Chapter 9 Of Shouting and Tears Looking into his cup of coffee, Mamoru once again wondered if this was the best idea. Admittedly, he wanted answers, and his apartment was his home turf. Should May be an enemy, he would have the advantage here. Pluto's warning about strangers still rang in his head, but then Pluto wasn't providing answers. When it came down to it, he just had to know. At the engagement party May had given him the first hope in years of having some connection, some tie to the family he couldn't remember. That was enough to cause him to take some risks...and to really start to think about his life. His head had been spinning as he tried to make sense of everything that May had said two nights before. Add to that the dream he had last night. While being like his previous dreams in that it felt like a memory, this dream was clearer. In his dream, he was Endymion once again, out in the royal practice fields, throwing javelin rather angrily. "Why did she do it?" he shouted as he hurled another javelin, not looking at where it landed. At that point he really didn't care. "Careful! Have a care where you release those things. I like my hair this length," said a female voice tinged with laughter. As she came up to him, she held up her hands in front of her. "I am unarmed. I come in peace." "Lady Maxine!" Mamoru heard himself say, "I am so sorry." "That is okay," the female said. Mamoru could see her now. She wore an elaborate court dress of yellow and black. She was what American tourists would probably call "African-American". She had her long hair arranged in a braided style with a long strand of pink hair woven through the creation. She had come to a stop next to him and had put her hands on her hips. "Taking out some aggression, I see." Obviously Endymion made some kind of face, because the female took her hands from her hips, crossed them in front of her, and shot him a look. "Do not behave in that way," she admonished. "I know." She laughed at what must have been his surprised expression, "Everyone who has been near the palace today knows. It is not as if either of you were quiet as you had your 'disagreement'." She paused, then she put her hand on his shoulder, "Your mother meant well, Endymion. You must believe that." "What I believe is that she lied to me," he said as he shrugged off her hand and picked up another javelin. He turned back to the woman he called Maxine, "They sent you out to plead her case?" His voice sounded surprised, almost as if he was questioning the judgment of this "they". "So it seems," the lady shrugged her shoulders. "Tremaine is siding with your mother; Arlington, with you. They are currently in the middle of a rather loud 'disagreement' of their own. Lady Keiko has the awesome task of playing referee." She laughed, and then sobered. "Your father is in the eastern providence, because of the cave-in. Your mother wanted to go with him, but he saw how upset she was over this, so he insisted she stay here. Lady Daniella is with her now, probably pleading your case. That left me." Brown eyes looked serious as they stared at him, "Your mother did as she thought was best." "She did as she thought was BEST?!" Endymion exclaimed, dropping the javelin that he had in his hands, "Deliberate deceit was best?! Come now, Lady Maxine, that is something I do not believe. Mother would not behave in such a way; honesty is too important to her. She knew what she was doing." The woman in front of him appeared to become frustrated, "Goodness, every last one of you is too stubborn by half! Yes, she knew what she was doing; is that what you wish to hear, your royal highness? She knew the contests were dangerous. She knew that Kilgore and Saltmire would cheat, and that you would not. She knew that many a man came back dead from such activities. And she 'knew' that you would not listen to her if she tried to explain her fears to you." The woman stopped and took a deep breath, as if she was trying to calm down. After a second she continued, "Did you need to be at those meetings? No. Was is a bad idea for you to be there? Probably not. You ARE going to have to lead those things yourself one day." The lady shrugged, "It could have been worse." Still feeling angry and now a little guilty, the heir apparent countered, "I do not see how." He reached down to pick up the javelin he dropped earlier. The woman practically shrieked in frustration. "Mais non. That is the limit. I give up. If you want to play spoiled brat out here with your sharp toys, do not allow my council to hinder you." She began to walk off, turning back only once to impart this closing thought, "When the mature royal highness returns, he might want to talk to his mother. Her heart is breaking over your treatment of her lately. I think that is enough of a punishment for whatever deception she practiced, do you not?" In the light of day the dream still made no sense to Mamoru. It seemed more like a memory. It was also like the other dreams he'd had in that some of the same names appeared, including Daniella. While he had figured out who Daniella was at least, the other names still puzzled him. "Tremaine, Arlington...Keiko, Maxine," he whispered to himself quietly, "Who are these people? And what happened to them?" The young man groaned in frustration and took another sip of the now lukewarm coffee in front of him. He pushed it to the side and ran his fingers through his hair, as if that would help him think. 