.moon by night

Little One by Ravyn

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Kaoru was enjoying herself

Kaoru was enjoying herself.

One of the best parts about having a husband who was dragged from bed before dawn and wasn’t back until lunch, then was gone again only to return at dark and fall into bed; was that she could read all she wanted. It had taken her a while to figure out how to pull it off, but she had managed. Watching Kenshin carefully each night, she decided that besides the weary glance around the room, he practically stumbled into the bathing chamber then to bed. Some nights he was more alert, engaging her in quiet conversation and watching her with eyes that memorized.

The only day she couldn’t get away with her book addiction was Tuesdays. Apparently he -or someone else- had put their foot down, and Kenshin took Tuesdays off to rest. He slept in late and ate breakfast with her. Sometimes he did minor errands, and he dedicated several hours to sword play; but he made sure that most hours were hers. She made sure to think out each question she had. In return, he would answer her carefully planned questions.

She was currently devouring one of the books over ancient trade routes and attempting to remember everything that Kenshin had said about the current routes in the past few days. It was the third she’d gone through on that particular topic, and to her amusement, she’d discovered another nine. Going through the catalogs, she’d found the four most likely to have the information she wanted most, and started there.

Besides, it created a lovely break from those books on magic had been taken copious notes on.

Currently she was in front of one of the large bay windows, in the little couch she had put there. Kenshin had simply raised a brow at the arrangement and said nothing. So with one foot propped up on the arm-rest, and the other balanced on her knee to lazily kick it up in the air now and then, Kaoru turned another page.

Not a very “queenly” pose,’ she thought cheekily as she settled the book on her chest and closed her eyes for a moment.

If it wasn’t for her morning work out session in the garden, she would have been gaining weight. As it was, no matter how many sit-ups, push-ups, and katas she performed, she had still gained a little weight. Kaoru had known early on that there was a conspiracy in the kitchen. Tae had been leaving cookies and fattening goodies lying around with little sandwiches, just so they would be right on hand whenever she felt like munching. What was completely unfair was the double chocolate cake that oozed fudge. The only reason she wasn’t being rolled around was because she made sure she sweated it off the next morning.

Just as she was picking the book back up, she heard the sound of Kenshin walking down the hall. Swearing, she twisted and shoved the book under the couch. Grabbing the pillow, she wrapped her arms around it and stretched out, deliberately pushing her face into the pillow so she could give the illusion of drowsing.

The voices grew louder and Kaoru calmed her breathing.

“Where do you think she’s hiding?” Came Sano’s perplexed voice.

“She likes to sprawl out in…” Kenshin’s voice trailed off, and Kaoru guessed that he had come far enough into the room to see her. There was a long moment of silence before someone started to whistle, but it was cut off with a groan. Kaoru took that took that cue to shift, stirring and muttering sleepily.

There was a hissed word and soft footsteps as someone left. The welcome scent of ginger washed over her as she lifted her head and peeked out. Kenshin had crouched down in front of the couch and was watching her with such a reluctant expression she wondered if she should feel insulted.

“Hey,” he said softly. Her shirt was mused and twisted around her frame so he firmly kept his eyes on her face. His fingers itched to brush the bangs away from drowsy blue eyes, but he kept his hands to himself. “I’m sorry that we woke you.”

Kaoru sat up and brushed her bangs out of her way before she smiled at him. “That’s all right,” she faked a yawn, then the covered her mouth. “I wasn’t asleep long so no harm done.” She gave him her best innocent expression. “Did you need something?”

Kenshin gave her a searching glance and the way his shoulders relaxed suggested he was satisfied with what he found. “A monk arrived earlier this afternoon and was asking to see you. Apparently is he is an old friend of yours.”

Kaoru felt her heart skip a beat. Forcing herself to keep her act, she tucked her brows together and frowned. “I worked in a temple,” she reminded him. “Occasionally I was in charge of the luggage for guests. Could you be a little more specific please?”

Something shifted in his eyes and Kaoru was once again amazed by the chameleon-shifts of his gaze. “He has gray eyes and a long, lateral scar running from the tip of his eye down to the corner of his mouth.” He told her quietly, his expression almost aggressive.

