.moon by night

Little One by Ravyn

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People had been swarming the temple rooms all evening

People had been swarming the temple rooms all evening. She had done her best to avoid them and dinner had been tricky. Gathering her ration, two pieces of bread and some stale cheese, she had opted to stay clear of everyone. Kicking back and forth on the branch above the ground entrance to her room; she was practically swaying with dizziness. The sun was setting in brilliant colors and for the first time since she’d been forced to stock the fires; she was unable to enjoy it.

Dropping to the ground she almost stumbled in surprise when she felt her knees give a little. Swaying, she caught herself only by force of habit and made herself to walk thealmost deserted corridors. The place was darker than usual and she blinked several times to locate where she was going. In fact, she didn’t see the little shadow that was swearing foully until she had almost crashed into her. The small woman stared up at her in surprise and then her eyes narrowed to thin points of magic.

“Do I know you?” The woman asked and Kaoru shook her head, both answering her and clearing the buzzing that seemed to be growing.

“Not that I know,” Kaoru answered, surprised at how rough her voice sounded in her ears. “I am sorry that I didn’t see you.”

The woman’s hand shot out and grabbed her wrist. Kaoru felt power rush in her veins and the woman’s eyes widened. Then they narrowed again. “Shinomori Misao,” she offered, waiting for an answer.

Kaoru hesitated. Technically she had a surname now, but it would be looked down upon if she used it. “Kaoru,” she offered as she twisted her hand in the woman wrist to disengage it. The woman looked startled and Kaoru bowed. “I have duties, lady.” She put years of subservience in her voice and completed the bow even though it caused the blood to rush to her head so that she felt dizzy.

The girl opened her mouth to say something but with Kaoru’s room so close, she ducked in to avoid any more questions and closed the door with a sigh. She leaned against the wall and trembled with weakness.

Misao raced down the hall, her feet pounding as she threw all caution and stealth to the wind. She latched onto the link between her husband and herself and followed it as quickly as she could. The girl had been pale and there had been shadows behind her eyes, shadows that were swallowing her whole.

She turned a corner and smacked right into Aoshi’s chest. Luckily he was used to her expressions and turnabouts, because he caught her easily and steadied her, one brow rising. “I found her,” she breathlessly claimed, and squeaked when she was swung up into his arms. Kenshin followed them, his eyes burning in the dark corridors. “She looks really tired Aoshi, how could she have gone through so much energy here?” Her chest was heaving as she panted around her words. “She was sneaking around like she was terrified of something.”

They didn’t say a single word, just followed her directions. Finally she pointed to a room where three priests blocked the doorway, as if they could delay the inevitable. Kenshin’s expression was suddenly so dark, Misao feared for the innocents still in their rooms, but Aoshi soothed her with a brush of confidence through their bond.

Her King was furious.


Kaoru slid down the wall in her room and panted a bit. She had wanted to see if a cold bath would wake her up a bit but even that was difficult. Not that the bucket the temple was forced to supply for her to clean with was actually considered a bath. She let her head rest against the wall, blinked sleepy eyes, and groaned. She had been fighting what was apparently a losing battle all day and was growing tired of it. If she was going to be forced to sleep whatever this was off, she was going to do it in her own bed. Sleeping on the floor for several hours was the best way to suffer from a back-ache. However, the moment she stood to head to bed, something shivered down her spine and she was hit with a hard, overpowering warning.

Going to bed would be very, very bad.

Her panting breath was turning into something that was more sluggish and she felt her lashes growing heavy just as she caught the sounds of voices being raised just outside her doors. It was almost too much of a bother to raise her head but her training as a swordswoman demanded that she acknowledge every threat. It could have been the priests coming with the decision that they had not released her after all, and panic welled in her throat.

The door smashed against the wall. The red-head whose mouth had been hot against her skin the night before was suddenly there; the glowing eyes she had just barely been able to see in the darkness were hot as they searched the room. When they landed on her something dark flickered through them just before something like relief flared in his eyes. Then he was moving towards her so fast she could barely see him.

He picked her up and cradled her against his chest. Something like fire and something like energy raced through her blood, and she sighed in relief as she could think past her own heartbeat.

