.moon by night

Night Games by VO1

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At the foot of the bed, Mars and Jadeite had lost control and were rutting like animals, their frantic movements pushing them way past the point of self-control. They were gone to him. It wouldn’t be long before their frenzied coupling sent them over the edge and then the fun for them, and him, would be over for the night.

He had not allowed them to do that, yet.

Violet-black hair was spilled across the bedspread as her body jerked with a violent orgasm, and her fingernails sunk into her lover’s back, adding red crescents to the crosshatch of scratches she had already left. Her moans were small and quick as she descended the peak, her legs growing slack around Jadeite’s waist, and he sped up his thrusts into her until finally shuddering with a lasting groan and collapsing on top of her. For a long moment, they held together, breathing hard, until Jadeite turned his head and locked eyes with Endymion.

The King of Dark Tokyo leaned back in his oversized chair, glowering. “I did not give you permission to finish. You both know better.”

Mars untangled her limbs from Jadeite’s and turned over to face the King. “I’m sorry, your Highness, I—we just couldn’t…not.” The last word was accompanied by a slow, satisfied smile, and one of her hands reached up and stroked her lover’s chin.

Endymion grimaced as he turned to Jadeite. “Slap her,” he ordered.

His eyes widened, but he pulled Mars to a sitting position and backhanded her across the face without hesitation.

Next to Endymion’s elbow, Venus let out a tense hiss. “Quiet,” he growled. “Or you’re next.”

Her nude form glowed in the dim light of his chambers, and she giggled from her perch on the edge of his chair. “You wouldn’t hurt me,” she chided, running two fingers through her golden hair. Her lips parted slightly as she mouthed her next words. “Not yet.”

He was too irritated right now for her teasing. “You’re going to get hurt, Venus, and not in the way you like.”

“I like everything you do to me,” she countered, idly tracing the heart-shaped brand on her collarbone, a permanent reminder of her one-time infraction. “Except that you don’t do anything at all, do you?”

In the darkness, Endymion glowered, hating the fact that she wore the punishment burned into her skin with an arrogant, twisted pride.

He didn’t care what all of them did on their own in private, behind closed doors. During these nights, his nights, they were never, ever to show affection, especially to each other. His only love, his princess, now lay silent in her cold grave to be forgotten forever, and if he couldn’t share passionate kisses and tender whispers with his soul mate, neither could they.

Their indiscretion had been almost imperceptible, and perhaps if his eyes hadn’t been locked on her post-coital form, shivering with residual pleasure, he would have missed the stolen moment of devotion: Kunzite tracing a small heart on her skin with one finger. After his rage subsided, he had forced his first in command to burn the mark on her skin, and she had clenched her teeth and thrown Endymion an accusing look as her flesh sizzled under the intense heat.

He had forbidden her from removing it, and she hadn’t. But true to form, she had taken ownership over her new mark, embellishing it on her own until the original intent was buried under a stylized design of a winged heart tangling with the symbol of Venus. Shortly after that, the same design appeared on Kunzite’s left bicep, and Endymion had to use every ounce of restraint to keep from ripping his arm from its socket.

The marks remained to this day, mocking him every time he saw them, and he saw a lot of them. But she was right: he couldn’t stay mad at her for long. Her sunny smile and bubbling laugh reminded him too much of his princess.

He found other ways to punish her, and himself.

Mars’s cheek was turning bright red, and she held her hand up to it as she stumbled off the bed on rubber legs, practically falling into Venus. The golden girl hugged her close, still smiling with that irritating, placid amusement. “At least it wasn’t your skin, love.”

“Next time it will be your head,” Endymion said, bringing his glass to his lips and avoiding looking at either of them as he took a swallow.

It was partially his fault. Starting off with Mars and Jadeite was a risky move; they tended to go hard and lose control, and any order given to them was ignored in the heat of their desire. It was more prudent to save them until he was almost ready to get off, but tonight a full, clear moon had risen over Dark Tokyo, blinding in its white purity, and filling him with a noxious anxiety that left him wanting to feel something, anything, as long as it didn’t remind him of lost, blessed innocence.

