.moon by night

Glory Days by Horosha

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Series Title: Glory Days
Story Title: Orchid in Full Bloom

By Horosha

Disclaimer: Ranma 1/2 is the property of Rumiko Takahashi, Shogakukan, Viz Communications and Kitty Productions

If you have any comments, my email address is:


WARNING: This is an adult fanfic so if you are under the age of 18 or you don't want to read a work that contains adult situations and content, like sex and violence, stop here.

Forward: A while ago, a friend of mine asked me to write a Ranma fanfic where Ranma voluntarily choose to be a full girl. In other words, Ranma decides to stay female. Now anyone who has read Ranma fanfics know, this is a common theme in many of them, but in those, Ranma is either forced to be female by some outside influence (as in Girl Days) or Ranma was originally a girl at birth and was forced to be male (as in Genma's Daughter). I have yet to find one where Ranma choose to be female was made of his own free will.

So I'm giving it a shot.

Chapter One: Of Cabbages and Kings

Location: Tendo Residence, Nerima, Tokyo

The first reaction for Doctor Tofu was to do something off-the-wall, the sight of Kasumi's worried expression threatening to fog up his glasses. It took supreme effort for the young physician to take off his glasses, pretending to clean them, the slightly unfocused image of Kasumi helping him to control his emotions.

"How are they Doctor Tofu?" Soun asked, once more the Tendo patrician.

"Akane has a severe concussion," Doctor Tofu's tone a little edgy but professional, "most likely caused by the explosion of the school furnace Ranma told us about. The concussion put Akane in a catatonic state, where she could hear, feel and smell everything going on around her, but wasn't able to physically respond to it."

"So when Ranma put the ring on Akane's finger," Nabiki rub her chin thoughtfully, "it snapped my little sis out of it?"

"Correct," Doctor Tofu nodded, "although Akane did describe the sensation feeling like a bee sting."

"That's my Akane," Nabiki grinned, "what's her first impulse? It's to swat the bee."

Kasumi smiled softly at her sister's jest, asking the doctor, "How long will Akane's concussion last?"

"Akane will need to stay in bed for a least a week," holding his glasses in one hand, he reached into his pocket and pulled out a small piece of paper, "and this is a prescription for her. I already gave her some medication so she will sleep until late in the morning. Sleep and staying calm is the best medicine for Akane to recover."

"And Ranma?" Nodoka asked, "How is he?"

An amused look showed on Doctor Tofu's lips, "It is hard to say, if I stick to her physical health, Ranma has a very bad sprang ankle, made worse by her walking on it for several hours. Now if I was to venture into her psychological condition, Ranma is the happiest person in the universe."

"I would think so," Nabiki crossed her arms, "one doesn't get a chance to confess his love twice over his beloved's corpse in the same year."

"Nabiki," Kasumi admonished her sister. The oldest sister turned back to Doctor Tofu "How serious is Ranma's injury."

"Ranma will need to stay off his right ankle for two weeks," Doctor Tofu looked at Genma, "which means no martial arts training and no challenges, Genma-san." His gaze moved to Nodoka, "I will be back at noontime with a soft case and crutches for Ranma."

"Domo arigato, Tofu-sensei," Nodoka bowed to the young doctor, Genma following his wife's lead. Then the middle-aged woman focused on Nabiki, "Nabiki-chan, since the spring semester starts tomorrow, could you please pick up the class outlines for Akane and Ranma ka?"

Just then the door behind Doctor Tofu slid open, revealing Ranma balancing on one foot, wearing a pale blue yakata. At the sight of Doctor Tofu, the redhead frowned a little, before shifting her gaze to her mother, "Okasan, could you bring my futon and bedding up to Akane's bedroom for me? Tofu-sensei threatened to drug me into a stupor if I even try to use my right foot," the group blinked and looked at Doctor Tofu, who only shrugged.

"Ara...do you think it is wise for you to stay in my daughter's room ze?," Soun puzzled.

"I don't see why not," Ranma looked up at the tall man, "since Akane and I are married na."


More than one jaw hit the floor at Ranma's statement, although Doctor Tofu didn't seem surprised. "I better not hear any objections from ya peanut gallery," Ranma scanned the faces of his in-laws and family, "I gave Akane the ring and called her my wife. That's all I need to do under bushi traditions."

"Akane didn't object being called wife," Nabiki the first to recover from the surprised announcement, her smirk back in place, "Congrets."

"I'm so proud of you, Ranma," Nodoka took hold of her offspring's hands, squeezing them, "I was a little worried," her expression joyful, "what with all the chaos in your life."

Ranma blushed, her tiny, unsure smile showing, "Okasan."

"Since you are now a husband, boy," somewhere Genma got hold of a brass kettle, "at least look like one!" he poured a kettle of hot water on Ranma's head.

"Oyaji!" Ranma glared at her father, her expression didn't match the shocked looks from the others, since hot water equaled gender change for Ranma. Instead the water soaked into her still red hair.