Kaoru considered sticking her tongue out, but the idea that he had come to see her had her heart pounding. “Kenshin,” Kaoru scolded as she levered herself up. “You act as if I have never had any friends.” The fact that any of them would follow her here would lead to suspicion, but she was glad that they had.

His expression went from slightly dangerous to completely sheepish in a matter of seconds. She didn’t doubt for a moment that it was for her benefit and that he was still feeling moody, but she did appreciate the effort. She grumbled under her breath for good measure and glanced back over her shoulder at him. “You can come and meet him if you like,” she suggested. She had the feeling that he was going to come whether or not she wanted him to, but this way at least it looked like she wanted him to come. “I have absolutely no idea where we are going.” She finished off with a little sigh.

Kenshin shook his head at her but easily caught up. It was to her surprised delight that he reached out and laced his fingers through hers. Kaoru liked his hands. They were work worn and heavily callused along his palms, but the roughness was familiar and not the least unwelcome. Sometimes she woke up at night remembering the way they felt sliding across her skin, and it took a supreme act of will to ignore her sleeping husband.

“How long have you known this monk?” Kenshin asked softly as he moved down the hall with her, ignoring the looks they were attracting.

“I was given to the temple when I was fourteen,” Kaoru mused to herself as she thought about the years. “So, I would say….three years?” She said with a smile. “He was a great friend of mine, Kenshin.” She gave him a stern look. “You are not going to run him off.” She bit her bottom lip and decided to cheat. Lowering her eyes, she made a show of appearing shy. “I didn’t have…” she cut her words off deliberately and watched his tense jaw soften. Straightening her spine, she gave him a firm look. “You are not going to run him off. Please.”

Kenshin gave her an exasperated look that didn’t quite hide his underlying affection. “The thought never crossed my mind.”

Kaoru snorted lightly and looked away. That quiet, steady warmth was dangerous. It gave her stomach butterflies and she wasn’t sure how to handle that.

The sunshine was bright outside and she had to blink several times. Once they had adjusted, she found herself looking at an irritated looking pack mule and a monk in a modest brown robe. His eyes were clear and there was gray threading through the hair at his temples than she remembered but she knew that face. The smile that crept up her mouth couldn’t be helped. She felt her husband’s eyes on her face as she watched the monk approach, wiggling her fingers so Kenshin was forced to let go.

Kagerou caught both of her hands and kissed the backs of them in the traditional greeting to someone of higher rank in her old kingdom. “Old friend,” she said softly and fought down a blush, determined to let Kenshin know how much this man meant to her.

“My Queen,” he murmured with soft reverence. Turning on his heel, he gave Kenshin an exquisite bow that Kaoru could tell impressed her husband. She wasn’t sure how she knew that considering he never lost his perfectly stoic expression, but there was something that had hummed through her for a moment that gave it away. “Your Majesty, I thank you for allowing me time to speak to your beloved wife.”

Kenshin gave a curt nod and turned back to her. Kaoru was very surprised to find that his had turned the color of honey. “A good place to speak to your friend away from prying ears would be our garden,” he told her carefully. “I trust you can find your way there?”

Kaoru gave him a searching look but when she found nothing suspicious in his expression, she offered him a smile. His eyes flickered with what looked like surprise but she decided she was imagining things and turned to her friend. “If you will follow me,” Kaoru said sweetly, flashing her husband another brilliant smile before they moved in the direction of the gardens.

Kaoru managed to keep her expression composed until they reached the section of the garden she knew would hide them from any outside attention. Then she threw herself into the monk’s embrace. “Kagerou,” she breathed against his large shoulder. “I thought you were dead.”

The arms around her waist tightened, holding her close with a wealth of silent emotion before she finally stepped back. After a thorough perusal, she gave him a disapproving look. “Where did you get that scar? You’re too good with your knives to let someone that close!”

Kagerou sighed. “Enishi was covering his sister’s steps and I misjudged. I believe he bears a similar mark near his ribs, however.” He gave her a solemn look. “Only a few of us made it out. Not many, but enough that we can still be useful to you, Majesty.” He brought his hand to his forehead in a worshipful manner and she hissed at him.

