
Open Your Eyes by Koneko

Kenshin was watching his girlfriend. He followed her graceful movements with burning eyes. She was dancing. Her slender body moved to the fast rhythm of the music. She didn’t miss a beat, not a single step wrong. She truly was a professional dancer.
Suddenly the music changed and become slow. Her moves slowed too, became lazy, sexy, sensually inviting. He had to call upon every ounce of his famous will-power to not rise from his seat and join her of the dance-floor.
In a failing attempt to calm his burning desire he allowed his gaze to roam the dim club. When he saw the lust-filled eyes of the other men in the room, he felt a slight tingling of jealousy and manly pride. These men gazed upon his girlfriend. He should kill them all for even laying their dulled eyes on her body. But among the envy, the pride shone through. They would not be the man who caressed her skin tonight. They would never taste the sweetness of her pink lips or feel the softness of her satin skin. Never know how it feels when she merges her soft curves against hard muscles; never know the taste of her arousal or the way her eyes darken with lust. They would never hear her breathy moans or the way she scream their names in ecstasy, like he would this night.
Kenshin had to close his eyes and focus on the present again. There was no use getting horny at eleven. She didn’t get off until one thirty and then they had to get home, too. He would not have her until two this morning.
But he was thankfully a patient man, he could wait.

By one forty-five Kenshin was waiting in the alley where the backstage door was located. But he was not alone. Several of the men he had spotted in the club were there too, hoping to give the dancer a ride home and get laid.
Kenshin smirked. A humourless tilting of his slim, smooth lips. They had no chance in hell. That girl was his and no one else’s.
The door opened and the beauty stepped out in the yellow light of the streetlamp. Immediately there were three men at her side, all touching her slender, but strong arms. They leaned close, whispering hot fantasies in her ears. She just shook her dark head, so the high tail of raven-black hair swayed. She freed herself from their dirty, grouping hands and walked toward him. A playful smile graced her cherry blossom lips as she moved her hips in a way, very similar to the moves on stage. Her blue eyes glittered with mirth and mischievousness. She came up to him and lazily placed her arms around his strong neck. Without hesitation or hurry, she placed her soft lips against his in a welcoming kiss. It was neither passionate nor light. Just in the middle.
They broke apart and started to move in the direction of their common home.
“Hey!” one man called to the retreating couples backs.
Kenshin turned his head to give the man a hard glare. He placed his arm possessively around his girls’ waist and drew her closer if possible.
“Come on, man, share.”
Kenshin glared at the man. His eyes, he knew, were slowly turning amber. A clear sign of his anger.
“Why should I share what’s mine?” he asked. The man had no idea who he was messing with.
“Don’t waste you energy, love. Let’s go home. I’m tired”, Kaoru said and gave the men behind her a pointy look.
They resumed their walk and left angry men in their wake.
He didn’t know why he never noticed.
Maybe it had been the look Kaoru gave him or maybe he had been a little dulled by the alcohol. Either way, he was very surprised when Kaoru suddenly gave him a hard push that made him fall to the side. If she had been anyone else, he would not have fallen. But Kaoru was his girl and he had taught her some tricks that also worked on him.
Time slowed down as he fell and he watched her confused. His eyes widened even more as a bullet penetrated her right lung. The projectile proceeded through his beloveds’ back and disappeared down the street. Screaming could be heard, but he couldn’t tell if it was him or the other men behind them.

All this feels strange and untrue
And I won't waste a minute without you

Kaorus’ face twisted in pain. Her hand went to the wound in her chest and her knees buckled. Kenshin didn’t know if he managed to reach the ground before he caught Kaoru in his arms.
Red blood poured from her wound and ran down her white t-shirt. She gasped for air as her right lung shut off. Kenshin candled her head against his chest and quickly collected her in his arms. With unholy speed, he ran down the street, away from the club and left the stunned men behind him. Kaoru had to get to a clinic and that fast.
My bones ache, my skin feels cold
And I'm getting so tired and so old

Kenshin reached the small clinic, where his best friends’ wife worked. The lights were on, she was still there. Kenshin thanked every god that was listening for this undeserved, but prayed for, luck. Kaoru would get treatment soon, and they could resume their walk home.
The anger swells in my guts
And I won't feel these slices and cuts

“Help me! She’s shot!” he called as he reached the clinic. He barged in unceremonially through the sliding glass-doors. As he came into the sitting area, Megumi was already waiting for him with a gurney ready. Quickly he placed his beloved on the metal bed and watched how Megumi rolled away with her. She was so pale, deathly pale. Her big, expressive sapphire eyes were shut and the narrow ribcage barely moved. Kenshin felt how fear, stronger than ever before, gripped his heart and made his stomach clench uncomfortably. What if she didn’t survive? What if she turned into the next world and left him alone in the reality? What if she-
“Come! I need a rapport!” Megumi called over her shoulder when she noticed Kenshin didn’t follow her.
Snapping back into action he followed her.
“Shot one forty-eight in right lung from ten meters away. The bullet pierced her and disappeared down the street. Is she going to make it, Megumi? Please tell me she will!” Kenshin babbled. He was going into shock and didn’t know how to handle it.
Megumi didn’t answer. But suddenly Sanos strong arms wound them selves around his slim shoulders.
“Calm down, buddy. Fox will take care of her. Missy is a strong piece of woman and you know that. She will make it.”
Kenshin allowed himself to be lead by Sano toward the waiting area. Numbly he sat down on a rather comfortable chair and like a fist in the face; the events of the night came to him. Kaoru was shot, not only that, she took a bullet assigned for him. And judging by the bullet and the wound in Kaoru, the missile would have hit him in the back, close to his shoulder-blade.
I want so much to open your eyes
'Cause I need you to look into mine