It was torture to only allow him to watch, but never touch, especially with the amount of eternally young beauty writhing and coupling inches away from him: both male and female, hard planes of muscle and soft curves grabbing and caressing each other with frenetic energy. The Mistress knew about his night games, even encouraged them, but strictly forbade him from participating, not allowing him to even lay a finger on anyone, not her Senshi or his Shitennou, so he had to placate himself with hard liquor and getting himself there and laying with the Mistress afterwards. Only once had he thrown caution to the wind and made Venus suck him off as Kunzite threw him a cool stare from across the room, and the Mistress had found out, somehow. He was never sure who the traitor was, if there was one at all. She had ways of knowing what he had been up to. Venus was missing from the night games for an entire month, and Endymion had not dared to touch anyone, especially her, since.

Watching her caress Mars like a wounded kitten was just sickening. He grabbed Mars’s arm and pulled her down to face him. Her eyes narrowed in anger, but she remained silent.

“You,” he started, taking a moment to unclench his teeth. “Will do as I say.”

“I do.”

Always defiant, that one. “You both need to learn some control. This isn’t about your pleasure, it’s about mine.” He touched her cheek lightly where Jadeite’s handprint remained. “Next time you won’t get off so easy.”

The next bit of unexpected defiance came from behind them. “At least I can get her off,” Jadeite said, sliding into a standing position. His eyes flashed like blue gaslight as he pulled Mars away from Endymion’s reach. “The most you can do is watch, your Highness, and wait for your turn with the Mistress’s dusty cunt. You will never have her.”

Whether he was referring to Mars or his princess, he didn’t know, but it was only Venus’s light touch on his arm that kept him from jumping out and ripping Jadeite’s beating heart out of his ribcage. He slammed his eyes shut and began counting until the blinding red pulse in his head simmered to a bearable level, and squeezed Venus’s arm in a crushing vice grip before speaking.

“Get out before I kill you both.”

Mars’s mouth opened like she wanted to say something, most likely a hollow apology, but Jadeite had an idea that he had committed a grievous error, and he wasted no time in leading Mars out of the bed chamber by her arm. She threw one last glance over her shoulder, and Venus tipped her chin gently and mouthed “go” silently to the retreating pair.

Endymion’s other hand was cramped from the death grip on his cup. He turned his head to the other figures in the room, all of which had been waiting patiently for their turn. “All of you, now.” He reached out and held Venus back. “Except you.”

She nodded. Behind her, Kunzite hung back. Both of them knew that they were considered a unit, and with the Dark King’s black mood, he would have something specific in mind for them.

He noticed Mercury was clinging onto Zoisite after she slipped her robe off. That wouldn’t do at all. He gestured at her. “You, come.”

“Endymion,” Venus trilled, stretching out her legs and twirling one of the gold chains she wore around her neck.

“Shut it. Mercury, come here.”

She put up a decent show of bravery as she approached his chair, and he could tell she was fighting the urge to cover her breasts with her arms. She was shyest in front of Kunzite, for some reason. She kept sneaking glances at him as she stood naked in front of Endymion.

Venus patted the pale girl’s arm. “Be good for your king.”

“Always,” Mercury said, finally meeting Endymion’s eyes. Now this was the kind of obedience that he was looking for.

“I’m going to be busy with them,” he explained, nodding at Venus and Kunzite. “So I’m going to need to hear you, Mercury. I want you to tell me what everyone is doing, in detail, and especially to you. I’m going to tell you what to do, and I want to know that you’re doing it. Is that understood?”

She swallowed once. “Yes, your Highness.”

“Good.” He waved her off. “Now get in there. I want you to start by laying back and letting Jupiter eat your pussy. While she is doing that, Nephrite is going to fuck her from behind and Zoisite is going to play with your nipples. That is how you will start.”

