.moon by night

Walk Another Road by surrenderdammit

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She had beaten him – Kenshin, he said his name was – in an airhockey game, laughing at his drunkish mutters of defeat and feeling quite tipsy herself. It didn’t help that he offered the last of his whiskey as a price for her victory, and once she had downed the burning liquid, she was as unsteady on her feet as him.
Leaning against the couch, she tried to steady herself as he went to discard himself of the now empty whiskey bottle, laughing and making slurred conversation with the other guests as he went. She admired him from where she stood, silently praising his beautiful long hair – ruby red and silky in appearances. It went well with his handsome – almost pretty – face and lean frame. And, she added with a grin, his very…cute butt, in those tight denim jeans. She remembered him mentioning something about practicing kendo himself when she had revealed her father had left her a dojo, but couldn’t be quite sure if it had been to keep the conversation going or to impress her. Right now, though, she really didn’t care. Kenshin was gorgeous, kendo or not.
“I’m going out for some air, how about it?” he suggested upon his sudden return, making her yelp in surprise and almost fall backwards over the couch in an act of startled unbalance. Laughing, he snuck an arm around her wait to steady her and it took her a few moments to remember what he’d said – those exotic eyes of his were quite distracting. She could’ve sworn they had flashed golden before, when he was losing in airhockey quite badly, but then again, she wasn’t all that sober and it was night already… Shaking her head, she smiled and nodded. Some fresh air would do her good right about now, she reasoned.
“Mm,” he hummed happily, leading her outside on the small balcony of the apartment they were at. Miaso’s boyfriend Aoshi lived here; it was a sort of moving-in party although it had already been a month. It showed in every room that Miaso had had enough time to leave her own touch in the place; the only thing that really stood out was the airhockey table that Aoshi had insisted on buying. Apparently the boys – Aoshi, Kenshin and Sano – had a rather vicious war going on with that game. She couldn’t wait to throw her victory over Kenshin in their faces the moment an opportunity arose.
“Aah, wonderful,” Kenshin sighed, leaning against the rail and gazing out over the neighborhood. She titled her head, watching him and trying to think of something to say; anything to start a conversation. The sound of a door slamming closed and a key turning in a lock made her spin around a bit too fast; almost losing her footing as her head protested and her eyes swam.
An amused chuckle from Kenshin steadied her, and she resisted the urge to blush. “Seems like they locked us out, huh?” he said as she glared daggers through the balcony door’s window at a certain smiling Weasel. I’ll get you for this, Miaso! she hissed in her mind, imagining ways of possible revenge fueled by the whiskey and numerous of drinks she’d consumed that evening.
“Argh, this isn’t fair!” she huffed, turning around to meet the amused gaze of her fellow outcast expelled from the party. He hadn’t moved an inch.
Sighing, she moved closer to the railing and jumped up to sit on it, biting her lower lip as she turned to dangle her legs over the ground several feet underneath.
“You better be careful,” Kenshin frowned, making her grin cheekily while swinging her legs a bit freer. He just shook his head and resumed staring straight forward, a smile tugging at his lips that she really, really liked. He looked good when he smiled.
“So, where do you come from?” she asked, realizing the only thing she knew about him was his name and the possible story about having trained kendo at some point in his life. She didn’t even know how old he was.
“I’m from Kyoto,” he said, grinning. “I’m really just visiting for a while.”
For some reason, her heart sank until it felt like it was lying somewhere at the bottom of her stomach. She cursed his charms; it really wasn’t fair!
“Oh,” was all she managed before she had to swallow, shake her head, and start over. “That’s why I haven’t heard so much about you. I just recently became friends with Aoshi through Miaso, you see. And while Sano and I go back a few years, I don’t see him that often…”
She trailed off, not really knowing where to lead the conversation. He didn’t seem to mind.
“Really?” he sounded amused, and she felt a slight tug of suspicion. “I’ve heard quite a lot about you, Kamiya Kaoru.”
