Royal Blue - How to Protect Mooncycles can fly by and before one blinks, two sets of twelve had passed. It was a busy time at the palace, another one of transition. The reigns of the Royal Guard and the military were slowly being handed over to the chosen of Prince Endymion. Now between the ages of thirteen and twelve, the current Kunzite, Nephrite, Zoicite, and Jedite had already experienced most of their training. As of the seventh sunwane of the fourth mooncycle, they had most of the training a functioning avant-garde team needed. Yet, they had not had training in linking with other teams that protected the royals and they had not had their Fineta. The Fineta was a test, one only experienced by those protecting a possible heir to the throne. No other members of the military had even heard of the test, as Finetas were guarded secrets...and often did not start out as tests. In peaceful times, sometimes Finetas were staged, but this had only happened twice in the realm's history. In some more turbulent times, royal guards took many a Fineta, none of which were staged or started out as tests. You stayed on the guard if you passed your Fineta. If you survived and did not pass the Fineta, you were executed. The guard of King Telluric had their Fineta when then Prince Telluric was targeted at a gathering in Atlantis. Relying on their wits, the four men had to sneak the ruler out of the province to save his life. The guard of Prince Terrius had their Fineta at the Battle of Calif. The rebels had engaged the capital city of AmerWest quickly and without warning on the sunrise that the prince visited. In that case, three men and one woman successfully held off the attack against the country seat of the Duke of AmerWest, where Terrius was staying. They never talked about how they accomplished it and Lieutenant Gore never discussed the strange scar on her thigh. But that sunwane, the newest royal guard would face their Fineta. In fact, the whole palace would face a Fineta...and not all of the protectors would pass. ***** Four hours after sunwane and the current royal guard sat in the sitting room just off of the chambers of his royal highness, Prince Endymion. As was their habit, they gathered there for their nightly meeting after their liege had retired for the night. After the meeting, the one assigned to moonlight duty would stay in the room while the others would retire to their rooms in the palace. It was because they were among the few awake at the time that they were among the first to hear the disturbance. Jonathan, having taken to the role of Kunzite, was in the middle of a statement when all four of the teens heard the crash. "What was that?" Nathaniel asked after a pause. "I'm not sure," Jordan replied, "but it sounded like a large amount of broken pieces hitting the floor. Maybe a window was broken?" "Something doesn't feel right," Treggar said. Jonathan agreed silently with Treggar. Something was wrong. "Treggar, take a look out of the window. What do you see?" The youngest of the royal guard nodded, stood, and walked over to the window. "Not much. There is a strange orange glow off to the west, but-" the young man paused. It wasn't what he saw that worried him, but what he didn't see. "But, I can't see the nightwatch in front of the palace. Which is odd. They would never move this late after sunwane." That observation in the room caused the inhabitants to become very quiet. After a few beats, Nathaniel turned to Jonathan, "Jonathan, what do you think is happening?" "I think," the young man said soberly, "that this is our Fineta." That one word changed the air completely in the room. While they were all scared, they all knew their duty. The safety of the prince and realm came first. Jonathan stood. He would make sure that they did not fail. "Nephrite," the silver-haired boy began in his 'commander voice,' "Retrieve his royal highness." As Nathaniel nodded and opened the door to the prince's room, Jonathan turned to the others in the room. "Zoicite, without leaving this room, try to find out as much as you can about what is going on out there." Immediately, Jordan moved to the outer door and pressed his ear against it. As other crashes were now being heard in the palace, along with a few screams, Jonathan turned to Treggar. "Jedite, what tools do we have with us now?" Blinking a few times, the boy thought for a moment. Then he replied, "We'd have your sword, which you are still wearing. The linking system that is on Nephrite, although we still don't know how to use it. And Zoicite's herb bag." Jonathan sighed. It wasn't much, and he had a feeling that they would not have the time to stock up on more supplies. "Jedite, gather everything from this room that we might find remotely useful in the next few days, keeping in mind not to weigh yourself down too much. We and our animals will have to be able to move quickly." "Yes, sir," the young man replied as he began to scan the room. And, as Jonathan stood there, trying to mask his worry at the ever growing sounds of chaos, he hoped that Nathaniel would hurry. Pushing down his worry, the thirteen year old refused to think about the fact that he was having his first Fineta a good eight years sooner than his father...or, that if his hunch was correct, his father was having a Fineta that night as well. ***** As he opened the door, Nathaniel moved quietly into the room. At first he had thought to kick open the door, but decided against it. The fact that he and the other members of the team had been awake at the sound of the first crash had given them an edge of a handful of moments. There was no need to make any additional sounds yet to let anyone know what they were about. While Jonathan was correct to call it a Fineta, Nathaniel was pretty sure what was happening was a palace invasion. If the invaders didn't know where the prince was sleeping, Nathaniel was not going to make a lot of noise to alert them of his location. Walking up to the bed, he shook its occupant gently. "Your royal highness." Prince Endymion shifted and then slowly opened his eyes at hearing his title. "Nathaniel?" he asked as he blinked the sleep from his eyes, "what is happening?" That question threw the young Nephrite. He decided pretty quickly that he couldn't tell his liege and his friend that the palace was being invaded. Endymion had the heart of his mother and he would immediately worry about the safety of his brothers, parents, and grandparents. In fact, Nathaniel wasn't really sure how Endymion would react to the information. At the same time, however, Endy needed to be able to trust them, so he didn't want to lie. Deciding on a middle ground that was a combination of truth and omission, he answered, "We are being tested, your royal highness. And, we shall need to with us to verify that we have passed the test. Please come with me." Confused and still half asleep, but trusting his friend, Endymion sat up and began to get out of bed. "They would test you at this hour?! The father of Jonathan is very hard on all of you." Nathaniel didn't comment, he just drew the young prince out of the room, not letting him stop even to grab the top of his sleepwear. And, as the prince followed his friend and protector from the room, he did notice that Nathaniel surveyed the room and was sure to put himself between Endymion and the doors and windows. When the two entered the sitting room attached to the prince's room, Endymion immediately noticed Jordan by the outer door and Treggar picking up miscellaneous things from around the room. "Nephrite, heads up," Treggar said as he tossed two things across the room. As Nathaniel caught them, Endymion noticed Nathaniel's stargazer crystal and his own Book of Creationism. Endymion thought they were strange things to bring on a test, and, based on the look on Jonathan's face, he agreed, even thought he didn't comment. "Zoicite," Jonathan said as he turned to looked at Jordan, "What have you figured out?" The merchant's son stood and moved away from the door. "Based on the sounds of the crashes and screams, it sounds like the disturbance has entered the palace. I can't tell how big it is or which way it is going. I do know for the moment that the hall outside is clear and that the side exits are gone. We have the options of front and back only," he finished. "Kunzite," Nathaniel turned to