"Oya maa..." Kasumi touched her chin, watching the shocked Genma continue to pour steamy water upon Ranma, the liquid starting to soak into the yakata.

"Are you finished, Oyaji na?" Ranma twitched with suppressed anger.

"What happened, Ranma?" Nodoka was just as surprised as the others, Genma still frozen but the kettle ran out of water.

"Okasan," Ranma sighed, "I got tired of everyone running my life," her baby blues soft, "so while I was coming back from Ikebukuro in Ryoga's cab, I thought a lot and made some decisions."

"Decisions?" Nabiki's brown eyes glow with interest.

Ranma glanced at the middle Tendo sister before returning to her mother, "Ee..." then she yawned softly, "but can we talked about it later."

"Boy! You are going to tell me..." Genma came back to the land of the living.

"Genma..." Nodoka interrupted her husband, looking at him with a gentle expression, but her eyes were hard, "we can wait until the morning," her gaze shifting back to her offspring, "I'm sure it is good news ne." The older woman let go of Ranma's hands, turning away and going to Kasumi, "Kasumi-chan, can you help me with the futon and bedding ka?"

"Of course," Kasumi smiled and followed Nodaka. Genma stared at his wife, then looked at Ranma, who stared harshly at his father. For a moment Genma found those blue eyes like those of his wife. Letting out a sigh, the older martial artist turned and followed his wife.

Nabiki grinned at the little drama before her, "Tomorrow morning is going to be very interesting." She poked Soun's shoulder, "Otousan," the elder Tendo was white in shock, "don't be such a wimp."

"Ano..." Soun came out of his trance, looking about, "Where did everyone go ka?"

Nabiki grabbed her father's shirt by one arm, "Come, Otousan, you're find out in the morning."

"Ara..." Soun stumbled a little as he let Nabiki pull him away, looking back at Ranma and Doctor Tofu, "Ja ne."

Ranma watched them go, then looked at Doctor Tofu, "You weren't surprised, Toku-sensei."

"I saw the rings," Tofu helped Ranma back inside Akane's bedroom, moving the hopping girl to a chair, "also your body is different."

"Different?" The chair creaked due to Ranma sitting down heavier than she meant to, "How?"

"The others would have noticed but they have been under a great deal of stress due to Akane's death, her funeral, your reappearance and Akane's resurrection," the young doctor checked Akane, the girl deep in sleep under the blankets, upon her bed, "I also have been your doctor for the pass year and like all my patients, I've kept a detail record on you."

"And?" Ranma sounded impatient.

"Before your female body was that of the girl who drowned in Jenkeyo, correct?" Ranma nodded. "Well, your female body is different now. Your body is taller, closer to your mother's height, and your hair is a darker red. The dimensions of your body are the same but have adjusted to your new height," Doctor Tofu smiled, "including larger breasts."

Ranma blinked, immediately cupping his own breasts, hefting them a little, giving each a slight squeeze, "Unbelievable." The redhead looked up at Doctor Toku, "So the curse has changed?"

Doctor Tofu held a temperature reader to Akane's forehead, "Hai...whatever you did, the curse has been modified," he glanced at Ranma, "and I have a hunch you know in what way."

Ranma nodded, at the same time the bedroom door slide open and Nodoka and Kasumi entered, carrying the futon and bedding for Ranma. The youngest teenager smiled, while Doctor Toku took off his glasses, "Domo arigato, Okasan, Kasumi-chan."

"How is Akane?" Kasumi helped Nodoka spread out the futon and spread the bedcovers over it.

"Sound asleep," Doctor Tofu kept a tight rein on his emotions, "a light fever but resting good."

"Ranma-chan," Ranma's eyes widen a bit at the feminine honorific from her mother, "here are a pair of my pajamas," Nodoka passed the silk garments to her offspring.

"Arigato, Okasan," Ranma accepted them, "I'm sorry...I didn't mean to put you through all this."

Nodoka smiled a little wider, "You have no reason to apologize, Ranma-chan," she kissed her daughter's left cheek, "as I have told you before, you are a man amongst men, just as you are a man amongst women," she looked deeply into those blue eyes, "it matters not which body you are within, your soul is full of honor and dignity. You have taught me that much."

Ranma looked down, her cheeks blushing at getting such a compliment from her mother, "Honto ne?"

Nodaka nodded, with Kasumi coming to stand with the older woman, "You have taught each of us, Ranma-chan," the oldest Tendo daughter said, "you have taught me determination is important."

Ranma blushed more, looking downward for a moment before rising her head, "Yare-yare," her expression cute, "I'm nothing special, just someone who wants a home and a family."

"And you shall have it," Nodoka gently hugged Ranma's head, ruffling those dark red locks, "so I swear by our bushi heritage."

"Okasan..." Ranma felt her heart flutter, ten years it had been since leaving her mother, ten long years of training and lack of motherly love.

