.moon by night

Glory Days by Horosha

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Series Title: Glory Days
Story Title: Orchid in Full Bloom

By Horosha

Disclaimer: Ranma 1/2 is the property of Rumiko Takahashi, Shogakukan, Viz Communications and Kitty Productions

If you have any comments, my email address is:


WARNING: This is an adult fanfic so if you are under the age of 18 or you don't want to read a work that contains adult situations and content, like sex and violence, stop here.

Forward: A while ago, a friend of mine asked me to write a Ranma fanfic where Ranma voluntarily choose to be a full girl. In other words, Ranma decides to stay female. Now anyone who has read Ranma fanfics know, this is a common theme in many of them, but in those, Ranma is either forced to be female by some outside influence (as in Girl Days) or Ranma was originally a girl at birth and was forced to be male (as in Genma's Daughter). I have yet to find one where Ranma choose to be female was made of his own free will.

So I'm giving it a shot.

Chapter Two: The Birds and the Bees

Akane’s subconscious flickered at the light sound of her bedroom door sliding open, revealing Ranma with her crutches under each arm and a tray balancing on her red-haired head. The tomboy stooped to get through the door without the top of the frame knocking the bowl of leek porridge and glass of orange juice off the flat surface. The teenager looked at Akane, noticing the continued soft breathing and the good color of her face. Ranma felt a fluttering inside of her chest along with a renewing sense of purpose. Her baby blues spoke volumes of how much she believed her sacrifice for Akane was the right decision.

Once to the bed, Ranma moved the lamp to Akane's desk and placed the tray on the table next to Akane's bed. Then Ranma thought a moment, building up a little more of her resolve, before she lean down and kissed softly the lips of the sleeping girl, letting her lips feel the texture of those lips before parting, whispering, "Akane...Kasumi fixed some leek porridge for you."

It took seconds for Akane to react, pushing her brain out of the chemical-induced slumber, her eyelids flutter and her tongue licked her lips, "Ano...whatever you had tasted good..." her eyes opened but it is a struggle, her vision a little glassy, "leek porridge...I haven't had it since the last time I was sick."

Ranma smiled and using several pillows to support Akane’s back, helped her beloved to sit up in bed, "How are you feeling?"

"My head hurts...a little...although not like the rest of my body," Ranma began to feed Akane the porridge with a soup spoon, "I woke up a little..." she made a yummy sound as she enjoyed the taste of the creamy porridge, "I heard voices downstairs."

Ranma wasn't sure how much she should tell Akane about what happened in the kitchen, she really didn't understand much about concussions, but she knew negative emotions affect the body, especially someone with a hair trigger temper like Akane had. In the end he decided to depend on the medications Doctor Tofu gave for Akane, "There was a kitchen table discussion between me, Nodoka, Nabiki with Kasumi supplying the tea and her advice."

"Uaa...your first hen session," Akane smiled a little, "owe...that hurts more than the joke," the prone girl took in several more spoonfuls of her breakfast, then continued, "I can guess the discussion included our wedding and you choosing to stay female."

"Some of it was, most of it was about our future plans, about how the dojo is a part of your dowry and what we could do with it," Ranma softly blows on the hot substance before holding the spoon to Akane’s lips, "it came back to me being female and our marriage when our fathers joined the group."

"I thought it got loud down there," Akane took in the porridge, her eyes a little brighter, "and your pajamas don't look torn or soiled."

"My mother's katana did a lot of talking," Ranma held the glass of orange juice so Akane could sip from it, "plus my father found out his legal residence is suppose to be under a gravestone."

Akane took in a couple of mouthfuls of orange liquid, before laying her head back on the pillows supporting her upper body, "Wish I had seen the look on his face.” She closed her eyes and for a moment it looked like the girl had fallen asleep, "How are you holding up...Ranma...now you are female...not some boy stuffed into a drowned girl's body wa?"

"I feel different...most of the time when I was a girl...I only acted like one to get some free eats or to fool someone," she offered more porridge to Akane, who shook her head, "other times I was so pissed off I could only act like a guy, like the first time I ran into Ko Lon or when Herb put the wammy on me," she put the bowl back on the tray.

"How different ne?" Akane sounded sleepy.

Ranma looked at her feet, "Ano...this body really feels like it belongs to me...so is my noggin,” she taps the middle of her forehead,” I felt it changing...like some tiny electrician pulled out all of AC wires and replaced them with DC wires."

Akane giggled softly, "Sounds mind-blowing..." she yawned, "I'm tired...talk to you...later," in less than a minute she was sound asleep.


Ranma stood at the top of the stairs, balancing the tray on her head, along with the empty bowl and glass. She looked over her shoulder when the door to Nabiki's room slid open, allowing the middle Tendo sister and Nodoka to come out. At seeing the redhead using the crutches, the oldest female said, "Let me get those for you," coming over and taking the tray from her daughter's head.