He’d pushed himself off the railing and closed the distance between them with a few steps as he spoke. She didn’t move, feeling her eyes widen ever so slightly, but found she really didn’t mind his proximity. When his arms snuck around her waist and pulled her backwards though, she shrieked in surprise and flailed her arms around wildly; feeling herself slide off the railing to be pressed against his flat chest.
“What was that for?!” she exclaimed, embarrassed despite the effect of alcohol that tended to make her rather immune to awkward situations. She could feel his laughter vibrate against her back and it sent a pleasant shiver down her spine that made her stop complaining.
“I don’t want you to fall,” he explained, letting go as she’d steadied herself much to her disappointment. He made his way around her and settled himself down on the ground, with the balcony railing as support for his back. She stared down at him, blushing at the blatant way he eyed her bare legs. She wondered if her skirt was short enough for him to see anything underneath it, but by the way he smirked, she knew it was.
Quickly, she was seated on the floor before him and blushing madly. She really wanted to kiss him, she realized, feeling the blood in her veins hum at the prospect. Can he feel the tension? Maybe it’s just me…gosh, how much have I been drinking?!
Her thoughts were cut short when they both seemed to lean closer, breathing damp against each other’s skin before she swallowed and closed the remaining gap with a swift move forward. The press of her soft lips against his encouraged him to pull her closer; setting her balance off so she almost fell to straddle him lap in a heap. She didn’t mind, as the electricity that seared through her body at the contact with his mouth and skin left her trembling and eager to explore what more he had to offer her senses. It didn’t take long for the kiss to deepen, and she willingly climbed into his lap in search for more contact; more of anything to keep her mind reeling and her blood boiling.
The creek of a door opening and the delighted giggle of her friend snapped her out of the pleasant delirium Kenshin created with the stroke of his tongue and feel of his wandering hands against her skin.
“Getting along quite nicely, are we? Sorry for disturbing!” Miaso slurred happily, winking at them before addressing her alone. “Anyway, Kaoru, I need you to get in here. I’m taking photos and I need one of you inside the flat! With your mouth unoccupied so you may say cheese!”
And with that, she left the door open, no doubt in search for more victims. Miaso tended to get ideas quite abruptly; it had a lot to do with impulses, she assumed.
“Wow, that was awkward…” she mumbled, still staring at the open door as she couldn’t quite yet make herself meet his eyes. She knew they would be absolutely gorgeous, and making out with the door open wasn’t on the top of her list despite knowing Miaso probably had snapped a few shots of her compromising position already.
“Mmm, I dunno,” he mumbled against her neck, making her shiver as she finally turned her head to face him. “I quite enjoyed it.”
She couldn’t disagree, and quickly gave up on the battle to keep her modesty in favor of enjoying a moment she rarely encountered. A pleased smirk stretched her lips and in a rather uncharacteristic move she left his lap and flashed him a teasing grin before disappearing inside the flat.
He wasn’t far behind.
“Great! Kenshin, Kaoru; get over there! We’re taking a group picture!” Miaso exclaimed loudly over the beat of music that had seemed to have faded to the beat of Kaoru’s heart as she’d kissed Kenshin. She hadn’t really been aware of it playing until now, as she moved closer to the stereo and watched her friends sway to the beat.
Figures he’d rob all of her attention; the smug bastard.
“Smile for the camera Kaoru,” he murmured in her ear, arms around her waist and tugging her down in his lap on the crowded couch. “This is a night to remember.”
She thought so too, but happily accepted the crimson drink handed to her by someone to her far left. Taking a sip, she thought it tasted like candy. Then again, she’d stopped being able to detect any taste of alcohol in her drinks hours ago. She hoped it wasn’t too strong, turning her head to kiss his cheek at his rather sweet comment.
“Indeed,” she replied, winking as the camera’s flash went off and the moment was captured. The people started moving again, but he was warm, and she really didn’t feel like moving at the moment. And those eyes, they really were captivating, she mused.