Nodoka let go of Ranma, moved over to Akane and kissed the sleeping girl on the forehead, "Sleep well, Akane-chan," Akane's eyelids flutter for a moment, her lips moving for a couple of seconds before she was once more in the realm of dreams. "Ja ne, Ranma-chan, sleep well."

"Ja ne, Ranma-chan," Kasumi added as she followed Nodoka out the door, with Doctor Tofu with them, the young physician waving to the redhead before the door slid closed.


Ranma's eyes snap open at the sound of tapping in the direction of the bedroom door. Resting on her back, the redhead pushed the covers down to sit up, looking over at Akane first. The slow rise and drop of the dark-haired girl's chest under the bedcovers, the calm look on her face, told Ranma that Akane was still deep in drugged slumber. Another tap from the door, got Ranma on one foot, hopping over and slid it open, finding Doctor Tofu there. He smiled, "I have the crutches and the soft case."

Ranma nodded and made her way to the chair, while the good doctor carried in the items and closed the door. After a check of Akane's vitals, Doctor Tofu put the soft case on Ranma's right leg and inflated it, the blue plastic item covered her heel, ankle and up to the middle of her calve, "How does it feel, Ranma-chan?"

"Good. My ankle feels better," Ranma looked out the window, noticing the thin dawn light peeking over the outer wall, "You're here early, Tofu-sensei."

Doctor Tofu's expression took on a mysterious look, "I know you are a early riser, Ranma-chan, and I wanted to make sure you didn't ignore my orders about limited exercises and no matches." Ranma thought different, believing the young man was using the visit to see Kasumi when most of the household was still in bed, "I know you will still do your workout despite my caution," the good doctor motioned at the crutches, "but at least your right ankle well be protected."

Ranma grinned, nodded, "Arigato, Tofu-sensei," getting up and using the crutches, the thirty-something man adjusting them to fit the redhead's size. The female teenager moved about the room, getting use to the weight of the case and how to correctly use the crutches, while the Doctor Tofu watched. Satisfied, Ranma looked at tall physician, "Last night, you said my body is different, taller, darker hair, more feminine?"

"Correct, Ranma-chan," Doctor Tofu sat next to Akane with two fingers pressing to her neck, looking at his watch, "I checked my records before going to bed. From all the physicals I did on you, except for increase in your bust size, your female body didn't change, bone density, muscle tone, none of those changed, but they did change for your male body."

Ranma soaked in this information, standing with the crutches under each armpit, "That would mean...my female body wasn't aging na?

Doctor Tofu nodded, putting Akane's arm back under the covers, "Conceivably your female body is immortal and would only die when your male body did," he stood up, "now with the change to the curse, your female body isn't a copy of the drowned girl's body."

Ranma shivered with dread at the idea of being stuck as a teenage girl, "Kami-sama, fate worse than death." She thought for a moment, "Tofu-sensei, hot water doesn't change me back to male," the young man nodded, "what if I never be a guy ever again na?"

Doctor Tofu looked owlishly at Ranma, seeming to study the girl for a moment before asking, "This was one of the decisions you mentioned last night?" The redhead nodded, "You found a way to end the curse or it found you?" Another nod, "And you choose to be female instead of male for a reason?" A third nod, "A very good reason?"

Ranma glanced at Akane, the motion seen by Doctor Tofu, "The best reason in the whole wide world ze."

Before any more could be ask by either Ranma or Doctor Tofu, a soft cough came from Akane, her eyes barely open, "Ranma...Tofu-sensei...thirsty..." she licked her dry lips.

"I'll get you some tea," the young doctor slipped out of the bedroom, while Ranma sat down next to Akane.

A few minutes passed, before Akane said, "I heard a little...what you said to Tofu-sensei...gomen nasei."

"It's my decision, Akane," Ranma smiled softly at sleepy girl, "it was sort'a easy once I made it."

"I'll...I'll find a way..." Akane blinked slowly, "get your real body back."

Ranma glanced at the ring on her finger, "I don't want it anymore," her voice soft, "this is my real body...not the drowned girl's body."

Akane's energy seemed to drain out of her, her eyes closing and it look like she was asleep once more, "So you are female...forever ka?"

"Hai..." Ranma smiled, "Still love me ne?"

"With all...my heart..." a tiny smile appeared on Akane's face.

Then Doctor Tofu came in, looking a little shell-shocked, the source coming with him, Kasumi with a teakettle and cups on a tray, "Morning tea is perfect for sharing," Kasumi sounding cheerful.

Ranma grinned, moving to sit next to Akane on her bed. Once the tea was brought to her, Ranma blew softly on the tea before she carefully held Akane's head and helped her to sip the tea, along with a pill. Once done, Akane's head was back on the pillow, "Oneechan...her tea tastes so good..." in seconds Akane was sound asleep.