"I'm off to school," Ranma smirked at Nabiki's proclamation, since the older teenager is wearing her school uniform, although the redhead blinked at the light makeup the schoolgirl was wearing. Nabiki noticed the expression, "You got a cool momma there, Ranma-chan," she ruffled her bob-cut hair, showing it had been carefully layered to look more stylish, the morning light in the hallway catching the glitter of her dark purple-painted fingernails, "she said I looked too plain for high school."

"A young girl should make her appearance to be as pretty and glamorous as possible," Nodoka smiled at the two teenagers, "for in high school a lady experiments with makeup to show off her best physical assets, so by the time she goes to college or a business interview, she can get the best results."

Nodoka walked down the stairs, while Nabiki continued to stand by Ranma, "I can already see benefits in having your momma here, Ranma-chan."

"Hai..." Ranma felt so warm inside watching her mother head to the kitchen. Her gaze shifted to Nabiki, "Domo arigato, Nabiki..." paused for a moment before she continued, "Nabiki-neechan," she bowed her head, "for agreeing to get mine and Akane's schoolwork."

"No probmento, Ranma-chan," Nabiki's expression brighten at the honorfic the redhead used, "except for what was happening between Akane and Kuno, things were pretty dull here until you and your family liven things up,” Ranma giggled while her hair was ruffled by Nibiki, “as for the dojo plan we discuss earlier, I see too many benefits," Ranma’s expression showed doubt, "sure there are risks as in any business venture...” a noise drew her dark eyes down to the ground level. Genma stormed across the living room, a large backpack slung upon his back and a large water canister in one hand. Soun was in his friend’s wake, making a detour to the kitchen. Nabiki's gaze shifted to Ranma, noticing the trembling lower lip, those baby blues so wide, "You love him a lot ne."

"I hate him," tears at the corners of Ranma’s eyes, "he turned my life into a train wreck...took me from my mother, took me away from everything pretty and wonderful...made me the focus of all of his schemes and bullshit...he hurt so many people...some of them my friends...like Uu-chan," tears ran down her cheeks, "how can I not hate him."

Soun came out of the kitchen with several additional packages to go with his travel kit. He looked up the stairs, saw Nabiki hugging Ranma, the red-haired head press to the older teen's shoulder. Eyes of the middle daughter met her father's dark eyes, each sharing a silent farewell, expressions showing shared promises. Then Soun was out the house and moving to catch up with the bald man.

Nodoka came out of the kitchen, using a napkin to dab the corners of her eyes, clearly like her daughter, she was having a hard time with her husband's departure. Kasumi came out as well, drying her hands on a towel, taking in the surroundings. Giving it a moment, the elder sister cleared her throat, getting the attention of the others, including Ranma, who lifted her head from Nabiki's shoulder, her blue eyes puffy and her cheeks wet, "I hate to bring up this subject, but we should talk about it since Ranma has joined our sisterhood."

Nodoka looked at Kasumi owlishly before the expression showed understanding, "Ranma-chan, did your father ever talk to you about sex?"

Ranma sniffled, rubbed her nose, "Iie...I missed Sex Education in junior high..." she rubbed her cheeks with her right wrist, "and I'm suppose to have it this upcoming semester at Fuurinkan."

Kasumi and Nodoka looked at each other while Nabiki continued to comfort Ranma, rubbing the slightly taller girl's upper back, "Ranma-chan, when you were in the drowned girl form,” Kasumi asked, “did you ever experience a period wa?"

"You mean the monthly visitor?" Ranma's voice husky from her crying, "Iie...neither when Kuh Lon nailed me nor when Herb fucked me up royal," she sniffled again, "must've been lucky I guess da."

Nabiki was a little surprised by Ranma's words, not that Ranma hadn't experienced a period, but that she knew what it was when she was a he, "You knew about it wa yo?"

Ranma looked a little insulted, "I’m dense not stupid," she rubbed her flush cheeks to dry them, "maybe I didn't before I got here, but living here with mostly girls, I did learn a few things like knocking on the door of the bathroom before going in, leaving the seat down on the toilet and not freaking out when seeing blood spots on panties in the dirty laundry bin."

"What were you doing going through our dirty laundry wa yo?" Nabiki’s eyes widen.

"Were you sniffing panties wa?" Nodoka asked, sounding a little too accepting of such behavior.

"Kuso! Course not!" Ranma's face a bright red, while Kasumi giggled softly behind one hand, "I was...I was..." her voice going shy, "I was looking for some panties to use...I was in girl form...my boxers in the wash...couldn't use Soun or Oyaji briefs," she winkled her nose, "they smell icky da."

"Who's panties fitted you the best?" Nabiki grinned, still with one hand gently rubbing Ranma's upper back.

"Ano...Akane's panties," Ranma blushed at her own words, "we're the same size, although not anymore."

"We're going to need to get Ranma some underwear for her own," Kasumi suggested, her eyes compared Ranma to Nabiki, "for now, I think you can borrow some of Nabiki's undies."

Nabiki rolled her eyes, "In for a penny in for a pound," her gaze didn't show any irritation, "Ranma can use my panties but..." she pinched Ranma's nose, "but later today we are going shopping for some new clothes for you," Ranma nodded while her nose is held, "and a new outfit for me ne?" Ranma nodded a second time.

