What do we dream of when we sleep? Many times we barely even remember what we dreamed of in a world of shadows when we awaken to a world of sunlight. In those midnight hours our minds are given the gift to run free without boundaries. So many things can become a dream before our eyes. Naoko Takeuchi dreamed of a world beyond this one. It is Her world I found this dream within. Inspiration is arbitrary and conspiracy, and so I am not the only one who deserves thanks. Yet these stories never end. Perhaps this will inspire and conspire one of you out there to create a dream of your own. What shall become your dream tonight? -His lordship Chaos (hislordshipchaos@hotmail.com) FIREFLY "Oyasumi nasai, Hime-chan." Those two words marked the end of the day, the beginning of night, the rebirth of a dream. The door to her bedroom was slowly shut as a tall, sandy-blonde retreated to the hallway where light still existed. She was in darkness for another night, the faint outlines and silhouettes in her room nothing but vague blurs in her vision. That much of her sight was brought through with a pale moon shining beyond her bedroom window. The lights in her room blinked on, strange hues dancing across the walls and parading within every flickering shadow. Each one a tiny luminescence unto itself, each giving its own small glow inside these walls that was her room. So many lights, each one small and vibrant, hanging on her walls and scattered like so many pictures. These were her pictures, her images, her world. Every night she could recall, this would happen. Every night she had never been disappointed when she found herself tucked into bed here in this room. A collection she had so much clung to despite the many strange lives she had lived since this world in Tokyo had begun. And now without the movement of a switch or the strike of match they had given themselves a new glow to play with upon her pale face. And the lights chose to congregate. They whispered as they slowly picked themselves up. The lamps faded into darkness, the light remained. Tiny spheres of burning orange, white, blue, yellow and red took flight in their own turn and began to drift across her room. She laughed as she pushed away the covers. Sheets dropped near her feet, wrinkled and discarded. She pulled her legs out from the bed, standing with arms outstretched to call the tiny lights floating around her. They heeded her call and gathered. Each one was warm as they brushed against her cheeks, her hands. A small sphere of blue came to rest in her palm. And out from the light grew wings, transparent yet displaying reflections of countless rainbows trapped deep within. A beating heart within a twinkling light lifted itself from her hand to join with the others. The covers at her feet stirred, the sheets rippling with life. And they began to rise and entwine until they were like wisps of wind, tangling themselves amidst the flight of the tiny lights. They stroked her cheeks and seemed to push against her body to urge her forward. She resisted at first and they pushed again harder. On their second push she stepped if not stumbled forward. She was barely even aware that her feet were no longer touching the mattress of her bed. Nor would it have mattered had she even looked down to see her form drifting in the air with her fireflies. The loose folds and ends of her pajamas billowed out, now having lost their own stillness and gravity. Vertical became horizontal in her stance as she began to turn, hovering with arms and legs spread out to savour the taste of what it meant to fly without wings. The lights scattered and regrouped, circling around each of her limbs, her chest, her head. They were frolicking, frenzied by her quiet giggles and gentle smiles. She stared at herself in the mirror as she passed it by. Yellow pajamas now became a Sailor fuku in that other world beyond the looking glass. A demure girl on the other side lifted her head and stared out into the other room. Hands clasped the enormous shaft to a glaive, its blade catching the rainbow shimmers of the dancing lights. So young, not even thirteen in the reflection staring back. The girl with violet eyes brushed aside raven dark hair, fingers pressing against the mirror's surface. The looking glass rippled like waves of water yet the image beyond was not about to let itself become distorted. The girl in the reflection lifted her head, drifting in her own flight now yet without an escort of lights. Every light within the reflection was from the glaive. She watched with her circling lights as the mirror's reflection changed from a child into a woman. The woman's face came into view, violet eyes that could only be her own narrowing. A ribbon held back long raven dark hair. "Who are you?" she asked. The woman's hair suddenly billowed out, silken tresses of darkness wrapping around the woman's body as a long purple ribbon was removed. One end flapped in a wind she could not feel here in her bedroom, but a tempest blowing on the other side of the looking glass. The ribbon was released and pushed against the glass. Mirror became water and the long ribbon emerged inside her room. She stretched out her hands and caught the ribbon. What started as a ribbon became a balloon, and the balloon a search for the winged horse. The Pegasus, keeper of dreams. Her violet eyes widened as the woman within the darkness of the mirror was suddenly lost to colours. She was caught in a fury of balloons that erupted from within the reflection to her room, rampant blue, red, yellow, green and purple in a blur all around her. The winds came and took the balloons, their dizzying blurs breaking apart as each balloon became its own master of the skies. She watched them float upwards, the balloons each popping in succession to let rain down a fury of cherry blossom petals. The birthday party and its cake were gone, fading into shadow, and all she could see were the delicate petals swirling all around her. Her world had changed once more. What about the fireworks? What indeed? If they did not continue to seek their magik, the fireworks would no longer be. She had been promised fireworks for another night, a special evening so soon from this one. Was it tomorrow? She could not recall. Her reflection faded, there no longer being a woman or a harbinger child. It was only her beyond the looking glass again, violet eyes staring into violet eyes as a parade of shimmering lights danced around her form. The room was returning to her, feet finding a place to stand upon the bedsheets once more. She smiled one last time at the lights as they clustered near her open palms. And then each shimmering firefly exploded. Brilliant fireworks, only for her eyes to see. Red sparks met with yellow sparks to make orange, and even more became blue and green and white. Sparkles and showers of flashing lights drifted down at her feet as the bedsheets stirred and gently wrapped her up. Two tired violet eyes slowly closed as the last of the fireflies erupted and disappeared. And there she slept like an angel in the darkness. The lights in her room slowly faded until the night reigned again, the faint glow from a pale moon coming in through her bedroom window. Tomorrow. It would be tomorrow. January 6.