.moon by night

Little One by Ravyn

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Kaoru was thankful that her husband was getting ready for the ball in a different room

Kaoru was thankful that her husband was getting ready for the ball in a different room. Getting ready for the ball tonight had created a situation she was entirely uncomfortable with, and having her husband watch with a faint smile on his face would have made it worse.

It had nothing to do with the fact that she was sitting in nothing but a towel, with another towel wrapped around her hair. She had spent most of the afternoon being beat on by the masseuse Tae had brought in, and then dunked into the tub for a scrubbing that had left her feeling slightly raw. After that, she had been attacked by various lotions, wrapped back into the towel, and left to sit while they pulled out her under things, the dress and began debating over hairstyles.

Cameral seemed to be happy with whatever decision was reached, because she clapped her hands like a child and turned to face Kaoru with the most mischievous expression she had ever seen. “This is going to be so much fun!”

Kaoru swallowed and tried to find a way to keep that expression from terrifying her. She was strong and had lived through near torture, yet the smiles on Tae and Cameral’s faces were horrifying. “What…”

Tae held up a finger. “Undergarments first.” She eyed Kaoru and nodded. “We had the undergarments custom-made and you’re quite lucky that we don’t believe in stifling our women in layer after layer.” Kaoru was pulled to her feet and licked her lips before she did as they asked. The chemise and delicately sewn under things were surprisingly comfortable.

She had her doubts when Tae walked over with what appeared to be a corset. She had seen her cousins strapped into the things far too often to be comfortable looking at one - much less wearing one. Tae snorted when she caught the expression on Kaoru’s face. “Your people are ridiculous. A corset is for balance and shape, not to suffocate you.” Tae’s eyes glittered with amusement. “Besides, we work in a little spell that adds lift, which takes away the need to be suffocated.” Her tone was cheeky.

Kaoru decided that she was just going to have to bite the blade on this one. As she was fitted for the corset, she continued to take deep, even breaths as Cameral instructed her. They both laughed at her when she closed her eyes as the stiffened fabric was molded to her torso. It fit snugly, but her breathing was completely unaffected. She parted her lashes in an attempt to look down, but Tae caught her chin. “We’re not taking it off, so there is no point in looking until the entire outfit is on. Behave.”

“This,” Cameral said, stepping out of the large walk-in closet that housed most of her clothing, “Is the gown you are wearing tonight.”

Kaoru gaped at the dress. She knew that it was the same gown they had decided on yesterday, but the effect…

The dress was still that blue that was so dark around the hem it looked almost black. With each faint fluttering of the fabric, sparks ran along the fabric and highlighted the careful embroidery that was shot with silver. The gown still had a wide neckline and the sleeves were those wonderful bell-like sleeves. She tried to say something, but her tongue got all tangled up in her teeth and the only noise that came out was faintly strangled.

Tae beamed with delight. “Isn’t it beautiful? I shall tell the seamstress that you were delighted with it. We are quite happy with how it turned out after yesterday’s fitting. If you like the dress after tonight - wearing a gown and looking at it are two different things - we shall hire her for more of your gowns.”

Kaoru continued to stare at the gown. She hadn’t seen a dress … gown, dress was such an inadequate word … like this. It was a gown. The simplicity of it was striking, and she licked her lips. Both of her parents had been self-conscious about their personal budgets, and her mother would have never worn anything like that. They never spent more than they really had to, and dressing for the court had never been an exception. Tomoe … Tomoe would have never cared about fabric if there were jewels that could shine.

“You want me to wear that?” Kaoru finally managed, and jumped a little at how high her voice was.

“Oh yes. As it is, this is going to be one of the more simple gowns that you will wear during the season. We are showcasing your natural beauty tonight. Later in the week, we shall showcase our country’s wealth. It is our pride and pleasure to dress you in fine things. Enjoy it,” Cameral suggested gently.

Kaoru closed her eyes and refused to look. “Just… let’s get this over with.”

That gave Cameral and Tae quite the giggle fit, but they had her stepping into her skirt and laced up the ties in the back easily. Her shoulders were bare enough to feel the slight chill in the air, with her collarbones down to the tops of her breasts bare. She was pretty sure that she wasn’t supposed to feel air on her chest.

Kaoru followed where the hands led her and squeaked when hands ran down her backside to smooth her dress as they sat her down. “Oh hush,” Cameral said in a teasing voice. “It’s not worse than what your husband does.”

That made her blush, and there were good-natured chuckles. The fact that her mind was tossed back to the dojo and the memory of his hands pulling her closer … She opened her eyes and glared at the expression on Tae and Cameral’s faces. “If I am late to this event because you two were giggling like idiots I am going to sic a hyper Misao on you.” Kaoru had heard the whispers, and decided that she was going to avoid sugar situations with the small woman, if the horrified expression on Cameral’s face said anything.

Tae just gave a slight smile. “That is why we keep Shinomori around. He does an excellent job handling his wife in those situations.”