Jupiter smiled as she guided Mercury down on the bed, whispering reassurances as she pushed the smaller girl on her back and parted her legs. She gasped as Jupiter lowered her head and started lapping wetly at her cleft. “Jupiter is, ah, she is licking me. It feels good. Her tongue is---on the left side of my pussy, and now she’s sliding it down to the right.”

Endymion couldn’t see around the mane of auburn curls. “Jupiter, stop and pull your damn hair back.”

He heard a small sigh on his right, and then the clicking of high heels as Venus stood and wandered to the bed. She gently pushed aside Nephrite, who was fingering Jupiter open in preparation for mounting her, and swept the red ribbon out of her own hair and used it to tie back the girl’s tumbling curls. With her hair down, she looked even more like Endymion’s lost one.

She smiled as she loped back to her perch, reaching out to lace her fingers with Kunzite’s before settling down. “Must I do everything around here?”

Endymion craned his neck around her to watch and hummed a noncommittal sound.

Mercury let out a gasp that curved around the edge of a shriek. “Can she go harder, please?”

“Maybe.” He reached up and started twirling a lock of Venus’s impossibly soft lemon hair in his fingers. “Convince me.”

“Please, your Highness.”

“That’s not good enough.”

On the bed, Jupiter shuddered as Nephrite positioned and shoved himself inside of her, causing her teeth to scrape against Mercury’s soft inner folds. The smaller girl arched her back up, almost painfully, gasping out words in between her cries of pleasure. “Oh! She’s biting—me---it feels good, oh please, your Highness, let her go harder, please, I beg you, please, please…”

He let go of Venus’s hair and held his hand up. Without missing a beat, she spit a small dot into his upraised palm, and he reached into his robe and wrapped his fingers around his steel-cut erection. Breath escaped his lips in a low hiss as he tightened his grasp and started pumping away, intense lust rushing downward and leaving him lightheaded as he watched Mercury writhe on her back with Jupiter’s head in between her legs, struggling to keep her licks deep and consistent. Behind her, Nephrite was gripping her hips and rolling her cunt onto his cock, shoving all the way to the hilt with his eyes pressed closed and teeth clenched.

“Can I touch Zoisite?” The odd man out was hovering near Mercury’s head and rubbing her hardened nipples with his thumbs, wearing an expression of hotly intense longing.

His hand squeezed harder around his shaft. “You may.”

Mercury was clumsy in her haste as she pulled his body towards her face. Her small pink mouth reached out, grasping, as his lover pushed his cock in between her lips.

Enough of them. Without Mercury’s narration, it would get boring quickly. “You,” he barked at Venus, who rose without hesitation. He beckoned her closer.

Her eyes were lighter than his princess’s, her hair a shade more lemon and honey than platinum. Also absent was the light innocence in her smile; where his princess would gaze at him with adoration, Venus merely gave him a look of unperturbed acquiescence.

His princess hadn’t lasted for very long in the Dark Kingdom, especially with the Mistress around to sabotage his efforts at every turn. He had never forgiven her for that.

He would have to make do with Venus. She didn’t know just how obsessively he would watch her, especially in her private, intimate moments with her lover. A certain benefit to being the Dark King was the ability to go anywhere undetected. If they knew that he had been mere inches away from their bed as they consummated their love…

Well, they wouldn’t do anything. He was the Goddess-damn king. He would have ended her a long time ago if her fair hair and cobalt eyes hadn’t saved her from her damnably smart mouth.

He crashed his free hand on the arm of his chair. “Up.”

She threw her hair over her shoulder and nodded, already knowing what to do. He had had her in this position before, on the anniversary of his princess’s demise. She slid out of her heels—it was too hard to keep balance with them on—and climbed up on his chair, one foot on each chair arm, and crouched across his lap, spreading open in front of him.

For a moment he was silent as he stared at her cunt, all tight folds and pale pink like the creamy interior of a conch. This was where all life began, in the delicate channel running through the pliable flesh, and he had to stop his hand from reaching forward to see if he could touch the wonder that dwelled deep inside the female form.

He could not. She was not his. He was not his own.