“Don’t do that,” Kaoru told him fiercely.

He looked up, his clear eyes grave. “You are my Queen,” he insisted softly. “The fact that you are Queen in this country just gives me the right to address you as such in public. It is my right.” He gave her the same exquisite bow that he had given Kenshin. “I am forever your humble servant.”

Kaoru sighed wearily. “Please, Kagerou,” she said gently. “Not now.” Her tone was subdued and he pulled up from his bow.

He gave her an assessing glance, then nodded. Folding his long limbs, he sat quietly and said nothing until she had sat as well. “How have things been here?” he questioned lightly. “I take it things between you and your new husband are going well enough?”

Kaoru groaned and buried her face in her hands. “Everything is completely mixed up,” she informed him. Lifting her head, she sighed and gave him an exasperated sigh. “This was not what I had in mind when Tomoe gave me that bargain.” Her tone was openly petulant and Kagerou wondered how long she had wanted to whine but had not allowed herself. He enjoyed the fact that she let him see this side of her and it amused him to no end that he managed to bring the child out in her.

Kagerou nodded. “I heard about that.” His smile was teasing, hoping to draw her from her annoyance. Her temper had always been volatile. “I hope you enjoyed yourself?”

Kaoru gave him an irritated expression, but a hint of laughter bubbled up and brightened her eyes. “You’re supposed to be a monk. And anyway, that’s none of your business.” Her voice turned hard and she narrowed her eyes at him. “Do you know where he is?”

Kagerou sighed and shook his head. He hated to disappoint his Queen when she used that voice. “He has given all of us the slip. Those figures you gave me from the royal accounts were used to get him out of the country. We’re almost certain they bought him a title somewhere, but we haven’t been able to find even a footprint.” His face was frustrated even as steel lined his eyes. “We are not finished looking.”

Kaoru nodded, not even attempting to mask her disappointment. “How many made it out?” Her voice was hesitant as if she dreaded the answers.

“Five,” Kagerou said softly. Kaoru pressed her hands over her mouth and closed her eyes. Before her father’s death she had close to thirty honorary aunts and uncles. Her father’s most beloved friends. His spy network.

They were all gone.

“Who’s left?” she asked in a choked voice, not willing to look at the expression she knew would be on his face.

“Tsunan,” he said softly and grinned at the grimace that crossed her face. It had the desired effect and she opened her eyes. “Anji, Lleana, and Katriona; I make five.”

Kaoru closed her eyes again and took deep shuddering breaths until she was certain she had herself under control. “Are you still communicating in the same way as before?” Her voice remained strong and he felt a smile bloom on his mouth. His Queen was stronger than she thought.

Kagerou shook his head. “We had to alter our patterns a bit. I don’t have that information on me in a way that you could study them without your husband finding them. Tsunan is in the area and will probably check in soon. He can drop them off in the form of lyrics.”

Kaoru gave him a dark look. “Does it have to be him?” Kaoru really couldn’t help her grumpy tone; too many memories of having her cheeks pinched.

Kagerou chuckled. “He isn’t so bad once you get to know him, my Queen.”

“You can’t call me that,” she scolded him again, her voice firm. “They use ‘Majesty’ here, not name. So please, be nice. If Tsunan is going to come, I want details of what you have been up to.” Her voice took on a surprise note. “I get an allowance. I had a bag of blood rubies but I lost them. I can still afford to give you guys some sort of income while I try to figure out how to tell my husband about this.” She sighed. “If I ever do…”

Kagerou smiled at her, reaching into his robes to pull out a thin volume. “Here, I told your father I would give this to you if things went bad. It’s from both your parents.” Kaoru took it, starting to open it until he stopped her. “Please, when you’re alone. I couldn’t stand to see you cry.” He reached over and patted her cheek. “I should be going. That husband of yours had dangerous eyes and he is not a man I would want to make jealous.” He sighed. “Although if you ask me, I will challenge him to a duel and cheat outrageously.”

Kaoru stared at him. “That might not be a good idea,” she told him carefully. “I haven’t seen him move but he has very…” she stopped speaking, her entire face turning red.

Kagerou laughed and stood.