Kaoru attempted to keep her mind from working through that one. She decided to mutter something unladylike under her breath and scowl into the mirror. She eyed the skin on her shoulders, and tried to decide if she should request something to cover her faintly freckled shoulders or just ignore them. Neither Tae nor Cameral seemed to notice it either way, and they set about dealing with her hair.

Her hair was still slightly damp when they pulled the towel free, and it fell wildly about her shoulders and face. Tae gathered it all up into a knot at the base of her skull and muttered a series of words that Kaoru couldn’t understand, but when she let go of her hair it fell straight down the line of her back.

“How do you do that?” Kaoru asked quietly. It was entirely unfair that Kenshin could go to bed without having to towel dry his hair and then sit in front of the fire for an hour or so to dry it. Tae gave her a considering look, and didn’t say a word for long moments as she worked on twisting and braiding her hair.

“The drying spell is basic.” Tae said finally, her words taking on a thoughtful cast. “The best way to dry your hair is to remove the excess water. The same principle is used in greater substance to move heat from a room and to place it on a towel, or to heat bathwater. The spell to keep your hair in place is a bit of complicated house magic.” There was a pleased note in Tae’s voice. “It’s the spell we use to keep the drapes in place and the shutters closed during a wind storm.”

Kaoru blinked for several moments. “So my hair isn’t going to move.” She tried to keep her voice from showing her amusement, but she wasn’t certain it worked.

Cameral gave a slow smile. “See, the best part is, most royalty refuse to use this spell. It’s degrading for women to wear something that keeps the drapes in place. So they use painful pins and expensive hair products.”

Kaoru bit her bottom lip as she watched Tae’s hands move. “How do you use the spells?”

Cameral looked up from where she was pulling little bottles out of thin air. She looked startled and glanced at Tae. “Well…” Cameral said slowly. “Some of it comes from personal energy. Small things, like calling bottles and vanishing clothing to be washed… that’s easy enough to use.”

Tae patted Kaoru on the shoulder. “What she means is: our people are born with the ability to use the energy our bodies naturally produce for mage work. We naturally produce two forms of energy… actually, if you want all the proper terms you need to speak to Shinomori. For the major workings of the house we have a… mage account, I suppose you can say. Human emotions are a wonderful source of energy and the castle sort of… skims the top. That magic goes into a… general account that the household can draw off of. It’s completely safe.”

“What she means,” Cameral said, trying not to laugh. “Is that there are many, many loving couples in this place who send off lots of energy to supply themselves with warm towels.”

Kaoru stared at them in the mirror her face turning a bright pink. “You’re…”

“Sex is a great source of power for cleaning and mopping and such,” Tae agreed. “Besides, skimming is perfectly safe.”


“Of course, it’s not the same thing on a battlefield. Then you have someone like Kenshin whose body produces high levels of mage power and can convert energy on a battlefield into something… tangible. All of our Kings can. It’s why they are able to hold the position.” Tae said with a smile.

“Then with the b-” Her words cut off suddenly. “With all the other things that go on … our Kings are bred for power.”

“Now, be quiet so we can work,” Tae said firmly.

Kaoru sighed. She was certain that she had sat there forever by the time they were finished, but her bottom hadn’t started to go numb, so she supposed she was just being whiny. She eyed what they had done to her hair and blinked at the way it seemed to gleam in the mage lighting around the room. She had never seen the blue glints she had inherited from her mother so pronounced. Must have had something to do with the gunk they forced her to endure in the bath that afternoon.

“You have such wonderfully thick hair,” Cameral said softly as she adjusted a stray curl. “Tonight, you are wearing it up because of the formal Consort Tiara, but tomorrow we can do something else with it. We wove some spells into your hair to keep the strands lighter, so you will have less of a chance of getting a stiff neck.”

“My hair was from my mother,” Kaoru softly admitted as she touched a glossy braid.

“She must have been a very beautiful woman,” Tae commented lightly, placing a hand under her chin. Kaoru felt a little strange with her features being examined as closely as Tae was doing, and was about to protest when the older woman spoke.

“We won’t have to use any kohl for her eyes. She has a natural glow, but perhaps a touch of rouge at the cheeks to give her some color, and some of that lip paint that we import from the North? It will do wonders to bring out the natural pout of her mouth, I think. A little shadow around the eyes to emphasize the color, and I think we should be done. And I think the thought of Kenshin’s hands all night is going to give her all the color she needs.”

“No kohl?” Cameral asked thoughtfully.

“Not with those lashes,” Tae said.

Cameral agreed and Kaoru was ordered to hold still and to shut her eyes and did as they suggested. Strokes of something soft across her cheeks and eyelids had her tensing, as did the cold glaze that was dragged across her bottom lip. The soft scolding she got when she attempted to open her eyes had her closing them again, and she impatiently waited for them to stop whatever they were doing.

Her bottom was officially numb.

“Sit still and keep those eyes closed while we get the royal jewels.” The sounds of clattering emphasized Tae’s words and Kaoru huffed in exaggerated exasperation. Really, the moment Tae had said jewels her stomach had started flopping around.

