.moon by night

Reviews on Amber Linings by Ravyn

Review by Acc2787 2010-03-08

I love this fic. Please continue to write it! It is one of my favorites. i just can't wait to see what happens next.
Review by SRAS9 2009-11-28

Please update! Please! This is so good! Please!
Review by hikari101 2009-07-21

please update soon! i love your stories! :)
Review by patologic 2009-05-09

Pleaseee keep posting this story I love it, love the way you write!
Review by InukiTenchi 2009-02-19

Please update this story soon. I love it so much. ^^

*hugs and fluff* - InukiTenchi
Review by Kimi-Chan 2009-01-23

Oh You need to write another chapter! You simply must! This is such a wonderful story!
Was what Kenshin was referring to when he said about empaths and sex suggesting that Kaoru would want to have sex more then once a year? I hope so anyway ~.^
Anyway PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE update!!!!

Review by Anonymous 2008-10-03

When do you plan on continuing this fic?
It's very good! Although there are a lot of typos and grammatical errors...
But i don't care, this fic is still good!
Hmm... Please make the lemons a little more lemony...
Review by Abracadabra 2007-11-11

Umm, there is no Chapter Seven. However, I think Chapter Eight is Chapter Seven and that is the one that's missing.
Review by FluffyFox 2007-11-02

I absolutely love this story...vampire Kenshin rocks and hell, he's so damn sexy!

I can't wait to read more!!
Review by humansandbag 2007-10-13

Wow this is a really awesome story and I don't know why I'm the first to review it on here but I am and I feel obligated to tell you that this is absolutely one of the best stories I've ever read! I still want Kenshin to say the L word to Karou sense right now they may be mates and friends with benefits and yes I am aware that he needs time to understand his feelings for her are not just in a "your hot and you amuse me" type of relationship but in a "I care about your feeling and I wants to make you emotionally stable" type. Any who I love this story and I really hope that you update it soon!

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