.moon by night

Laws of the Wolf by Acc2787

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Laws of the Wolf
Chapter: 4
Another dang Council Meeting
Warning: A little hint of lime to come
Disclaimer: I don’t own Rurouni Kenshin

Kenshin sat in his usual spot waiting for the other alphas and elders to come. His hand

automatically went inside his jacket pocket to massage the delicate fabric of Kaoru’s

favorite hair ribbon. This had become a habit of Kenshin’s over the past three years, his

heart sank everyday the search for Kaoru would come up empty. He missed her so much,

he missed her hair, her eyes, but most importantly he missed her smile. Kenshin closed

his eyes as he attempted to remember every detail he could about his beloved Kaoru. The

idea of her alone, trying to survive without a pack to protect her, with Enishi still on the

loose. Kenshin was reminded of the woman he had found eight months ago while on the

search for Kaoru, she was once human but Enishi or one of his companions had bitten her

she was left to die in the middle of the forest and Kenshin had thought at first that he had

finally found Kaoru but one good whiff of air told him different this woman smelled of

plum blossoms while Kaoru smelled of jasmines and wild flowers. Her name was Tomoe

and she was beautiful, almost as beautiful as Kaoru but she lacked Kaoru’s eyes and

spirit. Tomoe attached herself to him, had tried to mate with him but Kenshin wasn’t even

tempted by her beauty he longed for Kaoru. In his mind and in his heart Kenshin felt that

he was already mated with Kaoru, he didn’t know when he had started to feel this way

maybe it had always been there but he never realized it was there until after Kaoru was

forced to leave.

Kenshin looked around almost everyone was in the clearing except for one or two elders

and Hiko. Kenshin growled inwardly, he knew that this meeting was important but he

wanted to be out searching for Kaoru not sitting here discussing treaties. That’s right the

treaty, soon Kenshin along with all the other alphas would have to go and meet with the

vampire lords to discuss the peace treaties that were made six years ago. That was how

Kenshin had gotten his title as beta, in his pack, in the first place. He had gotten his title

through battle and unfortunately the alpha before him had died shortly after from vampire

poisoning. Now lycan and vampires are on peaceful terms, so long as we keep with the

treaty. This was to be the first time the lycan and vampires leaders are to meet and discuss

the issues of keeping with the old treaty or creating a new one. This meeting that he was

waiting to start was to discuss the treaty we have now and what improvements should we

create if there was a knew treaty. Yet as important as this meeting was Kenshin’s mind

was still to focused on finding Kaoru.

Kenshin was so raped up in his thoughts that he did not feel the presence behind him until

a large comforting hand was placed on his shoulder. Hiko had grown soft towards

Kenshin, he no longer called him an idiot or any other name for that matter since Kaoru

had been gone. Hiko probably knew all along how Kenshin felt about Kaoru, and how

much her disappearance would affect him. “Kenshin, I want you to come with me before

this meeting starts I have something to show you.” The larger wolf whispered with a

smug smile on his face as he took a swig from his flask, Kenshin couldn’t help but

wonder what had the man in such high spirits.


Kenshin followed the older alpha in anticipation he didn’t know why he was so jittery all

he knew was that Hiko was smiling and that could be a very good thing or an extremely

bad thing. Hiko lead Kenshin to the encampment where Hiko and his pack stayed during

council meetings and the yearly gatherings. Hiko stopped at a rather large tent Kenshin

could only assume that it was Hiko’s, the older alpha pulled back the opening. The scent

of jasmine and wild flowers filled his nostrils as air escaped the tent, Kenshin looked at

Hiko in shock as he registered the smell, Hiko only nodded his head in the direction of

the opening a clear invitation to step inside. Kenshin took one more breath the exquisite

sent of Kaoru filled his nose once again but there was another sent, a male scent, it

smelled like sandalwood and oak trees. ‘Who is that?’ He thought as stood in front of the

opening. ‘Has Kaoru mated with another?’ Kenshin felt a lump in his throat at the

thought that he had lost his chance with his sweet loving Kaoru. He swallowed his pride

as he walked into through the opening.