“I have you, little one…..” He breathed in her ear. The warm air ghosted down her neck and she sighed, letting her head drop against his shoulder. Whatever energy she might have had to fight him drained out of her almost visibly. She let her lashes close, the warmth of his skin lulling where her nose was pressed against his neck. He still smelled like ginger, sweat, and the faintest bit of jasmine and she wondered if he had taken a bath. Giving into the siren’s call that had been haunting her since she had awoken, she slipped into the peaceful realms of sleep.

She was so light.

Kenshin stared down at the relaxed face, the energy he poured into her body not even enough to keep her from falling into the world of slumber. She was so tiny. He remembered that his hands could curve the flare of her hips that her waist was especially small. He remembered that her toes had brushed his ankles as he held her that night, but he had unaware of how small she really was. Her face was mussed with smudges of dirt and sweat, and the light was completely inefficient for him to be able to memorize her features. But she could use about ten pounds before he felt she had reached proper body weight.

His eyes narrowed. The first thing he was going to do was get her out of this hell hole.

He moved through the tunnel, absently noting that he was being followed by Misao and Aoshi, and that Sano had appeared at some point. He was practically snarling by the time they reached the outdoors where their horses waiting on them. He balanced her carefully with one arm jerking out a water-proof cloak to wrap her in its folds and hide her slight frame from view.

He swung up onto horse and settled her as gently as he could. It wouldn’t be a comfortable couple of days for his wife. He felt bad about that but he couldn’t stomach being in this god-forsaken kingdom for another night.

He still couldn’t get over how light she was. Her head pillowed against his chest, and her fingers were limp in her lap. He was thankful for the cloak he had wrapped her in to hide her from the crowds that were watching them leave. Pale faces peaked out of windows and doors and he was reminded again of the wretched weather in this place. Snapping his teeth in irritation, he shifted his wife so that she was cradled even closer to his chest.

Fury burned so deep inside him he wondered how it wasn’t incinerating both him and her. She was so pale; her fingertips cold where they were brushed lightly against his forearm. His horse barely noticed the extra weight and if the way his ears flickered back and forth said anything, he wanted to run.

“Soon,” he breathed towards his steed. They still had to get out of the gates of the City. There was something inky, something cold and dangerous echoing in the air. Aoshi and Sano rode on each flank, their own eyes hard. Misao was behind her husband by only half a length of the horse, so that the nose of her horse was even with Aoshi’s ankle.

“Aoshi, what do you see?” Kenshin asked lightly, looking at the gate. The intimidating structure rose up high so that travelers could see it from a good distance away. It was carved from a rare black wood that seemed to suck in the remaining flickers or light.

“Priests from the temple are converging,” he softly replied. “I believe the betrayer is there also. They will either attempt to argue with you or they will break her ties with her people.” A muscle in his jaw jumped. “They know that you cannot have restored the bond and they hope that the breaking of the bond with her people will kill her.”

Misao made a noise in the back of her throat. “Vindictive people aren’t they,” she sighed. “Aoshi, they wouldn’t try to give her an earth curse or something, would they?”

Aoshi shook his head. “Not with the amount of protection spells that we have wrapped around her now.”

Kenshin grunted. “They had better not try it.” His voice was low and hissing. “I am out of patience for fools.”

Sano exchanged a look with Misao, and snarled. “They’re making an awful big fuss for someone who is just supposed to be a servant.”

There was a tense silence as they absorbed the words that Sano had just spoken.

“In order for us to question her,” Kenshin said with a growl. “We must first get her out of here. Aoshi, I don’t care what you do or how it happens. They will not touch her. The binding spells should have taking care of any ties to her people, tying her to me instead.”

“Oh Kenshin,” Misao breathed, her eyes going wide. The binding that would include, the idea that he had shared his soul with a complete stranger, broke her heart. “We will take care of it.”

It was unspoken that Kenshin himself couldn’t waste the energy, because he was too busy holding the girl in his arms to him. As darkness settled in the temple lights flared up behind him, and the street lights, powered with magic that came from the sacrifices the people gave on a daily basis. Soon the city was glittering with lights. ‘Temple magic’, Aoshi thought to himself, his eyes sparking harshly in the lights. It gave the group an unearthly image as they traveled, and the people that still lined the streets watched them with a little fear.

Kenshin ignored them.

He knew what they saw. He was enraged and his magic always responded to that. It had always responded to his rage, his passion, his edge. Now, with his body on fire he knew his eyes would be hot-gold and furious. Dropping his chin slightly so he could hide behind his bangs, he struggled for control.