“You take care of that man and have lots of fat, bouncy babies.” He told her firmly. “Now lead me out, dear Queen, and I shall play the humble monk simply passing along news. I will not be accepting that offer of I income but I don’t speak for the others.”

She nodded and hid the slim volume in her tunic. “Thank you.” She crushed him into another hug. She pulled back and smiled. “Its nice having someone I love and can trust near by.” Her eyes were wistful. “I feel so alone sometimes.”

“Learn to love this place, Kaoru.” He suggested gently. “Learn to love your husband and things will become easier for you. It will never stop hurting, but one day it will be nothing but a dull ache. When that day comes, you will find yourself surrounded by friends and family. It is not wrong to love this place or this King.”

She lowered her eyes and swallowed. “His death-day is approaching,” she whispered as her hands fisted. “How can I go to a temple and tell him that I have-?” she looked up and her eyes were bright with unshed tears. “How do I tell him that there is still no vengeance?”

Kagerou gave her a long look. “You shall do what you must.” He rolled his shoulders. “And I shall stay in the city until his death-day passes. One of us should at least be here for you.” He reached out and touched her shoulder. “You must learn to forgive yourself.”

Kaoru nodded and lowered her eyes. “I know,” she admitted. “But it’s hard to forgive myself for what happened and for not managing to escape Tomoe’s games.” Her mouth tightened. “Especially when he is still out there.”

Kagerou shook his head. “You were a child and there was no way you could have known the repercussions to sharing your king’s bed. Tell me, is it all that bad?”

Kaoru look startled and he smiled, giving her a little shove.

“After you, my Queen.”


Kenshin stood leaning against one of the tinted windows of his council chamber and watched the ways the trees swayed in the faint, hot breeze.

“If you’re so worried about her,” Tokio said lightly. “Then why don’t you go down there?” Her words were soothing, and Kenshin pressed his palms into the window frame to keep from saying anything he would regret.

Kaoru trusted that man. He wasn’t sure if it was the brilliant smile she had given him or the fact that she had been almost giddy with excitement the moment she saw him. He apparently had a jealous streak.

Letting out a deep breath, he turned back to the table, walked to his chair, and sat down. “She trusts him,” he said finally. “It’s going to have to be enough.” He shook himself once to clear his head and then focused his attention on the new subject matter. “What where you saying, Sano?”

“The Council has been pushing for you to have a coming out of sorts for her Majesty,” Sano wearily informed him. “They’re certain if we send out the invitations within the week, we can have everyone here in two weeks tops. The weather should allow it.”

Kenshin pushed himself from where he had been sitting, agitated all over again. “So they are determined to go through with this.” His tone was sharp. “Even if we do speed things along with magic, it’s going to wear our mages out. They’re already pushed to the limits with the shield.” He tugged on his bangs for a moment before looking at the perfectly blank faces of his private council. “Is there any way we can avoid it?”

Sano snorted, but Aoshi spoke up before he could. “We denied them a royal wedding. You’re lucky I managed to talk them into a simple week’s worth of celebrations. They wanted to have a month of celebrations to honor your new bride.” His tone was deliberately neutral.

Kenshin closed his eyes and pinched the bridge of his nose. “We have no idea how she will hold up under the pressure.” He swore and strode to the window again. “If we say yes, then we throw her into a bad situation. And if we say no, we risk insulting several key rulers.” His words were spoken through clenched teeth.

“Don’t fret so much,” Tokio soothed. “She has Megumi and Misao in her corner, which is more than most of the court can say. She is either going to manage to survive this event or she won’t. Either way, it’s going to go as it should.”

Kenshin flexed his hands against the railing again. “Send out the invitations,” he said at last, his voice resigned. “Tokio, I leave it up to you to discuss this issue with Misao and Megumi.”

Letting out a long breath, he turned with a sigh. “What else do you have to discuss?”

The matter quickly turned to taxes.


Despite the black silk, the skin around the bridge of his nose, the rims of his ears, his scalp itched. Reaching up, he brushed a forefinger along his silk covered temple. Even without his sight, he could almost taste the nervous energy in the air. Lowering his hand, he laced his fingers behind his back and breathed in the heavy anticipation.

It was time.