Jonathan, "if we double back, we would be in the area near General Hightower. We would be two teams deep in addressing the issue." Although Nathaniel's statement confused the prince, the others in the room understood. If they headed to the back of the palace, they could meet up with the Telluric's guard. Then, although they would end up protecting three people instead of one, they would be eight people strong in fighting off the invading force. "True," Jonathan agreed, "but if this is what we fear, and it has invaded the palace, where do you think it is going?" If this was a true palace invasion, well planned enough to have taken out the nightwatchmen and the palace gates so easily, they were planning to attack the royal family, starting with the king and queen. Jonathan thought that any hope they had of getting out would be slipping out of the palace without running into whatever was out there. "We'll take the front. Let's get moving." And a handful of moments later, five boys raced toward the east stables in a diamond formation, not processing, much less commenting on the chaos around them. ****** In another room in the palace, a couple had finally fallen to sleep. Much like everyone else in the palace, they had taken the peace of that sunwane for granted. That all changed when their door was kicked open and they heard the shouts of "Your Royal Highnesses, you need to come with us now." Jolted awake, Terrius and Adaunde immediately sat up to face two of the palace military. The one who leveled the shout was unfamiliar to the couple, but the other solider... "Lieutenant Gore, what-?" the princess began to ask. The prince, upon seeing Gore in the doorway, quickly stood and held out a hand to his wife. "Adaunde, we shall find out on the way. Let us go," Terrius said more tersely than he meant as he tried to keep the fear under control. It had been many mooncycles since he had seen that look on Shannon Gore's face, but he had never forgotten that incident at Calif. Surprised by her husband's tone but sensing his seriousness, the princess took his hand and allowed herself to be helped out of the bed and into the hallway. It was upon leaving the safety of their room that the prince and princess heard the shouts, screams, and crashes echoing through the palace. "This way," the unknown guard said as he began to lead the royal couple down the hall at a brisk pace. Lieutenant Gore stayed behind the couple, constantly scanning the hall. "What is happening?" the princess demanded in an extremely worried tone. "We are getting you out of here, your royal highness," Gore replied with no emotion in her voice. "We are evacuating?" the princess asked startled. She was so startled that she would have stopped running, had she not been pulled by her husband down the hall. "But what about my children?" "They'll be removed as well, your royal highness," was Gore's short answer. Before the princess had a chance to answer, a nearby door opened and Sergeant Putnam emerged leading a tired and confused Prince Tremaine out of his bedroom. "Father?" the young boy asked as he noticed the party rushing toward his door. "What-?" "Come with me, son. I shall explain later," Terrius insisted tersely as he took Tremaine's hand and continued behind the palace guard in the lead. As the group continued in their flight, they rushed by the door of Prince Arlington. Noticing that the group did not even slow, the princess objected, "What about Ling?" "Your royal highness-" Sergeant Putnam began, only to be cut off by the princess. "If you think I am leaving my baby behind, you are crazy," the mother in Adaunde practically shouted. Breaking away from her husband she headed back toward her youngest son's room. "Adaunde!" Terrius shouted, the anger in his voice hiding his fear for her safety and the fear that he might be forced to leave her behind. At that moment, the door to Arlington's room burst open, with a palace guard struggling with an irritated and difficult young prince in tears. "Arlington," the princess breathed in relief as she snatched her youngest from the soldier and ran full tilt back toward her husband. When she reached him, Terrius grabbed her by the waist and the party once again rushed down the hallway. As they reached a turn in the corridor, they met up with General Kyto. "Gore," he shouted, asking for a report with as few words as possible. "The hall is clear," the lieutenant returned from her position in the rear. "We think the front is blocked. Ivy, Stallion, Silver Lining, and Laughter are with us," she continued, referring to the members of the royal family present. "Wait," the princess shouted in fear as the party turned the corner, making their way to the back of the palace. "What about Endy?" "His guard will get him out," Kyto answered in the front. "So we are just supposed to leave him here?" the princess shouted as the party entered one of the gathering rooms. The party skidded to a halt as they saw the inside of the room. Blood was all over the floor as dying and dead palace servants lay in various parts of the room. It was truly a scene of carnage, as it was clear that swords and fire had been taken to the occupants of the room. It was a scene from a nightmare. As the youngest prince had his face buried in his mother's neck as he cried in fear, he didn't see the carnage, but he did hear his mother's pained. "Oh Creator. Who would do such a thing?" "We can't go this way," Gore insisted from the back. "We'd be walking right into whatever did this." "Not necessarily," Kyto countered. "It has already come this way; it might not double-back." At that moment, a crash was heard in a nearby stairwell and smoke and a ominous orange glow drifted into the room. Sergeant Putnam let loose a barrage of military foul language. Lieutenant Gore shouted, "Everyone out!" and the party was once again ushered into the hallway from which they had just come. "Do we have a way out of here?" Gore demanded of General Kyto. "Bryer's engineered a way off the palace grounds for us, but I don't how long he can hold onto it with the men he has with him. We have to get out and down there." "Follow me," Sergeant Putnam insisted and he took off running toward one of the older rooms in the palace. The party rushed to follow and soon the group found itself in a little used library in the east wing of the palace. As the last of the guards rushed into the room and slammed and locked the door, the party quieted within. Outside the shouts and screams became louder...along with a few crashes and the sound of footsteps getting closer. "We don't have long. Where do we go from here, Putnam?" "Pull on that ledge by the window, Kyto," Putnam said. Acting without asking, Kyto did as he was told. As he pulled the ledge, a creaking was heard and a doorway appeared in the back wall. "That passage isn't on any of the maps," the general said in surprise. "And for good reason. It seems that every exit on the maps of the royal palace has been blocked off, set ablaze, or destroyed. This is why all the passages aren't recorded, now let's go," Putnam insisted as he crossed the room. Kyto and Putnam led the way through the tunnel, followed by the very worried royals. As the princess disappeared through the tunnel with Prince Arlington still crying in her arms, Lieutenant Gore and a young soldier named Martin heard footfalls right outside the door and then a pounding on the locked door. "That can't be one of our people," Gore whispered "Probably not," Martin agreed. "They probably followed our tracks. There was no way we didn't track blood back from the gathering room." The door to the hallway shuttered as shouts could be heard just outside. "Gore, get out of here!" Martin insisted "Wait! Someone needs to stay here to make sure they don't follow us into the passage!" "I'll take care of that, now go!" the subordinate officer shouted as he shoved the higher ranking Gore into the passage and shoved it shut. Just as the passage closed the door shuttered again. The young man figured he had moments left at best and used them to make peace with his creator. ***** "Gore!" Kyto shouted as he heard the passage shut. The violence of the action had him worried. Although they all knew that their first duty was to the realm and the royal family, Kyto refused to ever have to share with his friend, Colonel Howard Clinton, that