The gate had finally arrived.

There were four of them. Two of them were thin like stalks of grass, while another was so round that he wouldn’t fit through the thin doors of the throne room. The last was a small man, probably even smaller than he was. So old and wrinkled that it was difficult to locate anything other than his thick lips. He reminded Kenshin of those fish they caught off the coast, ugly and covered in a thin sludge of slime.

“We must ask you to stop, Highness.” The old one commanded. His voice thin and reedy as Aoshi stared him down.

“You will understand when we respectfully decline.” Aoshi returned, staring down his straight nose at the man in front of him. “You’re Temple and gods hold no jurisdiction over us.”

The fat one sneered, “This may be true, but we do have jurisdiction over the woman in your arms.”

Aoshi didn’t have to roll his eyes. He was quite aware that his wife was doing it for him, and if the way she was muttering under her breath said anything, she was also planning on settingsomeone’s hem on fire. “May I remind you that you gave up your claim on this woman the same way you would have given up your claim on Yukishiro had the marriage actually been valid?”

Tomoe stepped out of the darkness. Her eyes were dark in the moonlight and her mouth was twisted bitterly. “The marriage was valid.” She insisted harshly. “You have chosen this…this….slave over a Princess. How dare you!”

Kenshin watched her from behind the concealment of his bangs. He knew what they wanted. To degrade the woman in his arms enough that he was willing to hand her over and forget about her. He knew thatif it wasn’t for the bond crumbling between them, desperately attempting to reform, he would have dumped her off and left her.

But theirdice had been cast. She was his now and he never gave back what was his.

“Aoshi,” Kenshin warned softly. “My patience grows very, very thin.”

Aoshi nodded and uttered a word. It built and echoed, like a forest rising, or the rushing of glacial waters as they fought and broke up the great ice rivers. Once the black gates began to open, they pushed forward so that the priests and Tomoe were forced to let them past, or else the Great War horses would step on them. Misao’s feisty mare shifted nervously and Misao soothed her with a hand.

“There planning something,” Misao mused out loud, voicing the words everyone else was thinking. “It’s a good thing we sent the caravan out early this morning when we realized what was going on. I wouldn’t put it past them to try to steal the jewels we brought for Tomoe’s inspection. I can’t believe she didn’t like any of them.” Her eyes were dancing with her unstopping mischief. “I can’t imagine why.”

Aoshi shot her a glance. ‘Try to behave.”

Misao shrugged. “It’s the truth. How far do you plan on riding tonight, Kenshin? Even with the moon we might have to light mage-lights if you plan on riding in the dark after midnight.”

Kenshin tossed her a glance. “We light the mage-lights once we have cleared their feelers.”

They rode hard for several hours, until even his arms arched with holding her in place. He signaled for everyone to pull over once they reached a sheltered glen. He dismounted and pulled her up close to his nose so that he could take in the scent of her hair. His tent was the first to go up. It didn’t take long before he was moving into his tent and settling her onto a pile of cushions while he began to unpack everything he would need for the night.

It didn’t take long for him to lay down the bed roll and the extra blankets. This god-forsaken place was never what he would consider to be warm and he refused to allow her to get a chill. Walking around he sighed his thanks to whoever had thought about bringing him a basin of water. Moving it into the tent he found a rag and gently dipped it into the warmed water.

Walking over to his wife he pushed back the cloak and bathed her face. Her skin was pale under the dirt and he admired the prettiness to her features. Her eyes were blue; he remembered that and he wondered at how they would compliment her face. In sleep she looked young, but he supposed she had to be near eighteen years of age, give or take a few months. Her fingers were work worn and as wonderfully calloused as he remembered.

He changed her clothes, careful not to disturb her under things. He allowed his fingers to brush her ribs. How had he not noticed how thin she was? His frustration was evident as he carefully put her in a pair of loose pants and a warm, soft tunic. Her tiny feet were dwarfed by his thick wool socks, but her boots were ill-fitting and he was not going to let them go completely unprotected.

He carefully picked her up and put her on his bed roll, making sure she was completely covered. He watched her sleep for several moments before heading outside to talk to his group.