For weeks he had sweated and trembled in a sweet agony as his body had adjusted. His sensitive nose had borne the brunt of his own stench. Sweat, blood, and an unusual scent…bitter and clinging to everything. It had taken days for him to place it and he had, the pain had become bearable.

They were afraid of him.

Smell was a strong tang in his senses. The more his borrowed eyes lent him power and adjusted to their new skills inside his body, the better he became at tasting the currents in the air. Slowly the agony of light and noise had receded to a dull throb.

It was time to let the games begin.

Carefully, savoring the sensation of the silk falling away, he unwound each section of cloth from his face. His eyes were closed so he missed the expressions, but he clearly heard the gasps. He had been assured that the scarring was minimal and that only the faintest lines at the corners of his eyes remained from the magical procedure. Still, the memory of his eyes burning and the pain, the phantom sense of nothing in his sockets had him gritting his teeth before he rolled the silk into a ball. He would keep it as a memento.

His lashes parted, opening his eyes so that he could finally blink away the shadows. The light burned for an instant, but then heat flooded his body as the stolen pupils converted the magic that he saw into raw power. Blinking again, he relished the heat as it burned into every bone in his body, melting tissue and sharpening bone. Stunned silence and blank expressions were the first thing he saw when his senses cleared, and he felt a stab of irritation.

How he would have relished the exquisite beauty of her face instead.

A faint smile curved his lips. The only complaint she had ever uttered about his expression was or had been his eyes. Plain, dull brown with little beauty, she had once murmured that against his naked shoulder while her hand rested against his waist. Her eyes were beautiful. Deep pools of solid black. So much that it was difficult to discern the separation of iris and pupil, giving an air of mystery and shadows.

His smirk deepened, he spun on his heel and walked down the steps of the dais, leaving the room. His court would fear him now. He could feel the power as it crackled through his body and was taken in through his eyes. Finding a mirror, he paused and studied? himself.

His face was pale and thin from weeks of pain. The magic involved in giving him his new gift had eaten at his muscle mass, and it would take weeks of work and conditioning to restore it. The little scar on his chin was the same.

But his eyes…

Throbbing, liquid green eyes stared back at him. Small bursts of darker flecks rose up and burst along his pupils. The small ring of green several shades lighter than the rest settled around his pupils and pulsed with the magic that continued to spin across the rest of his eyes.


Holding up his hand, he watched as magical lines began to form around him, willing the spell that he wanted into place. Brushing his finger through the invisible threads he cleared the hall, until the unmistakable scent of plum blossoms reached his sensitive nose.

A sense of peace wrapped around him as he ignored the muted, terrified whispers.

He would break the world for her now.

Turning on his heel, he headed to his room to write her a message. A smile began to grow along his lips as he realized that things were coming into place.

You will not be disappointed in me…my darling…


Kaoru had taken an early bath that night. Seeing Kagerou had been wonderful, but it brought forth issues that had run around and around in her head until it had given her a headache. The hot water had successfully relaxed some of the muscles in her neck and shoulders, dulling the ache behind her eyes. Cameral had insisted on brushing her hair out and that had managed to take care of the remaining tension.

She had expected a quiet dinner. Kenshin had left his meetings to come and tell her about her guest and spent time away, so she had been surprised when she saw the two sets of dishes set out on the low table. The soft cushions they used in place of chairs had been fluffed and set out as well. Cameral was busily icing down the drinks and arranging the covered platters on the tray.

“Your Lord is running a few moments behind.” Cameral said simply. “He asked me to make sure that you ate if you wanted, or I can go ahead and pour your drink if you would wish to wait?”

Kaoru considered her options. She liked spending those quite moments over dinner with Kenshin, and with that thought, Kagerou’s soft suggestion danced through her mind. “Just the drink,” Kaoru decided. “He shouldn’t be long.” She hoped he wasn’t long. She was hungry, and if her stomach started growling then Cameral was not going to accept excuses to wait on him.

Her worry was for nothing. Just as Cameral had moved back to the cart, Kenshin strode in. He looked alert, but there was a sense of weariness hanging about him that concerned her. His violet eyes were dark and almost bruised.