his wife had died protecting the royal family. That is, assuming that Howard himself hadn't died trying to protect his daughter and Lady Anderson. But Kyto refused to dwell on that very real possibility. After a pause, Gore answered, "We were followed. We have moments at best. We need to keep moving as quietly and quickly as possible." With that statement the party still struggled to navigate the passageway, now mostly in the dark. Although there were stumbles, the party managed to make it through the passage in near silence, as Arlington's crying had become so intense that he could no longer voice noises and Tremaine had been scared into silence. As they entered the back courtyard, the quickly found General Bryer along with a few men and a covered horse pulled truck. "Let's move," the general insisted and the covered truck was opened and they began to help the royal family in. As Arlington was taken from his mother's arms, protesting even without his voice, the princess finally had a chance to take stock of the destruction. The palace was ablaze. Shouts and screams still sounded in the air. Broken glass lay scattered on the ground. Horses ran loose. Pandemonium ensued. "It resembles a war zone," the princess whispered. And, with that one statement, her eyes widened. Without really processing her movements, Adaunde began to move away from the truck and back toward the palace. She had only taken about three steps when Kyto grabbed her arm. "Your royal highness, this way," he insisted. "No, wait. There are still people in there! My mother-" "Someone will get Lady Anderson out," Kyto hoped that he wasn't lying to the princess, "but we need to get you out first." "But we have to go back! If I leave it to the guards, only those deemed important shall be saved," the princess objected. "Because that is our job!" Kyto returned as he attempted to pull the princess back to the truck. "And my spirit cannot accept that," the princess retorted. "I cannot willingly run off and leave people of the realm to die!" Wrenching her arm away from the general, she began to run back toward the palace. From his position in helping to load people onto the truck, Bryer had seen the entire interaction. He had also seen the look on his liege's face as he was pulled into the truck with his wife still on the outside. If asked directly, Bryer would explain all of his actions as part of his job to protect the royal family without question. In reality, while part of him may have even understood the princess' heart, he knew the importance of that woman surviving along with her husband and children, regardless of her “need” to try and save others. Muttering a string of military curses, General Bryer took off after the princess. Catching up with her, he grabbed her, threw her over his shoulder and ran back to the truck, which by this point was almost completely loaded. Shouting to a nearby subordinate, the general gave his instructions, "After we are in, cover the truck and send it on its way over the back field. Then get out of here." Vaulting into the truck with the still struggling princess, Bryer shouted the order to move. Before the flap blocked out the natural light of the moon and the unnatural light of the burning palace, Bryer was able to see everyone in the truck: Braxton, Gore, Putnam, Terrius holding a still shaking Arlington, Tremaine close at his side, and Kyto. Clamping a hand over the princess' month and pining her to his lap with his other arm, he said, "We must stay quiet until we clear the palace grounds." And, as the princess made a move as if to object, he whispered in her ear, "Your royal highness, I have a sedation liquid on my person and so help me, I'll use it on you if you don't keep quiet and still." The threat was enough. The princess fell silent, but tears also fell from her eyes. At some point, especially given their relationship, Bryer hoped to be able to explain his actions. But at the moment, he just had to be sure that she and her family survived...for the good of the realm. ***** A long time ago someone once joked to Clinton that Military Father was really a contradiction in terms. Fathers protected their families first; military often had to leave their families to fend for themselves as they protected the realm. While nightwatchmen sometimes faced similar issues, many military men, and some military women, who had families had to balance the safety of their own families with the safety of the realm. That sunwane such a conflict of interest faced Clinton, although he did not process it until much later. The attack caught them all by surprise, most of the military in the palace losing precious moments trying to get a handle on what was going on. As groups split up to evacuate the royals, Clinton ran down a familiar hallway, knowing he had to reach someone else first. As he opened the door, the object of his concern stirred from the bed. "Daddy?" the sleepy voice of his ten year old daughter floated to the door. "What is it?" Watching his daughter rub sleep from her eyes, Clinton knew he didn't have the heart to scare her with the truth, but he had to get her out of there. "Sweetie, wake up. Remember how you always want to play soldier with me?" the colonel found himself saying. At his daughter's nod, he continued, "Well, let's go play," he said, holding out his hand. Kay-Leigh smiled and quickly bounded off of her bed, happy to spend time with her father, although she was passed the age of wanting to play at being a soldier. Still, she was fascinated by the work of her parents, and she thought her father might have some other reason for waking her at that hour that he did not wish to share. After taking her father's hand, he looked out into the hall and then rushed her down a corridor. Once out of her room she could hear the confusion, shouts, and screams. It did worry her a little, but, as long as she was with her daddy, she believed she was completely safe. So, she stayed close and mimicked him all the way to Lady Anderson's chamber. The colonel was honestly surprised at how calm his daughter was in the confusion. The princess had mentioned to him, when his wife was with Kay-Leigh, that military daughters were different, less delicate than their counterparts in the other classes. She also said they tended to look up to their fathers. He hadn't really believed the princess until this moment, and he was grateful. Such calmness may also be present in the mother of the princess, as she too was a military daughter. When they reached Lady Anderson's door, the colonel debated within himself how to proceed. Kicking down the door may startle the lady unnecessarily, but, he also had to communicate with her that the situation was serious. Pulling on old military knowledge, he knocked on the door with two swift knocks, followed by a pound. Responding true to form, the voice of Lady Anderson came through the door. "How is the sky?" she asked as part of the code. "All clear," the colonel replied. At this the door opened and the former colonel's widow stepped swiftly into the hall. "I heard the commotion. What procedure are we operating under?" the lady asked. "If only we had a procedure," Clinton muttered under his breath. Ignoring the raised eyebrow of Lady Anderson, he answered as honestly as he could given their situation, "A," he replied, giving voice to the letter that troubled many a military person. Not giving Lady Anderson much time to react he took her hand and with his daughter hanging onto his other hand, he continued to head toward the back of the palace. "A?" the lady breathed in shock. "Oh, Creator! My daughter-" "Is with her husband. His guard will get her out, my lady," Clinton assured Lady Anderson. By this point, they had reached a T in the hallway. Although the footfalls and the screams were clearly increasing behind them, Clinton didn't know which way to turn. To go to the left would put him near General Hightower and the king and queen; it might increase his resources or it might put him headlong into whatever was causing this disturbance. But to go the right...he wasn't sure there was a way out way. "The slide," his daughter suddenly said out of nowhere. "What?" he turned to look at her. "The slide," the daughter said. "It's a cool set of stairs that go out to the garden. They creak and everything. Can we take