.moon by night

Reviews on Little One by Ravyn

Review by luthgal2 2009-09-27

wow. so i first read the reviews to your story before i read this story and i have to admit that i was a little skeptical when i read that one reviewer read the whole thing in 5 hours. i now understand. that was very well written and i find that i don't want it to end. you truly have a gift for writing and creating stories that are page turners. I can't wait to read more!
Review by animeps 2009-09-07

wow..i read almost all of your stories and..they always made me go..WOW. i really dont know what else i can say. this story is AWESOME i actually sat down for a good 5 hours and read everything in a go. (i do that for most of your stories >.
Review by daniiee 2009-08-04

By far one of the best RK stories! I've read many RK fics and this one has always been my favourite. Please continue writing! Especially RK fics! There aren't enough good ones out there!
Review by Anonymous 2008-10-06

Please update! Please, please, please, please, PLEEEAAASE! I've been reading all of your writings and I must say I was not disappointed. I love your creativity! Please update soon! I really, really, really wanna know what happens next! I'm sure other readers would like to know as well. They're just shy to leave a review!
Review by gangela 2008-04-11

I love your stories. Having a strong Kenshin who is so possesive is very refreshing. I was also wondering if you were going to ever post Path to/of Desire up on any of your stuff. I only know about it when I read it on Guilty Pleasures, when it was up. Other than that, I love all your stories and I can't wait for more updates.
Review by Myev 2008-01-27

I started reading this story a few days ago just to pass some time, and ended up so drawn in to the world and plot that it hurt when I reached chapter fourteen to find the end of what has been posted. I beseech you to continue, even if it has been sapping away all of my free time.
Your writing is phenomenal. I care about the characters, both original and non, and the setting is well developed and enthralling. Your sense of pacing for plot twists is impeccable and I will sorely miss snatching time to sit and read more.
I'll have to satisfy my addiction with looking into your other stories while still maintaining hope that this one will be continued in its own time.
Review by HC 2007-11-07

Just love this story... well ALL ficcies from Ravyn are great! ;P Can't wait for the next chapter!!!
Review by FluffyFox 2007-11-02

This story is one of the best I've ever read and I cannot wait to see more from you soon!

Review by kuniko 2007-10-31

luv ur stories!!! please update soon!!
Review by humansandbag 2007-10-01

THIS IS AWESOME! Please write more as soon as you get a chance! Na! Before that!

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