'What does this dream mean?' He asked himself. 'And why did I have it last night of all nights? I don't understand any of this!' He sighed and turned his mind back to his dream as he waited for May ...and, possibly, a concrete tie to a past he could no longer remember. ***** She knocked on the door nervously. She came alone, just because she thought it was best. He had the right to refuse. To force Terry and Yusuke on him before he had made up his mind wasn't ethical, and it wasn't fair. Both of his brothers had been given a choice; they both had the chance to turn the opportunity down without having to stare their sibling in the face. After all she had already put him through, Mamoru Chiba, the former Prince Endymion, heir to the throne of Earth, deserved that much. He opened the door and showed her in. As she made her way over to the couch in front of the coffee table, she took a deep breath, still clutching the covered framed portrait that she brought with her. She promised him a picture; again, she owed him that much. She just hoped he'd listen to her. "Thanks you for seeing me, Mamoru," May said softly as she reached the table. "No, thank you for seeing me," Mamoru said as he sat at the other end of the couch. He noticed the covered frame in her hand. Realizing what it must be, he got a little nervous, "I see you found a picture." May sighed. Looking down at the frame that she clutched, she found herself answering honestly. "Yes, I found a picture of some of your family. But it is not the picture I promised; there is no way for me to produce that." Mamoru stared at her oddly, "What do you mean?" May blinked the tears from her eyes. "I don't know how to explain this. I-" She stopped suddenly. She closed her eyes and mumbled very quietly, "It shouldn't be this hard. He knows about his past. This won't be like the hard sells I've had to make twice already." She opened her eyes and looked up at the ceiling to ask God, "Are you sure that I was the right person for this job?" "May?" Mamoru asked, puzzled by her stranger behavior, "Are you okay?" May shook her head and seemed to come back to the conversation at hand. Blushing at having been caught musing and praying aloud, she quickly reoriented herself. "Here," she said as she handed the covered frame toward him. "Hopefully, you'll still want to talk to me after you see this picture." Mamoru took the frame and looked at the portrait inside it. There was a surprised silence from that end of the couch. May understood why. Instead of seeing a modern picture that might include people who resembled him, Mamoru saw a period piece of three young men in a type of armor, tights, and capes, each wearing swords. Although not larger, it also resembled a portrait more than a family picture. Before she could mentally count the ways in which what she handed Mamoru would be different than what he expected, she was interrupted with by a voice that was simultaneously angry and wary. "Who are you? What do you want with me?" May looked Mamoru in the eye. It was time to come clean. "I am who I said I am...for the most part. My name is May Lavon Hammond. I was born in Virginia, a state in the United States of America. I - well, more about my life really isn't important. What is important is why I'm here. Over two weeks ago I was given an assignment, an opportunity to reunite a family, the former royal family of Earth. The family in that picture," May said as she gestured to the frame. "A family that was separated a long time ago May laughed, but there was no joy in it. Looking down at her hands briefly, she shared "Actually, you are the most likely to believe me in that you know about that era of unrecorded history...some called it the Silver Millennium, although I would never refer to it that way." May looked back into Mamoru's eyes, "I'm bringing the royal family back together. That's it." Mamoru's eyes narrowed in suspicion, "And destroying anything or anyone left from the Silver Millennium as well." May shook her head. "As fair as that would probably be, no, I have no plans or intentions of doing anything to the survivors of that reign of tyranny. All I'm here to do is to bring together the family...and put someone on notice." That hadn't lowered Mamoru's defenses at all, "Did you think Pluto wouldn't know you were here, or that she wouldn't warn us about us?" "Pluto," May repeated. "So, the rogue time walker has a name. As for her knowing I was here, I figured she'd find out eventually. As I haven't been attacked personally, my guess is that she doesn't quite realize where the