Misao was sitting on Aoshi’s lap, curled into his chest for warmth even though they had built a fire. She wasn’t saying anything and he would have almost thought she was asleep except for the way her fingers kept plucking at Aoshi’s cuffs.

“We leave at dawn,” Kenshin said as he sat down and accepted the bowl of mash someone had cooked. “I know that only gives us a few hours of rest but I don’t trust Tomoe or her priests. They will try something.” There was an edge to his voice and the others nodded in agreement. Misao looked up and grinned at him.

“It’s alright! Kaoru is going to be getting sleep and that’s what’s important. Why are you out here gabbing with us? Go and curl up with your wife and let me curl up with Aoshi!” Misao complained, her voice petulant as she turned her nose back into her husband’s throat.

Kenshin quirked a brow while Sano snorted and Misao ignored them. Kenshin shrugged. “Be ready by dawn,” he said again and headed back into the tent. As he walked he considered what Misao had told him. Her name was Kaoru.

“Himura,” Aoshi called just as he went to open his tent flap. “Two days before we must give her the counter potion; we will need to stop earlier tomorrow or we won’t have time to figure it out.”

Kenshin nodded once. The tent flap fluttered behind him and he muttered the barrier and heating spells as he went and lay down besides her. He maneuvered himself under the covers and pulled her cool form against him. He stared at her passive features and growled a bit. “You have caused me so much trouble,” he hissed at her. “And you are completely unaware of it.” He buried his nose in her hair and breathed in her scent for long moments. “I am sorry, little one. But I do not believe I will ever be able to let you go. Not after this.”



When Kaoru woke up she was feeling sluggish, uncertain,and a little disoriented. In fact, her lashes felt like there were metal weights pressing down against them. The only thing that had woken her up was the knowledge that she was not comfortable. Something hard and warm was pressed against her spine and as she fought against the weakness racing in her veins. She realized there was a saddle under her buttocks along with the shifting of leather and the smell of outdoors and ginger. This would not do.

Gathering her strength she mentally took stock of the situation. She cursed her apparent weakness and tried to remember how she had fought through it the first time. Shifting slightly, she attempted to figure out exactly where her toes were and felt the man behind her start. Then she was being shifted again.

“Kaoru…” A man’s voice that was vaguely familiar, its tones husky , softly questioned her name questioning. He repeated it again but she was busy struggling against the need to go back to sleep and only managed to shift again.

“Is she waking up?” A female voice softly asked. It was a woman….late in her teens or early in her twenties. She sounded young but there was a lilting quality that told Kaoru she was used to broadcasting it loudly. Giving orders perhaps?

“She is fighting it.” The voice under her ear rumbled.

“It’s the most we can hope for. How is the link?” Another man questioned. Kaoru let the feel of the man behind her warm her skin and didn’t move.

“Healing.” His voice was soft and lethal. “You have sent word ahead so that the Mages can begin their work? I want the barrier put up as soon as we cross. They have less than a day left.”

Where were they going?

She wasn’t sure when she fell asleep after pondering the conversation that had so baffled her. She had the vaguest notion that she should be remembering something, that something had happened just before she fainted the first time. It was important, but her tired and exhausted brain wasn’t working with it.

This time she managed to get her eyes open and she found herself staring at a tent wall. It was the color of dune-sand. She was laid against several soft pillows, her body wrapped in a pair of soft breeches and tunic, and covered in a warm blanket. It took a moment but Kaoru managed to find the energy to sit up. She was panting by the time she managed to move, but she wiggled herself upwards. Looking around, the weariness tugged at her mind but she shoved it back. This was no worse than when she worked the temple fires for three days straight in punishment.

She didn’t expect that tent flap to open or for the man she had only seen once or twice to enter the room. The expression in his eyes was like melted-honey when his gaze met hers. They stared at each other, her soft gasps loud in her ears as he stared at her for long moments.


Something hot was suddenly being pressed into her hands and she stared down at a liquid the color of dusky tea. Looking up, she met those burning eyes and blinked rapidly as she attempted to put the words she saw forming on his lips with the syllables echoing in her ears. That damnable exhaustion was actually starting to become a physical pain and she struggled against it, setting her jaw tightly and forcing herself to concentrate.


“Why,” Kaoru rasped out, surprised at the weakness of her voice, but refusing to let that stop her. She met his eyes without any shield and let him see her frustration and determination. “Why?”