them, Daddy? Please?" his daughter asked as she began to pull him to the right. Having figured out from the sounds in the palace that they had to get out, Kay-Leigh hoped that her pose of begging to play a game would get her father to use the little known exit. For some reason she had a rather bad feeling about heading towards the king and queen's chambers. Not completely sure what was going on, but deciding to trust his daughter, Clinton agreed. "Lead the way quickly." A handful of moments later, the three had rushed down a set of hidden steps and out into one of the palace gardens. "Clinton, where do we go from here?" Lady Anderson asked. "Lord and Lady Morte-Vida's estate. The royal advisors actually went home this sunwane with their daughter. Not only do they need to know what's going on, it's a good place to regroup. Kay-Leigh, you know the way from here, right?" His daughter nodded, having walked little Keiko Morte-Vida back to the estate for her parents numerous times. "Then lead the way and be careful. There is a link I have to make." So, as he followed his daughter and Lady Anderson away from the unnaturally orange glow of the palace, Clinton reached for his link box. Understanding that he might not get an answer but that people were probably listening, he relayed the important information in code, "This is Clinton. Have Lady Arms. Going to safe haven. Will await contact." After a pause, Clinton realized that someone else may be listening and that someone else would be greatly worried about Kay-Leigh, although there would nothing she could do about it at that moment. "This is Clinton. Have Lady Arms and two-thirds. Will await contact," he added, hoping that the former Jedite would understand what he was trying to tell her. ***** Somehow, the five teens had managed to get out of the palace. While exiting, they had heard terrible screams and shouts, but had not seen much of anything disturbing on their way out of the front. Riding in diamond formation, they found themselves on the somewhat familiar Sporku Hill. Pausing on that hill, the boys steadied their horses and began to look at each other. "What do we do now?" Treggar asked. "We need to find a safe house and we need to think about linking with the other protection groups," Jonathan said. "That last may be difficult," Nathaniel admitted. "I have the linking system with me and it is on, but I do not know how to link with the others. And, I would rather not try until we are in a safe and less open space." At this point, the prince cleared his throat. Shivering slightly in the after sunwane air, he asked, "What has happened? Nathaniel said that this was a test, but the noises that came from the palace as we left and the fact that we left at all-" The four other boys looked at each other. "It was a test, a test of our ability to do our job," Nathaniel insisted. "Your royal highness," Jonathan began as he looked at his friend, knowing that he would not take this news well, "we think that the palace was attacked this sunwane. We don't know by who or why, but we think they mean...meant harm to your family." The prince sat in shock for a moment. "Oh Creator, my parents-" he began worriedly. "Are together and the royal guard of his highness shall keep them safe. If Jonathan can get you out, then his father can assuredly get your father out. And between them, his royal highness and General Kyto shall remove your mother from the palace as well," Nathaniel reassured. Jonathan threw Nathaniel a dirty look for the hidden jab, but let it slide as he understood that Nathaniel was merely trying to reassure the prince. "But my brothers and my grandparents-" the prince continued "Are fine, I'm sure. Lots of people would be working to get them out," Jonathan replied. At that moment, the group heard a crackling coming from Nathaniel's belt. "The linking," Nathaniel said. "Someone must be about to send a message." Less than a moment after Nathaniel's comment, the five boys heard the following clearly over the link, "This is Clinton. Have Lady Arms. Going to safe haven. Will await contact." "What does that mean?" his royal highness asked aloud. "It means that Colonel Clinton has gotten out and he has your grandmother, Lady Kyanna Anderson, with him," Jordan answered his royal highness. Before the group could comment again, the strong voice of Colonel Howard Clinton floated out again, "This is Clinton. Have Lady Arms and two-thirds. Will await contact." "Okay," Jonathan turned everyone's attention back to him. "Obviously, the protection forces are beginning to talk. Given that Nephrite wants a safe space to figure out how to relay our information out, we need to find a safe house now. Somewhere where the attackers wouldn't think to look, but where we can hide safely." "I know a place," Treggar said softly. "It is not that far from here and no one would ever think of looking for a prince there." "Is it safe?" Nathaniel asked. "Yes," Treggar insisted. And, after the go-ahead from Jonathan, Treggar led the four others to a tavern which had a stocked barn behind it. The arrival of her son, member of the royal guard, was bound to shock his mother, but a nightwatchman tavern was probably one of the safest places this side of the capital city. **** Long moments after a combination of royal and military persons had piled into the back of a covered truck, the now Captain Braxton said to the silent group, "We have finally crossed out of the palace grounds." "Good," Bryer said as he let her highness go. Ignoring the princess' reproachful look as she scrambled off of him and over to her husband and children, Bryer continued, "Kyto, about linking," The other general shook his head in the darkness, "The link is open, but I'm not sure if the attackers can track a sent message. I'm not going to try to send any messages until we are military territory. If they are going to follow us, I want lots of swords ready to mobilize at a moment's notice." "Understood," Bryer said. He was about to open his mouth to say more, when the link crackled. Unnatural silence fell again as those in the truck waited to hear who was contacting them and why. Finally, over the link came a familiar voice. "This is Clinton. Have Lady Arms. Going to safe haven. Will await contact." Kyto turned in the direction of the royals, not really being able to see them too clearly in the covered truck. "Your mother has been safely evacuated out, Princess Adaunde." "Thank the creator," a shaky voice whispered from the other side of the truck. "Only Lady Arms is with him?" came a quiet question from Gore. The princess' gasp of "Oh, Shannon," was almost completely drowned out by another crackle of the link. Once again, the strong voice of the head of the princess' security rang out, "This is Clinton. Have Lady Arms and two thirds. Will await contact." It was a small sigh of relief that communicated that at least one fear was put to rest. Silence fell again until it was announced that they were in the military section of the city. Before long, they had arrived at the safe house. While other nearby military households were waking up and people were beginning to talk about orders and mobilization, this party quickly unloaded and rushed into the safe house through the back. The option of sleep was offered to the royal family, who refused it. As the royal family sat on the couch in the front sitting room, the princess next to the prince, with Arlington clinging to his father and Tremaine hanging onto his mother's arm, the guard began to spread out. Gore immediately left the front room to check supplies in the house. Putnam had stepped outside to assess the activity in the area. Bryer stood near the couch, waiting for Prince Terrius to ask for information. And, off to the side, Kyto began to initiate a link. Taking a deep breath, Kyto linked to the other protection groups. "This is Kyto. Am backed up by Braxton, Gore, Putnam, and Bryer. Have Stallion, Ivy, Silver Lining and Laughter. At safe house. Request Clinton meeting." Within moments of his finishing, the crackling preceded a quick response. "This is Clinton. At safe haven. Have Lady Arms, two-thirds, Thought, Wisdom, and Conscience. Leaving for safe house." After Clinton's voice faded from the room, Prince Terrius finally spoke, "What has happened, Bryer? Kyto?" "Unfortunately, we don't know much at the moment," Bryer