"So what did you think when you saw the blood spots on Akane's panties?" Kasumi asked, pretty sure those were the ones that freak-out the teenager.

"Blood spots on Akane's..." Nodoka makes an O-shape with her mouth, "That bad?"

Nabiki sighed, "Hai...her hair trigger temper is very-very short when she has her period."

"It’s why Akane has such low self-esteem about her physical attributes as a woman," Kasumi explained to Nodoka, "I have the mildest period," the eldest sister sounding matter-of-fact, "and it helps Nabiki responses very well to yarrow tea," Kasumi hands are folded over her apron, "but I haven't found any herbal remedy to help Akane and she refuses to go to a doctor, even Tofu-sensei, about her condition."

"Akane thinks she’s too tough," Ranma shrugged, "to let her crimson rose make her look like a weak girl."

"So you found Akane's panties, freaked out about the blood stains and what did you do?" Nabiki asked.

"I didn't ask Akane, I wanted to live so we could get hitched," Ranma smirked softly, "instead I sneaked to the high school and used their computer. That is where I found out what a period was and it convinced me to try to keep my time as a girl as short as possible," she cupped both of her breasts, giving each a delicate squeeze, "but I think that plan has become a no-go wa."

"I would say so," Nabiki grinned, then got an idea, "Ne-ne, Oneesan, why don't you give Ranma your birds-and-the-bees session," she saw the puzzled look coming from Nodoka, "Kasumi does a very good job explaining sex and how it works and all of its variations and stuff." Her dark eyes back to Ranma, "How about it, Ranma-chan? Not even the Sex Ed teacher can hold a candle to her."

Nodoka was puzzled by Nabiki's suggestion, the mother wasn't surprised by the praise given by the middle sister to her older sister, from everything she had experienced here, Nodoka thought she would never find any teenager more mature than Kasumi. In fact Kasumi would have been the mother's choice for wife to her son, but Nodoka knew there was no logic when it came to love, Kasumi made her choice years before. Still the elegant lady couldn't think of anyone more motherly and mature to handle such a subject. Keeping her expression thoughtful, she looked at each of the girls, noticing Nabiki's prideful expression, Kasumi's posture of modesty posture and Ranma's own questioning look, "Ranma-chan, what do you think on Nabiki's suggestion wa?"

Ranma looked at Kasumi and couldn't find any reason why not. For a whole year, Kasumi was the eye of Hurricane Saotome-Tendo, rarely had the maternal sister ever lost her cool nor had she despair over circumstances. Even when she was possessed by a demon, it was the sweetest possession the redhead had ever experienced, it was like Kasumi was trying to kill them with kindness. In the end, Ranma smiled, nodded, "Hai."

Kasumi smiled, but it was the wicked look in Nabiki's eyes which worried the young martial artist, "I better get going to school or I'll end up in detention," she gave Ranma a one-arm hug, "Welcome to the family, Ranma-chan." Ranma felt her heart skip a beat at Nabiki's warmth. Everyone watched the middle sister rapidly go down the stairs, giving a bow to Nodoka, "I hope you can uphold the reputation of the mistress of this household, Nodoka-san," a little dare was in her tone, "you coming after two of the best I know."

Nodoka nodded, patting Nabiki's cheek, "I agree, Nabiki-chan, I knew your mother, the best wife and mother I ever met," she glanced over her shoulder, seeing Kasumi had gone back into the kitchen, "and your sister is so like her."

Nabiki nodded, "Ja ne." The dark-haired teenager in her school fuku headed for the front entrance, grabbing her book bag, slipping on her shoes at the genkan and out the door.

Kasumi came back out of the kitchen, sighing a little, "I wish Nabiki didn't think I was a miracle worker," her cheeks colored pink, "it can be hard to meet those expectations," her bashfulness showing, "and I don't mean to usurp your role as mother to your s...to your daughter. I don't have any experience with sex while you do."

"A teenage girl with an ochoko can have just as much knowledge about sex as a mature woman with a ohachi," Kasumi blushed deeply while Ranma was confused: Shallow sake cup? Deep bowl? "Please, I know my daughter needs the knowledge you can offer her, I know I would when I was her age."

Kasumi smiled a little wider, made her way up the stairs to Ranma, "Ranma-chan, we are going to first see how Akane is doing, then we will go to my bedroom."

Ranma grinned at Kasumi, “Arigato, sensei,” which got Kasumi to giggle behind one hand. The redhead followed on her crutches, “I really mean it, from all the stuff I’ve heard from Hiroshi and Daisuke, I gotta impression sex is sort’ta martial arts.”

Kasumi’s eyes lit up at the comparison, “A good guess, Ranma-chan, but a better way of thinking of sex is as romantic arts.”

“So ka,” Ranma nodded slowly.

