.moon by night

Into The Night by Eternal Eyes

previous  Chapter Two
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“What’s the matter Kagome?” Sango asked. “You don’t look so well.”

“It’s nothing, I’m just tired is all.” Kagome replied, giving her friend a reassuring smile.

Sango nodded but wasn’t inclined to agree. She noticed that Kagome seemed to be acting strange since returning to the village that morning. Since then, Sango had been trying to find out what was causing Kagome to space out so much. They spent that morning and most of the afternoon helping Kaede gather some herbs and rid the garden of unwanted weeds. Time passed and soon night fell in a slow motion across the sky. Sango had expressed a wish to speak with Kagome privately during a bath and asked Miroku if he would start dinner. Understanding the concern his wife held for Kagome, he agreed and swore he would remain at camp. With that set, the two girls headed off to the hot spring, not too far from the village. Sango stayed out of the spring, only soaking her feet as it was hazardous for her to sit in the hot water for too long. Not wanting to risk endangering her child, she opted to bathe outside the spring. After a few moments, Sango revealed why she asked her to come out here.

“Kagome I want to ask you something and, please, be truthful.” Sango began.

“Ok.” Kagome nodded.

“What has been on your mind lately? I’ve never seen you so distracted. Please, tell me what is going on?” She asked.

Kagome flushed red as the events of last night played through her mind. Sango saw this and added to her question.

“I noticed that it seemed to increase after Sesshomaru came and got Rin late this afternoon.”

That resulted in Kagome’s face becoming even redder.

“Kagome?” She whispered.

She was losing the girl’s attention quick.

“Sango, you have to swear to me that…what I’m about to tell you…does not leave these springs.” The miko whispered.

“I swear on my father’s grave.” She promised.

“Last night, I went looking for Sesshomaru.” She began.

“Yes, I remember your note.”

“Well I did find him and I also found out why he hadn’t returned. He had gone into heat.”

Sango gasped, her eyes wide.

“Kagome, did you…”

Kagome slowly nodded.

“I didn’t have a choice. If I had ran, he would’ve given chase and I didn’t want to hurt him.” She rushed out.

“But what about Inuyasha? I thought the two of you were-“

“No.” Kagome shook her head. “No, we decided that we were better off as friends.”

The two fell silent for a bit before Sango spoke up again.

“So how was it?”

Kagome had stood to rinse soap from her body, using a large bucket. She slipped on a rock and nearly went under when Sango asked that.

“Sango! What the hell?” She sputtered.

“What? Are you really that surprised?”

“Well I thought, since you were married and all…”

“That doesn’t change my love for Miroku. He still looks at other women but he doesn’t touch and he comes home to me.” She said.

Kagome nodded as she sank into the spring, the water just barely brushing her nose.

“Well?” Sango prodded.

Kagome felt her body heat rise again.

“It was good. Very, very good. I’ve read about it and heard from my friends their experiences but that…” She trailed as she stood up to move to the center of the spring. “What I heard was nothing compared to what I felt that night.”

She sighed.

“It hurt at first because he was so big. Then he took it away, there was no more pain.”

Kagome seemed to drift after that. Sango noted the dreamy look on her face. She briefly wondered if maybe Kagome were under a spell. She hoped not. Kagome deserved some happiness in her life after witnessing so much death, despair and destruction. Inuyasha nearly died in the final battle against Naraku if it weren’t for Kagome’s sudden surge of raw power. She saved them all. Though she appreciated the gratuity given to her by the people, all she really wanted was for things to return to how they were. Instead, she wasted away the days working with Kaede, who was having trouble moving about now, and helping local villages with minor out of control demons. The normality Kagome wanted seemed to be out of reach.

Kagome had not gone home, to her own time, for about three months for fear of the well closing. If stuck on the other side, in the future, she would be forced to go on living as if the adventures of the past had been nothing more than a dream. Kagome didn’t deserve that but fate, curiously, always had new ways of twisting one’s life around.

“Kagome, could you help me with my hair please?” Sango asked as she pulled herself from her thoughts.

Kagome smiled as she waded towards her friend. “Sure thing Sango.”

Sango knelt on a rock in the spring with her back to the waters. Using the bucket, Kagome scooped up the hot water and poured it over Sango’s head, making little bumps spread over the slayer’s skin. Depositing a quarter-sized amount of shampoo in her hand, she began massaging it into Sango’s dark tresses.



“Do you think I should tell Inuyasha?” Kagome whispered.

“I do think he should know. When you finished with Sesshomaru, did he release from you immediately?”

“No he did not.”