admitted. "We think there has been an attack on the palace. By whom and why, we have no idea. It was a pretty well informed attack; they caught us off guard and quickly took out many of the exits." Kyto picked up the narrative as he walked toward the royals, "This is our safe house for you. Colonel Clinton is on his way with his daughter, Lady Anderson, and the Morte-Vida family. You'll probably want to talk to them about next moves after you have more information." Terrius and Adaunde both looked at each other. Besides being worried about the lack of information, they were also concerned about the welfare of unmentioned people. "And my son?" the princess finally asked in a quiet voice "What of him?" "I'm sure he is fine," Kyto attempted to assure the obviously worried mother. "Neither Nephrite nor the others are well versed in using the linking system, but we'll get information on them very soon, I'm sure. Your son is fine," Kyto repeated again, hoping repetition would make it real. Tremaine whimpered at his mother's side and she pulled him into her lap. "I worry about him," the princess admitted. "I shall worry about him until I can touch him, as I can touch his brothers," the princess insisted as she patted her middle child on his back. Before anyone could respond to the princess, the link crackled again. Biting off a curse, Kyto pulled his link box from his belt, trying to hear what was coming over the link. "*crack* Neph- *crack* Nephrite-" a familar voice tried to get through. After an exclamation, Kyto started speaking into the link. "This is Kyto. Nephrite, listen. Stop touching the link box and listen. There is a small silver disk on the left of the box, with two sideways symbols for mooncycle joined at the top. Turn that disk until the symbol is at the bottom. That will tune you to me. Then talk." After a pause another crackle was heard. And then, "This is Nephrite. Am backed up by Kunzite, Zoicite, and Jedite. Pony is with us. At alternative safe house. Will remain until called. Awaiting instructions." Kyto allowed himself a sigh of relief before replying, "Understood. Condition of pony?" "Pony is slightly chilled and agitated, but well." There was a pause, as if Nephrite was responding to something in the room with him before the link came to life again. "Pony is curious about condition of stallion and his trappings." "Stallion and trappings are shaken, but fine. Put pony at ease." "Also," the other side of the link added, "Kunzite orders a round-up team, if one is not already in place." "Understood. At your pleasure," Kyto signed off before returning to the royals and Bryer. Noting that Gore and Putnam had also just returned to the room, Kyto was glad to be able to translate the information that the whole room had just heard. "Your royal highnesses," he began, addressing the worried parents, "your son is safe. His royal guard have him in a safe place. Nephrite reports that he is a little shaken up, but fine." Turning to Bryer, but also being sure that Terrius could hear this next piece, "Kunzite had ordered that we send a team back to the palace to try and catch the invaders and take stock of the damage." "Understood," Putnam said from behind. "If Bryer will grant leave, legion forty is outside awaiting instructions." Bryer nodded. "Leave so given." As Putnam exited the front, three sharp knocks were heard at the back door. "That would be Clinton," Gore guessed. "Your orders, sir?" she asked Bryer. "Confirm that it is Clinton and then let his party in. We have much to discuss." Nodding the former Jedite set off to the back of the house. After confirming that it was indeed her husband outside, she quickly let them in. As the party spilled into the house, and Clinton shut the door, it was the cry of "Mommy," that captivated the military woman. With a shout of joy at seeing her other parent, Kay-Leigh let go of little Lady Keiko Morte-Vida's hand and rushed toward her mother, who leaned down and caught her in a hug. Her mother just held her for a moment. Then she let her go and stood again, but, because of the tight grip her mother held on her hand, Kay-Leigh knew that her mother was very relieved to see her. "Lady Anderson, Lord and Lady Morte-Vida, it is good to see you. Their royal highnesses are in the front room. I'll take you there now," Gore addressed the group in front of her. Turning, she led them back into the front room. ***** She had let herself worry more than she ought, Lady Anderson mentally chastised herself as she followed Lieutenant Gore toward the front room. Her daughter was now a royal; she had more protection now than she had ever had at any time in her life. Of course she would be fine. Her Dawn also wasn't personally defenseless; she did have some of the best aim in the realm. When she reached the front room, the widow scanned the faces, looking for the ones most important to her. She noticed Kyto's warring expressions of relief and worry, held under tight reign as to not concern the royals. She noticed Gore and Clinton's relief and worry that they kept in their eyes. She saw Bryer's impassive face, which worried her because, while she didn't trust him, she knew that commanding officers only wore that look in the worse of times. Finally, her eyes fell on her only child, "Dawn." "Mama," her daughter whispered as tears began to follow down the forty-two year old's face. She was obviously trying to give comfort and hope to the child in her lap, but there was precious little of it in her own eyes. "Oh, Dawn," Kyanna said as she rushed across the room and gave her daughter a hug. "You are well," Adaunde said after the hug. "I was so worried, with all the shouts and smoke and-" Adaunde's voice broke slightly. "I was afraid I would not see you again." "Dawn, you know better than that. I'm a fighter, whether people insist on calling me a lady or not," Kyanna said, giving her daughter a small smile. For the next few moments, Kyanna attempted to reassure herself that her family was safe. She received a frantic hug from her grandson Tremaine before he quickly buried himself back in his mother's arms. He remained unnaturally quiet the entire time. She held her youngest grandson in her arms and calmed his silent, violent tears to mere whimpers before handing him back to his father. She was able to talk briefly with her son by marriage. His sad smile with his greeting of "Mom" nearly broke her heart. And she was assured of her eldest grandson's safety, although no one in the room knew his exact whereabouts. As Lord and Lady Morte-Vida were brought up to speed by her son by marriage and daughter, Lady Anderson stepped off to the side, trying to stay out of the way. It was from this vantage point that she saw young Kay-Leigh entertaining Lady Keiko Morte-Vida. It was also from this point that she saw and heard the whispered conference between Kyto and Bryer. She didn't know if they didn't notice her or merely failed to remember her background and therefore think she wouldn't understand their concern. Regardless, she strained to hear, wanting to know about any threats to her daughter and her family, even if she couldn't do any about them herself. ****** With the royals in deep conversation with their advisors, Kyto pulled his commanding officer aside. "Bryer, I'm worried. We haven't heard from Hightower yet." "I'm aware of that, but that doesn't necessarily mean anything," Bryer insisted. "Yes, it does. Look," Kyto began, "We aren't talking about green protectors like Nephrite who wouldn't know how to link. We've actually heard from them! Hightower's team is seasoned and effective. They would have sent word somehow by now." "He just may be in a situation where it would not be prudent to link. You yourself put off linking until we were here," Bryer pointed out. "Even if that is true, that isn't a good sign. Either he's in a situation where it isn't safe to link, or-" "He can't link," Bryer finished, not pleased with the few explanations of why a former Kunzite would be unable to initiate a link. "And for Hightower not to have contacted us...that does not bode well for the king and queen," Kyto voiced. Bryer shook his head as if to dismiss the concern, "We have enough burning pile to deal with. Let's not add anything else to this mess until we have to." "Understood." ****** Sometime later, after the house had quieted, he