. His head bent to breathe in the scent of her hair and he felt his shields contract tightly around the room.

She gave a rasping noise that might have been her protest, but he felt her stiffen in his arms as another tweak of agony flared in her veins. “It hurts,” she whispered against his throat. “I want it to stop.”

“I know.” There was something in his tone and then she was being settled firmly against his shoulder and the blankets were tucked around her. He sighed tiredly and she felt his power wrap around her, the cold darkness. Her body clung to his, searching for any sort of reprieve, and the lips pressed against her temple curved.

“Ah,” he murmured. Darkness crashed over her and Kaoru whimpered in relief as she welcomed that darkness, melting into it.

Kenshin moodily watched her melt against him. He wasn’t sure who he was more upset with, himself or her. His instincts demanded that he cuddle and protect her from everything, himself included. Hissing through his teeth he examined her mentally, taking in her lax ki as it recovered. Her body had given into his push easily, but he would need his own rest. He had spent a lot of energyrebuilding her core and he felt it pulling at him. He could feel the occupants of the Aoiya lurking outside the doors, but he ignored them. Settling himself down for his own rest, he forced the wards to even higher ranges and then slept.



Aoshi sat next to Misao’s futon and watched her breathe.Her breath was hitching painfully again and her skin was like ice. He had no idea what she could be going through, but the faint trail of tears that leaked from the corner of her eyes suggested it was painful. Leaning forward,he wiped at the corner of her eyes and ignored the furious snarls and howls coming from upstairs.

He had to believe Himura would bring Kaoru back. It was Misao’s only choice.

A chill ran across his skin as the thought about the repercussions of losing Kaoru.

The shoji door snapped open and Aoshi raised his eyes to meet Hiko’s arrogant stare.

“How many hours has it been since my Baka Deshi brought her in,” heasked carelessly, as if he wasn’t counting each moment. Aoshi lowered his eyes back down to Misao’s pale face. “Three hours,”he said flatly.

"Where is the other one?" Hiko asked irritably.

"He is hunting Enishi." Aoshi said flately. "He found a lead and Sano came back to report."

The sound of Hiko taking a long pull from his jug was the only sound in the room.

“You know what will happen if she dies,” Hiko warned, his eyes also on the pale girl’sface. “It is his right to claim vengeance for her death. I will not stop him.”

Aoshi’s head snapped up at that. “Even if…”

Hiko gave a grim smile. “You mean the bloodbath he will create? He will level Kyoto and if he doesn’t feel that she has been repaid enough, then he will move on. I will give him this wretched place of human waste. If he tries to go past here I will stop him. But this city will burn.” He shrugged. “It’s not worth saving.” His eyes lingered to the little woman. “I hope it does not come to that.”

Aoshi shook his head. “It would be beyond vengeance, it would be a blood bath. The chaos and destruction would be going beyond anything we could stop.”

Hiko downed more of the sake. “Then let us hope it does not come to that, Shinomori.”

Both men turned and looked towards the stairs leading to Kenshin’s room, when the sounds of furniture being smashed had stilled only moments before. Aoshi’s mouth thinned into a straight line as the raging death-ki continued to fill the Akebeko.



Kaoru woke in fuzzy stages. The first thing she noticed was that her gift wasn’t being held back by anything. The shields she and Misao had spent so long working to build where gone and the shields Kenshin had given her were missing. Working herself to a more coherent state she realized she was curled around her mate rather tightly. Swallowing hard, she tried to shake some of the cobwebs out of her brain. She was also very naked. Looking up she found a pair of glittering amber eyes watching her. He had made no move to disentangle them from their position and even as he watched her, made no move to remove his hand from her hip. His other was bracing his head as he watched her. One of her arms was tossed over his waist, the other had slipped under his and her fingers were tangled in his hair.

She just stared at him, uncertain as to what he was waiting for her to say. His hair was cool between her fingers and she wasn’t even aware she was twisting her fingers in it nervously until the scrape of his calloused thumb moved against her skin, even as a scarlet brow rose up towards his hair-line.

“What happened?” Kaoru finally managed, surprised at how soft her voice was. There was something glittering fiercely behind his eyes that she hadn’t seen before.

“You did something very stupid,” he purred, his hand tightening at her hip. She frowned, ignoring the bite in his words and attempted to remember what happened. “Whatever you did, it caused you gift to turn against you and it almost destroyed you.” His tone of voice informed her that he was not amused by having to save her. Again.