threat to her fiction is coming from, but I knew that she figure out what I was doing, eventually. And of course she would warn you. She worked too hard not to." Mamoru looked at the woman across from him. She sounded like an enemy, yet she didn't feel like one. And her comments about Pluto were...strange. Deciding that knowledge was power, he asked, "Her fiction?" May nodded, "Yes, her fiction. This Pluto created this a sense. She arranged everything in it to the best interest of the princess of moon. She altered perceptions of the Silver Millennium to make it seem a great civilization of peace. She scattered the royal family of Earth and those they loved across dimensions, time, and space. And she purposefully altered and erased your memories, of this life and your last." Considering the turns his life had taken in the past few years, Mamoru didn't think anything could shock him anymore. He was wrong. "What?!" May sighed, "You've been having strange dreams lately, right?" Mamoru warily nodded. "Well, they aren't dreams in the conventional sense; they are repressed memories. The Silver Millennium didn't happen the way you 'remember' it. As you know, you were Prince Endymion of Earth during that time. What you don't remember is that you were the oldest of three; you had two younger brothers, Tremaine and Arlington, and loving parents. You were also engaged-" "To princess Serenity-" "Eventually," May conceded, "But that was more to protect Earth from the wrath of Queen of the moon, empress of the Silver Alliance. Before the empress decided she wanted Earth added to her collection of planets to dominate, you were engaged to Lady Daniella, a high ranking duchess of Earth. Your brothers had also found loves of their own in Lady Maxine and Lady Keiko, but no one really got their happy endings." 'Daniella, Tremaine, Arlington, Maxine, and Keiko...that would explain who all of those people were,' Mamoru acknowledged to himself. Aloud, however, he felt he needed to question what was going on as well. May's explanation could be the truth, but it was also a little too convenient. In a very skeptical and slightly angry voice, Mamoru interrupted with, "Is this another plot of some jealous evil queen? Is whoever you work for upset because Serenity and I found each other again?! If you think you can break us up-" "Now wait a minute!" May's voice rose, "Setting aside the fact that I told you the truth about why I'm here, which is solely to reunite the royal family, there never was any Endymion and Serenity! At least not any based on love. Duty and fear, sure, but not love! That's part of the fiction your 'Pluto' worked so hard to create! I am not the enemy," May tried to finish in a calmer voice, "I'm trying to right wrongs-" "How would you know they were wrongs?!" "Part of me was alive back then!" May finally screamed out. "Part of me was someone close to the royal family back then," she elaborated quietly, "and although I don't remember much, I do know that you have been manipulated and fed a fiction." "Why should I believe you?" Mamoru whispered harshly back at May as he threw her a look of total mistrust while internally he admitted that some of what she was saying made sense. "Because I'm no Serenity. I'm not a tyrant. This is not about power or handing you to my spoiled daughter like a gift. I'm telling you the truth!" May leaned forward as she made her next point, "And, on some level you believe me, or you would have kicked me out or attacked me much earlier in this conversation," He was still like his brothers in that sense, May had acknowledged to herself. The assertion angered Mamoru - in part because he was concerned by the truth in it. He had doubts, really about everything. But, instead of working through that, he responded in righteous indignation, "The fact that I haven't acted yet means nothing. Why should I believe you? You lied to get to me. The people in this picture with me are obviously in league with you as they were with you at the engagement party. How do I know that you aren't some kind of mastermind..." That observation floored May; she was very surprised that Mamoru had recognized Terry and Yusuke in their past forms. She had as well, but she knew it wasn't easy to do. First, she had background knowledge to guide her in her recognition; knowledge that Mamoru was just now getting. Second, neither Tremaine nor Arlington in that portrait appeared to be as troubled as Terry and Yusuke were in their current lives. Yet, as she opened her mouth in surprise, the angry young man in front of her continued. "You manipulated my feelings. And then you act like you were justified in doing all of that! If you are telling the truth, you are behaving no better than you accuse Queen Serenity of behaving. Did you figure it was okay to manipulate me because you claim that someone else already has?!-" Hearing what she had wrestled with all day yesterday thrown back in her face hit May hard. All of her fear about the path she took came back to haunt her. 