.moon by night

One Dark and Perverted Night by AngelMoon Girl

Feet Lickers and Constipated Brunettes  next
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~One Dark and Perverted Night~

* denotes italics.

PART 1: "Feet Lickers and Constipated Brunettes"

"Truth or dare, Haruka-san?"

Aforementioned sandy-head cocked a brow, appraising her challenger with a coy smirk in place. "Dare."

Ami let out a whooshing breath, but her countenance didn't relax one bit. "Man, now I'm forced to think up a dare. And I had a good truth all ready to go!"

"Wow, doesn't anyone ever want a truth?" Makoto queried, gazing around the table at everyone in askance. So far, of the six Senshi present, not one of them had picked "Truth". Either everyone had a terrible secret to hide, or-

"Nah, truths are boring, Mako-chan," Minako replied, arms crossed and lips pursed. Apparently, she was trying to pass off an air of wisdom as she answered... while failing miserably. Rei snickered at the blonde as she stood up to slide her bedroom door closed. Twilight had snuck up on the shrine's grounds, accompanied by a chilly zephyr.

"Boy," the obsidian-eyed priestess said as she gazed a fond farewell to the waxing moon, "I wish Usagi could be with us tonight. It'd be so much fun making her do stuff!"

"Yeah. Can you believe she skived off for *studying* of all things? I mean, I know the girl's grown up quite a bit since turning eighteen, but... *studying*? It's like I'm expecting a world catastrophe to occur any moment!" Makoto commented with a laugh. She shook her brown ponytail in disbelief, then sighed. "I suppose it's to be expected, though. We are drawing closer and closer to the time of Crystal Tokyo. Something was going to give."

"Yes. I don't imagine she was meant to act that way as a Queen," Michiru concurred. The virago chuckled. "Anyways, we're digressing. Ami-san? I'm dying to watch whatever torment you have in store for Haruka..."

"Oh! Yeah! Errrr... Haruka-san, I dare you to, ah, um... I dare you to... lick the table!"

Haruka grinned as everyone sweatdropped, hands coming up as one to smack themselves in the face.


"What?" the pedantic asked innocently, looking around at them all in shock.

"Ami-chan, a dare's supposed to be... hard! Something the person wouldn't want to do! Jeez, even *I'd* lick a table," Rei groaned. "Haruka-san, take pity on her. She's a first time player."

"No, no," Haruka countered nonchalantly, waving her hand. "It's alright, Rei-san, I'll lick the table..."

"Haruka..." Michiru growled, the lone individual 'man' enough to reprimand the Wind Senshi and get away with it. "That's not very fair to all of us who endured far worse fates. Think of me, calling up my work and barking, all the while proclaiming how drunk I was?"

"And me, streaking past Yuichiro's room while screaming his name," Rei added, cheeks flaring crimson as she recalled her embarrassment... and Yuichiro's whistling as she fled back to sanctuary.

"So you see, it's not very fair-"

Haruka cut off Michiru irritatedly. "Fine. Fine. Ami-san, give me another. I'm a slave to your whims."

Ami smiled balefully, a glint of humor and pure evil lurking behind her features. "Okay. Haruka-san, I dare you to lick *both* of Rei-chan's feet. Once with her socks on, and once off."

Stunned silence reigned for a moment as everyone stared at Ami, wondering where their real friend had gone and who was inhabiting her body. Then Rei choked, "Erm, I changed my mind. Haruka-san can stick with her table."

"Ah, ah, ah," Minako laughed. "This is her new dare and she has to follow through! Don't complain, Rei-chan; just think- if you believe *you've* got it bad, then it's ten times worse for Haruka-san!"

Said woman was looking a little green, and she glared at Michiru. The aqua-head was currently stifling giggles with a hand pressed over her mouth. She pulled it away for but a second, coaxing,

"Well? Any time now, Haruka."

Haruka groaned. "Rei-san? Kindly pass me your foot, and let's get this over with."

Makoto collapsed into mirth with Minako, watching the tortured exchange take place. The brunette whispered to Minako, "I bet Haruka-san's wishing it was a kiss instead."

"Ew, gross!" Minako howled, gaining the attention of everyone else. "Ahhhhh, Mako-chan's... constipated."