His eyes traveled up to the flat plane of her midsection and higher, to her round, tight breasts and pert nipples. He couldn’t avoid staring at the winged heart on her collarbone, and had to tear his eyes away.

She was smiling again. “My King?”

He wasn’t her king; that person had risen to stand behind her, waiting patiently for his turn.

On the bed, Nephrite groaned and sped up. Jupiter yelped, pressing her hands to the mattress as she leaned back on her hands and knees, pushing back against the violent thrusts and neglecting Mercury entirely. Zoisite took the opportunity to pull out of Mercury’s mouth and gently dragged her away from the other couple. He knelt in front of her and pressed her body tight to his as he slid forward, slipping in between her spread thighs. She maneuvered until she was straddling him, rocking and moaning softly as he pushed deep into her.

Endymion saw none of this; he was too focused on the blonde goddess in front of him. More specifically, a certain part of her. “Go ahead,” he murmured, rewetting his hand and pulling on his cock harder.

The words were barely out of his mouth before Kunzite came up from behind Venus and wrapped his arms around her waist, steadying her for upcoming action. Endymion breathed harder as he watched her reach down and touch herself, her slim white fingertips rubbing the gentle opening until the soft coral skin darkened to a deeper red from her arousal. He was close enough to smell her, the mix of warm skin and light musk, and he looked up and nodded once at Kunzite.

He watched Kunzite lean into her neck and whisper something too low for Endymion to hear. They were forbidden to touch lips together, so they would covertly vocalize their affection when they thought he couldn’t hear. If he ever did, he would strike them mute for a month.

Venus leaned her head back and reached down, guiding her lover’s cock in between her legs. She groaned as the head pushed slightly inside, and then stopped and rubbed her swollen lips. “Please,” she begged, her eyes popping open.

“Not yet, Venus.” His eyes were fixed on the scene, on the surfaces becoming slick and shiny with moisture.

Her breath came hard and filled her lungs, pushing those beautiful round breasts up towards the ceiling as her body flexed in anticipation. Kunzite’s head dropped to her shoulder, his face hidden, as he struggled to control himself.

Endymion had no doubt that he would. Reliable like clockwork, that one, and obedient as a dog. A spasm passed through him as his pleasure picked up in intensity.

She was desperate. “Please.” Her cunt was practically dripping with moisture as the friction grew faster. She couldn’t close her mouth or open her eyes. Her nipples were tight hard buds on her breasts.

“Not yet, Venus.”

She nearly cried. “Let him fuck me, please.”

“Ask me nicely.”

Her eyes opened finally, and practically burned him with their gaze. “Please, let me go. Let me do it, my King. My love.”

Those last two words were intentional, and meaningless, but he was too worked up and he let them slide. “Go.”

Kunzite’s fingers splayed across her stomach as he leaned and shoved forward, penetrating her. Her body jerked up, once, and he swallowed and held her down on his cock, both of them breathing hard and trying to focus in the onslaught of fresh intensity.

Endymion leaned his head back and watched the show.

The first movements were slow and hard, with Venus gritting her teeth with each thrust and trying to keep her balance on his chair. If she had been on his bed, or the floor, she would have been writhing like an animal. Kunzite sank to the hilt, again and again, picking up speed with her cries.

On the bed somewhere, a male voice hitched and shuddered into groans. Endymion could make out someone collapsing in exhaustion in the corner of his eye, but his focus was straight ahead.

Her face was flushed and her skin was glowing as she drew closer. He wanted to lean forward and run his tongue across her breast, to taste her scent, to be a breath closer to the one he couldn’t touch. She caught his eye, and he wished for a smile, but she shut them again and leaned her head back on Kunzite’s shoulder.

Something fell away from him. Not anything physical, but a small piece of something that made him complete. The pleasure from masturbation began to slowly abate.

He needed to bring it back. If he didn’t have this—these games, these small moments with her—he would have nothing. He always had nothing.

It was this desperation that made his decision.

“Kiss,” he whispered.

Kunzite slowed for a moment. “What?”

