Blood On His Hands Chapter One: Setting The Plan Into Motion Paris. It was known as the “City of Light,” but Yuri would have to wait until later that night to see the city in all its illuminated glory, for he and his trapeze partner Layla had arrived in the early afternoon. Though their manager had suggested they sleep off their jet lag at the hotel, they decided to head straight to the site of the International Circus Festival from the airport. Layla wanted to practice their routine, and Yuri had very little say in the matter. Whatever Layla wanted, she tended to get, so he held back his yawns as best he could, coffee in hand as they rode in the taxi to the arena. “How about checking out the competition before practice?” Yuri suggested after they had finished registering. “You mean ‘spy’ on the competition? I don’t think so,” she replied, blue eyes peering at him over the rims of her stylish sunglasses. “It’s not my style.” “It doesn’t hurt to know what we’re up against.” “I’m confident that our Golden Phoenix is good enough to beat any maneuver. All we have to do is focus on performing it perfectly, and we will win.” “Maybe so, but I’m still interested in what the other pairs are doing.” Layla shrugged. “Suit yourself. I’m going to start practicing,” she said, walking off. On his own, Yuri began a tour of the practice rooms, which were available for contestants to use to train. As Layla suspected, none of the other teams posed any real threat to them. Layla was the undisputed best in the world, and nobody else could touch her. Winning the competition would only confirm what everybody already knew. Yuri decided to check out one last team before joining Layla at practice. The pair was one Yuri had never seen before. Most likely they were newcomers to the competition, and it showed. Watching them, Yuri wasn’t very impressed by their act. The maneuver wasn’t flashy in the least -- almost bordering on the comically simple -- and the girl couldn’t even seem to hold the final pose correctly. The two of them looked like total amateurs, yet the man had to have extraordinary strength in order to push his partner straight up in the air like that. Though the maneuver looked simple to an untrained eye, he could tell it was actually quite difficult to pull off. Yuri frowned. With a better partner, the man had the potential to become an incredible trapeze artist -- perhaps even surpassing Yuri himself. If Kalos became aware of such a talent, he might be tempted to ask the man to join Kaleido Stage and replace Yuri as Layla’s partner. That couldn’t happen. Not yet. Yuri was only beginning to put his long-planned revenge against Kalos into action. He couldn’t afford to lose his spot as the number one male star at Kaleido Stage. “Yuri? Yuri Killian?” The French-accented voice startled Yuri from his thoughts. Though he had done his best to remain hidden from the pair, watching them through a small crack in the door, it appeared his presence had been discovered. The female member of the pair ran over. “It is you!” she exclaimed in English, opening the door. Rather than being angry at Yuri for spying on her and her partner, she seemed excited to meet him. She turned back to the man on the trapeze and yelled, “Leon, come over here.” “Excuse me, but have we met before?” Yuri asked politely. The girl shook her head. “No, but I am a big fan of yours, Monsieur Killian. I’ve seen videos of your shows on the Internet. You were wonderful!” Yuri smiled at the compliment. Even if she was technically competition, it was always nice to meet a fan. “Thank you.” Her partner Leon, having climbed down from the trapeze, joined them. He was not as friendly as the girl. Gray eyes narrowed with suspicion at Yuri. “Who are you, and why were you spying on us?” he demanded to know, arms crossed over his chest. “Leon, don’t be so rude! This is Yuri Killian from Kaleido Stage. He’s Layla Hamilton’s partner,” she said. Turning back to Yuri, she apologized. “Please forgive my brother’s rudeness.” “No, I’m the one who should apologize,” Yuri said, turning on his well-practiced charm. “I didn’t man to interrupt you practice, Mademoiselle…” “Oswald. I’m Sophie Oswald.” She extended out her hand. “It’s very nice to meet you.” Instead of a handshake, Yuri kissed the back of her hand. “The pleasure is all mine, Sophie.” Sophie giggled and blushed. Girls like her were so easy to flatter. A few compliments and pretty words tossed their way, and they were his for the taking. Leon, on the other hand, looked like he wanted to punch Yuri in the face. Yuri held out his hand to him. “And you are?” After a brief moment of hesitation, Leon took the offered hand. Yuri could sense just how strong he was by the firmness of his grip. “Leon Oswald, Sophie’s brother.” “Nice to meet you, Leon.” Releasing Yuri’s