.moon by night

Knight Thunder Chronicles by PrincessReimeiko

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Deep in the darkest part of the galaxy where no light shines, not even the brightest star, an evil plot is being hatched. In the heart of the largest planet, a dark, evil almost mechanical voice could be heard. There was smoke and colors but no face could be seen. With a swirl of smoke two new beings appeared. They are Borna and Rodan the brothers of Primus the leader of the Primordian Empire.
"We came as soon as we got your summons Lord Primas." Borna said, "How might we be allowed to serve you? Anything that you wish is our humble command."
"Silence!" Primas growled, "I did not call you two here for a social gathering or for you flattering quotes. I am extremely displeased that you two have not conquered the Genesian system and the central planet. What is taking so long? Why has there been so many failures?"
"I am sorry Primas." Rodan said, "Forgive us great one. We realize it has taken a long time, but unlike the other solar systems in the universe, we have met with some resistance known by the Eartherians as the Genesian and Zodian Knights. We have tried many times to destroy them, but they seem to have the universal powers of the neighboring planets and moons."
"I am tired of your constant excuses and whining." Primas shouted, "All of these creatures are pathetic lifeforms with no real power at all and you are telling me that you have been beaten by them? OUTRAGEOUS!"
"These lifeforms are more than they seem Lord Primas." Shadra hissed, "I sense that these warriors carry a great and mysterious power that I do not fully understand."
"Are you telling me that there is absolutely no way to destroy them?" Primas demanded, "These warriors, as you call them, have to have a weakness of some kind. We should be able to find it and exploit it."
"Actually that point is very easy, Your Majesty." Shadra hissed, "These warriors fight to protect the people of this system. Maybe the best way to defeat them is to take advantage of the Eartherians. If we enslave them that just may be the way to bring these warriors to heel."
"That is not a bad idea Shadra." Primas declared, "Borna, I want you and Rodan to begin the invasion of the central planet. Begin landing your troops at once. I want that entire planet enslaved by their sundown otherwise your punishment will be severe."
"Right away Lord Primas." Borna acknowledged. With that he, Shadra and Rodan disappeared returning to the command ships. "Stunnar, I want you to begin the invasion of Eartheria and take over the planet with the invasion crew. Primas says right now."
On the planet's surface, both sets of Knights watched as a fleet of some of the biggest ships they had ever seen broke through the stratosphere of the planet. The Knights had run out of time. They had been able to evacuate everyone to Eartheria's own command ships which were hidden in Earth's moon which was a safe distance away.
"It looks as though Borna and Rodan are not wasting anytime pushing through on the invasion." Mars announced, "I guess our distress call has not gain any good fruit. We can not let these evil buzzards take over the planet, the Eartherians have no where else to go."
"By the looks of things even with the Eartherian military standing with us." Knight Mercury added, "We are still seriously outnumbered and our powers are almost completely depleated."
"We have to do something. " Knight Libra admonished, "The Eartherians trust and depend on us. We can not let them down when they need us the most." The Knights were all at a loss for words and ideas. At the royal palace of Galaxia, Jaryonis was preparing to address the entire Galaxian Alliance about the mission to Genesia and to ask for their help to free Eartheria.
"People of Galaxia." Jaryonis said, "Today is a grim day for our Genesian Allies. They have called for our help in their hour of need. An evil force from beyond the known universe is making a full invasion of the Genesian system. Their powers have been seriously depleted and they need all of the help they can get in order to remove this threat from their system forever."
"Your Majesty," General Sarbo said, "I will gather the Knights who will assist in this war and we will leave to aid our allies within the hour. With your permission we would also request being able to take any and all supplies we can spare for this mission."
"Then so be it." Jaryon said, "Go help our allies. The rest of us will join you when we can. I may have a plan that will cover all the bases necessary to protect our allies and us from here on out. Go and may God protect us all in this quest."
Within the hour, the Galaxian Fleet was loaded and ready. Finally the fleet left to aid their allies. Within the week, the rest of the Galaxian Alliance would follow with a helpful addition. Back on Eartheria all of the Knights were running out of ideas. They had to keep the Primordians away otherwise they would lose the planet.