In Akane's bedroom, they found the youngest sister slumbering, the movement of her eyes under their lids and a tiny smile on her lips, suggesting she was having a happy dream. This scene brought a warm smile to Ranma's lips, but she did notice something, “Ano...Kasumi-chan, why are Akane’s tats like that da?”

Kasumi smiled sweetly, “When you were a boy, Ranma-chan, did you wake up with morning wood?”

“Mornin’ wood...” Ranma blinked, “Oi! You mean my dick hard,” she blushed deeply, rubbing her neck, “kinda embarrassing...had one last all night.” She looked more carefully at how Akane’s nipples were outlined in her pajama top, “So girls so through the same thing na?”

“Hai,” Kasumi whispered, “but I’ll tell you more once we reach my bedroom, the older sister surprised Ranma’s shout hadn’t waken Akane.

Ranma had never been in Kasumi's bedroom. Everyone in the household seemed to keep their personal chaos away from it, like it was the holy of holies. Any time Ranma saw someone going in or coming out from Kasumi's bedroom, the expressions they had were polite or even meek. Once inside the bedroom, Kasumi motioned for Ranma to sit on her bed. The redhead hobbled over to it, the bed was a single with thick blankets since it was early March, the homemade comforter having a lovely pattern of blooming roses of white and blue with twisting thorny vines of green linking them. As Ranma settled on it, she found it soft, yielding under her bottom. There was a nightstand next to the bed on the right side, one of Tofu-sensei's medical textbooks resting on top of it, with several yellow markers sticking out, and a small test booklet resting on top of them, "You are quizzing yourself, Kasumi-chan?"

Kasumi went over to her closet, "While it was necessary for me to put away my childhood dreams to help my family," her voice sounding hopeful, "I kept up on my studies with help from Tofu-sensei and a few of his friends at Tokyo Medical and Dental University."

"Night school?" Ranma looked over her shoulder, watching the oldest sister selecting several items from the closet.

"Of sorts..." Kasumi seemed to be thinking about what to use for the first lesson, "I studied here in my bedroom after everyone has retired for the night.”

Those words had a huge impact on Ranma, it caused her to remember nights where the gentle glowing light came from Kasumi's bedroom window at all hours in the morning, "Gomen nasei, Kasumi-chan, I feel...I feel...baka."

Kasumi came from the closet, her arms holding several manga and a pull-string bag, "'It is my cross to bear' as the Christians would say," she smooth her sundress under her thighs before sitting down, "and it would give me great pleasure if you call me, Onee," her eyes bright with affection, "now you are an official part of our family."

"Ee, Onee," they both giggled as Ranma tried to sound cute.

"Very kawaii, Ranma-chan." Kasumi placed the items on the bed, "Are you ready for your first session ne?"

Ranma's eyes widen at the hint of more than one session, "Ain’t sex and love simple...kuso...scratch that, I know that’s bunk, just look at merry-go-round me and Akane ended up on."

"Honto ne," Kasumi giggled softly, nodding, "Now, Ranma-chan, when was the first time you experienced arousal? I mean when did you get a hard-on when you were a boy?"

Ranma blushed deeply, looking at her feet, "I think I was thirteen," a faraway tone in her words, "Oyaji and I were in a small town on the east coast of Japan, there was an old sensei there teaching an unique style of judo. I went to a sento because the camp we were staying at a camp didn't have any showers. At the time I thought it was like those in the major cities, separated by gender," her rosy cheeks darkened, "so I went there. I think the clerk at the door thought I was younger than I was, my growth spurt didn't happen until just before I went to the private boys school, where I met Ryoga."

Kasumi nodded, one hand resting on top of Ranma's crossed hands, which covered the redhead’s lap, "Go on."

Ranma's eyes shifted to Kasumi's hand, how motherly it looked with housekeeper fingernails, the skin of her fingers and palm rough, "I was in the soaking pool with a damp cloth on my head, enjoying the soothing heat, when a group of women came in from the locker room." Those baby blues taking on a deer-in-the-headlights look, "I was trapped, I wanted to get out but I didn't want to expose my dingdong," Kasumi gently rubbed the top of Ranma's hands, encouraging her to continue, "I thought I could wait them out, keep the towel on my head, stay in a corner and stay quiet."

Kasumi had an idea how things went, "But things didn't go as you planned wa?"

Ranma nodded, "It was clear sailing while the gals were washing up. They were gossiping like all girls do,” Kasumi smiled at how Ranma framed her words, “talkin’ about guys and spuds for some reason," Ranma felt an aura of comfort coming from her sister-in-law, allowing her to continue her tale, "but then they started to come to the pool." Ranma's blush spread down her neck, "This...this was... before the curse so...so...so I never seen a naked girl before...I...I don't remember how...how Mom looked naked.” She swallowed, trying to keep her brain from overloading, “They didn't notice me...chatting and giggling like schoolgirls...but as they spread out...and...I got’ta eyeful of...of everything."

Kasumi smiled, gently squeezed the top of Ranma's hands, "A lot of cheesecake ne?"

