.moon by night

Reviews on Night Games by VO1

Review by AngelMoon Girl 2010-04-25

I am so enamored with this story! Sexy in an achingly dark sort of way, you really brought Endymion's longing to the forefront in his believable obsession with the one who so looks like Princess Serenity. I could definitely imagine him succumbing to these games in an effort to find pleasure in what he sees as the only piece of Serenity left in the world. I especially liked the inclusion that although Endymion was king, he had no real power over what he could and could not do to Venus because of Beryl's Big Brother-esque presence; how he must follow a sort of "look but don't touch" mentality.

Remarkably well-written; a true gem of the fandom! I almost wish you would expound on this...

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