'I knew it was dirty. I knew it was dirty pool, but I did it anyway,' she thought to herself. 'I cut corners and now I've done more damage, hurt more people ...Why did I think I could do this?! I'm not qualified. I'm still way too human. I-' "I can't do this!" May finally burst out. "There is no way. I just can't fight this!" she finished in a whisper. She'd lost. Once lapse in ethics and she'd wounded a man, manipulated him as he claimed, when all she wanted to do was to give him back one of the families that had been torn from him. 'I shouldn't have accepted. Lord, I wasn't the right one to do this! I brought your child more suffering.' She couldn't fight this time walker or the effects of the lie she herself purposely told. Ignoring the wary look on her conpanion's face, May retreated more into her own head. Guilt and failure are powerful feelings, and they were crushing May. She felt ready to crumble. All she wanted to do was cry. She expected to burst into sobs and her normal messy crying, but that isn't what happened. Instead, she seemed to sag, and she heard herself say, "I did as I thought best. What else would you have me do?" ***** "I did as I thought best." That phrase rang in Mamoru's head. It was enough to make him stop. In the dream that he'd had last night, the woman had said that his mother had done as she thought best. Hearing May say that phrase made it seem even more familiar. That familiarity made Mamoru Chiba pause, and that slight pause was all that his memory needed. "If there is one thing I want to be sure to teach you about the responsibility of ruling," a female voice said in Mamoru's memory, "it is this: Crowns are not heavy, until you do something to dishonor them. Rule fairly, with mercy. Walk upright and pray. Show yourself responsible enough to have the weight of the world set with diamonds upon your head." "Mother," Mamoru heard himself reply in the memory, "are you telling me that I should not have-" "All I am saying," the voice interrupted, "is that ruling is not easy. Tough decisions like this will be normal. Sometimes you have to make the hard decisions, however, do not take actions that would make you ashamed to wear your crown in the brightness of day." The voice faded, but it was enough to make Mamoru pause and look again at May, who looked assaulted and ashamed. Yet, as Mamoru reacted to the real remorse on her face, he noticed that there was something familiar about her eyes. "Who are you?" Mamoru asked again, but softer this time, more puzzled. At May confused look, he clarified, "I mean, assuming I believe you, back then, who were you? Because-" He stopped as if unsure how to verbalize what he was thinking. At this May sighed, "I don't know. I was only told that I... well, that part of me lived back then and that I knew your family well. I don't know anything else really. I remember... being around you and your brothers then. I remember pieces of conversations that make no sense." She looked down at the table again, "I'm sorry." "You knew my family - my Silver Millennium family," Mamoru clarified. At May's nod, he took a deep breath. True, maybe at this point he should make her leave. She had admitted that she lied to him and that she was. In fact, she had admitted that she was working against the people with whom he had allied himself. But that need to know pushed him to ask, "Then you knew my parents, the king and queen. What-" Mamoru's voice caught as he realize what he might finally find out. After clearing his throat, he tried again, "What were they like?" May sighed, sorry that she had to disappoint him here as well. "I honestly don't remember. For the little I do remember and I have seen, the king and queen were much adored by their people. And they clearly loved their children. They had strong faith and, apparently, strong convinctions. I...I can't seem to remember more than that. I can't - I don't even remember what they looked like." Looking into the eyes of the young man across from her, she finished from her heart,"I wish I could tell you more. I wish I could relate memories that would give you back these parents, that would give Terry a father back, that would give Yusuke a father in the first place and a more responsible mother, but..." her voice trailed off in silence. Mamoru looked down at the picture in his hands and reflected. The way May got her opening to talk to him was very unethical. He was still a little angry with her about that. Then he thought about his dream. 