Cold metal settled against her throat, dipping almost as low as her chest, settling just below the dip between her collarbones. She bit her lip at the feel of the earrings being threaded through the holes in her lobes that she had stubbornly kept open at the temple, and she blushed as Cameral scolded her about her lip paint. There was the sensation of something being settled into her hair, again faint whispering for a spell, and then there was nothing.

“You can open your eyes now,” Tae informed her in a very satisfied tone of voice. “These are arm bands.” She tapped the jeweled metal that was wrapped around her right bicep as Kaoru opened her eyes. “They will help give the sleeves the body we want. You have wonderfully muscled arms that we are quite proud of, but most of the royal ladies out there are going to be one of two things: stick thin or plump. You strike the perfect balance, but we want you as comfortable as possible. Kenshin will have our hides otherwise. Remember, if you have a headache, Kenshin will take care of it.”

Kaoru stared at herself for a long time, only half listening to Tae’s babbling.

Her eyes were large and dark blue in her face. She didn’t really recognize herself for a moment and wondered what Kenshin’s reaction to her being “painted” would be?

The tiara in her hair looked a little like tossing waves and it sparkled when she moved her head with perfectly matched diamonds. At her throat was a large, square-cut sapphire snugly fit between three smaller cut stones with diamonds separating each. A heavy bracelet was wrapped firmly about her wrist, and it was filled with alternating stones that matched the ones around her throat.

Coupled with the dark blues and silvers of her dress, the colors of the stones were perfectly matched. She brought up her wrist and frowned at the metal that held the jewels, and looked questioningly at Tae.

“White gold,” Tae said simply. “One of Kenshin’s grandmothers was allergic to yellow gold, and so this was developed instead. It is quite lovely with the blues of the sapphires, don’t you think?”

Kaoru nodded and stood, nervously running her hands down the outside of her thighs. Cameral wrapped her waist twice with a belt created out of silver and white gold with a large sapphire clasp to hold it in place. Her shoes were next and she was forced to let Tae and Cameral tie them carefully into place. The sandals, when her dress moved just right, showed off the silver paint on her toes.

Kaoru nervously bit her lip again, and Cameral sighed gustily while Tae laughed. Reaching over, she tapped Kaoru’s bottom lip. “There,” Tae said with a wicked smile. “The balm will stay in place for at least three hours now.” She winked. “We always attempt to stay ahead of the game. This way Kenshin can make out with you in a corner and no one will know the difference.

Kaoru stared at her and Tae grinned back, her eyes dancing. “We should get you moving or you’re going to be late. Now, remember the first and only rule. You are the Majesty here and anything you do is perfectly acceptable. Just remember that, and you will be just fine.”

Kaoru rather thought that that was over-simplifying things, but she held her tongue and obediently went to where Sano was waiting to escort her, her nerves dancing painfully in her stomach.



Kenshin stood two steps down from his throne and tried to keep from yawning as he listened to one of his Dukes rattle on about how prosperous the new trade routes were going to be, and how privileged they were to have such a beautiful and wonderful Queen. It was one of the typical, boring speeches that he had already listened to twice.

No, his mind was on Kaoru and the wait until she arrived.

He was nervous for her.

Just as the old windbag finished his speech and stepped back into the crowd, the trumpets started. That was expected, but the perfect timing almost had him jumping. Closing his eyes for a second, he took a deep breath and then turned on his heels and lifted his head.

Her gown was the same color as her eyes. Midnight sapphire that clung reverently to all of her muscled curves. The glittering belt at her waist only emphasized how small her frame was while the line of her spine and shoulders gave her the impression of authority.

All of her wonderful hair was pinned and braided with only the Consort crown adorning her head. Her face was as serene as he could have hoped and he was struck by the regal tilt to her chin as she slowly moved in his direction, guided by a stern faced Sanosuke.

It took him several long moments for him to realize that he wasn’t the only one not breathing. The realization came that he was getting light-headed, so he took several deep breaths.

The room was silent. There wasn’t even a rustle of a gown to break the unnatural hush in the room. Kenshin didn’t dare take his eyes away from her face as she moved. There was something about the glitter in those eyes that had him frozen in place. Even when Sano stopped moving, allowing her to move forward on her own, he hardly noticed anything except her eyes.

Kaoru never took her eyes from his face as she gathered her skirt into her hands and dipped her body into a perfect curtsy. It was the movement of one royal addressing her equal and every minute muscle movement was exquisite.

Kenshin was so entranced with the set of her body that it took him a moment to realize that he needed to go down and accept her. Only by agreeing to allow her on the dais with him, by announcing her to his court, would she be considered his Consort in the eyes of his people. Moving forward in firm steps that echoed along the walls, he offered her his hand. Pulling her easily upwards, he offered her his arm while she turned to face the crowd, her hand sliding into his.

“I give you,” Kenshin declared in a firm tone that was neither loud nor soft, but seemed to carry across the room. “My Consort, Kaoru Himura.”