Kaoru sat in the middle of the small cot Hiko had bought for her, she was surprised when

he had found her at the diner, and she was grateful that he had allowed Yahiko to come as

well. Yahiko laid on his cot across from hers a book in his hand as Hiko had taken little

Yahiko as his apprentice and would one day become a beta and then hopefully if the pack

allows Yahiko would become an alpha. Kaoru smiled at the small male wolf who was

eagerly reading the book Hiko had given him, she was glad Hiko had taken Yahiko under

his paw, the kid deserved a break after what he had been through.

Kaoru heard the flap of the tent open and thought that maybe Hiko had forgotten

something so she waited to here him ask the question her father usually asked when he
forgot something he was suppose to take to the council meeting. She could just imagine

the big wolf stomping around the tent throwing things here and there. Then he would

finally ask the question ‘Kaoru have you seen…?’ And as usual it would be something

right under his nose, men are so typical, she silently laughed at her imaginary Hiko.

“Kaoru?” Kaoru almost broke her neck as she snapped it around to see the face that came

with that voice. Her heart almost stopped beating as she saw him.

“Kenshin!” She jumped off her cot and hurled herself toward him but stopped a foot away

from him. She knew that if she hugged him the way she use to that it might cause

complications, specially if he had a mate. During her three years of running she had given

up hope, she knew that Kenshin cared for her but it had been three years and there was no

way a male could wait that long. She didn’t want to cause trouble for him or his pack.

“It is good to see that you are alive, Kaoru, that it is.” Kenshin’s heart stopped beating the

moment Kaoru had said his name. Then it broke when she stopped in front of him instead

of giving him the normal hug in greeting. Truth be told he wanted more than a hug, he

wanted a kiss, he wanted to touch, and he wanted to make her his.

“Thank you it is good to see you to, Kenshin.” Kaoru said heart broken by the way he was

not opening his arms or his heart to her. She needed a distraction anything to take away

the pain that the man she had once loved did not love her anymore. She looked around

and saw the perfect wolf for the job. “Kenshin, I would like you to meet Yahiko.” She

said with the fake smile and cheerful mask she had learned to wear while working at the

diner. “Yahiko, get over here and meet Kenshin. I found Yahiko in the woods near a place I was hiding. He was half starved when I took him in, but he won’t have to worry

about that now.” As Kaoru spoke Kenshin focus was drawn the shadow moving behind

her, now he would meet the man who stool Kaoru’s heart from him. Kenshin’s eyes

widened as the shadow materialized into a small male wolf who had just barely reached

adolescence. Kaoru put her arm around the boys neck and smiled. “I have somewhat

adopted him as my little-brother.” Kaoru put an enfaces on the word little.

“How many times have I told you not to call me little, ugly?” The small wolf growled out

his question, along with the insult that made Kenshin take a step back, clearly this pup

was blind.

“About as many times as I have told you not to call me ugly.” Kaoru retorted with a little

smug smirk tugging at the corner of her lips. It was at that time that Kenshin realized

Kaoru had not mated with anyone but had adopted a stray pup, and with her lips smirking

as the banter between her and the pup continued Kenshin wanted to nothing more than to

throw the pup out and throw her on the cot, hopefully with him on top of her. A predatory

smile spread across his lips at the direction his thoughts had traveled. Now all he had to

do was get the pup out of the tent.

“It is nice to meet you, Yahiko, thank you for taking care of Kaoru for me.” Kenshin said

effectively ending the banter between the two adopted siblings. Yahiko finally looked at

the man named Kenshin, Kaoru had mentioned him once or twice, but for some reason

Yahiko was not impressed with the red head alpha. After all wasn’t he suppose to be an

alpha and yet he wasn’t as muscled or as tall as Hiko was.

“I don’t get it aren’t you suppose to be an alpha? Aren’t you suppose to be well, more?”

Yahiko voiced his thoughts.