'If the dream was a memory...and May is telling the truth...maybe she thought that lying was the only way to get me to listen.' Mamoru closed his eyes. None of this made any sense to him, but now he was beginning to believe that good and evil in this case was not as black and white as everyone else saw it. May believed what she had said here, and he believed that parts of her story were possible. But he needed time to think. "Mamoru?" May asked quietly, "I know I'm...a little hard to trust at this point, but don't hold that against your brothers. They are here; you met them briefly at the party. They want to really meet you, to talk to you and with you about your shared past. At least, Terry does," May added in a effort to be totally truthful. Why Yusuke hadn't demanded to be sent back home, May didn't understand; what she did know is that family was very important to Terry, and he wanted to get to know these young men who were members of his family long ago. "I can take you to them if you want. No kidnapping, I promise. It is your decision," May offered. Mamoru looked up at the end of May's quiet monologue, "You lied to me, to get me here. Then you turn my world upside-down. I don't think you are lying now-" "I'm not." "-not about this," Mamoru continued as if May hadn't spoken. "That doesn't mean that I don't think you're wrong or that something is wrong..." He ran a hand through his hair, "I need to think about this." He paused, and then added, "Before I meet anyone or go anywhere I need to think about it, and I need to have your promise for honesty from now on." Grateful that she hadn't ruined everything, May assured Mamoru, "You have it. No more deliberate deceit, I promise. And I understand your need to think about it. I'm still trying to figure everything out, and I've had a two week head start!" May tried to smile reassuringly, but some of her anger over how well the rouge time walker had manipulated the situation to her advantage came out in next statement she made, "The only thing I'm sure of is that the Moon Kingdom was nothing more than a tyranny." Mamoru winced at the statement, said with such conviction, that was contrary to everything he knew and had known for the last few years of his life. "I can't believe that," he admitted fiercely. "I admit that I don't have much of a memory of the Silver Millennium, and that Pluto hasn't told us much about it, but I refuse to believe that-" Even though she knew that her recent actions did not make her a reliable source in his eyes, his continued reliance on the princess's court for information irked her. "Your 'Pluto', the empress's time walker, changed and suppressed your memories and separated you from your family, friends - on purpose!" May pointed out. "How can you believe that is not evil? Such an action must spring from a former tyranny!" "I can't believe that Princess Serenity-" "Serenity!" Something about that name made part of May very angry. Before she could really think about what she was about to say, she heard her voice saying, "if she's anything like her mother, she a selfish despot waiting to happen," "No! She has a pure heart; she's isn't the enemy!" That was one of the few things that Mamoru was sure of, and his voice held that conviction. "Then I am?" May asked in a wounded voice as she attempted to follow his logic. "All I wanted to do was to bring a family back together! How is that-" Mamoru held up a hand to silence her. "I need to sort this out on my own." May looked down at her hands and then back up at the young man in front of her, "On your own. Then you don't want to talk to your brothers. So, the offer I made earlier - about taking you to meet your brothers...your answer is no, then?" she asked quietly. Mamoru shook his head, "My answer is not now." With that he rose, and, understanding the hint, May allowed him to show her to the door. ***** 'I still can't believe I'm doing this,' Reika thought to herself as she stood at the apartment door. That she was standing outside of Mamoru's door was still shocking, especially considering he was her probably ex-fiance's best friend. She had gotten there on auto-pilot, still reeling from the day before. Still shaken from the conversation with May and company, Reika had gotten home to see the light on her answering machine blinking and the phone ringing. Knowing that she couldn't deal with any phone calls, especially if they were from Motoki, she cut off the ringer on her phone and turned down the volume on her answering machine. Then she sat in her darkened bedroom and tried to figure out what she now knew, and how her life had changed in the last hour. After lots of confusion and more tears, she fell asleep... dream of herself as a sobbing Lady Daniella, surrounded by visibly saddened members of the royal family, crying in the arms of the queen, who told her that she wasn't alone in that unfair universe. Awaking to late morning sunshine and a tear-stained pillowcase, Reika renewed her resolve to talk to Mamoru. She knocked on the door. After a few moments, it opened. Mamoru stared at her in surprise. "Reika?" As she looked at him, she saw the man she had known as Motoki's best friend. Yet, in his eyes, she saw Daniella's Endy; that was enough to cause her to tear up again. "May I come in? I have to talk to you." As Mamoru tell her in, Reika kept thinking over and over again, 'What am I going to say?' Finally, after he had closed the door and come back into the living room where she was still standing, he asked, "What's wrong? Did something