"A whole lotta Paris and London," Ranma’s mouth as dry as a desert, "their tats were...nice...Asian sized...it was like their nipples were pointing at me," Kasumi's presence helping the young teenager to talk, "but it was their...their kanojo no asoke...their thingies made me feel strange inside."

"So a woman's vagina was a turn-on for you ne?" Kasumi politely asked.

It was hard to tell which was more scarlet, Ranma's hair or her ears, "Some...some were really hairy down there...couldn’t see anything," her tongue feeling so big in her mouth, "some no hair...lips smooth...some thin...some plump...others...others a flower in full bloom," Ranma tried to keep her baby blues from glancing at Kasumi's crotch, "others sorta in-between...hair trimmed to look like roads, hearts, arrows...” Ranma words failed her.

Kasumi nodded at the description, "Some women find having a hairless vagina makes for better sex," her words having a caring tone, "the different styles of doing their pubic hair is a matter of personal taste," she noticed Ranma's glances, "and yes, I keep my kanojo no asoke shaved, it does help with feminine hygiene."

Ranma nodded, pulling her legs up to rest her chin on them, Kasumi shifting her hand to hold Ranma's right hand, "It was a mistake for me to stare, because it got their attention."

"Oya maa," Kasumi sounded a little concern, "I hope they let you explain your mistake, Ranma-chan."

"I...I couldn't talk, Onee," Ranma squeezed Kasumi's hand, "sorta of cat got my tongue," her voice staying soft, "and the girls acted like it was a common mistake...I think they thought I was much younger," her chin trembled against the clef between her knees, "and a couple of them sat beside me, smiling politely and asking my name. I...I tried to say something...ta explain myself...but one of them touched me...inside of my...my thighs...it was then I realized my mono...my male thingie was as tall as a pine tree."

Kasumi frowned a little, it sounding very much like these little town girls were about to molest Ranma, talk about gang mentality, "What happened?"

"I was scared shitless...the gal’s hand moving to my junk...I screamed like a little girl...I walked on water to get out’ta there," the redhead leaned a little toward Kasumi, who in turn slip an arm around the youngest teenager's shoulder, "I din' stop in the locker room...I had to borrow some later."

Kasumi squeezed Ranma's shoulder, knowing silent comfort is what the redheaded girl needed right now. The older teenager did find this story explained much about Ranma's own inability to handle women or any girl in a sexual way, let alone romantically. Ranma wasn't bothered anymore by female nudity due to the curse, but thanks to Genma seeing his son's curse as a danger to the old man's lifespan, it left Ranma with a deeply rooted belief he was physically inadequate to pleasure a woman.

After a long silence, Kasumi asked, "Feel better, Ranma-chan?"

"Ee, Onee," Ranma nodded, enjoying the motherly comfort from the older teenager, "better than before," her eyes look up at Kasumi's face, "I only thought cats did this ta me."

Kasumi smiled, "There is a little bit of the cat in all girls," she let go of Ranma, straightening up, "more in some than in others."

Ranma giggled, straightening on the bed, "Was there a reason for your question, Onee?"

Kasumi nodded, "You see as you experience arousal that time, you noticed how your penis became erect and your heartbeat became rapid. You might have noticed your nipples became hard as well." Ranma crossed her legs while listening, "You see, most of a male arousal is internal, a shifting of blood into his loins and a rapid firing of certain parts of his brain."

Ranma nodded, "And you mentioned before girls have a different arousal."

“Hai.” Kasumi pulled out a manga but held it so the redhead couldn't see the title, "It is estimated about forty percent of the male body is geared towards reproduction, the male body mostly meant physically to provide food and to protect his mate and their children. On the other hand approximately eighty percent of the female body is geared towards reproduction."

"Eighty percent wa yo!" Ranma's jaw hit the floor.

Kasumi nodded, "Unlike the male body, not only does the female's vagina and breasts become aroused, along with the chemical changes in her brain and rapid heartbeats, so does the rest of her body," Kasumi opens the manga to a marked page, "Her skin becomes flush and sensitive to stimulation, certain glands on her body produce a musk meant to single her arousal to her partner, even kissing is very stimulating for a woman."

"Kuso..." Ranma's eyes were wide as she looked at the pictures in Kasumi's manga, while the older teenager turned the pages, "Is there a reason why this happens to girls," she mentally kicked herself for the why she framed the question, "I mean is there a reason why this happens to girls like us ka?"

"It is necessary for the female to experience orgasm," Kasumi explained, bring out another one of her manga for Ranma to look at, "A male orgasm is easy to trigger and it usually happens early during intercourse, with some males having to mentally discipline themselves in an attempt to delay their orgasm so it will happen at the same time as their partner's orgasm, which is why foreplay, oral sex is important."

"Foreplay? Oral sex?" Kasumi started to show the young teenager different techniques of foreplay with the manga, “It sorta sounds like gals...we’re addict to sex.”

"Using foreplay is very necessary for female orgasm and does help in bonding between partners. A male thrusting his erect penis into a woman's vagina, until his orgasm causes his sperm to fill her womb, is the only thing necessary for possible procreation, but it usually leaves the female unfulfilled."