Closing his fingers around hers, he rather wondered if he was the only one who noticed the faint trembling of her hand in his.

The flute in his hands played a fluttery tune as he occupied his bench. Occasionally, one of the wenches would saunter by and settle down before she had to go and wait on tables. He didn’t mind the attention. His artistic eye took in all the small pieces of faded beauty and tried to imagine them someplace else. Except that here, it was only his imagination that was working.

There had been a mage here the other day. The symbols embroidered in pale blue against dark gray had been of a country he hadn’t been to in years. Taking his flute from his lips and offering a cheeky smile at the pouting women with eyes that were careworn, he winked and settled back.

He had only recently slipped through the borders here. He had been in Airthór for too long. There were dark rumors that echoed along the darker notes of his flute. Perhaps that was why he gained such an audience. Even the happy notes could express displeasure.

Wargen was letting a time bomb sit at the edge of his kingdom as if it wasn’t there. Fingering the silver of his flute, he reached into his back pocket and picked up a few of the little herb drops that a friend had made him, and sucked the soothing herbal concoction.

Tsunan tucked the flute into his belt and dug into the still warm stew that had been brought to him earlier. He had needed to relax before he could enjoy the food. Comfort for heat was sometimes a necessary sin. The bread was cold but still soft, and he tore it into little shreds and let them soak up the broth before he tasted the meal.

He had forgotten that the Cervonese liked their food with a kick. The bread helped a little, but he was a little uncomfortable by the end of the meal. The watered-ale did a bit to help, but another herbal concoction, this one cold on his tongue, took care of his problem.

Someone had become too greedy with his gold and salt trade.

Pursing his lips, he considered what little information he had been able to gather for his Queen. The warmth that spread through him at the idea that he was still able to serve was counteracted by the lack of information that he had to offer.

“That’s a long face for an artist.” The female voice was only recognizable as being a woman’s because of his years of experience with it. It was deep, husky and with a rasp from years of harsh conditions. Turning his head, he smiled at the woman who was sitting next to him on the bench.

“Katriona,” Tsunan murmured in delight. He was concerned by the additional lines around her eyes and mouth. Hair that had only just been touched by gray now held an abundance of wiry gray hair that refused to follow her directions to stay tucked behind the piece of cloth protecting the top of her head. Her eyes were a honey-brown that were as ambiguous as the woman herself. The top of her petite head barely hit the middle of his chest and she wore men’s clothing to hide a voluptuous body. There was no softness to the hard line of her spirit. “What are you doing here?”

“The same as everyone else.” Katriona said evenly. “Seeing our Queen.” A spark of fire flickered through her eyes for a moment before she became cool and controlled again. “She has grown into herself.”

Tsunan smiled briefly. “How much like them is she?”

Katriona gave a delicate shrug. “Very much like them … and then, she is quite different as well.” A slightly disgusted look crossed her face and then a small bag of coins clunked on the table. “She insisted on giving out these to all of us. I have not managed to do more than see her, but Lleana has. Lleana was also given instructions to give each of us a stipend.” The older woman’s shoulders rolled as she contained her aggression. “Apparently she feels responsible for us.”

Tsunan gave her an encouraging smile. “It’s her nature.” His stomach curled at the idea of accepting her money, but he picked up the bag and opened it. His eyes widened. “Gold bits?”

“She gets a hefty allowance,” Katriona agreed. Her sharp eyes were directed on him as she leaned in. “What have you learned?”

“Wargen is getting lazy,” Tsunan said softly. “I looked into a young Count who has been moving from court to court recently. He goes by Akira, but I am not sure…” His mouth tilted down at the edges. “He reminds me of someone, but I can’t place my fingers on it. It is as if he is someone I once knew differently. But I have never seen anyone with eyes like his before. I would have remembered them.”

Katriona became grim. “We have been getting rumors of Akira and his movements for a while. The men sitting near the throne close to the King have been taking note as well.” Her smile was jaded. “I had to keep a few steps behind them so as not to alert suspicion. It’s easier to let the fresh legs do the work and then come in and take it away… or at least memorize the information to give to my Queen.”

Tsunan frowned. “Are they not talking?”

“Kaoru and Battousai? From what I understand, they are attempting to work through their issues. This week there is a week-long celebration in her honor. I believe tonight is the Introductory Ball. Most of it is for political reasons, of course, but there are rumors of a great deal affection between them.” Katriona shrugged. “They will make do.”

He nodded his head. “Good.”

Katriona gave him a cool look. “Something is bothering you.”

Tsunan gave a faint smile that didn’t quite reach his eyes. “Just worried. Something is going on in Airthór. Akira is planning something and I am not certain that the Yukishiros aren’t involved. Kaoru needs to be warned.”

Katriona nodded. “I am heading back into Triath to see what I can find.” Her voice was cold for all that it was rough. “There is a score to settle there that I will find most pleasurable.”

Tsunan looked at her features carefully. There was a grim determination there. “Is that why you didn’t stick around longer?” he asked softly.

