.moon by night

General Library: Little One by Ravyn

Fandom:Rurouni Kenshin
Rating:NC17 Created:2007-09-24
Genre:Action Updated:2009-01-07
Style:Fantasy Status:Complete
Setting:Alternate Reality

This story contains adult material. If you are not of legal age, leave this page now.

Chapter One (HTML)
Chapter Two (HTML)
Chapter Three (HTML)
Chapter Four (HTML)
Chapter Five (HTML)
Chapter Six (HTML)
Chapter Seven (HTML)
Chapter Eight (HTML)
Chapter Nine (HTML)
Chapter Ten (HTML)
Chapter Eleven (HTML)
Chapter Twelve (HTML)
Chapter Thirteen (HTML)
Chapter Fourteen (HTML)
Chapter Fifteen (PHP)
Chapter Sixteen (PHP)


After a bargain for her freedom goes awry, Kaoru finds herself bound to her cousin's husband. She is taken to his country to save her life. However, an old danger awaits... BK

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 Reviews: 10
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Review by luthgal2 2009-09-27

wow. so i first read the reviews to your story before i read this story and i have to admit that i was a little skeptical when i read that one reviewer read the whole thing in 5 hours. i now understand. that was very well written and i find that i don't want it to end. you truly have a gift for writing and creating stories that are page turners. I can't wait to read more!
Review by animeps 2009-09-07

wow..i read almost all of your stories and..they always made me go..WOW. i really dont know what else i can say. this story is AWESOME i actually sat down for a good 5 hours and read everything in a go. (i do that for most of your stories >.
Review by daniiee 2009-08-04

By far one of the best RK stories! I've read many RK fics and this one has always been my favourite. Please continue writing! Especially RK fics! There aren't enough good ones out there!

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