hand, Leon remarked, “I’m sorry I can’t say the same about you, Monsieur Killian.” “Leon!” Sophie exclaimed. “Quit it, you’re embarrassing me in front of Yuri.” “We don’t have the time nor the luxury to be making friends right now, Sophie. We only have a short time to perfect the Angel’s Maneuver before the competition begins.” “The Angel’s Maneuver?” Yuri repeated. “Is that what that move is called.” “Yes!” Sophie clasped her hands over her heart, her face beaming. “The Angel’s Maneuver is the way to becoming a true star. We hope to be able to awaken the Angel Hearts in every person who sees it.” “Really?” Yuri struggled hard not to laugh, hiding his mouth behind his hand under the guise of a cough. A trapeze maneuver that awakened something called an Angel Heart? He had never heard anything so ridiculous in his entire life! It sounded like something out of a fairy tale. Even Leon seemed embarrassed by her childish words. “Sophie, what we hope to do is win the competition, but that won’t happen unless you learn to hold that final pose. Now bid your farewell to Monsieur Killian, and let’s get back to work.” He pivoted on his heel and headed back to the trapeze without even a word of goodbye to Yuri. “He’s a bit of a slave-driver, isn’t he?” Yuri commented once Leon was out of earshot. “No, it‘s not like that,” Sophie said, shaking her head. “Actually, I was the one who asked him to be harsher toward me in training. He was against it, but I insisted because I wanted to perfect the Angel‘s Maneuver for the festival. Though he may seem gruff when you first meet him, Leon really is a kind and gentle person underneath it all.” “I’ll take your word for it.” He looked over at Leon. As if trying to show off in front of Yuri, Leon jumped from one trapeze to the other, performing a series of complicated acrobatic spins and twists that even Yuri was unsure he could replicate. Yes, Leon Oswald would definitely be a threat if he didn‘t do something about it. “Look, I better go,” Yuri said, glancing back over at Sophie. “Layla is waiting for me.” “Sophie!” Leon yelled from the trapeze. “I’m coming!” she shouted back. Sophie smiled at Yuri, twisting a strand of her long white-blonde hair around her finger. “It really was wonderful meeting you. I hope we can see each other again.” After stealing another look at Leon to make sure he was watching, Yuri brought his mouth next to Sophie’s ear and whispered, “I’ll be looking forward to it.” Her cheeks flushed a bright pink, Sophie rushed off to join Leon on the trapeze. Yuri waved to a furious-looking Leon before leaving, a smirk dancing on his lips. He rather enjoyed messing with Leon’s head, he had to admit. But it would take more than flirting with his little sister to distract Leon from the competition. As he searched for Layla, Yuri thought about what he could do to get rid of the threat that Leon posed to his revenge. It wouldn’t be easy. From their short meeting, Yuri could tell that Leon wasn’t the type to be fooled easily. Leon was too sharp and paranoid; he would see through any scheme Yuri tried against him. Sophie, on the other hand… Leon’s sister could prove to be useful to him. Sophie seemed to be quite naïve and idealistic, and she obviously had a bit of a crush on him. He might be able to use that to his advantage. Though Sophie wasn’t Yuri’s normal type at all, it wouldn’t be difficult to fool her into believing he was actually interested in her. And then… A plan began to form in the back of his mind as he finally found the practice room Layla had reserved for them. “Finished playing spy games, Yuri?” Layla asked the moment he entered the room. Yuri glanced up at his partner on the trapeze. “As you suspected, there’s nobody here who can touch our Golden Phoenix. Winning the competition will be a walk in the park.” “I told you we had nothing to worry about,” she said, flipping her blonde hair over her shoulder. “Now, let’s get to work. Even if we don’t have any major competitors, I won’t settle for less than perfection.” ***** The next day, Yuri decided to put his plan into action. As he and Layla were on their way to the practice stage, he kept an eye out for the sibling pair, spotting them near a water fountain where Sophie was getting a drink. Yuri waved and called out to them. “Sophie! Leon!” At the sound of her name, Sophie straightened up and turned around. “Yuri!” Grabbing Leon’s hand, she dragged him with her over to Yuri and Layla. “Bonjour! I was hoping to run into you before practice.” Layla raised an eyebrow at Yuri. “Yuri, who are these people? Friends of yours?” “I suppose you could say that,” he said, noting how Leon seemed to bristle at the idea that the two of them were anything other than enemies. Yuri wasn’t exactly thrilled with the label either, but if he wanted to get anywhere with