“Wore yourself out again?” Kaoru asked before she could sensor the comment, and clenched her hands into fists under the table in reflex. He looked startled, Cameral was definitely stifling giggles, but he did nothing except raise a brow at her and settle down. Cameral moved quickly might work better, pouring his drink and setting their filled plates in front of them seconds later; another of those practical uses of magic she knew nothing of.

“It was a long day,” he offered finally. “We are about finished with all the major meetings and attempting to organize a few events that are coming up.” He hesitated and then seemed to come to a decision. “How did the meeting go with your friend?”

Kaoru scooped up a bite of a potato-mixture that seemed to have not necessary white cheese and herbs whipped into something soft and warm. She swallowed carefully and worked on cutting the thickly spiced meat into bite sized pieces. “It went well,” she said finally. “He was a friendly face from a time when I didn’t have many friendly faces.” She offered Kenshin a weak smile.

His eyes had brightened into that indigo-blue color while they scanned her face for long moments. His mouth relaxed a little -she hadn’t been aware it was tense until it had- and the conversation turned to small talk. What she had done that day, his brief summary of the meetings.

“Megumi and Misao are going to want to meet with you in the next few days about some things,” he vaguely informed her. There was a tense note in his voice as the scraped up the last morsels of the soft chocolate cake that Cameral had brought out for dessert that caught her attention.

“About what?” Kaoru pressed stubbornly, setting her fork down, she picked up her cup and took a sip. She adored the fruit drinks that Cameral and Tae mixed for meals. She didn’t know what they put into them, but ever since she had confessed that she liked them, she always found them filling her cup.

Kenshin’s eyes glittered with repressed laughter for a moment before he stood and offered her a hand to help her stand as well. “I have to return to meet with Aoshi and Tokio over a few more details. I will back late so don’t wait up for me.” He suggested. Again, he hesitated, tweaking her interest “There is a present on your desk from Raikōji Chizuru.” At her confused expression, and the way he could watch her running the name through her head, he grinned. “She is the Empress from South Seas Islands.” He told her. When her jaw dropped, he chuckled and dipped his head, brushing her mouth with his.

With a faint grin he turned and walked out of the room.

Kaoru gawked at her husband’s back.

Shaking her head, and attempting to ignore how good he had smelled, she walked back into the room. There was a faint noise as the lights in the room flickered into life, and she blinked at the sight of the small, rectangular box on her desk that hadn’t been there before. Walking across the room she gasped in surprise at the delicate flowers and figures carved on the lid. Shaking her head, she opened the lid and stared in shock.


Lots of pearls.

Carefully shutting the lid, she bit her bottom lip. That was a very expensive gift to give away on a whim! Closing her eyes, she took several deep breaths, opening a drawer in her desk to place the box inside. She didn’t need a reminder floating around that she was a replacement. She realized that Kenshin probably wasn’t aware of the purpose of the pearls, or even if he was, he might not realize what they would remind her of, and she didn’t feel like returning such an expensive present.

So she hid it.

No one really looked inside her desk anyway.



It amazed him how beautiful she was in the moonlight.

In the sunshine she was warm and vibrant. Today, with a brilliant smile on her face as she thanked him for some time with her friend, she had been breathtaking. The sunshine seemed to only show how dark her hair really was, catching the blue highlights; showed off the shadows that lingered in her blue eyes.

At night she was peaceful, relaxed. He was a man who was used to women with golden tans and dark eyes. But his wife’s legs, tossed out from under the coverlet, were slender and pale. He liked her legs. He also liked to watch the gentle rhythm of her breathing and admire the way her black lashes contrasted against the curve of her cheek.

Moving to sit on the bed, Kenshin settled against the headboard and took her in. It was always difficult to relax after a late council session, but something about seeing her radiating contentment calmed him. The fact that his wife had the enviable talent of dropping off whenever she chose had him a little green with envy. He had found her sleeping in the oddest places, curled up or sprawled out like some well-fed little kitten. He had worried about her sleeping habits being a lingering effect of the bonding, but he’d been reassured that she was coming along wonderfully.

He didn’t mind now that he knew she was all right. He found he liked stumbling over her sleeping form at odd interval. She was simply adorable when she slept. Reaching over, Kenshin picked up her braid and played with the ends as he watched her sleep. There was no more resentment toward the woman who he shared his life with, and he gave a shuddering sigh.