As quiet as possible Ranma, Doctor Tofu and Kasumi slipped out of Akane's bedroom. The threesome worked their way down the stairs to the living room, where Ranma began to do some stretching exercises while Kasumi escorted the doctor to the front gate, the young man saying he would be back after his daily appointments were finished. Coming back in, Kasumi giggled softly when she saw Ranma doing push-ups upside-down, using the wall for support as she slowly lowers and straightens her arms. Ranma must have heard Kasumi, "Tofu-sensei is right...this body is different...from the cursed body...taller...stronger...better toned...heavier ne."

Kasumi's expression became amused at the way Ranma was doing the exercise, facing away from the wall, while the pajama top slipped down his young body, exposing her tight stomach and her chest, including her very ample breasts, "Could you do a different exercise, Ranma-chan? Otousan will be getting up soon."

"Nani?" Ranma paused, noticing what the pajama top was doing, "Soun-san has seen my tits before?"

"Honto ne," Kasumi nodded, "but that was when you were a cursed boy," her expression gentle, "but now you are a cured girl."

Ranma thought for a moment, before she nodded and slowly twisted her body until she could stand up on one leg, get the crutches and make her way to Kasumi, "I see wha'cha mean, Kasumi-chan," her baby blues showing determination, "but I'm not giving up my martial arts."

"I know, your martial arts is as much you," Kasumi gently smooth out the pajama top against Ranma's curvy body, "as my cooking is me."

"Maa...you're more a cook and a housekeeper, Kasumi-chan," Ranma stood before the oldest Tendo daughter, "mostly I think of you as my big sister."

"And I think of you as my little sister, Ranma-chan," Ranma blushed at Kasumi's words, giggling softly, "although now I'm going to need to think of you as my...ano...sister-in-law?"

Ranma giggled a little more, "Hai..." then her expression became serious, "does it bother you? Your sister married to another girl?"

"Iie, I know you two love each other," Kasumi shook her head, "more than skin deep."

Ranma sighed with relief, "Good, I hope our parents will understand it na."

"You got my support, Ranma...-chan," Ranma and Kasumi look at the staircase to see the grinning Nabiki.

Ranma frowned at the middle Tendo daughter, the redhead reaching into her pocket, pulling out the electronic bug, "I figured you heard everything I said to Doctor Tofu and Akane."

"Ne-ne let's just say I have some bad habits...fetishes really," Nabiki smirked, holding her hand out to Ranma, "one of them is information."

Ranma gave the bug back to its owner, "And the other is money?"

Nabiki shrugged, "Someone has to keep the family out of the red, which has become harder since you and your father moved in."

Ranma's irritation at Nabiki snuffed out, "Gomen," she looked at Kasumi, "Honto na."

"It's okay, Ranma-chan," Kasumi assured Ranma, "you and your father were our guests. It was up to our father to decide and I was happy by how much our father's spirit were lifted by having his old friend here."

"Hai, but I can still remember times when your home got trashed by someone who had a beef with my old man or the freak would come for a stay," Ranma sounded angry, mostly with herself, "and sometimes we only had rice and pickles to eat."

"Yare-yare, a rice and pickles diet only sharpened my business acumen," Nabiki grinned.

"Yo...I noticed your more risky money scams occur about the same time," Ranma smirked.

"Which allowed bills were paid," Kasumi added, her petite smile showing while she filled the rice cooker, "the dojo was repaired and the pantry filled."

"You made that much money of'a them?" Ranma was surprised, "I thought maybe a few thousand yen, enough to pay for your shopping sprees."

"Seed money," Nabiki clarified, "I used it and the Tendo family name to float some short-term loans, using them to invest in some business ventures."

"And they paid off?" Ranma looked carefully at the middle Tendo sister, "sounds lucky ne."

"It's an ying-yang sort of thing," Nibiki winked, "plus I do in-depth research into any venture, weighing all the pros and cons, which usually means I will get at least a partial return on the investments."

"How many ventures you got going?" Ranma was curious.

"Eleven," the middle sister glanced at the oldest sister, "enough to pay off the loans, money for the essentials and some pocket change for the family."

Ranma noticed the glance between the sisters, the redhead figured she was getting the edited version about those loans, "Ano...since Soun has made it clear the dojo is Akane's dowry," her baby blues watching the two sisters closely, "I'm thinking of getting this family on a better footing."

"Part of the thinking you did in the taxi ride ne?" Nabiki asked.

"Hai," Ranma wasn't surprised by Nabiki's skeptical tone or Kasumi's pleasant look becoming strained. "I'm not like our fathers," the youngest teenager using a respectful tone, "I'm goin'ta need a lot of help and advice from you both, Nabiki with her smarts and you, Kasumi, with your organizing skills."

Nabiki's eyes lit up, looking at Kasumi, who's expression showed approval, but before they could say anything, they heard a sound behind them, seeing Nodoka coming from the guest room, the dark green silk of an elegant kimono flowing over her body and a pink obi tied around her waist. In her left hand the mother held a bamboo fan, the early morning light caught by the mother-of-pearl wrought handle, "Ohayo, mina-san," she glide over the floor to the threesome, gently hugging Ranma, kissing her offspring on one cheek, "How is Akane doing ka?"