happen between you and Motoki?" Reika stared at him with wide eyes, "I think I'm going crazy," she finally said after a few beat of silence. Then it all came pouring out. "I mean, who breaks an engagement over weird dreams?!" Reika asked as she paced back and forth in front of the couch, "Okay, yes, I had doubts before then, but having dreams of another time, another wedding, and you. And feeling like I was supposed to be marrying someone else. And dream after dream that made no sense until I recognized you and May in them." Not noticing Mamoru's startled reaction to this piece of information, she continued, "And then being asked to elope while trying to make sense of the dreams. Then to mention the dreams to someone and hear about past lives and-" Reika broke off suddenly and then looked at Mamoru, "Please just tell me that these are just bridal nerves and you'll help me get my life back on track," At that moment, Mamoru could have said many things. It was during Reika's monologue that Mamoru began to put together why Reika had felt familiar when Motoki first introduced them. Added to the conversation he'd had with May, and another question came out of his mouth at roughly the same time it formed in his head, "Daniella?" "Oh crap," Reika whispered as she sank to the floor, "Crap. It really is all true." She looked up at Mamoru, "You were a prince in this past life and I was supposed to marry you. We were in love and I was supposed to-" Tears ran down her face. She probably would have made another observation if the phone hadn't started to ring at that moment. She gave Mamoru a panicked look, begging him not to pick up the phone. He didn't, but that meant they heard the caller on the other end when the answering machine picked up. "Mamoru, it's Motoki," said a voice that sounded nothing like his usually cheerful friend. "If you are there, please pick up." A noise, possibly an indrawn breath or a strangled sob was heard over the line. "I need to talk to someone. I think Reika just broke up with me. I don't understand what happened or why it happened. We were so happy-" His voice broke off again and after a pause, he finished, "Please. I really need to talk to someone. She won't return my calls. I don't know what to do. Just... call." And then there was a click, signifying the end of the call. There were a few moments of silence as the last sentence, then from the floor Reika said, "God, what in the hell do I do now?" She looked up at Mamoru, her confusion and guilt evident on her face, "Was I living some kind of lie? Do I continue to live it? Or am I supposed to marry you?" "Reika," Mamoru felt impelled to qualify, "whoever we were back then, I love Usagi now. That's not going to change." From the floor Reika sighed, "I know that. I thought I loved Motoki too, but..." Reika took a deep breath and pulled herself off the floor. Turning her back to Mamoru as she wiped away the tears still running down her face she said, "I'm sorry. I really shouldn't have unloaded everything on you. I'm sure you have enough on your mind without me crying on your doorstep-" Mamoru was only able to identify what happened next because it had happened a few times before. The present him lost control and the part of him that was Endymion took over, "Daniella, do not do this. Do not be strong for me." "Endy?" Reika asked in a voice that wasn't hers, "Is fate against us? Shall we never be able to be together? I-" With that, the reincarnated prince opened his arms, and the reincarnated duchess went into them to sob out her continuing pain. Her voice was slightly muffled by his shirt, but she could still be understood. "I do not think that I can do this again. Even with your mother here as well, offering her comfort, I do not think-" The words "your mother" snapped Mamoru back to the present, "My mother? My Silver Millennium mother? She's here?" Mamoru's reaction had a similar effect on Reika, bringing her back to the present. Reika drew away from him, puzzled. Another person who didn't recognize the queen, but -, "You didn't recognize her either? I know she's younger, but she hasn't changed, not much anyway. Why is it that none of you know who she is? Don't you remember her?" Mamoru sank down onto his couch, "No," he admitted quietly. "I don't remember much of anything from the Silver Millennium. What I do 'remember,' well, I think that some of it didn't happen. I don't remember my family at all. If it wasn't for my dreams of late, I wouldn't remember you, either." Reika sat on the couch next to him, sadness reflected in her eyes, as if she understood some of his pain. She reached out to touch his shoulder. Their eyes met. And as they watched old and new pain battle for dominance in the other person's eyes, they slowly drifted into a hug. One sobbed out her confusion while the other held on tight as tears of loss and helplessness slowly ran down his face. ***** Usagi sighed as she walked down the hall. She still wasn't sure she should be doing this, but she had jumped all