Surprise flickered through his eyes, and she noticed the warmth of his hands as they held her hands against the cup. His hold keeping them steady even as her body trembled with the force of her exhaustion.

“You will die otherwise.” He told her flatly. His voice was honest and brutally controlled as he spoke the words. “They severed the new-link before it could settle and I can only keep you alive for so long. We have to counteract their spell and re-forge that night’s work.”

Kaoru closed her eyes and heard him curse under his breath. She opened her eyes in irritation. “You did something.” Kaoru informed him between pants, her words slow in coming. She looked at him. “You did something and now you want to either fix it or finish it.”

There was that flicker again and she shut her eyes as she steadied herself. All those damnable breathing techniques, both for her sword work and her temple work seemed to help a little. She channeled what little energy she had left into keeping herself upright and thinking. There were so many questions she didn’t have the time or energy to ask. Part of her wanted to slide back into the blessed darkness and the rest of her fought against the inky tide. A single reason, a painful reminder, burned through her and gave her the energy to open her eyes and meet his gaze.

Something in his eyes asked her to drink and she let hers drift shut again to close out that look. Something was wrong and this might fix it. Maybe she did something wrong to Tomoe… She could feel his gaze on her skin like a physical touch as he helped her drink, and she coughed weakly as it burned through her veins. He caught her suddenly spent body against his chest, and then lowered her back against the softness of the pillows. She welcomed the press of the covers and she slipped into a blissful sleep that was somehow lighter than the last.

She thought she heard the faintest murmuring of thanks under the man’s breath but she couldn’t be sure. It was probably just her imagination.

Kaoru was bouncing. She didn’t particularly like bouncing. Blurrily she opened her eyes. Wherever she was sitting, it was damn uncomfortable. Shifting a bit, she would have fallen over backwards if it hadn’t been for the arm that was holding her on the horse. Her entire upper body was draped backwards and she heard the sounds of someone swearing. She wanted to help him but she was still attempting to figure out what was going on. Her lashes parted just enough that she could see the sky wheeling around with flashes of red and tan. This was worse than bouncing.

She couldn’t quite find the strength to do more to help whoever she was sprawled against pull her up and settle her back against his chest. She heard someone giggling and managed to part her lashes just enough to make out the front of someone’s neck. She wanted to protest but all that came out was a faint noise in the back of her throat. The giggling stopped.

“Is she waking up?” a voice questioned. Kaoru wanted to inform them that she was wide awake and capable of her own horse. Instead she felt herself relaxing into his chest and admiring the fact he was as warm as he was. Her lashes were still parted, but buried under the hood again; all she could do was see glimmers of light.

“Sano,” his voice rumbled under her ear. “You’re going to wake her if she isn’t. Shut up.” His voice was tight and held an edge, but warm fingers were suddenly tracing her knuckles. Kaoru felt her hand shift a bit and his fingers ghosted a bit longer, then she was left can delete alone. She didn’t attempt to sit up again because she really couldn’t feel her toes.

“She should be starting where she was supposed to,” Misao told Kenshin softly as she watched him readjust the reins. “I mean…if this was the day after the wedding night; then this is how she would have been. There wasn’t much help for it.” Her voice was amused. “Which would explain her acrobatics I assume?”

Kenshin offered her a faint quirk of the lips. “She is going to be rather irritable when she wakes up then?” The smirk kicked up even higher at something Misao couldn’t see and she faintly wondered what she was missing.

“Fairly so, I remember my first few days and I was furious.” She grinned cheekily. “And that was with my understanding of what was going to happen and being happy to participate.” She rolled her eyes.

Kenshin sighed as they continued on. “I know. You have made plans for that extra padding?” His voice was soft. “I also think she would appreciate some of her own clothing.”

Misao nodded her head. “I sent a missive ahead. As soon as we cross the border it’ll be safe to travel faster. The mages are already doing their damnedest to get the basis of the type of shield you want in the works. They have plans for a temporary barrier and have already sent out letters to warn the other kingdoms of our position. I imagine we won’t be the only people cutting ties with the Yukishiro clans.” Her bottom lip pressed out. “And yet I am worried that they’re still going to attempt something.”

Aoshi looked at his wife. “It’s not a matter of if, but of when. We already know they have a spy in our court. They’ll be attempting to make contact with that spy as we speak. However, it will only be a matter of waiting him out once the barrier goes up. He won’t have the temple magic to sustain him against our spells.” Aoshi’s mouth curved slightly at one corner in satisfaction.