“There’s a strong possibility of you becoming pregnant. Staying locked together is usually meant to ensure the female becomes pregnant.”

Kagome stilled her motions. “Pregnant?” She squeaked.

Sango nodded.

“With a possibility like that, Inuyasha should know. Sesshomaru is the alpha of our pack because he is Inuyasha’s older brother. Though Inuyasha leads our group around, he is actually the beta of the entire pack. If you were carrying Sesshomaru’s heir and something happened to you while under Inuyasha’s protection that caused to you lose the baby, Sesshomaru, by right, would kill him.”

Kagome gasped, the outrage rocked her core. “No he can’t!”

“He can, Kagome, it is their way.” Sango argued.

“Well what if I went home instead?” Kagome asked.

“Well I don’t think that would bode well. If you were carrying, he wouldn’t take too kindly to you taking his offspring where he cannot go.”

Kagome frowned. “You’re right. That’s cruel to do to someone.”

“I think Inuyasha should be told so he would be prepared for any retaliation from Sesshomaru. Inuyasha is strong but not strong enough to survive a full on attack from Sesshomaru. Their feud is one that cannot be solved by anyone but themselves.”

“I know. I almost lost Inuyasha already, I can’t handle that again.” Kagome said as she rinsed Sango’s hair.

“Do what you think is right Kagome. Follow your heart; it’s never let you down before.” Sango told her.

Kagome nodded. “I just want everybody to be as peaceful as possible. With Naraku no longer around, we should be more thankful of what we still have. The two of them can’t seem to get past their issues. I’m just so tired of fighting.”

“I understand Kagome. Whatever your decision, I will support it.” Sango responded.

“Thanks Sango, I appreciate that.” Kagome smiled.


Things were not going as well for a certain lord. He believed that lying with the Miko would have satiated his curiosity but it had quite the opposite effect. While his heat had subsided, a new burning need took its place. Growling low, he stood from his chair and walked over to the window that overlooked the gardens. The moon shone brightly that night, illuminating the hundreds of flowers. He began pacing, his brain trying to process the night before.

He could’ve had any other female, why did he choose the Miko?

He’d been drawn to her like a moth to a flame. Though he tried to resist, the motion was futile. She called out to him though she knew not of the song. Despite her unconventional behavior, which was no doubt spawned from where she grew up, she was honorable, loyal, selfless and honest. Qualities such as these were not common in humans of this time. She was far more intelligent than the women here, another uncommon trait. He suspected there would be many changes in the future but was unsure of how many.

He could just hear his father’s teasing now.

When had he decided to go down this path as well? True he followed his father’s way of battle having been taught it at an early age. Every move fully calculated before execution. Ever since first meeting the Miko, she plagued his mind and from then on his path had begun to stray from the original one he had set out on. He saw her as a puzzle. Only a matter of time before all the pieces was put into place.

Despite her good qualities, she still had a couple that she had yet to grow out of. She often spoke before thinking, jumped into battle without any plan of action. Though her intentions were good, actions like these got people killed. Her compassion and protectiveness of her friends pulled these bad traits out multiple times as he noticed the other night. She sought him out with the need to comfort Rin. She stayed to help him, despite the consequences. She understood well enough her actions. She cared not of her own self; only what she could do to help. She gave herself freely to him without any thought about what could happen to her afterwards. What he took from her should’ve been given to whomever she wanted. It shouldn’t have been given up as if it were a sacrificial item. At the time he hadn’t any thought or feeling other than that moment but now he felt as if he’d used her; like a common whore. The Miko, however, was no whore, he knew this. He hadn’t been disappointed in her body. Her clothing certainly did not leave little to the imagination. The muscles of her body had become well toned after four years of battles across the vast continent yet still soft to the touch and her skin sun-kissed and free of blemishes.

‘No doubt from her continuous bathing.’ He thought, remembering how often she bathed when his group merged with that of his brother’s as they searched for Naraku once and for all.

He had taken a particular liking to her hair. He enjoyed the way the ends teased his abdominals when she arched her back in pleasure as she rode him. The long silky tresses fell like a dark curtain against her smooth back.

He was dragged from the memory when he felt a certain part of his anatomy stir. He growled again as he returned to the window. The Miko intrigued him, no doubt, and his curiosity had not been fully satiated. A small part of him wondered if it ever would. But first, another matter had to be attended to; the unexpected restoration of his arm. It felt odd having it again after so long. His honor compelled him to return the favor. Many options passed through his mind. He remembered her clothing, odd and indecent as they were. Normally a Miko would don red and white robes with a red string round the neck. It seemed the young Miko was still haunted by the memory of her predecessor and refused to wear them. Perhaps different, more elegant wear would be more beneficial to her. Calling a servant, he requested that a seamstress be sent to his study first thing in the morning.