Because of the separation from Nodoka, Ranma enjoyed her mother's greeting, leaving the teenager yearning for more, "Ohayo, Okasan," her happiness glowed on her face.

"If I didn't know better, I would think you came from your wedding bed after a night of shell-fishing," Nodoka's expression teasing.

"Okaasan!" Ranma's cheeks blazing while Nabiki and Kasumi giggled, blushing too.

"Now I have everyone's attention," Nodoka opened her fan, "let's have some tea at the kitchen table and plot a little treason."

"Treason?" Nabiki grinned, as she falls in step with the oldest female "That sounds intriguing."

"What do you mean, Okasan?" Ranma was troubled by her mother's words. The redhead followed the others to the kitchen table.

"I think your mother is speaking of your future, Ranma-chan," Kasumi answered for Nodoka. The twenty-year-old went to the stove and came back with a fresh pot of tea and more cups, "Sadly as we have all seen over the past year, we cannot leave it to our fathers guide our household. Only havoc will come of it."

"Maa...I feel sort'a bad about this," Ranma sat at the kitchen table, "making plans without Akane."

"Don't worry," Nodoka carefully folded the kimono under herself before sitting down, "we are only here to discuss things. Akane's input will be sought when she has recovered."

Ranma sighed with relief, looking at her mother, "I'm glad to hear that. I'm tired of Oyaji always plotting, getting me into sh..." a frowned appeared on Noddoka's face, "stuff and me ending up with my butt in a sling da."

Dressed in her green tanktop and white cutoffs, Nabiki sat on the other side of Ranma, "No lie," she folded her hands under her chin, "at least my schemes work."

"Honto ne?" Ranma grinned, "I remember your Be-Ranma's-inazuke scheme. That didn't work out the way you thought it would."

Nabiki's smile turned dopey, "Anyone can have an off day ne."

Ranma giggled, accepting a cup of tea from Kasumi, "So what should we discuss?"

"You mentioned you made some decisions while returning, Ranmaz-chan?" Nodoka accepted a small cup of tea, adding a spoonful of honey to her own.

Ranma nodded, looking at Kasumi and then Nabiki, "I decided to revive the fortunes of the Anything-Goes dojo," she took a sip from her steamy cup.

"That will take a good piece of change," Nabiki squeezed half-a-lemon into her cup, "advertising, entering tournaments and recruiting students to teach."

Kasumi joined them at the table, "We can start small. Soun and Genma are experienced sensei of the art, Ranma qualifies as a sensei due to her wide experience and even Akane can teach the basics of Anything-Goes martial arts," she poured a cup of tea for herself, "but I'm concern over our personal problems," she took a sip of her tea, "Genma's stubbornness over Ranma acceptance of her femininity and Otousan's grief over the death of our mother."

"You mean teaching Akane," Nabiki swirled the tea in her cup, "I haven't taken a lesson since our mother's death," her dark eyes glance at Kasumi, "and you haven't either, Oneechan, since you have taken upon your shoulders everything our mother did."

Kasumi smiled a little at Nabiki, "I don't consider it a burden, Nabiki," her expression honest, "taking care of the household, helping each member of my family to find their destiny. Each time I see my loved ones achieve their goals, I am filled with happiness."

"I remember a certain a little girl," Nokoda spoke, "who would ask a lot questions about herbal medicine and how bones and muscles fitted together," her smile wise, "so although you accepted the role of housekeeper, from those medical books you borrow from Doctor Tofu, I know your dream is still inside you."

"Sounds like the dream-weaver should follow her own dream," Nabiki smiled over her cup, "especially with a doctor as the pot of gold at the end ne."

Kasumi looked into her cup of tea, blushing, knowing full well what Nabiki was hinting at, "How can I? I have my duty to our family to take care of."

"A duty you can share with others, Kasumi-chan," Nodoka pointed out. The oldest female shifted her gaze from Kasumi to Ranma, "Ranma-chan, I understand Soun made the dojo part of Akane's dowry. Did my husband add anything himself?"

"Besides my dick? No," Ranma's voice sounding bitter, "part of my joy of choosing to be female, my father can't sell my cum anymore."

Nodoka coughed a little into her hand, "I understand your feelings, Ranma-chan, but it is the way of our traditions. Only the very poor married because of love," the eldest woman rub the edge of her cup, "only in the generations of the last fifty years has love become the prime reason of marriage."

"Was your marriage one of love, Okasan?" Ranma asked, holding her cup out to Kasumi to refill.

"Iie, it was an arranged marriage between our parents," Nodoka replied, "with your father's family of the bushi class just as was my own. Also his ability as a martial artist impressed my parents," she smiled a little, "as well as myself."

"You accepted the arranged marriage because you were attracted to him?" Ranma asked, while take a sip of his refreshed tea.