Misao sighed. “I am going to be happy when all this is straightened out.” She looked at Kaoru’s pale form. “I wonder why they were so determined to take her back. I agree with Sano, there is something off there.”

“We cross the border in three hours.” Kenshin reminded them. “We can stay at an inn there to let her get some uninterrupted sleep while we plan our next moves. Aoshi, I want you to contact my Uncle and let him know what is going on. Once he knows he can help figure out how to get those shields up.” He shifted his bundle a little closer, feeling her sink back into the depths of sleep. ‘You are a curious one.’



This time, it was like waking up after a few perfect hours of sleep, wrapped warm in a lovers embrace and sun-kissed skin. Her body was sinfully relaxed and the press of sheets under her feather-like body was heaven. Her nose was buried in a pillow of feathers that smelled wonderful, and the bare skin of her calves and thighs relished the sensation of silk. How long had it been since she had woken in Tomoe’s wedding sheets and realized something had gone awry? Before that it had been a good four or five years since she had felt anything besides the coarsest of wools and cotton.

It was when she was attempting to piece together the situation she found herself in that she realized she was not alone by any means.

Her limited Chi sense had been honed to an art in the temple. The priests would have her head if she hadn’t and enjoyed any reason to beat a spoiled-brat. Now a presence flickered against her for a moment before fading away, warning having been given. Blinking sleepily, she looked around. The room was bright and clean -something the cold of the temple never managed to pull off and the smooth wooden walls were lined with wall hangings. She couldn’t really see anything past the headboard so she shifted and turned until she could face what she thought might be the window.

She stayed where she was, lying on her side. She was still feeling slightly exhausted, like all the marrow in her bones had been eaten along with her energy. Raising a hand that was lightly shaking, she shoved her messy bangs out of her eyes and stared at the man whose back was turned to her. She noticed, suddenly, that her hair was loose, and clean, and smelling faintly of jasmine. How odd…

“They said you would wake up today.” The man wasn’t facing her but his voice was smoky enough that she would have thought he had just awoken as well. “I’m glad to see they were right.”

Kaoru didn’t know what to say to that so she just watched him from behind bangs that needed to be trimmed. The morning light came through the window and turned his hair into a halo of spun gold and fire. The broad line of his shoulders was evident under his tunic, and what she could see of his skin was tanned a golden brown. There was something stubborn about his stance that suggested he was used to getting his way. So this was the man who Tomoe had married. He turned and she noticed with surprise that his eyes were a smoldering indigo-violet color?

“Nothing to say?” He asked quietly, watching her with the same intensity she suspected that she was watching him. It took her a moment to realize he expected an answer so she wet her dry lips with her tongue.

“Where are we?” Her voice was faintly raspy and he relaxed a little before heading over to a pitcher and thick clay mugs. He carefully poured her a glass and walked over, handing it to her and then quietly taking it back after she greedily drank it down.

“We crossed the border some time ago,” he told her carefully. “You are no longer in your kingdom. I am afraid you won’t be going back either.” There was a grim line to his mouth that had her frowning.

“What do you mean?” Kaoru asked suspiciously, butterflies dancing up in her stomach. This was the man who had taken her virginity and now he was informing her that not only had he kidnapped her, now he wasn’t taking her home? A faint memory attempted to tug at her mind but when she grasped for it, it slipped away.

He looked at her upturned face for long moments before moving from where he sat at the edge of her bed and moodily paced for a moment before turning back to her with his hands clasped behind his back. “I need to know what the priests told you when they asked you to take Tomoe’s wedding bed.” His voice was soft but firm enough that she knew she wasn’t getting out of the bed until he had his answers.

“Just that it was…” she looked away. “You have to understand,” she told him softly. “That sort of request happened all the time in the temples. Most men never know it, of course, but there is often an exchange of bride and servant. Royalty loose their virginity as a completely different bargaining chip.” She didn’t expect for long fingers to suddenly wrap around her chin and tilt her face towards him. She blinked in surprise at the sight of eyes that were definitely golden now.

“What did they offer you?” He asked softly.

“My freedom,” she told him still feeling confused. “Is Her Highness upset?”