Katriona gave a brief, if sincere, smile. “You know me too well.” She shrugged. “Things will work out one way or another.” She pushed out of the dirty little booth. “Give her my greetings when you see her.”

Tsunan wondered if anyone else had guessed about Katriona’s attachment to Kaoru’s family. Rolling his neck, he pushed his half-finished meal back and left a few of his copper coins to pay for the meal.

He would head to the City then… The City was such a boring name. Rolling his eyes at the artless name, he pulled out a piece of paper once he got to his room for suggestions for his Queen to present to the King over a change of names. Perhaps Lasar, Lainrech, or even Banscál!

Kaoru took a great deal of comfort from Kenshin’s arm as he led her onto the dance floor, where they opened the ball. The entire evening was supposed to honor their marriage, but the protocol of this evening had to be perfect. She knew that. It was why she was so damn nervous. Misao and Megumi had been giving her directions all week, but even that had only been a quiet reminder. The lessons her mother had drilled into her head had been her lifeline.

Now all she had to try to do was remember how to get through this particular dance. Kenshin was sure in the movements, however, and she happily let him lead, following the delicate spins. He didn’t say anything; the light music would not have disguised his words. The hand on her waist was light and the grip on her hand was just as careful.

His eyes never left her face, so that eventually she dropped her eyes and lightly blushed, unnerved. What was he thinking? Since she wasn’t sure what to think about her current predicament, Kaoru distracted herself by examining the ballroom.

The decorations were gorgeous. Sparkling lights danced above the dancers’ heads in little circles to give the mock impression of fairy lights. There was a large buffet set out on tables that had to be strengthened with spells. Fountains of some sort sprayed sparkling water into the air, yet every drop seemed to land in the fountain.

The real beauty was in the orchestra.

Tucked into a corner with golden balls of fire lighting every musician, they serenaded the ballroom with exquisitely played pieces that were relaxing or invigorating, depending on the mood. They seemed unaffected by the sparkle around them, concentrating on their instrument of choice with a single-mindedness that was rather inspiring.

Unfortunately, admiring everything around her only brought Kenshin back into the picture that much quicker.

It was a curse and a blessing that during the first ball Kaoru was required to spend the evening with only Kenshin. It was to show a united front, but it also gave her a chance to be introduced to everyone with the security of her husband’s arm threaded through hers. The curse of the evening became apparent when his eyes started that subtle shift from violet to warm gold again.

As the evening progressed, her neck started to develop a dull ache due to the angle she was forced to hold it at. Kaoru was thankful that she wasn’t required to do more than nod and smile, occasionally making a neutral comment or softly give her thanks. The slight squeezes that Kenshin gave her arm each time she pulled off another introduction was taking some of the pressure out of the space between her shoulder blades, but she was certain everyone could tell how terrified she was. In between dignitaries, she would lean a little of her weight against him and attempt to find some way to have a breather.

The faint noise of someone clearing their throat had them turning to be introduced to the next dignitary, and when Kaoru got a good look at the man escorting someone who was obviously royal, she felt her head swim.

She wasn’t aware that her nails were digging into Kenshin’s arm until he covered her hand with his with lightly applied pressure, and she relaxed. “My Lady, may I introduce my wife, Consort Kaoru Himura,” Kenshin said in his clear voice, nothing showing other than respect and courtesy for the two before them.

“Kaoru, may I introduce you to the Consort of King Wargen, whose Kingdom is to the east; her Highness Esha?” Kenshin lightly said, his eyes a grave violet as they took in her face. Kaoru had noticed earlier that her name was the only one that was introduced with a last name, and she had made a mental note to ask Kenshin about that later.

The woman Kenshin was introducing her to was stunning. She had thick strands of coal black hair and warm golden skin. Her lips were almost too full to be considered attractive, but her eyes were wide and a very dark shade of brown.

“Pleasure,” Kaoru managed to get out. She attempted to form some sort of a smile, but was unable to do so. There was a cold sort of iciness lodged in her stomach and spreading through her veins, and it was interfering with her ability to breathe and think.

“Aren’t you such a dear,” the beautiful woman said with a dimpling smile. “This is my first-escort and I simply can’t live without him. Come here, Sumita.” She smiled at the tall and handsome blond man whose features had been burned into Karou’s mind for a long, long time. “His family has served my husband’s for generations, and he is such a help with the different languages. I would be simply lost without him.”

It was the most chatter Kaoru had gotten from any of the royals, but all she could do was nod along. She hoped she managed to make the right cues, and the relief when Kenshin steered her away from the pair almost had her staggering.

However, the dark gray eyes, tanned skin, and pale gold hair graying at the temples hadn’t left her mind, and would possibly never leave her mind ever again.

Her father’s killer was close enough to touch, and she couldn’t do anything.



“How is she doing?” Cameral asked breathlessly as she came up, her cheeks flushed. Tae hid her smile. She had been a little worried that the new Queen would overrun Cameral’s natural giving nature and abuse her willingness to serve, but so far the relationship between Lady Kaoru and Cameral had been smooth with few hitches. The only thing Cameral had complained about was the fact that Kaoru didn’t leave her enough to do.