Kaoru continued to twist his hair between her fingers. “I killed that woman, didn’t I?” Kaoru whispered. She looked up at Kenshin. “She…she was…” she swallowed. Kenshin didn’t say anything. “She knew my mother’s name and she referred to someone as her Master.” Her words were soft but Kenshin didn’t say anything for long moments and then she suddenly found herself on her back.

“Master?” Kenshin asked, bracing his weight on his forearms as he pinned her body to the mattress. “Did she give a name?”

Kaoru shook her head, forcing herself not to think how close he was or how he smelled. For some reason she could taste him on her tongue and she swallowed again. “No, she just said…she said that she was surprised that I had been able to stay hidden so long.” She frowned and attempted to remember. “She called me Kagami’s brat…”

He breathed for long moments before his breath hissed between his teeth. “You can’t remember anything else?” When she shook her head he moodily shifted one hand so it was buried in the long strands of her hair. “You did quite a number on yourself during that little fight, Kaoru.”

Kaoru frowned. “She was an empath…something about her was familiar…”

Kenshin gave a careless shrug as he sat up. “Gifts tend to run through family blood,” he told her absently, his eyes scanning her form with a wicked twist to his lips. Kaoru flushed dark red as she realized she had forgotten she was wearing nothing, and at the reaction her body had at his expression. “We will discuss an appropriate punishment later,” he told her wickedly, his eyes burning over her body. “However, Aoshi brought Misao back last night.”

Kaoru frowned and sat up, ignoring the urge to pull him back down onto the futon. “Is she alright?” Kaoru asked as she pulled the blanket up and looked over at him.

Kenshin shrugged. “She is a mess. You might be able to fix the damage. If not, we should probably kill her.” Not a flicker of emotion showed in his eyes but Kaoru thought she might have caught something in his ki.

Kaoru swallowed. “Why are my shields gone?”

Kenshin frowned and shrugged. Reaching down, he caught her wrist and brought it to his lips, sinking his teeth in. The move was unexpected and Kaoru yelped in surprise as he swallowed a few times before dragging his tongue against the marks. Kaoru started again when his teeth nipped lightly at her finger tips before he let her hand drop.

“You gift has shifted,” he told her finally. “It’s…changed. Whatever you did, little bird, has caused it to become more. How interesting.” His fangs flashed briefly. “We shall have to test it.” He sighed and pulled her up and Kaoru hung onto the blanket with white-knuckled fingers. “Get dressed. Aoshi will be waiting for you outside. You won’t need me to put her back together.” He gave her a sharp look. “I will be hunting for blood. You’ve been asleep for two days.”

Two days? Had he actually stayed with her that entire time? Kaoru swallowed as the shields dropped. Her gift was still lazy beneath her skin but he appeared not to notice. The sounds and smells of the Aoiya crashed over her but her gift ignored them. Instead she felt Misao’s battered ki instead and she scrambled into a kimono,absently tying off her obi. She would need to figure out what was going with her gift after she put Misao back together.

Or at least she hoped she could.



Soujiro fingered the sword at his hip. Kikuichimonji Norimune was light at his side and eager to be unleashed on those who were moving about. The air tasted of human stench and waste and he wanted to remove it. Stroking the handle he willed his gift into some sort of control. His own darkness was different than his master’s. He had lived as the son of a human whore, having been taken in when he was a baby.

His thumb continued to run over the smooth hilt.

There wasn’t anything of that family left.

He was a weapon now.

His life had started with Shishio Makoto as his Master. He was the first man to give him a weapon and teach him how to kill with it. Shishio had taught him that humans were weak and vampires were strong. He had taught him that he was gifted and talented and that humans were creatures that were to be used as a life source and nothing else.

He had never forgotten that lesson.

It had started with the death of those who had treated him as nothing more than a whores-son. His mother had been converted, impregnated and then abandoned. She had shunned her nature and his birth had cost her her life. As a child, he had struggled with his cravings for blood. Each beating, each taunt, had stirred something dark inside him and it had latched onto Shishio-sama’s words greedily.

Under Shishio he had learned Shukuchi and made something of himself. Dedicated himself to Shishio’s cause. He had learned how to be useful, how to grasp an ideal and hold onto it. Shishio had give him Nagasone Kotetsu to use against the weak humans. Shishio had fed that little shred of darkness until it became what it was today. Blood satisfied it but it craved the blood of his Master’s enemies more. His own needs came second to such a drive.

Shishio-sama’s goals had been clear. The Meiji government ruled over those who were weak and worthless. It deserved to fall, sending humans into chaos giving the vampires the edge over their worthlesslives. They would be unchecked and unstoppable once the Meiji government fell, sending humankind back to the darkness of before the Bakumatsu, when vampires cut their fangs on human death.