His eyes were hard. “I don’t particularly care if she is or isn’t,” he told her flatly. “Did they tell you anything else? Anything at all?”

Kaoru felt her gut clench at the restrained emotion in his tone “No…” she told him slowly. “Just that once morning came I was free to do as I pleased and no longer bound…why?” She stared at him for long moments. “You did something, didn’t you?” She swallowed. “Did I do something wrong? Is that why you and her Highness are upset?”

He made a frustrated noise in the back of his throat and let her chin go. Breathing deeply he opened violet eyes to trap her in his gaze. “I am not married to the Yukishiro heir,” he told her flatly. “She abused one of my people’s most ancient laws and my magic did not bind her.”

Kaoru felt her brows tuck together. What was going on? “If you are not married to Her Highness,” Kaoru carefully, suddenly terrified of his answer. She felt that niggling memory attempt to rush forward again. “Then why am I here?”

He gave her an assessing look. “That’s because I married you.”

“That’s impossible,” Kaoru informed him reasonably. “You married Tomoe. In the Temple. Blessed by the priests. It’s quite impossible for you to be married to me.” She was surprised at how calm she sounded when she felt panic welling in her throat.

“Its not,” he continued as if she hadn’t spoken. “My people consider the wedding bed to be the most important part of a marriage. The spilling of your virgin’s blood is used to bind your soul to mine. The woman is affected worse than the man so that the woman can be protected while she recovers.” He gave her a hooded stare. “It’s why you’re so tired right now. Traditionally the lady spends the first week or so resting and then only doing minor tasks until she is at full strength. You went through your energy too fast and almost slipped away from me.”

“You’re lying,” Kaoru whispered, staring at him with wide-eyes. “You can’t be…” she swallowed at his expression.

“I will never be able to tell you an untruth.” He told her softly. Something like sympathy swam in his eyes for a moment. “I…”

Kaoru had tossed the covers back and was standing before she knew what she was doing. “I am not married…” she stumbled a bit and was completely surprised when he caught her, pulling her against his chest. He held her as she trembled with the force of her emotion and the sudden weakness that prevailed in her.

“You shouldn’t be doing things like that, little one.” He murmured warmly in her ear. “You are my wife. I am going to have to insist that you sleep the rest of this morning. We have plans to move out a little after lunch to give you as much time to recover as we can.” He easily settled her back in bed, not really meeting her eyes.

“I am not your wife.” Kaoru told him firmly.

This time he met her gaze unflinchingly. “Yes, you are. You are mine now.” He told her firmly. “I do not give up what is mine.” Once the covers were tucked around her he settled at the edge of her bed. “I will stay with you until you sleep.”

Kaoru turned on her side and faced away from him so he couldn’t see the anguish and frustration that flicked through her. He had taken away her chance to track down her father’s killer. Something hot flickered through her and just before sleep rose, she knew that she wasn’t going to do anything to make this easy on him.



It annoyed her that she was feeling a little weak-kneed after her conversation with her ‘husband’. Even after her nap. Someone had brought in a plate with soft bread, cheese, and strips of dark meat. She was frustrated not only with him but with herself at the weakness that plagued her. Tears gathered behind her closed eyes and she bit her lip to stop the rush of waterworks. She hadn’t cried since her father’s execution, and she refused to cry over something like this. She would not be weak.

Eating had been tiring, but it had been worth it. They had also brought her a change of clothing, but dressing had left her breathless and slightly panting from the exertion. She was staring at the soft socks that were obviously meant for her to wear under her boots and decided that she was much too tired to deal with them right away.

The door creaked open and she turned to see Kenshin walk in. He had changed into a set of leathers to wear for their trip, but she noticed he had left out the uncomfortable bits that no one liked to wear. He didn’t say anything for long moments, just watched her with his arms crossed across his chest.

She wasn’t even aware that her chin had raised and she was attempting to challenge him non-verbally until his mouth twitched with that little-half smile again. He moved forward silently and knelt before her, taking the stocking in his hand, and balling it up so that he could slide it over her toes.

“The weather here is too chilly to not wear stockings, little one.” He chastised her softly. Kaoru pursed her lips.

“You forget I am used to such weather.” She wanted to agree with her words, needed to, but she hadn’t been able to spend as much time getting used to the elements of the out-side weather as she would have needed to be unaffected. “And stop that, I can put my own boots and stockings on!”