Tae could understand her frustration. She had never heard of a royal who picked up her own clothing, straightened all the sheets on the bed, put away her own towels, and kept her closet as organized as was in her ability to do. The only thing Kaoru did not excel at was hiding those books of hers. Tae was quite certain Kenshin was unaware that she was reading. Every morning, Cameral would put them back into piles based on content and style, organize the notes, and with Tae’s blessing, add a few helpful guides that Kaoru might have missed.

“She is doing very well,” Tae assured as she watched Kaoru give Kenshin a faint smile through the little glass Shinomori had agreed to set up. It was amazing what you could get from that man if you offered him a fresh batch of papaya muffins.

Cameral gave a gusty sigh of relief. “Is her hair holding up? Have you been taking notes over the styles of hair and dresses so that during the Season, Kaoru can have an edge?”

Tae patted Cameral on the cheek. “I am taking notes, Misao is taking notes, and Megumi is taking notes. I am sure that even Kenshin is taking mental notes.” Tae smiled and handed Cameral a muffin to chew on. The ones she had made for the servants as treats had bits of chocolate in them. Cameral blushed faintly.

This was the part of being Head Housekeeper and part-time cook that Tae loved best: being able to watch her servants grow and develop. She rather fancied she was a mother of dozens of rowdy children and the worst were the royals. “So how is that betting pool coming?”

Cameral choked on the muffin and picked up the glass of juice Tae called for her. “You know about that?”

Tae gave a low chuckle. “You will find, my dear, that there are very few things that I don’t know about. Saitoh is actually very willing to share details if you give him enough soba.”

Cameral goggled at her before sighing. “It’s up to fifty silver coins.”

Tae tapped her fingers against her chin as she grinned. “Add ten coins in for me. I say tonight Kenshin gets a clue that his wife is Royal.”

Cameral made a face. “I know. You think he is going to figure it out eventually?”

“I think it’s likely that Megumi and Misao are going to figure it out first - if they haven’t already. Tokio is probably giggling to herself in that little laboratory of hers. The men…” Tae shrugged with a wicked smile blooming on her face. “The men will just figure it out eventually. When they do, we are going to nod our heads and pretend they are wise and all knowing. The girls are quite capable of ragging them for us. If we play nice, we get more information out of them next time.”

Cameral stared at Tae. “You’re evil,” Cameral informed her with wide eyes.

Tae smiled. “Would you like another muffin?”



Kaoru stepped out of her ball gown feeling horribly numb.

She didn’t say anything to Cameral as the woman pulled her hair down from the elaborate coif it had been styled in. The heavy jewelry had already been removed and carefully put back into place. Kaoru didn’t know what do as new under things and a warmed shift were handed to her, other than to change and attempt to hide her shaking fingers.

She hoped Cameral would count it as exhaustion from a long day.

The shock of seeing his face after so many hours spent agonizing, praying and cursing him had left her in a state of emotional turmoil. Killing him had been the only wish that had gotten her through endless hours of darkness and fire tending.

Feeling was slowly starting to seep back into her fingers and toes. Kaoru vaguely wondered if she had managed to finish the evening, and decided she didn’t care. Shivering in the dressing room clad in only her shift, she faced the first real breakdown she had allowed herself to have. Slowly, she shivered. He had been right there. So close she could have wrapped her fingers around his neck and squeezed and squeezed. Listened to choked little noises as the beat of his pulse under her hands slowly died.

She had smelled the cologne on his skin, felt his eyes on her body, and saw the hatred flicker in his hard gray eyes.

Dropping her head into her hands, Kaoru breathed deeply in an attempt to get her emotions under control. He had been so damn close.

Rubbing her eyes, she lifted her head and shakily headed into the sitting room where Kenshin was sitting on one of the low couches. He had changed out of his own court clothing into a pair of loose sleeping pants. The casual, roguish quality to his figure only emphasized the way he had looked an hour earlier, stern and beautiful, breathtaking and something that only she could ever touch.

The great window was open to show off the King’s Garden and he wore a thoughtful look she had seen on his face only once or twice since she had married him. The sudden urge to go and wrap herself around him had her biting her lip. He looked warm and comfortable and alive and her feet were moving her forward before she had really processed the thought.

Kaoru wasn’t surprised when he tilted his head in her direction, offering her a warm smile that stilled, and she watched as something crept into his eyes. Kaoru didn’t bother to examine those emotions. Instead, she finished the walk over to the couch and settled herself in his lap. He stiffened in surprise when she wrapped her arms around his shoulders and buried her face in his neck. Kenshin always smelled of ginger and fresh soap and she inhaled deeply, allowing the warmth of his skin to melt away some of the cold terror that had lodged in her gut. She made a noise of relief when he wrapped his arms around her, pulling her against his chest comfortably.

This was what she was going to risk losing. The thought come from nowhere, and she stiffened in Kenshin’s arms before relaxing. She was learning to need this, and if she decided to go after Sumita then she would, could, lose all of this.