He had lived for Shishio’s goals.

They had never expected to draw the attention of Battousai.

Sourjiohad been slightly perturbed when Shishio had told him at first that the Battousai was there enemy. The Bakumatsu had been his training ground. He had learned how to kill and kill well. There was very little he could not do with his katana and there had been none to stand against him. There were rumors that he was a heir of someone even more powerful but Seijuro Hiko had not been seen in centuries and had never taken on a apprentice.

He could still remember his first impression of the Battousai.

He had been shorter than Sourjio had first expected but the sheer power that radiated off his form had made up for it. Hair the color of rich fire had fallen around his shoulders, tamed only by the samurai top knot. His eyes had been hot and dragged you in and held you without even an attempt. His movements had been deliberate and precise, never fighting with more strength or speed than needed.

He had not expected him to be so damn fast.

He had shut down his Shukuchi long before he had gotten it to full strength and then shattered Nagasone Kotetsu with a burst of power that had staggered him. Battousai had not only fought with his sword and his skill but his ki alone was staggering. He attacked you on every plane of the battle field and destroyed you from the inside out before he took your sword and your life.

He had not expected his life to be spared.

Shishio had died in a flaming glory that had been looked upon with contempt by those who had taken Shishio’sempire down. Battousai had easily sliced through the ideals that Soujiro had cherished for most of his young life and then given him something new. Battousai looked at things differently than Shishio. His contempt for humans was possibly even more than Shisho-sama’s yet he chose a different path.

Let them run themselves into the ground. Allow the Meiji government to flourish. They would take away their swords and their ability to sense ki. It would make them weak. Guns and other weapons could be overcome. Humans were weak and their own weaknesses would become harder to hide as they let go of the old ways.

Then the vampire would rule the darkness.

Battousai had no need to attack the main strength of humans when he so easily undermined their desire to live. He had spent the ten years after the Bakumatsu feeding his own legend and when he was taken in. Battousai had made him his apprentice. It was a fine line that he had walked but he trod it well. He had a new purpose.

Most of their future rested on the fact that the humans remained oblivious to the growing danger. They carefully fed the rumors and the darkness when they chose and underminded those who knew how to fight against them. Hunters were easily handled. Humans were their own worst enemy.

Battousai had allowed Soujrio to perfect Tenbu no Sai Niyoru Ken and then taught him to improve his Battōjutsu until he was perfect. His own legend had risen among his kind. He was no longer a simple weapon for Shishio-sama to use for his ideals. He had been given tools to make his own decisions and to give his loyalty. He had accepted his place among those Battousai had gathered and found his place in the shadows. The weapon the Battousai used in the darkness.

The differences between him and Shishio had slowly become more and more apparent the longer he worked for him. Shishio had been determined to give the humans a piece of his hell. As a young vampire, he had been caught by humans and tortured so that his gift had erupted around him. It had gone out of control and he had almost died from the wounds his ki had inflicted on himself. Soujiro had never seen Shishio without his bandages but he had heard from Yumi, Shishio’s mate, that they were horrible.

Shishio wanted to return the humans to the darkness and trap them in their own hell.

Battousai didn’t particularly care for humankind. He considered them weak but preferred to let them trap themselves in their own hells and leave them to be. Occasionally, they would do something that would require him to stick his katana in to straighten it out, but it was rare and he rarely put the effort into place.

Then the strike had come.

The assault against Seijuro had not even come close to killing him but it had lit a spark that had turned into a blaze. Sourjiro had been a part of the unit that had slowly torn the vampire population in Kyoto apart. There had been blood and retribution he had not seen since the Bakumatsu.

It was then that he had gained a new respect for the Oniwabanshu.

He knew that it still stuck in Battousai’s throat that the main instigator had never been caught. They had searched hard yet nothing had ever given them a lead. Japan had been torn apart as he searched and then he had disappeared for ten years, hunting.

Nothing had given them any clue until Battousai’s volatile little mate had been attacked.

Soujiro needed more proof, of course, but there was something here that reminded him of the man who had disappeared into the shadows of his defeat. He had had Enishi in his mind for as along as he had controlled him and there had been something there that had stank of the man they had never even caught a glimpse of. The mysterious master. Which was why he was in the middle of his current hunt.

He would bring Enishi to Battousai and let him and Shinomori tear the information from his fragile mind. He would discover why Battousai’s mate was so important and how Enishi was involved.

Soujiro looked up as his informant moved forward and he easily began to follow.

He wouldn’t get away twice.


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