Sophie, he had to at least make a show of being friendly toward her brother. “Layla, I’d like you to meet Sophie and Leon Oswald. They’re in the trapeze competition as well.” “It is an honor to meet you, Mademoiselle Hamilton,” Sophie said, star-struck. “I was just telling my brother what a huge fan I am of you and Yuri.” “Thank you, although I can’t help but suspect you are far more a fan of Yuri’s than you are of mine,” Layla said with a knowing smile. Sophie’s cheeks burned a faint pink, while Leon rolled his eyes in exasperation and stuffed his hands into his pockets. “Sophie, we should be going. It’s time for practice.” “Just a minute, Leon. I want to talk a little longer with Yuri…and Layla,” Sophie said, adding Layla’s name at the last moment in a useless attempt to hide her true objective. Leon eyed Yuri with barely-disguised distrust before turning to leave. “I’m going ahead to the practice room. Don’t take too long.” He walked away without saying good-bye. “Actually, we should probably get to work, too, Yuri,” Layla said, checking her watch after Leon had left. “Give me five minutes.” “Five minutes,” she agreed. Layla nodded to Sophie in acknowledgement. “Nice to meet you, Sophie. Good luck in the competition,” she said before leaving as well. “Wow, Layla Hamilton -- she’s even prettier in person,” Sophie declared, watching Layla walk away. “So cool and elegant…” Finally alone, Yuri could begin his seduction in earnest. “Yes, Layla is very beautiful,” he said, moving to cup Sophie’s chin in his hand, “but she doesn’t hold a candle to you.” Sophie bashfully brushed a strand of hair behind her ear. “So she’s not your girlfriend?” Shaking his head, Yuri released her chin and leaned up against the wall behind Sophie, his hand placed to the side of her head. “No, I regret to admit I’m single at the moment. You?” “N-No, I’m not seeing anyone.” “I’m glad to hear that.” “You are?” Her voice had a bit of a breathless quality to it, indicating to Yuri that his charm was already working its magic on her. He almost wished Sophie was more of a challenge. Yuri had no attraction to dull, air-headed girls like her, but he reminded himself that this was all apart of a larger plan. “What are you doing tonight?” Yuri asked, staring straight down into Sophie’s pale eyes. Sophie glanced away, her face flushed. “Nothing special. Leon wants us to rest and relax the night before the competition.” “Do you think your guard dog would mind if I took you out on the town?” She looked back up at him, her eyes widening slightly in surprise. “Like a date?” Yuri cocked a smile. “Yes, like a date.” “I’d like that,” Sophie said. “Leon won’t mind?” “Leon doesn’t own me. I can go out with whomever I please.” So she’s not a total doormat after all, Yuri thought, a little impressed by her spunk. His opinion of Sophie went up a notch. “Then I’ll pick you up at seven-thirty. What’s your room number?” “Oh, we’re not staying at the hotel. Since we live here in Paris, we’re staying at our apartment. Um…” Sophie turned around and tore the corner off one of the flyers advertising the International Circus Festival that was hanging on the wall behind her. “Do you have a pen?” “I believe so…” Yuri pulled one out of his gym bag and handed it to her. He had gotten in the habit of always carrying a pen around in case somebody asked for his autograph. “Merci.” Sophie pressed the paper up against the wall and jotted down her address. “Here’s where we live,” she said, handing him back the pen and the piece of paper. “It shouldn’t be too hard to find.” “Great. I’ll see you tonight, then.” Yuri grinned and turned to leave, but he pivoted back around and placed the pen behind Sophie’s ear. “You can keep that,” he told her, lightly caressing her cheek as he moved his hand away. “Au revoir, Sophie.” He didn’t have to look back to know that Sophie was watching him as he walked away. Really, it was almost embarrassing how easy that girl had been to win over. Sophie obviously had very little experience dealing with the opposite sex, but Yuri supposed he should consider it a blessing. After all, the competition was tomorrow. He didn’t have the luxury to mount a slow seduction. Yuri caught up with Layla, who was doing her stretches, in the practice room. She looked up when he came in. “Pretty girl,” Layla said as Yuri set down his bag and took off his jacket. “That Sophie Oswald.” “Are you jealous?” “No, but I am concerned,” she said, meeting his gaze. “Don’t let your hormones effect your performance, Yuri. You need to be focused tomorrow. Don‘t let the girl distract you from what we have to do.” Yuri’s eyes narrowed. “Believe me, Layla, nothing and nobody is going to stand in the way of my goals.” DISCLAIMER: Kaleido Star doesn’t belong to me. AUTHOR’S NOTES: Any comments and criticisms can be sent to me at