“Are you all right?” he asked softly, sounding a unsure as she cuddled against his chest a little more firmly, suddenly feeling like a little girl.

“I just wanted a hug,” she told him honestly, attempting to keep him from guessing the truth.

Kaoru did want a hug.

She needed to be reminded that she wasn’t a little girl anymore, and that there wasn’t a cold temple room with no light waiting for her. Kenshin was something that was temporarily hers, and that was comforting. The hand that was moving against her back was relaxing the tense muscles at the base of her neck. Taking another deep breath she allowed herself to relax.

Kenshin didn’t say anything for several long moments, just continued to run his hand in soothing circles up and down her spine. “You did very well tonight,” he finally spoke, his voice gentle and rumbling against her ear. “Everyone thought you were very charming.”

Kaoru shifted so that her arms were no longer around his neck, but he didn’t make a move to release her. She squeaked in surprise when he suddenly moved so that he was reclining and she was resting against him at a comfortable angle, their legs suddenly tangled together. He chuckled and she made a face at him before leaning her head against his chest.

“I am glad,” Kaoru admitted, willing to let his words wash away the chill of her discovery. “I thought I was going to puke.”

The warm vibration of his laugh had her own lips curving into a smile as she closed her eyes. “Is that so? No one would have guessed from your behavior,” he remarked playfully. One of his hands twisted in her hair. “I thought you were beautiful tonight.”

Kaoru blinked and lifted her head so she could look at him. His eyes were a sleepy violet, but they were honest and she found herself blushing. His mouth curved at that and she settled back against his chest. “I was utterly terrified,” Kaoru confessed. “I haven’t been around that many people in a long time and they were all suddenly staring.” So many staring, judging eyes, and the worst had been saved for last.

“They were all fascinated by you,” Kenshin informed her. “Where did you learn to hold your head like that, Kaoru? There was something about you…” His word trailed off, and Kaoru made a noise in the back of her throat, comfortable and relaxed for the first time that evening. “You looked like a Queen.”

Kaoru wanted to open her eyes and inform him that she wasn’t at all Queen-like, but that would mean rousing herself from the sleepy little pocket his body heat had created and she didn’t want to. He was still talking and she was certain that it might have been important. Instead of listening, she breathed the scent of his skin and allowed herself to drift off to sleep.

Kenshin stopped mid sentence when he realized that his wife was no longer paying attention. Kaoru was as relaxed as a cat and her breathing was deep and even. Sighing, he continued to wrap several long strands of her hair around his knuckles before he leaned down and buried his nose and lips in the fragrant strands.

She had looked like a Queen.

With her hair twisted and braided and glittering with the royal tiara placed so carefully in her dark locks; with her eyes dark and mysterious, her chin angled just so. There was little doubt that he hadn’t been the only awestruck admirer. There had been something in the way she watched him that had been … all he knew was that he had stood by his equal on that dais. Her mannerisms as she talked with his people, that delightful little accent tingeing her words; she had not faltered once.

He knew Misao and Megumi were good, but he doubted even they could work such miracles in such a short time. Determinedly, he considered everything he knew about her and everything he had been told. Tomoe had accused her of being nothing more than a slave, desperate for him to leave Kaoru behind. Kaoru hadn’t denied that accusation, but she had reminded him that she was not slave-born. Her expertise with a sword spoke of private tutors and determination, but he could only think of a few highborn families that would support their daughters’ picking up swords. None of them were merchants, and all of them were of some royal class

There was no way for her to have been able to pick up all the little details she had executed tonight. Frowning, he nuzzled her temple. There were several pieces that were starting to come together and he wasn’t entirely certain she was aware that she had given some of them away. Aoshi had sent a man into Yukishiro territory, but he wondered if he could get Aoshi to send him a message to do a more thorough search? Her father was dead, so there had to be some record of the highborn deaths in the past ten years. He wanted those names and dates.

Until then, he would not voice his suspicions. Not when she was starting to come to him for comfort and physical assurances. The expression in her eyes as she had come over had been a little lost, and she had been so cold to touch. He had been pleasantly surprised when she had crawled into his lap. Even now, the feel of her curved form pressing into him wasn’t exactly conductive to sleep. He had thought that the ball had been putting some strain on her. There had been lines around Kaoru’s mouth and between her brows the past two days he was certain she was unconscious of. Even now, asleep, completely protected and tucked against him, there was a tense set to her shoulders. Under his hands he could feel the clench of her back muscles.

She was wearing herself out over something.

Taking a deep breath, he considered that thought. This week was pressure enough and it would start to eat at her, wearing her down until she was forced to react on instinct and her drilling as a child. Kenshin knew it because he was the same way, allowing certain motions to take over when he wasn’t thinking.

He wondered what her first instinct would be.

There was a chance he would be allowing her to hurt herself, but there was something about the way she had moved tonight... the tilt to her chin, the regal angle of her head. He was almost certain that his questions would have the answers that he thought they had. If they didn’t, then he would shield her from the vicious inner circle of his court and allow his own reputation to cocoon her.