"Does anybody have any bright ideas?" Knight Libra demanded, "Any kind of idea would be hot right now. No matter what happens, we can not let these bozos win. The Eartherians have no where else to go."
"Hot, that is it." Knight Virgo said, "I have an idea that just might buy sometime for our distress call to get through and hopefully help will be on the way. Form a circle with me, join hands, concentrate all of your powers and focus them all together."
The Knights did as Knight Virgo had suggested. Their bodies illuminated with their signature colors and their individual symbols appeared. "Father Jehovah we call for thee." Knight Moon replied, "Come to us and hear our plea. Help us in this major fight, banish this evil and take with it this endless night."
Their colors, powers, and signs grew stronger until the whole planet was engulfed by the light and the powers that came with it. Shadra could tell that Borna was anything but amused by the Knights attempt to block his path.
"They are so pathetic to think they can stand in the way of our victory." Borna growled, "All fleet ships on my command fire the distortion and stun cannons. We will show them what happens when you stand in the way of our conquest. All ships fire those cannons now!"
All at once the cannons were fired and the Knights were hit. The explosion left tons of debris but left no sign of the Knights or the planets. Shadra and Borna were both shocked at what was left behind.
"It looks as though you used too much power." Shadra said, "That colliding with the Knights powers caused a chain reaction which destroyed the entire solar system. Lord Primas is not going to like this turn of events. Not only does he not have the Genesian system in conquest, but because of you he lost the central planet. We will never hear the end of it."
"Put a cork in it Witch." Borna snapped, "I do not need you to tell me about failures. All fleet ships back to Primordia. We will have to face this defeat sooner or later."
The entire fleet of Primordian ships hit hyperspace and disappeared from the Genesian sector. Knight Virgo was the first to regain consciousness and rouse the other Genesian Knights. There was another group of Knights one of which was radiating a serious wave of power. The rest of the Genesan Knights gathered their bearings.
"Knight Pheonix, Knight Thunder can not hold the shield up for much longer." Knight Rogue said, "Is it safe for him to deactivate the shield? Has the threat gotten the idea and left the system alone?"
"Yes, for now, the coast is clear." Knight Phoenix replied, "You can power down now Knight Thunder, but get some rest, we will need your illusion powers again if the Primordians return."
"You must be the Galactic Knights." Virgo said, "I am glad our distress signal had gotten through in time. Welcome to Genesia, what is left of it anyway. Come on, we will explain on the way to Elysia. We have to get to Queen Melora before it is too late."
"Alright, but we need to send a coded communication to Galaxia to let my father know that we made it in time." Phoenix replied, "We have to be ready in case the Primordians make an attempt to return."
The cluster of Galaxian Planet ships now encircled the Genesian system, protecting the planets from outsiders. Unknown to the outsiders, the planets of the Galaxian Alliance and now the Genesian system were equipped with a mechanism which allowed them to go from planet to planet sized flagship in order to move from place to place. The Primordians blockade was the first act of defiance against the Universal Council Alliance.
"Why do you think the Primordians would have the nerve to block Genesia?" Reinar asked, "Why attack this planet when there are so many to choose from? There are others that are larger and more likely to feel this action."
"Genesia is certainly an odd choice for an action of this sort." Andros said, "It is a planet in the center of the main universe. The ruler Lunaris was something of an unknown. He is new to the throne having only been king a few months before this all began."
"I have a bad feeling about this." Reinar replied, "It is not about here, what we are about right now, there is something seriously wrong about this whole thing. How do you think this Rune Karakis will deal with us should they return before the safety protocals are fully engaged?"
"I do not think we have to worry about that for a while my friend." he admitted, "Our main concern is protecting everyone and everything alive on the planet. We must meet with King Micah and Queen Melora first."
"We might as well get settled in for the long haul." Reinar quipped, "I have got reason to believe that we are going to be here for a very long time and we will definately not be returning home to Galaxia in our lifetime."
"You worry too much Knight Thunder." Knight Rogue said, "Of course we will make it back home someday."

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