Ranma's blush was back in full force, "Ano...the pictures...the characters seem to be enjoying..." Kasumi turned a page, causing the redhead to bug-eyed, "in the butt?"

"Some girls and boys like it there," Kasumi replied, "for boys there is a prostate gland that is close to the anus opening, stroking it from the inside can produce a great deal of pleasure. For girls, if done right, it can stimulate her into orgasm, although for some anal penetration turns them on as a form of dominance play."

"Chikusho..." Ranma could feel her body was reacting to what Kasumi was showing her and telling her, "so doing this is pleasurable ne?"

"Hai," Kasumi smiled at the awe shown in Ranma's sapphire eyes, "biologically the chances of producing pregnancy from one coupling of male to female is low, so both the male and female body have evolved so sex produces a great deal of pleasure, which is why a woman wants to experience her own orgasm, because it is the epicenter of her sexual pleasure. In fact, once orgasm is triggered in a female, her body is so sensitized due to bliss erupting in her brain, she could have multiple orgasms with only a little stimulation."

Ranma looked back to the manga in Kasumi's lap, the mix of excitement, trepidation and understanding shined so brightly upon her features, "Onee, what about me and Akane, now I'm female."

"Do you still love Akane?" Kasumi asked, "Do you still find her attractive, desirable?"

"Hai," then Ranma's eyes go very wide, "Even more so than before."

Kasumi had wondered about this question herself, she wondered why so much of the sexual teasing and verbal foreplay between Ranma and Akane happened when they were both female. Did Akane find Ranma more erotic as a female and suppressed her attraction with extreme behavior? Did Ranma do the same because she didn't want Akane to find Ranma's girl form more desirable than the male form, despite Ranma's own attraction to Akane while female?

"Ranma-chan," Kasumi pulled out her copy of her favorite yuri manga, "Not all girls and boys are the same. The genes that channel how we develop from fetus to adult are different, even between siblings," Ranma looked at the cover of volume one, "as such our attraction to others of either gender are different. Some females only find males to be desirable as a sexual partner, some males only find females to be desirable as a sexual partner," Kasumi reached up and gently stroke Ranma's red hair, "and there are those males who find other males to be desirable as sexual partners, and the same is true of females. I’m sure if you watched carefully some of the students at Fuurinkan, I’m sure you might notice a few like that.”

"You mean..." Ranma stopped herself from using the wrong words, “you mean guys liking guys...gals liking gals?” The redhead sensed every inch of herself tingling, she was using ever ounce of her martial arts discipline to keep check her impulses.

"Hai," Kasumi turned the pages of the manga so Ranma could look and read, "Formally those males are called gei, a romaji word found in English as gay, while females are called rezubian or rezu, again another romaji word found in English as lesbian or lez."

Ranma's expression showed confusion, Kasumi noticing the redhead squirming a little on the bed, "What am I?" The younger teenager pointed at herself.

"You said you still find Akane desirable?" Ranma nodded to Kasumi's question, remembering the strange sensation of what happened when she slipped the rings on both of them, the feeling of her brain being rewired. "Do you find males desirable?" Ranma shrugged here. “How about when Kuno or any other man hugged you as a girl?” The redhead shook her head vigorously. “What about when any of the girls hugged you when you were male or female?” Ranma thought for a moment before shaking her head slowly. “Only when you were with Akane did you have any special feelings?” Ranma nodded, “Even when she mallet you?” Ranma rolled her eyes, sighed, thought for a moment before nodding, “Well, I wouldn’t say you were a typical rezubian, more that you are in love with Akane and don’t really care about her gender."

"Hai," Ranma's gaze went back to manga while Kasumi turned the pages.

"Now Ranma-chan," Ranma attention moved back to Kasumi, "have you ever senzuri ka?'

"Masturbate?" Ranma shook her head violently, "Oyaji told me I would go blind..." then she saw the laughter on the face of the older teenager barely held in check, "he lie ne?"

"He lied," Kasumi confirmed, trying to cover her lower face with one hand. This once more brought up the issue of how much of a sexual cripple had the father turned his offspring into, "Ranma-chan, did you see your father with any other women while he was training you ka?"

Ranma frowned, "I don't think any woman would want a fat slob like Oyaji," her eyes narrow like blue lasers, "not even a two-yen whore wa."

Kasumi guessed as much, wondering if Genma bottomless pit of gluttony was to make up for his lack of sexual activity, "Ranma-chan, masturbation is done by males and females as a way to gain sexual release, an orgasm, when they are aroused, but cannot achieve a climax normally, because they are not in an intimate relationship with another, they don't want to pick up someone for a one-night-stand, or they have no desire to spend money for a joro, either male or female."

Once more Ranma squirm on Kasumi's bed, Kasumi able to see little points in the redhead's pajama top, "Onee..." Ranma licked her lips, "How do you do handle it...when you are aroused ne?"