Carefully, so as not to wake her, he gathered her against his chest and stood, heading for his bed. He was tired and Kaoru was far too gone to wake to bathe. He shook his head softly when he caught Cameral coming into the room, her expression faintly worried. He would question her tomorrow. Cameral bowed her head and went to shut the curtains on the windows in the sitting room as he kicked the door shut lightly behind them. Moving carefully, he pulled the covers back on the bed and lifted one knee to balance as he settled Kaoru in the middle. Kenshin crawled in behind her and pulled the covers up before pulling Kaoru so she could lie against his chest again. She murmured sleepily before snuggling into him, one leg lying over the top of his. With a sigh of contentment, he allowed himself to fall asleep.



Sumita poured himself a glass of whatever was in the crystal decanter. The liquid was a warm gold and shivered against the sides of the glass in his hands. In the background he could listen to the sounds of Esha speaking to Wargen through the scrying glass she had insisted on bringing with her. Her low voice held a familiar cadence that was almost comforting.

She was here.

Taking a long sip of the burning liquid, he shuddered. He had seen the shock in her eyes reflect the horror that had burned down his spine and into his stomach. She was here. The offspring of the man who the temples had declared a traitor. Strutting around on the arm of the man who his own beloved princess had been meant to wed. Breathing deeply, Sumita relished his next burning sip.

Had she let the little brat go? Had the temple decided that her servitude had been enough for the damage that the Kamiya clan had created? He had brought them to justice and now the younger brat stood in position to add to the fire, in a country that was already headed for ruin. Evil lived and breathed in her; he had been uncertain when Tomoe had agreed to marry this… King, but he was beneath such knowledge. He had buried his misgivings and given his trust to the Yukishiros. They had to have had some reason for allowing Tomoe to go as the sacrificial sheep into the lion’s den

Yet some part of him had been delighted that the Yukishiro Princess was going to be given to marry Himura. She had the ability to bring about a cleansing to the land. Once she had an heir, he would have gladly been the tool that destroyed the Battousai.

Now she was here. Married to a man who had the power to prevent the Yukishiro clan from reaching their complete potential. Fury erupted in his stomach and he had to breathe several times to control himself. Esha would notice and demand an answer.

Sumita took a deep breath. He had grown up in Wargen’s court unsure of his path in life, and repressed. The practicing of mage-craft in his home court had been the religion, life, art, and live blood of everything that had been created. Without magic, the court would die a slow death of suffering.

He had grown up as the only son of the Queen’s first escort. The magic had been bred out of his family’s line. It was too dangerous for a Queen to have an escort that had magic in his blood, too much of a temptation for the Queen to be unfaithful. No woman would sleep with a man who was without magic. It would be sentencing their children to a horrible fate and considered an unforgivable sin.

Occasionally, one of the sons or daughters in his family were born with a gift, and they were given to the temple or put somewhere their gift could do some good. His older brother had been born with a minor gift, so Sumita had been overlooked. Even at a young age, he had learned quickly to keep his gift to himself. It had served him well to practice in secret and to learn his arts quietly.

Sumita had dedicated himself to his temple. To his people, to his cause. It had gotten him nowhere in life. His older brother had been shipped away; he had been put into position to serve the King and his bride. Esha was the king’s second wife and far more naïve then he would have thought someone her age would be. It served his purposes. To be close to the throne and to the power… but even then he had been hollow inside, uncertain about where his life was going.

His loyalty had changed the moment he had stepped into the temple and seen a boy with hair that was slowly going white, with eyes as polished stone. It had been Lord Akira who had introduced them, who had given him a way to begin to serve the boy and the sister who had taught him how he could find a purpose in his life.

Sumita had glorified in being the key reason that that blasphemous royal in line for the throne had been executed and his blood returned to the earth as was his people’s custom; to see him pay for his crimes.

Sumita stilled when a popping noise interrupted his train of thoughts.

A warning vibrated along his skin and he turned to look at the desk. A black envelope was sitting innocently on the desk that had been set up in the room for his use. Anticipation warred with nerves. How had someone gotten a message through Shinomori and Saitoh’s security system?

He would worry about that later. In the next half-hour, if someone came in through the door wanting to know what was going on he could blame it on Esha and Wargen. In fact, he would enjoy doing so. Even that knowledge couldn’t stop the sweat from beading at his temples and wetting his palms.

Reaching out he carefully picked up the envelope and opened it. He had to try and take out the paper twice, because his fingers were so slick he kept losing his grip. Breathing in deeply, he opened the piece of paper that had been folded once, down the middle.

He had to take another drink before his brain could process the name.

Walking to the decanter, he poured another glass and leaned his forehead against the cold stone, a slow smile starting at the corners of his mouth and stretching until it involved the complete length of his lips.

It would be his honor and his privilege.


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The dotmoon.net community was founded in 2005. It is currently a static archive.
The current design and source code were created by Dejana Talis.
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