"Hai..." Nodoka blushed a little, "I found him...manly," she cleared her throat, "also several of my friends decided on arranged marriages as well," her gaze moved to Kasumi and Nabiki, "including your parents."

"Hai," Kasumi smiled softly, "although my mother told me it was sort of a trick our parents played on their parents."

"Trick?" Nabiki blinked.

"Ne, you have much of our mother's cleverness, Nabiki," Kasumi rubbed her lower lip against the rim of her cup, "as well as from our father, his tales of his life with Happousai shows it."

"They show a few other things as well," Nabiki poured more tea for herself, "it makes me wonder if our mother was the rudder of our household."

Nodoka nodded, accepting more tea from Kasumi, "Things move forward, some changing and some are resolved for good or for ill. Now is the time to guide those changes instead of letting chaos guide them." The oldest female once more added a little dab of honey to her tea, "Ranma-chan, have you decided how you are going to pay the short-term costs to get the dojo back on its feet?"

Ranma nodded, looking at Nabiki, "I was hoping Nabiki could help there. She's got'ta most horse sense when it comes to the ins-and-outs of deals."

"It would be a challenge, one I understand quite well," Nabiki smiled a little wider, "much as Ranma understands a challenge between martial artists," the dark-haired teenager rubbed the rim of her cup against her small chin, "the problem is one of availability in funds. Right now most of the assets are tied up. It will take time to loosen up the necessary cash for a venture like this one."

"What about an infusing of cash from a new source ka?" Nodoka seem to measure her question carefully, "Since our families are now united, there is another source I can bring to the table."

"Does this have something to do about Kasumi's dream?" Nabiki's question startled Kasumi, who looks at her younger sister before looking at Ranma's mother.

"Hai..." Kodoka looked at each of the girls at the kitchen table, "What I'm proposing is since my husband didn't offer anything on his side of the arranged marriage, I would like to sell the Saotome home and give Ranma the money to invest in the dojo, make it a modern fitness and martial arts physicality," she watched closely the ripple of emotions upon each face, "which would mean I would move into here and help Kasumi with handling the running of the home," her motherly eyes focus on Kasumi, "so she can go to college and earn her nursing degree."

"Oya maa..." Kasumi expression warred with her usual placid demeanor, her eyes showing a desire, a hunger, for the offer given by Nodoka.

"Yare-yare, Oneechan," Nabiki placed her right hand on Kasumi's left shoulder, "we can even say it is tradition if our fathers object to this plan. Nodoka moving in could be seen as the 'husband's parents'" she winked at Ranma, who grinned evilly, "are coming to live with 'her'." The middle Tendo sister giggled with relish, "Kya! The furball stays here all the time anyway, despite not having to hide from his own wife anymore," she bowed a little to Nodoka, "no offense, Nodoka-san."

"None taken, Nabiki-chan," Nodoka slowly rolled the half-full cup between her palms to warm them, "I was unhinged...I spent eight years waiting patiently for Genma and Ranma to return. My love for both of them was the lifeline that held me together, but as each year passed, my dread grew. A dread of my husband and son were dead or something had happened to prevent their return. It didn't help I had experienced the many vices of Happousai, fearful his unmanly behavior would corrupt my son." Ranma reached for his mother's hands, but she held one hand up, "Iie, Ranma-chan, this is necessary so your new in-laws do not think I am the same crazed woman, who might seek to give her offspring an honorable death."

"I don't think of you as being insane," Kasumi assured Nodoka, "I'm not sure how I would react if I was in the same situation." the oldest sister giving Nabiki a hard look, making sure no snide remark coming from the younger sister. Nabiki rolled her eyes but kept her mouth shut.

"I don't agree," Nodoka countered, "looking back, having a mature woman walking around Tokyo with a katana at hand must have looked like some vengeful spirit out of a samurai movie." Nodoka's gaze showed regret, "In my twisted state, my belief in bushido became an obsession wa."

"Okasan," Ranma's baby blues shimmer with unshed tears, "I...I didn't want to hurt you...I...I...didn't remember where we lived...I barely remembered you...I...I...only knew we were on a training trip..." she sniffled, "I even thought you...let me go because...because you didn't want me da."

"Ranma-chan," Nodoka gently hugged Ranma's head to her chest, "my love for you is eternal," she kissed the top of her child's head, "I just wish we had met in better circumstances. No mother should frighten their child," the older female lifted the young teenager face up to look at, "and you turned out quite well. I might not have a son anymore, but I do have a beautiful and spirited daughter," then she giggled softly, "besides having Genma cursed to be a panda is a fit punishment ne."

Ranma giggled as well, noticing shimmering eyes from Kasumi and even Nabiki was rubbing her eyes. If there was one thing that could make this tomboy tear-up, it was her mother. She stared into Nodoka's eyes for a moment, enjoying the motherly warmth from them before straightening, clearing her throat, "Hai...we all know how much Kasumi wants to be a nurse and be with Tofu-sensei, professionally and personally," Kasumi blushed, looked down politely but didn't deny what was said, "and maybe this daughter thinks like her mother, I've been looking over the different sports venues in Nerima and there isn't any that specialize in a mix of martial arts and fitness center. Also the Tendo compound has a lot of land."