“Tell me about yourself,” she ordered, titling her head and completely enjoying the way his hands slid across her thigh and lower back. A flush of content and female pride adorned her cheeks at the distinctive bulge in his pants, poking at her behind invitingly. It had her heart racing and she bit her lip in response.
He chuckled, pausing his hands to grip her and move her higher up in his lap. “Quite demanding, aren’t you?”
“Well,” she reasoned, taking a gulp of the sweet tasting drink still in her hand. “You did say you’d heard a lot about me. So it’ll only be fair, right?”
“Really? How do I know I’ve heard the truth of you then, Kaoru?” he questioned with a teasing grin, making her frown. He seemed to enjoy taunting quite a lot, this one.
“Because you probably heard it from Aoshi or Sano, and while Aoshi doesn’t lie, Sano is horrible at it. You’d have to be dumb to be fooled by him,” she countered, offering him the drink with a raised brow. He took a sip as she held the glass, and with a giggle, she titled it further to have his eyes widen in alarm as he choked on the sweet liquid.
“Payback,” she replied to his half-hearted glare as he coughed, making him snort in amusement.
“Alright,” he said after a few moments. “You want to know about me?” She nodded. “Well, I don’t know what to say, so why don’t you tell me what you want to know?”
“How old are you?” She took another sip. This drink was really good, she mused.
“28,” he replied, making her blink in startled surprise. He sure didn’t look it.
“Oh.” But she guessed it didn’t really matter. If he was a friend of Aoshi, he couldn’t be bad; the man was picky with his friends. “What do you do? Work? Study?”
“Work.” He smiled, tracing her knee with his fingertips and resting his chin on her shoulder. “I’m a businessman, you could say.”
“Mmm,” she hummed, closing her eyes for a bit. She missed his kisses. Setting the drink onto the coffee table, she nudged him gently. “Do you want a beer?”
He looked up from her shoulder, brow raised in question. “Finished with the interrogation already?”
“Asking questions gets boring,” she replied as she got up, assuming he’d follow. “I prefer getting to know someone through conversation. Not, as you put it, interrogation.”
“Really? We seem to have things in common then, Kaoru.”
“Besides attraction?”
He nodded. “Besides attraction.”
And he did follow, trailing after her through the crowded living room out into the hall and further on into the kitchen, holding her hand. The room was empty, the small table unoccupied but littered with empty bottles and plastic glasses. She tugged her hand free to open the fridge, eying the few bottles of beer left. To think Sano’s supply had been reduced to this!
“You want a bottle or a can?” she asked, turning her head in time to see him settle down in one of the chairs. He shrugged and she took two cans, opening them with practiced ease while closing the fridge with her elbow. Walking over, she took a seat in his lap once again. It looked so very inviting, she mused, rather pleased when his arm snuck around her waist even before she settled.
“Cheers!” she chirped, raising her beer to meet his before taking a deep gulp, mind fuzzy and body heavy. Her movements were lazy, she noted, compared to the fast beat of music in the other room.
“Will you be staying here for the night?” he asked, casually. Her heart skipped a beat, she thought, but that was okay. She blamed it on nerves.
“Yeah, I hadn’t planned on being able to take the bus home tonight. I promised Miaso to get completely smashed tonight,” she explained, eying the grin stretching his lips. “Why?”
“I’ll be staying too,” he replied, stroking her inner thigh. She swallowed, cheeks flushed by more than warmth and alcohol. “And I want to see you in the morning, sober.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?!” she snapped, pouting at his amused grin. It had sounded like an insult, but he looked so good…
“I’d like to take you out for breakfast,” he explained after a few moments, fingers slipping dangerously close to her core as they teased along the edge of her skirt. “The fridge here is emptied to make place for the booze, and I’d like to get to know you. Conversation, remember?”
She gulped, feeling herself tremble at his gentle ministrations and charming words. He’d already placed his beer on the table, and she quickly followed suit; slamming it onto the wooden surface before she dropped it.
He’s lucky, she mused as his hand cupped her through her panties; drawing a moan from her lips before he swallowed it with his mouth.
He might score tonight.



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