stood looking out at the horizon as the sun rose. Sunrises and sunwanes were a constant; he had thought that a lot of other things were constants as well. After the events of the past night, the only constants he felt comfortable in believing in were the presence of the Creator, the love of his wife, the ability of his guard, and the presence of sunrises and wanes. "Terry," a soft voice said as familiar arms wrapped around his waist. "Adaunde," he acknowledged his wife as she returned to his side. "How are our sons?" "Still sleeping. I am still amazed at how my mother managed to get all of the children to sleep. She is asleep herself at the moment, everyone is resting together in one bed." Adaunde smiled sadly. "It would have been cute in any other circumstance..." "I understand," Terrius said. "You do realize that you do not have to check on them every few moments. We are in a safe house; they are perfectly protected here." "We would have said the same thing about the palace two sunrises ago," the princess responded bitterly. At her husband's stiffening by her side, she sighed. "I apologize. I am still worried, it seems. And I check on Tremmy and Ling so much because I cannot check upon my Endy." The prince put an arm around his wife. "He is fine, Adaunde. As soon as the palace is declared safe, we shall all meet up there and you can see him." The princess nodded. "When I see him, I shall give him a big hug. And then I shall give everyone in his guard a big hug for protecting him for us." At that, Terrius turned to look at his wife. "Everyone? Even Jonathan?!" "Even Jonathan," Adaunde acknowledged. "And then, I shall hit them all, starting with Jonathan for making me worry so about the safety of my son!" Terrius smiled at his wife's threat, but the smile soon slipped into a pensive look as his gaze returned to the horizon. "Terrius, what is troubling you?" his wife asked quietly. "What is not troubling me might be an easier question to answer, given recent events." "True," his wife agreed, "but something is troubling you greatly at this moment. What is it?" The prince sighed. "I am concerned that we have heard nothing on the condition or whereabouts of my parents. General Hightower or someone on his team should have sent word by now." "Terry, it was pure chaos at the palace when we left. Based on the reports filtering back from the team sent back to the palace, it is still chaotic now. Word may be delayed or waylaid, but it is coming." With a noise of frustration, Terrius broke away from his wife and turned away from the window. "I do not understand! Who or what attacked us? Why? What did they hope to accomplish? How did they catch us so unprepared and unawares? W-" "Terry," his wife began as she moved to stand in front of him, "I know-" The rest of her statement trailed off as she noticed her husband's eyes moved toward one of the doorways behind her. Turning, Adaunde saw a serious Kyto standing just over the threshold. "General, is there news?" she asked. "We need to talk," is all the general would say. ***** He had been in the kitchen when the word came. It was his job to watch over the rear of the safe house. Gore and Clinton were also in the kitchen. Clinton was trying to round up food to feed the people still awake in the house; Gore had made and was pouring cups of uplift for everyone. No one really thought much about what made the ground beans and leaves able to produce an energizing drink when soaked with hot water, but many stood by its ability to open up the senses and help one stay alert. They had thought to ask the prince into the kitchen to sit with them, but he appeared so deep in thought by the window that no one had the heart to disturb him. With no word yet from the team guarding his father, many of the decisions normally left to the king had fallen into his lap. As he had also had no sleep, it was decided it would be best to leave him to his thoughts. The loud crackling was startling in the watchful silence of the kitchen. Kyto immediately pulled off his link box and Gore and Clinton quickly fixed their attention to the transmission coming over the link. "This is Jamison of Legion Forty Alpha team. Have rounded up remaining invading forces and are holding them. Have entered the throne room." "Jamison," Kyto responded, "Have you any word from Hightower?" "Not-" suddenly Jamison stopped speaking. The link picked up a string of expletives and a voice shouting, "Kingston! Report!" "Jamison! Jamison, what in terra firma is going on there?!" After a pause, the link crackled again, "Jamison here. It appears that we have located Hightower." "Get him on the link," Kyto ordered. "That isn't possible...sir," was the response. "Not possible! Jamison!" Before a reply could be sent, another string of expletives came through the link. While the first set had sounded worried and affronted, these sounded downright angry. "Jamison! Report!" "We've" this time the crackling was more in Jamison's voice than in the link itself, "We've found the king and queen." This statement was followed by another expletive. "Jamison, what are you saying?" Kyto asked quietly. After a deep breath, the formal announcement came through, "Calla lilies are our new flower of the heart; our lion has passed on." Then the link was cut. The reaction in the kitchen was varied. Gore swiftly sat down in a chair, clearly in shock. Clinton, quickly went to denial, insisting that such a fate wasn't possible, not with the seasoned team of Hightower protecting the king and queen. Kyto just turned away and let out a string of foul language and a few tears. Quickly pulling himself together, Kyto turned to face the others in the room. "Clinton, wake Lady Anderson and bring her to the front room," As Clinton blinked and then left to follow the order, Kyto turned to the other person in the room, "Gore, where are Lord and Lady Morte- Vida?" "Asleep in one of the spare rooms, I think," she replied. "Find them, wake them, and bring them to the front room." "Yes, sir," the militarywoman responded as she left her chair. After both had left the room, Kyto walked toward the front room. Stopping at the door, he saw Terrius and Adaunde in conversation. Not sure of the best way to address them or to announce his presence, he merely stood just in the room. Soon Terrius caught his eye and Adaunde turned to face him. He didn't hear her question; in fact, he barely registered Clinton and Lady Anderson coming down the steps, Gore leading the Morte-Vidas into the room, or Bryer and Putnam rejoining the group. "We need to talk," was what he managed to get out. ****** After Kyto's rather chilling statement, the other adults in the room prepared themselves for serious news. Adaunde led her husband over to the couch, made him sit, and sat next to him. Lady Anderson moved to stand to one side of the couch, the Morte-Vidas stood to the other with Bryer next to them. All eyes turned to Kyto. "You have news, general?" Terrius finally asked. "Yes, there is news. Unfortunately, it is not good news...your majesties." The change in title greatly affected those in the room who did not hear Jamison's original communication. Bryer froze in shock. Lady Morte-Vida gasped and was pulled into the arms of her husband. Putnam barely managed to muffle a few expletives. Lady Anderson had grabbed the arm of the couch and was squeezing tightly. Terrius had paled. His wife clung to his arm, disbelief and confusion warring in her eyes. "What?" she gasped. "What are you saying, Kyto?" Terrius demanded quietly. Sighing with a heavy heart, the general turned first to Adaunde and began to utter the traditional phrases that heralded the end of one era and the beginning of another. "The scent of magnolias is past. We now turn to the sent of calla lilies to guide us," he began. As tears began to roll down Adaunde's face, Kyto turned his attention to Terrius and uttered one of the hardest phrases for anyone to say, "The king is dead. Long live the king." Lady Morte-Vida began to cry in earnest at this confirmation of their worst fears. Lady Anderson bowed her head out of respect, a few tears hitting the floor. Bryer demanded the status of Telluric's guard and palled considerably when Kyto confirmed the death of Hightower and his entire team. Adaunde turned to look at her husband, struggling to find a way to comfort