.moon by night

Infatuation by Mitchy

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“Don’t mess with me Serena. I’m in no mood to play nice.”

She glared at him and mocked him. “Is that a threat?”

Serena expected him to yell at her to stop playing games. She didn’t expect it when he merely replied with a cool voice. “You know it is.”

Serena felt hair behind her neck rise up in caution. She remained herself that she couldn’t let him know about his power over her. He watched her eyes glaze over with hate and her lips move as she replied. “Bring it on.”

‘Ha, that should put him in place,’ Serena thought as she watched for his expression. However, nothing showed. She cursed him for being so talented when it came to hiding emotion. ‘Damn it! I want to know what he’s thinking!’

He chuckled to himself when he saw her frustration. ‘Well, I wouldn’t want to disappoint her…’ He leaned in closer, his breath tantalizing her lips. He watched sadistically as she gulped.

“Gladly,” he finally replied.

Serena didn’t have time to react to what he said because Darien didn’t miss a beat. Before she knew it and had time to react- his lips captured hers.

As soon as he did, her mind told herself to make him stop. However, like always her body didn’t seem to hear. Maybe it did. But it sure as hell didn’t want to listen to the sensible advice.

Darien felt her body’s surrender and swiftly changed the angle and nature of his kiss. He wanted to punish her and to humiliate her. Serena moaned involuntary as Darien’s tongue invaded harshly. She felt like she was being consumed by his power. This wasn’t about love. It was about power. Control. Domination.

She let him pick her up and place her on the glass conference table behind her as he kissed her harder and this time she was participating. The short but respectable suite skirt she wore rode up to an indecent place. Her hands gripped at the edge of the table to keep herself from making any sound.

She nearly said his name when she felt his hands caress the inside of her thighs. Instead she nipped his lower lip. Her left hand traveled up to the back of his head to tug on his jet-black hair.

Darien needed to feel her and to possess her again. His right hand moved from her inner thighs to the hem of her blouse. She cried out when he continued to travel up and lifted up her bra to cup her left breast.

“Dari-en!” she sobbed with pleasure and pain when he pinched her erect nipple as his lips traveled down her throat. “I want you…” With that Darien released her with a cocky sneer.

Serena’s desire was quickly replaced with contempt. He had done that on purpose. “I hate you!” She lashed out at him.

He merely lifted an eyebrow. “That isn’t what you were saying a few moments ago,” he teased. “Or should I say moaning?”

Her face burned with humiliation and anger. She couldn’t believe his nerve. And he laughed too. She lifted her right arm and aimed at his face. She wanted to slap that smirk of his face.

Darien was faster. He caught her by the wrist easily before she could make contact. “Try that again and see where it gets you!”

He was furious with her for even attempting to hit him. He smiled with triumph when she cowered before him.

“Just make sure to keep away from me! Don’t touch me,” she told him wildly. She cursed at herself for loosing control. She needed to regain control of herself!

“Yet, your body wants me too,” he replied looking at her heated expression. He hated to admit that she still had this strong hold on his body. He wasn’t going to complain about it though. He was after all a man. She was a woman. It worked well.

Serena chose to ignore that comment. Then the thoughts started pouring in again. What was going to happen to them? What was Darien going to do? What if he tries to take her away?

The last question cut deep into her core. For the very first time she was truly scared for a damn good reason. Rini was the reason she lived these days. Because of her Serena was able to live on. She had her child to think of. How would Rini react if her father just came back? No, she needed time. And she’d get it even if she had to beg. She had to talk to her daughter first. She had to make calls.

“I’d prefer for you to meet her tomorrow if you don’t mind,” she informed him stiffly referring to her daughter.

“It’s been six years. I won’t mind another night without my daughter knowing me.”

His reply surprised her and hurt her causing her to flinch. Guilt swarmed through her veins and tears of regret prickled. He continued, “You’ll bring her to my place around 11 o’clock. We’ll have lunch.”

“He’s such a dick. I’ll take him on for you Sere!” Seiya exclaimed as soon as she told him what happened between her and Darien. Well, at least most of the stuff that happened. She sure as hell didn’t tell him about… No, she wouldn’t think about that. Not now, not in front of Seiya.

“You know I wouldn’t let you do that. I knew deep inside this was going to come out sooner or later anyway. I just didn’t realize it was going to be sooner,” she mumbled covering her face with her hands.

“Don’t forget Sere,” her friend warned.

She moved from her side of the couch to his and snuggled close. “I know,” she whispered.

Seiya kissed her forehead and started to stroke her hair. “I know you Serena. You’re not safe when you’re alone with him. I love you and I love Rini. I won’t let him hurt you again.”

“I know. I love you too Seiya,” she replied softly muttering into his chest.

“And I’m glad you know that. So you won’t have a problem with me going with you and Rini tomorrow,” he announced.

At that Serena sat up to look at him face to face. “You can’t…”

Seiya only gave her his ‘determined look’ as she called it. “I can and I will. I won’t let him hurt you,” he repeated again.

“He hated you Seiya. In fact, I’m pretty sure he still does.” She remembered his comments about Seiya.

“All the better.”

She pleaded with him to reconsider, but Seiya still had his look. She sighed after a while and snuggled back against him. “Okay, you can go, but I’m warning you!”

Darien leaned back against the soft black leather sofa with his hands behind his head. He let out a small sigh of pleasure as he thought over his encounter with his wife. The thought made him even harder than he was. He looked down at the brunette kneeling before him, her mouth pleasuring him. He shifted his position so that his length touched the back of her throat. He almost cursed when the woman made a gagging noise. He pulled away slightly, remembering that she had no particular talent at this.

