When Magical Girls Go Wrong (ASMR Edition), part I Rated PG Meiou Setsuna. By day she's a mild-mannered guardian of time. But when the night comes and all the other Senshi have gone to bed, she tosses the time key and then dons her skintight, black spandex costume to become...SAILOR SPANK-ME GENTLY!!! Setsuna: [irately stomping on His lordship Chaos] "WHAT?!" Hotaru: --;; "Our sincerest apologies, gentle readers." Haruka: [glaring at the mangled author] "That part of the introduction has nothing to do with our real, personal lives." Michiru: "Ne, Setsuna, you can stop drilling his head into the floor with you stiletto shoes anytime now." His lordship Chaos: x.x [twitch twitch!] "H-Hai...!" Setsuna: "Oh, you'll probably be joining me once you discover the latest fic he's written." Outer Senshi: o.O;; WHEN MAGICAL GIRLS GO WRONG Part II: The Contractual Obligatory Mascot Bit It was just another beautiful day in Tokyo. And I was happily walking down the street, minding my own business. The sun was shining, the birds were singing, and I had just realized that for some strange reason, oncoming traffic was headed straight for me. After flinging my way out of the path of an irately honking Honda, I found myself dazed and lying in a curbside patch of periwinkle flowers. Yet that didn't faze me; at the risk of you readers drawing inaccurate conclusions about my coordination, this was not the first time I had mistaken the road for the sidewalk. But we're not going to mention last week's moped incident right now. So I sat there, blinking in surprise and pondering to myself many different things, such as...as...why this frighteningly kawaii gerbil was perched on my shoulder and smiling at me. Now the gerbil unto itself wasn't that scary. But the pink tutu it was wearing was definitely causing my eyebrow to twitch. Gerbil: ^-^ "Hi! I'm Epsilon van Suisei no Tamagoyaki, the sixteenth!! But you can call me Bob." Chaos: [nodding as if understanding] "Ooooookaaaay...." At first I thought I was having a traumatizing flashback to when my Pokemon goldfish died when I was a child. We had cremated the Pokemon and then flushed its ashes down the toilet. A burial at sea, if you will. Now when confronted by a talking tutu-clad rodent, I did what any sensible person would have done. I punted his furry ass straight across the Ginza Ward. Gerbil: o.O "This wasn't the reaction I was expectiiiiiiiiiiiiing!!!" Happy with myself for having overcome yet another adversity, I set off back down the sidewalk--and was immediately slapped with a lawsuit by SPCAM (Society of Prevention of Cruelty to Anime Mascots). And then it suddenly began to rain. I pulled out my umbrella, but a random bolt of lightening struck it and turned me into a smouldering li'l otaku. Completely omitting that "giant robot running amok and stepping on me" incident, I made it home: soaked, stomped on, and fined for punting that gerbil. Needless to say, I was not in a good mood. Fortunately, who should show up on my bed covers (and thus become an outlet for me venting my frustrations) but that talking, tutu-clad gerbil! Well...actually this time he had on a business suit and carried a really small attach‚ case. [Cue the rapid dialogue mode segment!] Chaos: [grrrr!] "YOU!!" Gerbil: [hmph!] "You certainly have a strange way of showing your appreciation to me." Chaos: "Appreciation?! With the distance you got when I punted you, you should be in Cephiro by now! And furthermore, I...I...I can't believe I'm arguing with something that spends most of its time in a hamster wheel." Gerbil: [taking out a miniature business card] "Here. This will prove my credentials to you." Chaos: [reading the card] "'Tamagoyaki's Agency of Love and Justice. Producer of fine upstanding magical girls since...Creamy Mami'?! What the hell is this?!" Tamagoyaki: "A business card, but that's not important right now." Chaos: "Wait a minute: Tamagoyaki? Um...you do realize 'tamagoyaki' is Japanese for 'omelette'." Tamagoyaki: "And your point is?" Chaos: [ack!] "But...Omelette? Omelette?!" Tamagoyaki: "Look, Chaos--can I call you Chaos?" Chaos: --;; "Whatever. This fic is rated PG, so I don't think I can get away with calling you the names I'm thinking of right now." Tamagoyaki: "Look, the Earth is in danger and we need your help. According to our Magical Girl Instrumentality Project--" Chaos: [eyebrow twitch!] "WHAT?" Tamagoyaki: "--you are the 1st Girl we're looking for to protect this planet." Chaos: [sweatdrop!] "You're a talent scout?" Tamagoyaki: "No, I'm the frighteningly kawaii talking mascot who's contractually obligated to accompany you on all your adventures. It's the law." Chaos: --;; [massaging his forehead] "I swear I'm getting punished for all those 'Chibiusa is a big, fat Yamhead' jokes I ever made. (o.O;) Waaaait a minute! You said I'm a candidate for being a