him. Looking at his pale face and feeling his loss only caused her to cry harder. So she sobbed into his shoulder as she clung to him. For his part, Terrius was frozen. He couldn't seem to cry himself, so, in a way, he was grateful that his wife could cry for both of them. So many emotions battled within him, but he seemed to shut-down without. His only thought was that he had to have answers...and then go on for the sake of the realm. "Who did this?" Terrius demanded, his voice frightening in its quiet intensity. "Why?" "We do not know, your majesty. Jamison's team has rounded up some of the invaders. After the palace has been cleared and an area found for the royals to stay upon your return, the next task is to interrogate the prisoners. We should know who and why then." "I want to be present at the interrogation," Terrius insisted. "Your roy...your majesty, that may not be the best course of action," Lord Nippon Morte-Vida began. "It's not safe!" General Bryer objected. The only indication his wife gave of hearing the demand was to hug him tighter as she continued crying. Terrius wasn't sure what to make of that, but he knew that he was not changing his mind. "I shall be there, that is not a request." "Understood, your majesty," Bryer conceded. At that moment a crackling was heard in the room. Since the room was wrapped up in their own reactions to the news, they barely heard the request from the other end. "This is Nephrite. Malfunction with link has blocked intel. Kunzite wants report from Kyto." "Kyto, answer the call," Bryer ordered. "They need to know what has happened." Stepping away from the couch, Kyto prepared to deliver the awful news again. "This is Kyto. Awaiting instructions." "This is Nephrite. Kyto, there are rumors flying everywhere. What has happened? Who is with you?" Kyto detested giving such devastating information this way, but he didn't have a choice. "Am backed up by Bryer, Putnam, Gore and Clinton. Have with us two-thirds, Conscience, Wisdom, Thought, Lady Arms, Laughter, Silver Lining, Ivy and...and Lion. Have received report from Jamison." After a crackle a confused voice came back across the link, "Wait a minute! Lion?! What happened to Stallion? Where is Grace? What report?" "Yes, Lion. Stallion is now with you." "What are you saying, Kyto?" Nephrite's voice demanded with a hard edge. Kyto found himself repeating what Jamison had told him, "Calla lilies are our new flower of the heart; our lion has passed on. Pass this along to stallion." Kyto knew his message had gotten through when a string of military profanity floated over the airways. In another situation, Kyto thought he might have been amused at how much military foul language the young lord had pick up in twenty four mooncycles, but given the situation, it was just another reaction. Kyto delivered the rest of the information he had after the profanity ceased and signed off. He didn't envy his replacement in the task that was before him, passing the painful news on to Prince Endymion. ****** An hour after sunrise and Nephrite had felt there was a problem. After arriving at the tavern, and meeting the very shocked serving wench Alissa Lightmaker, who was Treggar's mother, the five had settled into the tavern barn as best as they could. They had been able to send one message and receive several, but the on-going silence as the night went on worried the young noble greatly. It was for that reason he attempted to link with Kyto. "This is Nephrite. Malfunction with link has blocked intel. Kunzite wants report from Kyto." The last part was true as well. Jonathan was rather antsy about not knowing what had be happening over the last hours. After a long pause, there was a response. "This is Kyto. Awaiting instructions." The young noble quickly replied, firing out questions hoping for answers for this uneasy feeling he had had for awhile. "This is Nephrite. Kyto, there are rumors flying everywhere. What has happened? Who is with you?" There seemed to be hesitation over the link before Kyto responded, "Am backed up by Bryer, Putnam, Gore and Clinton. Have with us two-thirds, Conscience, Wisdom, Thought, Lady Arms, Laughter, Silver Lining, Ivy and...and Lion. Have received report from Jamison." Nephrite blinked. Based on that report, there were at least two people missing. Why would Kyto list the king as being present, but not the queen? And what had happened to Prince Terrius, who was with Kyto when he last reported? Nephrite quickly demanded clarification, "Wait a minute! Lion?! What happened to Stallion? Where is Grace? What report?" "Yes, Lion. Stallion is now with you," was all Kyto said in return. Lord Nathaniel Sato, Nephrite of the royal guard, suddenly got a very bad feeling in the pit of his stomach. In his last gazing he had seen premonitions of turmoil for the current mooncycle, but he never thought that it would be something like this. Or that the sign he had seen for regime change meant anything more than the changing of the royal guard. "What are you saying, Kyto?" Nephrite's voice demanded with a hard edge. The reply he received before Kyto cut the line confirmed everything Nathaniel feared, "Calla lilies are our new flower of the heart; our lion has passed on. Pass this along to stallion." Nathaniel knew that he let some of his anger out in words that nobles shouldn't know, but this loss made no sense! It was wrong. And he was the one to have to tell his royal highness. Through his haze of anger he barely processed the last of the information Kyto passed on. None of it changed the horrible truth or made easier the task now in front of Nathaniel. "I assume that we have news," Jonathan's voice floated over from the other side of the barn, where he sat with Jordan, Treggar, and Endymion. "Yes," Nathaniel rose and he crossed the space between him and his colleagues. After he sat down, he looked up at his liege...and found himself tongue-tied. "Nathaniel?" Prince Endymion asked, "What did Kyto say? Have they heard from Hightower?" "Kyto related a report from Jamison, who was among the people sent back to retake the palace. They have managed to capture some behind the invasion; Kyto has reported this information to their majesties." "To my grandparents?" Endymion asked, confused, "But why could Hightower not inform them? And what about my parents? Did Kyto not talk to them as well?" Nathaniel sighed. "Kyto did talk to your parents. Your royal highness," Nathaniel paused for a moment. "Your royal highness, I am sorry to inform you that Queen Honoria and King Telluric are dead. King Terrius and Queen Adaunde have been informed of the change by Kyto. That is all I know." "What?" Endymion gasped at Nathaniel's clarification. Ignoring the various reactions of his guard around him, the heir to the throne proved he was equally his mother and father's son as tears ran down his face as he demanded in a frightening quiet voice, "Who did this? Why?" "We do not know," Nathaniel answered honestly. "After the palace has been stabilized, they shall question the invaders that were apprehended. We shall know then.” "I want to be at the questioning," Endymion said. "Absolutely not!" Jonathan immediately objected. "I can order that you allow me to go," Endymion growled angrily as he turned to face the head of his guard. "And I can overrule that order in the interest of your safety!" Jonathan fired back. "Look, Endy," the silver haired teen tried to reason with his friend, "I can understand that you want to know why and you want to see justice done. But these people are dangerous. They systematically took out the palace, practically conquered it, and killed our king and queen before we had completely processed what had happened. We didn't even see them coming! As we do not yet know what they are capable of, I don't even want you in the same room as that slime! The realm has already lost enough!" That seemed to quiet the prince as he nodded and then seemed to turn into himself as he continued to cry. The barn slowly quieted until all that could be heard were sniffles as five boys battled with their grief. ****** This meeting was almost a mooncycle in the making. It had been several sunrises before the palace was stable enough for the royal family to return. And, though the people were still horrified about the vicious murders of their King Telluric and Queen Honoria, they