"With this," Kasumi picked up an oblong black bag from under her bed, opened it and pulled out a six-inch dildo. At the sight of the sex toy, Ranma let out a little squeaky sound, "I can tell this is your first time at seeing a sex toy ne?" Ranma nodded infatuatedly, "The use of a dildo goes back in Japanese history for many centuries. Do you know that doing the Warring State Period, the male villagers and samurai would leave their villages and castles to fight in armies, leaving only old men, children and women behind," the younger teenager blinked with surprise, "Now tell me, Ranma-chan, do you think many of those young females would turn to for sexual release, especially if they weren't into other girls ne?"

"That faked dick wa?" Ranma watched as Kasumi carefully turn the dildo so the newly minted girl could see how realistic it was to the real thing.

"I didn't start with this," Kasumi could see the tension went leave Ranma's body, "I did start with temeko, fingering my vagina and kneading my breasts, and it worked just fine, but after a few years of it, it got old," the dark-haired teen put the dildo down on the bed between her and Ranma, "so I tried this," from the bag she brought out an foam-covered egg with a thin cord that came from a tiny, oblong controller with five buttons on it.

Nani?" Ranma didn't sound surprised as much as she was becoming very curious.

"This is a vibrator, pretty standard one, but effective," Kasumi touched a button on the controller and it began to vibrate, "a woman can place it at various depths in her vagina, although most of the erotic zones in one is close to the surface, concentrated around the clitoris and the G-spot."

"Clitoris? G-spot?" Ranma could barely hear the sound of the vibrator.

"The clitoris is the female version of a male's penis, although it can't pee or produce sperm," Kasumi took another of her manga, opened to a marked page, which showed an detailed picture of a vagina, "See, Ranma-chan, both the clitoris and the G-spot are where there is nests of nerve endings, very erotic and very sensitive to stimulation. When a girl becomes aroused, using a vibrator at either spots or moving it about to stimulate both, can trigger a full orgasm."

Ranma stared at the image of the vagina in the manga, listening to Kasumi before saying, "I didn't know any of this," she sounded disappointed in herself, "and here I've been a girl for close to a year."

Kasumi smiled, "With what Genma told you, Ranma-chan, I'm not surprised," the elder sister watching as Ranma reached out and touched the vibrator, "nor what happened to you in that sento." The curiosity in those baby blue eyes grew, "Would you like to borrow it?" Ranma's jaw dropped, she looked at Kasumi and then back at the vibrator, the same mix of emotions from before where back very strong, "I did notice you are reacting physically to our discussion and the pictures of my manga collection."

Ranma's face couldn't get any redder, she nibbled her lower lip, thinking really hard, her hand continuing to touch the vibrator, her mind digesting everything Kasumi had told her, finally saying, "Honto ne?" Her gaze dropped down to the pink dildo, "Can I borrow both da?"

Kasumi giggled softly, "Ne-ne, Ranma-chan, although your maidenhead is probably gone, your vagina is still very tight and something as big as this one would leave it very sore and tender." Reaching into the bag Kasumi brought out a smaller dildo, this one thin, "This is the first one I used when I found using a vibrator only wasn't cutting it anymore," the older teenager put the two sex toys in a small white bag.

"Domo arigato, Onee," Ranma accepted the bag, looked at it with growing excitement, then caught herself, "Ano..."

"Use the furo," Kasumi suggested, "The hot water will help in stimulating your body, plus your buoyancy will keep your inflated case out of the way."

"Ee," Ranma got up, holding the bag by its pull strings as she used her crutches to propel her to the door. She stopped before sliding it open, looking back, "There is more ne?"

"Much more, Ranma-chan," Kasumi picked up the black dildo, smiling over its phallic tip, "the birds and the bees having been doing it for million of years and they are not as inventive as we are."


Ranma came into the fuso feeling both excited and a little worried. She was pretty sure Kasumi would alert Nodoka what her daughter would be doing in the tub, but still the redhead didn’t want her mother to walk in on her. As she stripped, the redhead was glad Nabiki was at school, Ranma knowing how much her new sister charged on nudie photos of the martial artist, pictures of her playing with herself would get Nabiki a bucket full of yen.

Along with her bathroom bowl, shampoo and soap, Ranma also brought a pair of scissors and a small hand mirror. Kasumi mentioning of feminine hygiene had reminded the redhead of needing to do something about her body hair. During her year as a girl, the one thing that bothered her a lot was how hairy she looked as a girl. As she had traveled the world with her father as a guy, his eyes had seen girls in their undies or nothing at all, but at the time he was either too young to understand about nudity or too shy to really look. Once he took a dip in Nyannichauan and gained his curse, he got use to the sight of his own naked female body. It didn’t help it became very hard to stay in his male body when the curse seemed to go out of its way to make sure he was a she. Also on the road it was much harder to get a big quality of hot water to bathe in unless you were in a hot springs area, so Ranma ended up taking his baths in cold water. Of course if Ranma found a place to bathe, it was probably used by others and in the cursed girl body, it wasn’t unusual for other girls seeming to appear from some local village to bathe with the cute redhead. At first when it happened, Ranma would wash extra fast and not let herself enjoy the cool water flowing over her body, but once it became a regular occurrence, Ranma became use to seeing a feminine body not her own in the buff. Like many teenage boys, Ranma found a girl’s body to be attractive, but what got to her was how unattractive some girls look with heavy body hair.