over Mamoru when he didn't share his dreams with her; turnabout was fairplay. Making the decision to share the dream did not make her feel better, however; a feeling of fear and disquiet hadn't left her heart since she woke up from her dream this morning. In the dream she was Serenity, and it seemed to be set in the Silver Millennium. In fact, it almost felt like a memory. She was sitting in a garden on Earth, talking to Luna, who was in her human form. "Luna, I'm not really sure what to think anymore. Originally, I agreed to go along with an engagement to an earthern noble because Mother pointed out that such an arrangement was politically necessary. To have a planet in our solar system that was not a part of our alliance was 'leaving ourselves open for attack,' therefore an unbreakable alliance was essential. I'd resigned myself to my fate. But then I met Endymion. I got to know him, and-" "That changed everything," Luna finished. "Well, yes, it did. I have always wanted to marry for...well, for friendship if not love. I wanted to marry someone to whom I could talk. I cannot talk to my court. They are so formal and so careful about what they say around me." Serenity sighed, "I do not think they like me very much." Luna nodded. Serenity started to pluck the petals from the rose in her lap as she continued to speak, "When I first agreed to Mother's idea about a political marriage, I thought that I was signing away the chance to marry for friendship. But, somewhere in those diplomatic meetings and visits, I found that I could talk to Prince Endymion. And I think I fell in love with him, with his dedication, his insecurity, and his laughter. In some ways he was the kind of person I wanted to be, and, when he proposed-" "You had hope," Luna said, nodding her head. "You thought that your feelings were returned." Luna gave Serenity a small, encouraging smile. "There is no reason to think that they are not. Just because some on this planet seen hostile to you does not mean that he is." "I know," the princess replied. "But his proposal was so... cold. It seemed almost like he was reading a treaty and asking me to sign it. And since then he has seemed so sad. I want to help, but I do not know how." "Go find him," Luna suggested. "Go find him and tell him how you feel. Maybe together you can figure out what to do." Serenity got up, brushed the rose petals off of her dress, and hugged Luna. "Thank you for listening, for helping. You are a great friend, the only one I have." "You have a good heart, princess, no matter what your other genes might be." Serenity nodded and left Luna to go in search of her prince. As she was leaving the gardens, she heard a muffled voice that sounded familiar. Going back into the garden, she followed the sound until she was almost at the main clearing in the palace gardens. As she approached the clearing was blocked by a rose bush, but as she rounded the corner she saw more than she wanted to see. From the edge of the clearing she heard Endymion say, "Daniella...I may have to marry the princess of the moon, but she will never have my heart. You are my 'now and forever'. I will not forget you." If that did not hurt her heart enough, when she stepped into the clearing she saw the picture that went with the sound. Endymion had a sobbing woman in his arms and he had tears running down his own face. That wouldn't have been so disturbing, if the closeness between the two people in the embrace wasn't so evident. In fact, they appeared to cling to each other as if they were trying to hold onto their other half. 'Endymion never holds me like that,' Serenity thought to herself. In fact, Endymion had never behaved that openly or warmly around her. In that moment a fear she had never considered, that Endymion may not love her, washed over her like a tital wave. Serenity gasped and watched two heads turn in her direction before Usagi woke up. Usagi had sat in bed, horrified. Had Endymion really not loved Serenity? Who was this "Daniella" and why did she seem familiar? What did Luna mean about Serenity's "genes"? The questions swirled around in Usagi's head, but is always came back to whether or not Endymion had loved Serenity and what that meant for her and Mamoru. And that is what led her to Mamoru's apartment building on a Saturday afternoon. At first, she'd thought about talking to the other senshi about her dream, but decided against it. She was afraid that they might trivialize her fears. Also, she really didn't want to have to recount the part of her dream that made their past lives seem cold. The Luna she knew was definitely not as supportive as the one in her dream and she really couldn't tell someone who didn't already know about her past as the moon princess. So that left Mamoru. She really hoped that he'd tell her that it was just something she ate and that everything was going to be okay. As she neared Mamoru's door, she noticed that it was ajar. A little concerned about this, she decided to walk in without knocking to make sure