managed a cheer as their beloved royals, Terrius and Adaunde, returned to the palace. True to her word, the now Queen Adaunde rushed to hug her eldest son when he arrived with his guard. But there was little time for reunions, as the former king and queen had to be committed to terra firma. It wasn't until after his parents had been buried that King Terrius and several other military officers questioned the invaders. Two sunrises after that questioning, this library near the throne room was filled with people who were to decide what to do next. The table was headed at one end by the now King Terrius, who would make the final decision. To his right sat Lord Nippon Morte-Vida, General Bryer, General Kyto, Sergeant Putnam, Lieutenant Gore, and Colonel Clinton. To the king's left sat his son's royal guard; Kunzite sat next to Terrius, with Nephrite, Zocite, and Jedite seated on the other side of Kunzite. Next to Jedite sat the commander of legion forty, General Armistad Jamison, with Lady Morte-Vida to his left. Prince Endymion had been discouraged from attending this meeting. Instead, he, along with his brothers and grandmother continued to receive well-wishes and sympathy from the people of the realm who had journeyed to the palace on that sunrise. Queen Adaunde was in attendance, however. She sat, pale and resolute at the other end of the table. After everyone was seated, Bryer rose and began to give his report. Although his majesty was aware of all Bryer was about to relate, the others in the room were not. Placing a written copy of his report in front of his majesty, the general began. "They call themselves the Basque. They claim oppression and tyranny at the hands of Telluric and Honoria. Based upon this claim and other claims of injury, they plotted to travel to the royal city, destroy the palace, and murder the entire royal family. "They seem to have built up a strong ideology to explain this action. They claim it was the will of the planet. They prattled on about a saving dark force that would rid the planet of 'Telluric filth.' They told us they had no fear in death and that, in the end, they would be victorious." Bryer took a deep breath as he concluded. "We couldn't get more out of them. To be honest, we are unsure of their mental state. It is customary to execute people guilty of killing a royal, but other than that. I have no recommendation, your majesty." "Do we know were they are located? Where they could launch another attack from and if they could launch such an attack in the near future?" Kunzite asked of his father. "We were able to puzzle out that they are from a backwater area near the province of Atlantis. Their attack launching capability is unknown." was the reply. "How did they know how to attack the palace so effectively?" Nephrite asked, "And what have we put in place so this never happens again?" "Apparently, this attack was mooncycles in the making," Kyto answered. "They bought all knowledge sold on the palace; an advance team came to the capital city and lived here for at least two mooncycles. It is possible that a few of them may have temporarily worked at the palace. We have taken steps to make changes in the palace as we rebuild the damaged areas and to limit the public information on the palace." "What do we do about the Basque?" Jedite voiced the question as everyone turned their attention to the king. Terrius sighed as he stood. He had battled with himself over a course of action for the last sunrise. In the past, some form of military action would be taken, but he had seen from living with his wife that misunderstandings had grown up about the royals from those people and classes that did not have ready access to them. He also remembered the charge he had accepted from his father by marriage. "I propose that we sent a diplomatic team to meet with the Basques that are not in our holding area and try to work out some kind of peace-" "No!" a shrill cry erupted from the other end of the table. The queen had jumped to her feet in the middle of her husband's speech. As her chair crashed to the ground, she screamed, "Peace?! You cannot be serious!" Startled by her violent reaction, Terrius attempted to calm his wife, "Adaunde-" "No! I shall not stand hear and hear that group," the queen practically spat, "and PEACE uttered in the same sentence!" "What do you propose to do, then, your majesty?" Kyto asked, hoping that the opening would allow the queen to calm herself. "We need to attack. We need to kill them, make them pay for what they have done to us!" Terrius was shocked at his normally peaceful wife's strong call for war. As he continued to stare at his sobbing, emotional wife at the other end of the table, Nippon spoke up to say, "Military action is a traditional response, your majesty. To protect ourselves from another attack, it would be prudent to engage their military." "No, that is not enough!" the queen shouted. "I want them all dead." "All, your majesty?" Nephrite asked. "Yes, all. Men, women and children. The Basque who knew about the plot and the ones that did not. Their friends and their heirs. I want them wiped off of terra firma, so that the ground shall not even remember them!" The entire room was stunned at the violence suggested by their normally kind queen. "Your majesty-" Kyto began, only to be cut off by the queen. "No, do not dare to try to calm me, Kyto. You or Nephrite," she said as she turned her stare on the young noble briefly. "We have to kill them all. Bryer, surely you at least see the merit in this! All of them! Full Basque, half Basque, Quarter Basque. All of them must die. We cannot leave even one to rise up an attack us another sunrise!" "Adaunde," her husband looked on in shock, "What about restraint? Mercy?" "Restraint?!" the queen shrieked. "Did they show restraint in the way they set fire to our home? Restraint in how they brutally attacked those who only worked in the palace? Did they show mercy to Queen Honoria? Would they have shown mercy to our children or to me had they caught us?" Adaunde demanded of her husband. Turning, she looked at the others at the table. "Would they have shown mercy to Lady Bella and Lady Keiko if your family had been in the palace that sunwane, Lord Morte-Vida? And Clinton, Gore, do you not have nightmares of what these animals would have done if they had gotten to Kay-Leigh? What has mercy gained us but pain?" "But, your majesty," Lady Bella began, "should we behave in the same way as our attackers?" "This is not the same," the queen said, her eyes blazing. "They attacked us first with no warning. They killed our king and queen. Our parents, our grandparents." She growled, "They have attacked my family. I shall not stand for them to receive mercy." "Your majesty," Kunzite turned to the king, "it is your final decision. We'll abide by whatever you decide." Terrius bowed his head to think. "Terrius!" his wife shouted, almost incoherent through her tears. "You cannot mean for them to live! Terrius!" Terrius took a deep breath and raised his head, his face a blank slate, masking his feelings. "Terrius!" his wife pleaded. After a handful of moments, Terrius finally spoke. "You heard her majesty. Wipe them off terra firma." With his pronouncement, the queen collapsed on the floor in tears. Lady Bella rushed to her side and rocked the distraught royal. At the same moment, Kunzite rose and began to give deployment orders, even going as far as to put the city under military law and to camp a legion in front of the palace for the protection of the royal family. As the military left to carry out their orders and the queen remained sobbing on the floor, Nippon walked over to the king, who stood with his back to the table and his head bowed. "Your majesty," he asked tentatively, "do you know what you have unleashed?" "No," the king answered honestly. "I do not think any of us know." And in this statement, the king may have been right. Orders were given and carried out almost to the letter. Women and children as well as men were killed. Villages and cities were burned. The Basque were wiped out... ...except for one little boy that a military ensign discovered and brought back to the capital city to raise. A little boy whose parents had been great believers in the saving dark power and a boy who would later do anything to unleashed it. - to be continued -