His thoughts turned back to Serena. He remembered how skilled she was at this. He closed his eyes and remembered, savored:

Her lips slightly touching his tip as he anticipated the pleasure. He loved it when she did this. She was so good at it the first time that he doubted her innocence. After a while, after he taught her everything he liked she became a master at pleasuring him orally. She licked up and down using the tip of her tongue.

He shuddered with pleasure and he gripped at her golden hair. Finally, she brought him into her mouth. She took most of him deep within. Her head bobbed up and down, his hips starting to move in sync. She stopped and sunk her head to bring him as deep as she could. “Serena,” he groaned, clutching her hair painfully. “I’m going to come if you don’t stop!”

He tried to pull her head up, but she refused. She started to hum and Darien nearly jumped up from the spasm of pleasure. Yet, her hands on his thighs kept him in place. She continued her humming as her small hand traveled towards his sack and stroked it tenderly. “Serena!” he came within seconds grunting her name out loud and she swallowed and licked him clean.

Darien reverted back to present as he remembered how he came for her. And with the memory and the woman’s ministrations he came with a grunt. His moment of pleasure came and went as he watched the woman struggling not to gag. He sneered in disgust and stood up to go to the bathroom.

When he came back the woman was still there on the floor kneeling, waiting for him with a seductive look. “You did better than last time. I don’t need your services again. Don’t expect me to call.” He told her coolly. “You’ve been fun.”

“What!?” The woman stood up to face him, her fist clenched at her sides. “What do you mean? We’re breaking up?”

“If that’s what you want to call it. Although, we never had anything to break in the first place,” Sensing that this wasn’t going to be a good ‘break up’ he strode over to the phone and called for security.

The woman screamed out in frustration. “Josephine, if I were you I wouldn’t make this harder. I’m a bitter enemy to make,” His threat was obvious and she looked at him with anger. “If you choose to make this clean,” he started as he walked over to the counter and picked up a black velvet box. “I have this for you as a parting gift.”

Not wanting to miss out Josephine walked over to him and took it. Her eyes still held a bit of resentment, but she knew that it was over. She opened the lid and looked on with shock. It was a necklace, a very beautiful and very expensive one at that. Her eyes shined with pleasure. It was obvious that she got over their break up already. Darien smiled at how easy it was to buy her out. “I’ve arranged for your flight back to California.”

Serena knocked her daughter’s bedroom after Seiya left. She knew that she wasn’t asleep yet. Rini loved to stay up and read fairytales. Serena often scowled her for reading in the dark. “Rini, I know you’re still awake. I’m coming in.” She turned the knob and slowly opened the door. She chuckled at the sight before her.

Rini was under her pink covers with bunnies all over it pretending to be asleep. She walked over and sat beside her, pulling the covers away form her face.

“M-ommy, I’m sleeping!” Rini pretended to wake up tiredly. Serena stroked her face with the back of her hand.

“I know you were reading again young lady,” she countered faking stern voice.

Rini chuckled and sat up to hug her mother. “Okay, so you caught me. What’s up mom?”
‘Oh God, this is it,’ Serena prayed for guidance. “Well, since you’re turning seven soon I thought you’re old enough to know the story between your mommy and daddy.”

Rini’s eyes widened with delight and she looked on excitedly. “Okay!”

Serena struggled for a moment. ‘Breathe in breathe out…’ She knew she had to do this now. “Well, once a long time ago,” she started struggling for some control over her emotions. “Mommy met your daddy. She fell in love with him and they both got married…”

“This sounds like the start of a happy every after story, “ Rini interrupted eyeing her mother carefully. “But it sure didn’t end happily ever after. Did it mommy?”

Serena looked at her daughter’s face and the tears she held back overflowed. “I’m happy Rini! I had you!” She exclaimed hugging her daughter tightly.

“But how come Prince charming isn’t here to be my Daddy?” Rini whispered to her sadly. Serena let her go from the hug and settled with holding her tiny hands with both hands.

“Well, things happened and it didn’t turn out the way I wanted it to,” she replied.

“What happened?” A simple question and it was one Serena couldn’t answer. Rini shouldn’t be forced to understand.

“Well, Mommy was really unhappy with your Daddy,” she started carefully choosing her words. “So, Mommy left. But I didn’t know I was going to have you and your daddy never knew about you.”

Rini’s eyes began to water, which broke Serena’s heart. “I want to meet my daddy and ask him why he made you unhappy,” she told her mother wiping away her tears before it reached her cheek. Serena’s heart felt heavy with pain and regret.

“Oh baby, don’t blame him. These things happen. I’ll explain it in detail when you’re old enough to understand.”

“Well, I’m glad I never met him! He made you unhappy. Uncle Seiya never made you so unhappy!”

‘But I’m not in love with your uncle Seiya…’

“Why can’t he be my daddy?” Rini sobbed into her mother’s shoulders.

“Oh baby,” she said patting her back. “What if I told you that you can meet your daddy tomorrow?”

Rini pulled away to look at her mother’s face. “What for?”

“He wants to meet his daughter. He only found out and he’s really upset he wasn’t here for you.”

“Isn’t he upset that he wasn’t here for you too and that he made you unhappy?” her daughter countered with a huff.

“I don’t know. But I know he really wants to meet you. Please, give him a chance. For me baby,” she begged. Despite what happened between her and Darien she didn’t want her daughter to hate her father.

“Okay,” she agreed with her mother huffily.


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