"Approximately ten acres of land," Nabiki put in her two cents, running one finger along the edge of her cup, "about seven months ago, when things were really tight, I checked on land prices and found out our land was one of the largest pieces of property left in the old section of the town. There are still five and two acre lots in the neighborhood, but many families sold off their excess land in the sixties and seventies to help pay for their children education or to start a small business," her businesswoman smile appearing, "in fact the only compound larger than ours is the Kuno estate."

Ranma let out a whistle, while Nodoka said, "Land in any part of Tokyo is going to be worth a great deal." The oldest female paused a moment, thinking before asking, "You know the Saotome home, Nabiki-chan?" The middle daughter nodded, "How much do you think my home is worth wa?"

"Probably enough to back a long-term loan for the expansion we are talking about," Nabiki replied, her eyes glowing with interest.

"Enough left over to help pay for Kasumi's college expenses as well as yours, Ranma and Akane ka?" Nodoka sipped her tea.

Nabiki grinned wide, "Hai."

"And what if I object to selling 'our' home?" A voice came from the doorway between the living room and the kitchen. Ranma's eyes go to flint at seeing Genma standing there, with Soun behind him.

Nodoka doesn't turn around, doesn't face her husband, "Genma...do you know the pain and suffering you put me through by taking away my child for so long ka?"

"I didn't want any feminine weaknesses to get into our son," Genma glared at Ranma, "as I promised you, when Ranma returned to our home, he would be a man amongst men ze."

"Feminine weaknesses? A man amongst men?" Nodoka's voice became chilly, "You took our child away from me for ten years. Now you come back and expect everything will be fine. I have accepted Ranma because he had the strength of mind, soul and body to overcome all of your follies and foolishness ne."

"I am still your husband, Nodoka," Genma's face clouded with disgust as his gaze moved from Nodoka back to Ranma, "and Ranma is still my son da."

"Iie, neither one of those are true," as if from nowhere, Nodoka's katana appeared in her hands, gasps coming from Kasumi and Nabiki, with Ranma barely seeing the blur of her mother drawing the blade from the folds of her kimono, "you were gone from our home and family for ten years, Genma, and during that time you avoided any contact with the Japanese government. As such, two years ago you were declared dead by the courts."

The sight of the naked blade held upright, the tip pointing at the ceiling, caused Genma to pale, his complexion going ghost white at his wife's announcement, "I'm dead!"

"So would have Ranma except two years ago, you had him going to a private boys school for four months," Nodoka continued to look away from Genma, her katana coldly glitter in the kitchen light, "had you not lived a life of a criminal in Japan and other countries, or at least sent me letters to let me know how you and our child were doing, you wouldn't be a walking corpse."

"Two years ago...when I met Ryoga," Ranma whispered, looking at his parents.

"So the government sent Nodoka a notice about Ranma going to the private school," Nabiki guessed, her voice sounding very much like the Ice Queen of old, "which caused even further mental hardship and anguish to her," her icy eyes look straight at Genma, "and here I thought you couldn't fuck up worse, Genma-san, but you had to prove me wrong."

"What does this mean?" Soun's tone showed he was having trouble understanding what was happening.

"It means Genma is no longer legally my husband nor does he have any legal rights, including property rights," Nodoka answered, "which means I own the family home and I can do whatever I want with it. Including selling it and giving the money to Ranma to make the Anything-Goes dojo a more active part of Nerima."

Genma was speechless, his mouth moving but no sound coming from it, the upheld katana seeming to keep his tongue from getting him into more hot water. Finally Soun puts his hand on his old friend's shoulder, "Genma-kun, I think a necessary retreat is required here."

Genma looked at Soun, before scanning the faces of the seated ladies, finally finding his voice, "What of our 'son'?"

"Don't make me puke, Oyaji," Ranma slowly stood up, using the chair to lean on, "I am tired of you using me as an excuse, conning people out of their money, using your honey words to steal from them and using your own 'son' like your own personal piece of ass," her baby blues blazing, "you've made the name of Saotome a caricature, a joke, and I refuse to bear it anymore." Genma stared at the redhead, watching as the teenager's hand dug into the wood of the chair, "When I first came here, Soun-san offered to adopt me into the Tendo family when I married one of his daughters, so the Tendo name could continue," her gaze shifted to Soun, "you got'ta deal, Otousan," a thin smile on her pretty lips, "from now on I'm Tendo Ranma...ile...I'm Tendo Ran, the loving mate of Tendo Akane."

"I won't allow..." Genma words are cut-off, finding Nodoka finally facing him, still seated with the sharp edge of her katana to his fat throat, "Nodoka?"