Endymion swallowed the hard rock in his throat. “Kiss her.”

He didn’t need to be told twice. Venus turned her head to him, and their lips met, briefly at first, then deep, drinking in the taste of each other. He watched her face, her delicate, lovely features, her swollen lips bite and tangle with his. He was completely enraptured by their kiss. The rest of the room fell away into shapes and disembodied moans, even the action below her waist was ignored. He missed her hand trailing down to press against the cock sliding into her, and gently circling her clit with feather-light touches.

A female cried out from the bed; another one down.

He watched Venus’s lips part in a ragged breath between kisses, and remembered the moments like that with her, moments that would never return.

He watched her face and adjusted the features enough to pretend before shutting his eyes and languishing in his own touch.

He shut his eyes and knew it was his imagination and not her presence that filled the emptiness in him.

He shut his eyes and pretended that nothing had come before this, that the dream was the reality.

He shut his eyes to the world and disappeared.

His hand clenched around his erection as it hit him, and he pitched forward, nearly knocking into Venus as he spurted onto his own lap.

He opened his eyes to see her shuddering, with Kunzite stock-still and shoved deep inside of her, his face buried in her golden hair as he came. Her eyes opened as she panted with exertion, her mouth curving up into a smile as she watched the white liquid dribble down his shaft from the aftershocks and splash wetly on his thighs.

In that moment, he realized that he wasn’t the only one who needed these nights.

He tore his eyes off of her and checked on the scene on the bed. Jupiter and Nephrite were curled together, breathing hard, while Zoisite held Mercury upright in a sitting position as she jerked and bounced on his lap, her mouth open but unable to make a sound. Endymion watched her ride out her orgasm and sink against her lover, her blue hair a nice contrast to her pink, flushed face.

Venus’s face hovered over him, and he wondered how long he could keep pretending. Her hair was too yellow, her body too curvy, and her eyes…

His head ached. “Get down.”

She pulled off of her lover and slid off his chair, her feet unsteady beneath her as she stumbled into Kunzite’s arms. The rest of them crawled off the bed and assembled in a line in front of him.

Their hair was mussed and their skin glowed with sweat as they barely suppressed smiles. He wanted them all out of his sight. “Leave me.”

Venus touched his hand as she passed, and he didn’t strike her, this time. It would hurt him more that it would her.

He was sitting in the semi-darkness, systematically draining the rest of his bottle, when his Mistress returned. She regarded him in silence; taking in the mussed covers of the bed, the drapes around the posts that had been torn down in the heat of passion, and finally, his stony expression as he stared across the room, lost in memory.

Her green eyes glittered with unhinged jealousy. “What did she do?”

He didn’t look at her. “What?”


“Venus?” he repeated. Why would Beryl ask about…? “Oh, her. Nothing. She did nothing.”

She made her way to his chair and slid onto his lap. He didn’t stop her. “Then what is bothering you?”

He was supposed to lie, right now, and tell her it was nothing. She would go on believing that the night games were nothing more than a way to expend a particular kink, and she would kneel down and get him hard again and they would tangle together on his bed. He would force himself through the motions, and squirm through a passionless lovemaking session with the Mistress before creeping away while she slept.

He would steal into Venus’s room in the dead of night, and watch her pale form glow in the darkness. She would be lying on her side, nestled against her lover’s body and enveloped in his arms. She was the embodiment of passion and pleasure, love in all its destructiveness, her golden hair falling around her shoulders and barely covering the brand on her collarbone.

She didn’t remember the beautiful, innocent, loving princess that she had once pledged her loyalty to, the one that she resembled so closely that it was hard to be around her without wanting to claim her as his own. She was the dark side of the mirror; his princess was the bright.

Venus slept, her face blissful. She had her own soul mate, she had her loyalty to her Mistress, she had her pleasure and her duty and her love, and she needed nothing else. She closed her eyes to rest, not to dream.

She didn’t need dreams.

He did. So he found himself by her bedside again, striving towards the lost dream.

This was the night game, and he’d never win.

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