“I suppose you are expecting me to be more like Hiko?” Kenshin watched with

amusement as the pup nodded. “Well you will find out sooner or later that all alphas have

different assets, that are essential to the survival of lycan kind. Hiko may be a large man

and he may be fast, but he is not as fast as me.” Kenshin lectured the pup as he conspired

to get him out of his hair.

“Or as deadly with a sword.” Kaoru put in with a shy smile.

“Now that could be debatable, Kaoru.” Hiko had made his way into the tent, a smug smile

on his face, he knew the thoughts that were running through Kenshin’s mind and decided

to make it easier for him. “Yahiko I need you to help me carry some things to the council

meeting. Do you think you can help?”

“Sure, I can do that.” The young pup walked out of the tent none the wiser of what he was

holding up just by his presence.


Kenshin smiled his thanks to the older alpha. As Hiko and Yahiko left without another

word. He looked at Kaoru, who was smiling encouragingly at the young pup as he

followed Hiko out, she was completely unaware of Kenshin’s intentions to make her his.

Kenshin’s eyes changed to gold as he slowly approached her, his desire and passion that

had been pent up for the last three years was enough to make him any man explode. He

came up behind her and raped his arms around her waist, pulling her to him until her

body fit every curve of his.

“Kaoru, I have missed you, I have been searching for you, and I love you. Please, will you

please be my mate?” Kenshin closed his eyes and waited for the rejection to come from

Kaoru’s voice, to here the words he knew were true ‘You’re not good enough.’ Except he

didn’t hear those words but felt Kaoru twist in his arms till her the front of her body was

pressed to his, he felt her arms come up and rape around the knap of his neck. He finally

opened his eyes to see Kaoru’s smiling face and streaming tears.

She answered “Yes.” Kenshin’s heart began beating fast as closed the space between his

and Kaoru’s lips, he kissed her fiercely with the same strong urges he had felt before, he

felt Kaoru respond with just as much passion. He felt his body react as his hands slid

down to grasp her bottom forcing her to press her lower half against his. Still kissing he

lead them to the back of the tent were the cots sat and lowered her to the one she had been

sitting on when he first walked in. “Oh Kenshin, are you going to do what I think you are

going to do?” She questioned.

“If you mean make passionate none stop love to you, then yes, I am going to do that, that

I am.” Kenshin answered as placed himself above her.

“Kenshin as much as I love you, I do not want my first time to be on a cot in a tent, with

other wolves all around. They will hear us.” Kaoru complained.

“Then they will know that I have claimed you as mine, that they will.” Kenshin explained

as he started rubbing himself against her through their cloths.

“Oh, oh Kenshin.” Kaoru was over whelmed by the feeling swirling around in her

stomach. “Oh, oh, but don’t you have to attend to the council meeting.” She retorted half


“Yes, we will have to make it quick.” Kenshin answered as started undoing the buttons of

her shirt but unfortunately for him that was when Kaoru came to her senses.

“Now you listen hear, my first time is not going to be on a cot and it is not going to be a

quick. I want your full attention the first time we make love and I want it to last long and

hard and possibly rough. I want to do it in a comfortable bed and I don’t want you

thinking about anything else but me and if you can’t handle that then I am going to have

to say no to earlier question.” Kenshin stared at her with wide eyes, she was right he

should not force her to have her first time on a cot in a tent that didn’t belong to either

one of them and also make her first time a quickie. How selfish could he be?

“I am sorry Kaoru, you are right if only I didn’t have to go to that dang meeting. I love

you and I want our first time together to be special, that is if you will still have me?” As

Kenshin spoke he had lifted himself off of Kaoru and was in the middle of helping her up

as well. She smiled and nodded her head before curling up in his arms. He kissed her

forehead, her eyes, and her nose before he gave he a gentle kiss on the lips. “But I want

you to know one thing is certain my love…” Kenshin smiled as he lifted Kaoru’s head to

make sure he had her full attention. “Your days as a virgin are numbered.” Kaoru’s eyes

went wide as that thought sunk in.

“D..Don’t you have another dang council meeting to get to?” Kaoru asked hesitantly.

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