"Both Akane and Ranma are seventeen years old and they can legally marry without their parents' consent," Nodoka glared at Genma, "and Ranma can adopted Akane's family name with her consent, which I am sure she would gladly give, I doubt she would want the albatross of Saotome around her neck as well as the necks of her children."

"Children?" Genma choked out, trying to keep the bobbing of his Adam's apple from cutting his own throat, "They both have cunts."

"How could I have been so blind as to marry such a stupid man," Nodoka sounded heartbroken, as if her own words were daggers stabbing her, "they could always adopt children and they would be loved and cherished just as if they came from their wombs."

Soun pulled Genma's from the sharpness of the katana, "You both are letting things go to your heads," the elder Tendo warned, "and you both should be happy. Our children have married and the plan the ladies are working on here is a good one." Soun moved to stand between Genma and the sword, "Now I will admit things haven't gone the way I thought they would, and I'm as much at fault for the circumstances," his tone showing guilt, "I've let the dojo go to seed, I've haven't done much to be worthy to be the head of this household."

"Otousan," Kasumi stood, going over to her father to comfort him, "it's okay, I'm the oldest and I witnessed the devastation our mother's death was to you. You sent away the students you were teaching at the dojo, you lost yourself in drink and wandered about our home, seeming to be waiting for our mother to appear."

"Kasumi," Soun smiled at his oldest daughter, tears showing in his eyes, "you did everything you could to lessen her loss," his expression warm, "and I didn't realize how much you took on the role of mother for your younger sisters, even a surrogate wife for me," he brushed a single tear from Kasumi's cheek, "and it worked and I'm grateful, but the sacrifices you made to do this. You didn't go to high school, you forsake your dreams of being a nurse and your love for a young man."

"You are siding with them, Tendo-kun?" Genma sounding wounded, "You are going to allow this joke of a marriage to go through without a fight?"

"Soatome-kun," Soun looked at his old friend, "ten hours ago I was grieving over the death of my youngest daughter," tears flowing down his thin cheeks, "all of the pain and suffering I experienced with the death of their mother had come back to me," her gaze shifted to Ranma, "then this redheaded teenager came and my daughter returned from the realm of the dead." His eyes moved to Kasumi and then to Nabiki, who's expression showed approval, before returning to Genma, "I did a lot of soul searching this morning in my room, old friend, and I had found I had lost face even with myself. So I have decided it was time to move forward, to stop just existing."

"Ya da ore!" Genma stared at Soun, then at Nodoka and finally to Ranma, "I'm not giving into this fantasy! I'm going to get my son back!"

"I'm not your boy anymore." Ranma snarled at Genma, before shifting his attention to Nodoka, "Okasan, I...I'm yours still, this adoption doesn't mean I'm forsaking you," her left fingertips touching her mother's right elbow, causing the older female to lower her blade, "and I'll need your help and support," her baby blues more to Soun, "yours too, Soun-san. I'm gonna make you both proud of the Tendo dojo of Anything Goes."

"Shinjinnai..." Genma shook his head, "I'm packing my stuff and leaving this madhouse, but this isn't over," resolve in his tone, "not by a long-shot." The elder martial artist turned and goes down the hallway, heading for the guest room.

Soun shook his head, "I'm going to go with him. Maybe I can talk some sense into his thick head." The slim martial artist moved over to Nabiki, who stood up, "Here, Nabiki-chan," he held out his seal, "You can use this for any legal papers you need to sign to get this plan going, as well as Ranma joining our family," Nabiki nodded, accepting the seal. Then Soun's gaze shifted to Nodoka, "If you are acceptable for such an arrangement."

"I believe it is for the best," Nodoka slid her katana back into its hidden scabbard, "while I'm not completely happy with Ranma’s decision to be adopted, while I am still trying to get use to her being fully female, I can understand why it happened."

Soun nodded, "I better get my travel kit together, Genma is going to leave as fast as possible." The middle-aged man hugged each of his daughters, then Ranma, "I hope this time you not going to slug me, Ran-chan."

"Iie, I’d gotta accept hugs, be a gal instead of a guy," Ranma smiled, rubbed a tear from one eye, “and please...take care of...of him.”

Soun nodded, turning to Nodoka, "Domo arigato, Nodoka-san, I'm glad you will be here to shepherd my daughters, including Ranma, I feel better having an adult here," he bowed to her, "because I want to see the tree of my children’s dreams to bear fruit."

"I will, Soun-san," Nodoka smiled up at Soun, the exchange of expressions between the two adults caused a look of interest to appear on Nabiki's face, "It will feel very good to have a family to care for again."

"Ja na," Soun smiled, left the kitchen, heading for his room to pack.

Everyone took a moment to catch their breath, looking at each other, before Kasumi said, "We better fix something for choshoku." Her warm eyes fell on Ranma, "Ranma-chan, I'm going to fix some leek porridge for Akane. Could you take it up to her? It is one of her favorites."

"Hai," Ranma grinned.


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