Makoto slapped the ditzy girl upside the head. "Thanks, bitch! She's just full of crap, guys. I'm not (the brawny one cringed) constipated."

"Suuuuuuure," the other four crowed.

"Fuck you, Minako-chan," Makoto grumbled, sinking past the table's edge. "Just you wait until it's my turn to dare *you*..."


"Oh my God, she did it."

"She licked Rei-chan's sock! THEN her bare foot!"

"Too bad it cost her the contents of her stomach, but-"

The sound of retching was the only noise for a few moments, then the girls started up their giggly banter once more.

"Man, I wish I had a camera."

"I wish I had disinfectant! My foot feels... tingly. The *bad* kind of tingly..."

"Maybe Haruka-san's poisonous viper tongue has infected Rei-chan?" Makoto chuckled, and Rei mimed gagging.

"Nah, Haruka's tongue isn't diseased. Believe me, I could show you some other places her tongue's found and claimed, but they haven't really seen the light of day..."

All eyes turned to Michiru, who shrugged and blushed. "Eh, days are lonely; nights are long. What else is there to do?"

"Eeeeeeeewwwww, we did not need to know that, Michiru-san!" everyone howled, at the precise moment Haruka made her reappearance. Thankfully, it was with a much healthier color to her features.

"Mm, much better. No offense Rei-san, but that's not an experience I'd like to relive."

"Believe me, the feeling's mutual," Rei replied in a sigh, glaring at her foot as if it had committed some terrible umbrage against her. She shivered. Never, ever, ever, ever... well, you get the picture.

"So... what's everyone yelling about?" Haruka inquired, and everyone turned various shades of pink. Oh, if only ChibiUsa were there. She'd be proud at how close the hues came to complementing her hair!


Yours and Michiru's hot, raunchy, lesbian sex?

Too much information, anyone?

"W-we were talking about... ah... HOW GROSS IT IS THAT MAKO-CHAN IS CONSTIPATED! Oh my God, you're nasty, Mako-chan!" Minako suddenly supplied in a shriek, eyes wide as she nearly stood in her fanaticism. The teen swirled on poor, stunned, speechless (and rapidly wrathful) Makoto. "NOBODY FRICKIN' WANTS TO KNOW HOW HARD IT IS FOR YOU TO DO NUMBER TWO! Gosh..."

"That's *it*!" Makoto screamed, lunging at her friend and going in for the kill- or rather, the hair... Minako's prized possession, as others might dub her blonde locks. "STOP. TELLING. EVERYONE. I. AM. CONSTIPATED! I'm just *not*! Have you seen me take a shit lately? Have I *been* in the bathroom for very long during my two trips since arriving here? NO!"

Each word was punctuated by a vicious grab at Minako's hair. The effervescent flaxen squealed, dodging bodily harm by centimeters. She shoved the homicidal brunette off her with difficulty, then scooted away. Minako threw two hands up in the air; a gesture of acquiescence. "Okay, okay! Truce! I lied, Mako-chan's not constipated! Just don't touch my precio- er, my hair!"

Makoto surrendered her vendetta, relaxing. She grinned. "That's all I needed. I won't rip your 'precious' out anymore, Gollum."

"I'm confused. If Makoto-san's supposed 'constipation' wasn't the subject of your conversation, what was?" inquired Haruka genuinely.

"Don't ask questions you don't really want the answer to, love," Michiru responded, patting her paramour on the shoulder. Haruka pouted.

"But I *do* want to know!" she wailed.

"No," Michiru soothed. "You really, really don't."

Haruka released a an ornery puff of air. "Fine. Be mean. Keep secrets from me."

"Okay!" Minako said cheerily. "Well, that problem's solved! Now that this misunderstanding is behind us-"

Haruka hacked something that sounded an awful lot like "World Shaking" and "Disembowelment".

"...let's continue Truth or Dare! I believe it's my turn to begin, since we've come back full circle-"

"Not so fast, Minako-san," Haruka cut in, a proverbial evil cackle suggested in her tone. Oh, revenge would be sweet... "Let's switch up the game play a little bit; doing this normally has become so *boring*. I've got a few *new* rules, and if everyone will hear me out, it could prove far more interesting than your usual dare..."


~AngelMoon Girl
Reviews are sincerely appreciated as they help improve and motivate lazy authors like me ;D

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