Like he had related to Kasumi about his encounter with the pack of young women in the baths, it was their vagina that got his attention as a young adolescent boy. Now with the curse on him, it gave him a little better perceptive on the female body, causing him to be more critical about likes and dislikes, and a girl with a full brush and hairy armpits was big turn-off for him. It didn’t help his cursed body was getting the same way, hairy. Now Ranma didn’t feel confident enough to use a safety razor since he hadn’t even shaved once as a guy, he was also worried about what might happen if the curse got funky on him and getting rid of most or all of his female body hair would translate to his male body. On more than one occasion Ranma would burst into a fit of giggles at a mental image his male body having a hairless crotch and armpits. Now that possibility no longer existed.

Once inside, Ranma put her crutches in a corner before hopping on one foot to the stool. She moved the stool over in another corner and sat down. Starting with her armpits, the redhead would plant her elbow against the ceramic wall of the fuso so she could use her hand to carefully hold her dark crimson hair of her pits. First using the larger scissors she cut the hair down before using the smaller scissors to trim it further down. Ranma had no plans to use a safety razor to remove the hair completely since she hadn’t even begun to shave as a guy. The cute teenager used her towel shaped into a small hill and nestled the hand mirror on top. Then she spread her legs as wide as she could. She frowned at the thick bush of public hair before beginning the task. Careful not to pull too hard on the hairs with one hand, she begin to use the large scissors to get rid of the crimson forest, before switching to the smaller scissors to do some trimming and shaping. Taking her time, Ranma finally got it to where she wanted her slit to look, a light drizzle of red over her outer lips.

Of course Ranma rubbed her nether lips a few times to see how it felt as well as looked. Quickly the redhead found it did feel good, really-really good. Enough so it brought back the sensations of her first lesson with Kasumi had awakened. The teenager didn’t want to lose this sensation, so she moved as quickly as she could to wash herself and then hopped to the door, slid open the divider and got into the deep tub.

Ranma took off the inflated case and let her right foot down into the hot water before she lowered the rest of her body. The girl let out a sigh as the steamy water crept up her body as she sat down in the oblong ceramic tub. She shivered a little as the heat tickled her vagina and lapped against her nipples, “Kama-sama...I feel a little silly doing this...but it does feel good.” She reached over the edge of the tub and pulled out the egg vibrator from the black bag, “Waterproof da,” she giggled as she turned it on. She hesitated for a moment before taking the egg under the surface. Once more Ranma stopped, feeling the vibrating device with her fingertips, “Kuso...wha’ I’m afraid of,” her baby blues going saucer wide as she touched the sex toy against her clitoris, a squeaky moan coming out of her mouth.

It took a minute for Ranma to think again, trying to keep herself relax, leaning back against the tub, licking her lips before another moan escaped, “Oyaji got’ta wrong...” she moved the vibrator from her clitoris and begin to lightly moving it over her outer lips, her wonder multiplying at her body’s growing arousal. Ranma felt her folds spreading, her flower blooming, the vibrations increasing the pleasure. Then her toes curl as the egg slipped from her fingertips and inside of her, rubbing over her G-spot, bringing a deep moan from her.

The lapping of the hot water against her breasts made Ranma realize they wanted to get into the act. Leaving the vibrator control on the top of the edge of the tub, she moved her left hand and lightly rubbed her fingertips along the underside of her breast. The teenager reacted instinctively in arching her back, the soaking heat and the caress of her fingers upping her arousal. Ranma sensed whatever logic was left in her mind shutting down, the tiny sparks going off inside her head making her relax more even as her pleasure grew. Moving her hand up, her thumb rubbed over her right areole, brushing her nipple to bring more delicious shivers, her dark pink peak stiffening more. Her hand moved to her left breasts, her eyelids fluttering as she gently knead it.

Ranma continued to move the vibrating egg over her aroused sex, her folds so puffy and her clitoris so throbbing just as was her G-spot. The redhead was sucked in deeper and deeper into the pleasure, her moans merging with her panting, her kneading hand feeling the power of her beating heart under her squeezing fingers and rubbing palm. Even the feel of the moving water over her sensitized skin added to the growing sparks burning into her gray matter, each firing sending her further and further to the edge, the sensations so wonderful, so good. The young teenager didn’t realize how close she was to her first orgasm until she went over the edge, her body arching almost out of the water as she screamed, waves of hot water breaking over the edge as she sag back in, her strong muscles flexing and shaking in her bliss-out state.

It felt like an eternity to Ranma before her brain could think again, her panting slowing down and her body feeling like she had rumbled with Ryoga. With her head resting on the edge of the tub, the seventeen-year-old stared up at the ceiling, her eyes sparkling with lust, “Kuso...beats ice cream all ta hell.”


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