magical girl?" Tamagoyaki: "No, I said you *are* a magical girl." Snapping out of rapid dialogue mode for a moment, I blinked a few times in stunned surprise, gawking at the snappily dressed rodent. Now perhaps others would have jumped at the chance to become a magical girl and wear cute little skirts...provided they were not of the male gender, such as I was. Needless to say, a guy being asked to be a Magical Girl would indeed have it's little...problems. Fanservice requests would plummet, to be sure. Chaos: o.O "I'm a what?" Tamagoyaki: [sigh!] "Yare yare, how many times must I go over this? Most of the ones we select are a little clueless, but never anything like this. As I said before, Magical Girl Instrumentality has shown you are the 1st Girl." Chaos: [ripping off his shirt] "Oh yeah? Does a magical girl have chest hair?!" Tamagoyaki: "I see no visible hair on your chest at all." [Cue the facefault!] Chaos: [grrrr!] "I. AM. A. GUY!!!!!" Tamagoyaki: o.O;;; "No kidding." Chaos: [irate li'l Super-deformed mode] "YES!! I am male twenty fours a day, seven days a week! And on holidays and long weekends too!" Tamagoyaki: [consulting his notes] "Magical Girl Instrumentality never said anything about this." And so for the next few hours I tried to reason with my uberkawaii talking gerbil for a mascot. Unfortunately, agents of love and justice are surprisingly hard to come by these days. Everyone's out to merchandise their faces on products (such as the Sailormoon tissues, or a Nurse Angel Ririka Inter-Continental Ballistic Missile), and a new genuine magical girl was near extinct. Hence the Magical Girl Instrumentality Project. And just my luck, I got selected to be the next generation of Magical Girl. Yes, I too weep for the future. I could have gotten to pilot a big mobile suit and blown things up, but nooooo! And the gerbil was quite insistent that I fulfil my chosen duties of love and justice. So I found myself in a bit of a quandary. I could don a magical girl's outfit complete with pleated skirt, ribbons and bows going everywhere, and lots of flashy accessories. That, or get into some incredibly tight bodysuit with a mask that allows for no facial expressions (yet apparently something I can talk through with relative ease) and make many strange and nonsensical Power Ranger arm gestures in an effort to scare away some guy in a rubber monster suit. As you can imagine, I went with the pleated skirt. In all honesty, I'd just be impressed if no one recognized me in such an outfit. After all, I have incredibly long and noticeable turquoise-blue hair (which is natural, I'll have you know; it runs in the family) which I have crafted into distinguishable spikes sticking out at least 2 feet in every direction. And it's really silky smooth, because I use at least two conditioners when I shower every morning...but that's not important right now. Suddenly I realized the ultimate reason as to how my identity as a Magical Girl would remain a secret, despite my obvious physical appearance: how would you react if you saw a guy dressed as a heroine of love and justice? Exactly! You'd look away and keep chanting, "I saw nothing." So that marks my first traumatizing encounter-- Tamagoyaki: [ahem!] "Magical girls never supposed to be sarcastic. They're to be bubbly, vivacious and likable young ladies. It's in the Handbook--and I suggest you study it." Chaos: "Ha! What are you going to do, furball? Nibble on my shoelaces if I don't cooperate?" [Cue Tamagoyaki the gerbil pulling out an enormous Particle Cannon!] Chaos: o.O;; "My...what a large and shiny gun barrel you have." Tamagoyaki: ^-^ "We mascots have been renegotiating our contract. This is one of the new bonuses we get." [Cue the eyecatch!] Next time on When Magical Girls Go Wrong: how to identify the poor schmuck who's going to get some aspect of their pure & innocent personality sucked out of them by a stupidly-dressed youma! A NOTE (other than C#) FROM THE AUTHOR: Greetings! His lordship Chaos here. Truth be known, this was originally a part of my "Philosophies in a Teacup" rant on the Anime on DVD webpage (www.animeondvd.com). But after some urging from my fans, and a blatant desire to further inflate my ego to Godzilla-sized proportions and let it merrily tapdance across some miniature version of Tokyo's skyline, I decided to give this mini-series a slight nip, tuck and a few genetic mutations here or there. The result was a rant tailored for the ASMR. All the magical girls portrayed within are copyright of their respective owners, artists, name brands, ipso facto, carpe diem, Elvis has left the fanfic, offer void in Nebraska or any city ending with the letter Y. Why? Just because I feel like doing that, being the capricious author I am! MWAH HAH HA HA HAH HAH HA HA HA!!!! -His lordship Chaos hislordshipchaos@hotmail.com carnage.fanfic.org