everything was okay. What she saw as she entered the living room was enough to make her gasp in surprise and freeze in her tracks. In a scene straight out of her dream, Mamoru had his arms around another woman...and they seemed to be clinging to each other for dear life. At her gasp, the two crying people turned to look at her. At that moment Usagi knew who the Daniella in her dreams was and why she looked familiar. Daniella looked exactly like Reika, the Reika she knew as Motoki's girlfriend and then fiancee. The Reika who had been crying in Mamoru's arms, who was practically in his lap, when Usagi walked in. "Oh my God," Usagi said quietly. That spurred Mamoru into action. Letting go of Reika and jumping to his feet, he began to cross the room toward Usagi. "Usako, this is not what it looks like." "Then what's going on here?" Usagi asked as she felt herself beginning to tear up again. She looked at Reika and then at Mamoru. "Why?" she asked. "Reika's engaged to your best friend! And I thought we-"Usagi choked on a sob. "I want an explanation." At the word 'explanation' Reika wiped the tears from her eyes and began to stare at upset young blonde across the room. Reika had never felt completely comfortable around Usagi and she had never understood why, until this moment. Looking at Usagi's wide blue eyes, she finally recognized her for who she was, Princess Serenity of the Moon Kingdom. Then Reika felt anger, the anger of losing her Endy to the same woman - twice! She felt the anger that came with realizing that while her life was a cluster fuck, Usagi's life was sweetness and light. And Usagi had the nerve to look all injured when nothing happened and nothing ever would happen- Reika sprang to her feet. "I don't understand what you're so upset about. Everything has conveniently worked to your advantage." "Reika," Mamoru warned, but neither woman was paying any attention to him. "What?" Usagi asked, very confused by the sudden attack from Reika. "Oh don't play dumb with me, Serenity," Reika spat. Noting that Usagi's eyes widened, Reika continued. "Yes, I know you're Serenity. Did you think that I would never figure it out? How many years have you been laughing at my ignorance? How many years have you been internally gloating about how things somehow managed to 'work out' for you?" Usagi was shocked, both by Reika's attitude and by the fact that Reika had called her Serenity. "What do you mean?" Usagi asked. Half of what Reika said didn't make any sense. What did make sense to Usagi was that Reika was staking some claim on her Mamo-chan and that Reika somehow didn't understand how that would upset her. That actually made Usagi angry. "I found you in the arms of MY BOYFRIEND!" Usagi countered. "How was I supposed to react?" "Oh please, spare me this 'I've been wronged, I'm wounded' crap. He's yours. You have him tied to you as securely in this life as you had him in the last, albeit for different reasons. You know nothing happened. You knew nothing was going to happen. I'd ask you how you do it, but I don't think I'd want to be the bitch I'd have to be to win the game you're playing." Mamoru had had enough with that statement. "Reika, leave her alone. Regardless of how we ended up in this situation, it is not Usagi's fault," he said. "Wait, are you admitting to a past relationship with her?" Usagi asked, sounding wounded. "You are taking HER side?!" Reika shouted angrily as she pointed to Usagi. "She had to have a hand in...everything! This kind of situation doesn't 'just happen'! And she's the only one who stands to benefit from the way things are!" Mamoru raised his hands in front of him, "Look, all I'm saying is that there is nothing to fight about here. I'm not sure what happened in the past or what happened to make the present this way. What I do know is that whatever happened, no one in this room is to blame for it." "How is she a part of your past? And why didn't you tell me?" Usagi cried. "I can't believe that you think she's blameless!" Reika exploded. "It's like - Oh, I get it." Reika said more softly as a resigned comprehension crossed her face. "This is about sides, and you've chosen one. Hers. Don't worry," she continued as it looked as if Mamoru was going to say something, "I'm on my way out; I won't bother you again." Reika took a deep breath and walked past both a tormented Mamoru and a distressed Usagi. As she reached the door, Reika turned around and said to Mamoru, "Earlier you alluded to the fact that we are different people than we were then. Well, you're right. The Endy I knew cared about his family. That you are shutting out your brothers and your blows my mind. And the Endy I knew, well-" Reika sighed as a tear rolled down her cheek. "A long time ago the man I loved told me that I was his 'now and forever'. I believed him; it got me through the pain of losing him for the greater good. I'm glad I didn't realize then that it was a lie." And with that parting statement, Reika opened the door and walked out. - to be continued -