He didn’t stop from where he was lacing up her boots and Kaoru considered hitting him in the head. But he was already moving towards her other foot and she really didn’t have the energy. She just hoped he didn’t take her lack of fight as a sign of acceptance.

“Can you walk?” He asked her as he finished what he was doing.

Kaoru growled at him and stood. It was only the fact that she was used to working and living as she had in the temple that she was able to keep her feet. Ignoring him and the way he watched her with the same edge as a hawk, she walked with her chin up and her shoulders back.

At least she walks like a Queen,’ Kenshin thought mildly as he watched her almost regally leave the room and move down the steps towards the entrance of the little inn they had been staying at. He gave Aoshi a look and moved his head towards Sano who opened the door for her.

“You’re riding with me,” Kenshin informed her softly as he moved in behind her, watching her take in his horse.

Kaoru gritted her teeth together. She stared at him and he stared right back. She knew he could see the fury rolling in her eyes as well as the weariness, because he spoke before she could. “We have a week or more left before we get to my castle. You will ride with me.”

Kaoru stared at the horse and saddle. The girth of it made up by a series of narrow ropes laid flat and held together by stitching three of them in place. There was a complicated placement of the ropes they had divided into three sections. They were buckled carefully and pulled tight to hold them in place.

The actual saddle had a deeper seat that what she was accustomed to using and would likely allow him to stay in place with little effort. She supposed it was his people’s version of a campaign saddle. Furthering that assumption were dull brass fittings that were well cared for, but worn from use.

Over all, the tack was a bit different than anything she had seen but she was still very uncertain as to how she was going to ride with him. On the best of days, it was horribly disconcerting to ride double, much less highly uncomfortable, and she was willing to dig her heels in on this issue.

Kaoru turned to frown at him. “I can ride just fine by myself.” It didn’t matter that she was already fighting the drag of sleep on her eye-lids. She had slept in the saddle before, and she didn’t fear doing that now. There was no need for him to be stubborn just because he thought she was his wife.

Kenshin raised a brow. “I wasn’t aware that temple-slaves were allowed to learn how to ride.” His voice was cool and assertive, and nothing in his body language suggested that he was going to let her have her own horse.

Kaoru’s gut clenched and she felt the color drain from her face. “Who told you that?” She hissed, unwilling to back down or to loose this battle.

Kenshin kept the cool expression and Kaoru felt the urge to hit him. “Tomoe and the priests were more than happy to share that information as we were attempting to leave the City. Tell me Kaoru, why would they be so determined to name you a slave?” His tone matched his expression and she bit the old scars on the inside of her lip.

Kaoru felt as if all the energy had been sucked out of her body. “They named me slave, Prince,” she said, her voice suddenly weary. “They did not name me a born slave.” Her lashes fluttered shut as the fight left her. “I can ride a horse just fine.” She insisted stubbornly.

She didn’t expect one of his hands to suddenly be bracing the small of her back. Or his other arm to be behind her shoulders, gently tugging her against his chest.

“I shouldn’t have pushed you,” he swore crossly, his voice hard and furious at the same time. Kaoru stiffened as his tone and he muttered something under his breath she didn’t understand before easily picking her up.

“The reason you are riding with me, Kaoru, is because of this.” He tossed her into the saddle and looked up at her with scorching eyes. “The next week or so you’re going to run through your energy levels quickly and it will be easier on you if you can catch naps in the saddle. To do that, you are going to need to lean against me.”

Kaoru glared mutinously down at him. “I’m not tired.”

Some of the temper faded from his eyes and his mouth quirked up at the edges. “It’s not surprising that you’re going to be stubborn.” He swung up behind her and she found herself partially braced against his chest. She was resting on the withers, the high point of the horse’s shoulders before they dipped down into his spine. She had wondered why he had a folded pad resting just before the pommel. But she supposed it was best for the horse for her to be there, keeping it from becoming unbalanced. Except she didn’t think it would be comfortable for long.

“Let me know when you get uncomfortable,” he breathed into her ear as his arms settled around her so he could grasp the reins. “You can always shift so you are facing me.”

Now,’ Kaoru thought crossly as she shifted to get into the best position possible under the circumstances. ‘Won’t that be just awkward and disconcerting?’

She had the horrible feeling that whatever this was, there was no escape.


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