She shifted a little, curling into herself in a tight little ball. Kaoru was a small woman yet when she slept at night, if he wasn’t there to hold her, she automatically moved into a fetal position. It was so at odds with her nap-time habits. It was as if her body was used to sleeping in small places that would not hold even her diminutive frame. She rarely allowed her limbs the freedom needed to wake up comfortable the next morning.

How many times had he studied her on their trip back to his kingdom? When it was quiet in the camp and the tent was filled with only the sounds of their mixed breathing, he spent hours examining her. Kenshin had refused to touch her soul with his, and he still wondered if the day that he could wrap himself inside her as firmly as he wrapped her in his arms at night would ever come. His own soul craved that meeting and it was difficult not to overwhelm her. The time to ponder what choices would have to be made had kept him awake while she lay boneless and unresponsive next to him.

His uncle would have called him every sort of an idiot.

He had been such a fool.

So angry with her.

She had tricked him, allowed him to bind her, and in return had been so vulnerable he had been unable to look away. It had eaten at his stomach lining, crawled up his spine, and left him cold. He had never wanted or expected to be bound so tightly to a stranger never having any guarantee that they would be happy. Had never expected to find someone who he could share such a binding with…

Yukishiro…he had never intended to do more than what had been necessary.

Kenshin closed his eyes and rubbed her hair between his fingers. Had it been that first shy kiss? The uncertain press of her hands? The tentative stroke of her tongue against his? Whatever it had been, it had lit a fire in his belly and he had lost himself in her. When he had held her as she cried those bitter tears against his skin; he had realized what he had done. Her mouth had been honey and apples, and he struggled with the urge to wake her with his mouth just to find out if she would respond to his touch.

Kissing her tonight…was something he hadn’t meant to do. It had been absent and careless, and it was haunting him. It wasn’t until Kenshin was several steps down the hall that he realized what he had done. It had taken even longer to stop himself from walking back and taking more. Tightening his hold on her hair, he concentrated on his own heartbeat for agonizing minutes, calming his body.

If he had bound her the way he had planned to bind Tomoe… Kenshin would have been able to walk away without a second glance. He would have been able to carry out his charade with Tomoe. It would have eaten at his soul, but he would have done it. He couldn’t put his finger on when the situation had changed, but he was almost positive it was around the time he had located that sweet spot on her neck and she had moaned… Kenshin shivered at the memory. If he thought hard enough, his shoulders would effortlessly recall the burning prick of her nails. A phantom sensation that he still shifted his shoulders in the hopes of feeling.

This was not helping…

Taking a deep breath, Kenshin leaned backwards and stared at the ceiling. It hadn’t been the sex…not really. Not all of it, anyway. It had been the need. The way her hands had pressed into his back, the way she had wrapped around him afterwards. The desperate last kisses pressed against the skin of his shoulder as she drifted off. Kaoru hadn’t held a single thing back that night.

He had tasted every inch of her skin. Wanted- needed to do it again. He knew why she had been so desperate in his arms. Why she had whispered his name in that way.

Kaoru shifted a little on the bed and pulled him from his thoughts. Her knees tucked up to her chest and he watched her for a moment before giving in and sliding down beneath the covers. Reaching over, he pulled her against his chest and let his heat relax her body. Predictably she slowly unwound herself and sprawled against him.

His fingers sunk back into her hair. Kenshin was tempted to pull the ribbon loose and wash himself in the silk of her hair. But with a sigh, he pulled his fingers free from the temptation.

Instead he closed his eyes and sunk into himself, examining the bond between them. Kenshin’s own emotions were bouncing back at him, held back only by the wall he had erected. He tasted each emotion and considered what they were telling him.

Possessiveness was expected. Beneath that, the lingering taint of jealousy washed over him, and his growing obsession with her smile churned through his belly. A desire to cherish and protect were quietly smoldering in the background. He wanted to swamp her senses everyway he could. Reluctantly pulling out, he shuddered a little. It was impossible to hide from your own emotions. And he couldn’t deny the growing fondness laying a foundation for something that could be so very rich between them.