Many scenarios fled through Kagome’s mind and each one did not end well. She could not figure out how to tell Inuyasha and it set her nerves on edge. The hot sun did not help either. Beads of sweat trickled down her back. The thin material of her shirt helped with the light breeze when it came. Kagome forced herself to concentrate on her current task of brewing an allergy remedy for Sango. Miroku surprised his wife with a bouquet of a flower he’d found on the edge of the forest. Turned out Sango had an allergy to it and had to stay inside.

Standing, Kagome wiped her sweaty brow with the back of her hand. Picking up the small pot, she poured the potent liquid in a plastic bottle. Shaking it up, Kagome stepped outside of Kaede’s hut to go to Sango’s. Immediately, she picked up on an unfamiliar demonic aura. She wanted to investigate but had to get the remedy to Sango while it was still hot. Calling out to Kohaku, she gave him the bottle to take to his sister. He seemed reluctant to move, his demon-slayer training kicking in but Kagome assured him she would handle it. Approaching the front of the village, she tracked the aura to the tigress that stood on the edge. A package rested in her small hands.

With a tight hand on her bow, Kagome addressed the newcomer.

“Can I assist you with something, demon?”

“I am seeking the Miko known as Kagome.”

“I am her. What business do you have here?” She asked.

“I was sent by Lord Sesshomaru to give you this package.” The tigress spoke.

Kagome sent out her aura, letting it wrap around the demon as it searched for any malice. Finding none, Kagome approached her but did not drop her guard. She’d learned long ago not to do so or it would be her death. The demon passed the package to the Miko then bowed and left.

“What do you have there Lady Kagome?” Miroku asked, coming up to her side.

When Kohaku said a demon had come to the village, he went to see. He stayed on the sidelines though, knowing Kagome could hold her own ground.

The Miko shrugged as they began to walk. “Sesshomaru sent me a package.”

“Package?” He questioned.

Kagome nodded absentmindedly. They arrived at his hut and went inside.

“Are you feeling any better Sango?” She cooed softly.

Sango nodded. “A bit yes. This remedy is doing wonders, thank you Kagome.”

Kagome smiled brightly. “It was no trouble. I got a package.”

This peaked Sango’s interest. “From who?”

“Sesshomaru.” She replied as she sat beside Sango.

Sango’s eyes widened.

“I wonder what it is…”

Kagome tugged at the bow, pulling the pieces of twine apart easily. Beneath the brown paper wrapping laid a silk bundle. Grasping the edge, Kagome stood, letting the cloth unfold. A started gasp escaped her lips when she realized what it was.

“I don’t-eh!-why would he send me this?! This must’ve cost a fortune!” she exclaimed.

“Perhaps he did it to show his gratitude for keeping Rin longer than scheduled?” Miroku offered.

“Well…” Kagome bit her lip. “This is too much though. I can’t accept this!”

“If you were to refuse it Kagome, it would be an insult upon his person.” Sango told her.

Kagome looked at the kimono in her hands. The inner piece was white. The outer piece was also white, fading into a dark green color at the edge of the sleeves and along the bottom. An intricate design was stitched in over the right shoulder. The obi was a solid green, the tips looked like they’d been dipped into white paint.

“It is beautiful and I would hate to insult him.” She relented as she folded the kimono and wrapped it up.

Inuyasha popped his head into the hut before pulling the mat back and entering.

“We’re back.” He announced.

“Hello Inuyasha. How did your hunt with Shippo go?” Kagome asked.

“All right. He was able to catch a boar today. He’s getting better.”

“That’s good.” Sango said.

“It’s nice that you two are getting along. He does look up to you.” Kagome agreed.

“Yeah I guess.” He snorted.

Then he noticed the folded bundle in her lap.

“Whatcha got there Kags?” He asked.

Kagome nearly jumped when he said that, her anxiety began to build up again.

“This? It’s nothing. Your brother sent me a gratuity for taking care of Rin longer than planned.” She replied.

He took note of the spike in her scent. It seemed like she was hiding something from him.

“What did he send you?”

“A kimono. I guess I should take the hint and start wearing clothes more appropriate of this time, huh?” She joked.

He chuckled at that. “It’s been almost four years now Kagome. If anything, you should’ve gotten that hint already.”

Kagome blushed and swatted at him playfully.

‘Whatever is bothering her…I know she’ll come out and say it when she’s ready.’ He thought as they continued to pick at one another.

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