Starring down at her ink-black hair, Kenshin realized his only resentment was simple: he knew so little about her. It was something he could fix but he never knew how she felt about sharing with him. She did her best to hide her secrets, tucking into herself occasionally and allowing shadows to fill her eyes. The calluses on her hands spoke of more than just temple work yet she said nothing about either.

Kenshin wanted his wife and that meant everything.

The scent of her jasmine shampoo was heady in the air as he pressed his nose against her neck. “You can’t hide from me forever, Kaoru.” He whispered to her sleeping form. Her only response was to snuggle a little closer.

Tomorrow he would start making a point to ask her questions and to spend more time with her. There was a surprise that he had been working on for a few weeks now and he was looking forward to seeing her reaction. He hadn’t given her his gift of jewelry yet, but he wanted to wait until he had time to make it something special.

Kenshin settled himself a little firmer into his pillows, careful not to jar her awake. He pulled her so most of her weight was supported by his chest. Kaoru was wrapped gently against him. One of her legs had snaked over and tangled with his. One of her arms was slung across his stomach and the palm of her hand rested against his heartbeat. The other hand curled around his wrist.

The warmth of her body and the comfort of scent against his nose lulled him to sleep.


Aoshi unbuttoned his cuffs. Dinner had been a busy affair, and with Kenshin still taking private dinners with his wife, then returning for the later council meetings, he had felt the need to look collected. Moving his hands to the buttons down his chest, he eyed his wife. She was sprawled out on her stomach like some little scamp, a book held in one hand as she used the other to prop up her chin. Her hair was loosely braided and pooled next to her slender waist.

“I have decided he needs to give her a horse.” Misao informed him as she lifted up to turn the page. The movement, accompanied by the kicking swing of her tiny feet, had her dressing gown rising up several inches to show off the back of her muscled thighs.

“A horse?” It shouldn’t surprise him that she was considering one thing while reading something entirely different.

“Megumi and Sano went to the market today. Kenshin went to discuss things with Shura. You and I went for a ride this morning. I suppose she could use the carriage like Megumi, but she seems to like the outdoors.” She turned another page. “Besides, it’s more fun to go on horseback and have them deliver everything to the palace instead of loading it in the carriage.”

He changed into a pair of sleeping pants and settled against the headboard to watch her. “Why is that?”

“Then you can honestly say that you don’t know how much you bought.” She put the book down. “She needs to do something.” Misao flopped on her back and looked up at him with wide-eyes. “What would you do if you were stuck here all the time with nothing to do but talk to Tae?”

Aoshi tilted his head and considered her words. Kaoru hadn’t complained, but it was mostly assumed that she wouldn’t. He had read Saitoh’s report and how she had reacted to his meeting with her. “What is wrong with Tae?”

Misao sat up and leveled him with a horrified expression. “Aoshi!” She managed to get out. “Tae is…” her eyes narrowed in suspicion. “Stop teasing me!” She picked up her pillow and smacked him with it. “Tae is wonderful and scary at the same time. I mean, I suppose it’s better than what she’s used to but still! What happens when the Court Seasons get here and Kaoru isn’t comfortable enough to ride in the mornings with the ladies?” Her dark brows arched. “Have any of you thought about that?”

Aoshi reached over casually and pulled her spluttering form against his side. She made a token growl, but snuggled in willingly enough once he pulled the covers up to her lap. “I will speak with him.”

She looked up at him. “Besides,” she cajoled. “I can take her shopping. Maybe have some girl-bonding. There are only so many times you can have tea with a pregnant Megumi and not get your head bitten off.” She pouted. “Shopping is something Kaoru and I can do that won’t have Megumi feeling that she has to tag along.”

He smoothed down her dark head of hair. “I will speak to him,” he promised again. Reaching over, he twisted his wrist and canceled the light-spell his wife had set. They took a moment to settle down; her body pressed tightly against his, and her braid wrapped around his knuckles. “Go to sleep Misao.”

She made a fuzzy, kitten-like noise in the back of her throat before she proceeded to do just that.

Aoshi lay awake for some moments longer, contemplating his wife’s words.

What exactly had their Queen been up to?


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