The bullet would have killed him, and now it was killing her. No, that’s not true. She won’t die, she love me too much. She will pull through this and they would go back home. There he would tell her to stop dancing at that club. It was too dangerous. That or she would let him guard her. His background as an assassin for a now crushed organisation gave him an advantage in most fights. He was faster that most, stronger that the average gangmember and master in an ancient sword-style. He could protect her. Many a time he had brought up the question about her safety and proposed to be her bodyguard, but she had laughed and kissed him with the words that she could take care of herself.
Kenshin got lost in his own thoughts. He centred himself on the sole thing that kept him alive; Kaoru.
Tell me that you'll open your eyes

He thought on all the times they had been together. With a slight smile he recalled the first time he had seen her. It had been on a party celebrating Sano who had hooked up with his dreamgirl, Megumi. That was five years ago.
Tell me that you'll open your eyes

He remembered their first kiss. It had been on a cold January evening three years ago. He had just managed to escape the claws of the police as his organisation had fallen apart due to a betrayal. He had been cold, frightened and confused. With one kiss, she managed to make him calm enough to think straight. After that, he never again left her side.
Tell me that you'll open your eyes

Goosebumps raced along his skin as he remembered their first night in passion. Imagine his surprise, when she told him she was a virgin. Despite the fact that she was a professional dancer, she had never made love. And in the dim light of a rented room, she asked him to teach her the secrets of love. They had made love all night. She never got enough. At last he had been so exhausted he begged her to stop and sleep. That was two and a half year ago. Since then, they made love all and every night.
Tell me that you'll open your eyes

Kenshin was suddenly jolted from his memories as Megumi appeared in his line of vision. Hope bloomed in his chest as he jumped to his feet and all but walked to her side.
“How is she?” he demanded. His voice was harder that he intended, but he could barely contain himself. Once again he had to call upon every ounce of self-control to not rush in to his beloved girlfriend. His hard eyes searched Megumis to find the answer on his question. But the doctor averted her eyes and stared at Sano.
“You may go in to her now”, she mumbled, her voice heavy with emotion. But Kenshin didn’t take the time to analyze the emotions. All he had on his mind was to se her.
When he entered the room, he immediately spotted her in the small bed. A mask was over her mouth and nose, helping her left lung and the damaged right. A high beeping noise monitored her heart and pulse, but otherwise she looked alright. A little pale maybe, but she was always pale. The fear died and he relaxed. She was going to survive.
Silently he sat sown on a hard chair beside her bedside. Carefully he took one cool hand in his and knitted their fingers together. Then he waited, silently following her breathing.
“Kenshin?” Sano said behind him, his voice filled with sadness. “I’m sorry to say this, but she…” he swallowed and Kenshin felt the dread rise from his stomach and out in his body. “…she won’t make it.”
Get up, get out, get away from these liars
'Cause they don't get your soul or your fire

The words stopped Kenshins world. He tensed, his body taunt like a drawn bowstring, ready to bristle. The words echoed in his mind, bounced against his skull. That was impossible. She could not die. Not now. She was too young, too pure and caring. He loved her too much. She meant too much in his life to die. She was his life, his very air and beating heart. Damn she was the only reason he hadn’t killed himself the day his organisation had fallen.
Take my hand; knot your fingers through mine
And we'll walk from this dark room for the last time

“You are lying”, he said with his back to Sano. It could not be true. She was going to wake up. Maybe not today, nor tomorrow, but she would wake up.
“The machine is the only thing that keeps her alive, Kenshin. I’m sorry, but you have to let her go.”
Every minute from this minute now
We can do what we like anywhere

Tears streamed down his cheeks. But he didn’t notice them. His hand was squeezing Kaorus rather hard, but she didn’t stir. It was the last drop, and he broke down in heartbreaking sobs. He buried his wet face in her raven hair at her neck and cried.
Kenshin Himura never cried. He had not cried the day his parents died, the day his foster sisters were murdered or when the organisation was destroyed. But now, as his beloveds’ life was to an end, he let a lifetime of tears fall freely, not bothering to care anymore.
I want so much to open your eyes
'Cause I need you to look into mine

The sobs soon creased and Kenshin lifted his head. In the face of the bitter truce he cold se death in her face. He had seen it many times, both during his childhood and work, so he knew the signs. How he could have missed them as he came into the room, he couldn’t tell. But now he saw them and their message made him numb.
Tell me that you'll open your eyes

With a last kiss on her pale cherry lips he turned and stormed out of the clinic. As the cool night greeted him he began to once again run with his unholy speed. The streetlamps became blurred and houses a grey streak as he rushed past them. His breathing came in hard ragged pants and his tears still ran down his face. But he didn’t care. Nothing mattered anymore.
Tell me that you'll open your eyes

Kenshin soon reached the club where Kaoru used to work. She would never again stand on their large stage and move her beautiful body in rhythm to the heavy music. Never again flirt with the customers or laugh with her friends. Never again would he pick her up and walk with her home.
Tell me that you'll open your eyes

The men who shot his lover still stood outside the club with dumb expressions on their ugly faces. Two of them were yelling at the third for shooting the girl. Kenshin lunged at the man who killed his woman, his love, his life. With two well trained punches and his concealed dagger, he killed the man so fast; he never really had a chance to comprehend what happened. Then Kenshin left without giving the other men a glance.
Tell me that you'll open your eyes

He raced up the street in the direction of their home. But on his way he assed the park where he had first meet Kaoru. Slowing down, he entered the park. The dark made the park look spooky and dangerous, but he was not imitated. The shadows had for a long time been his only company. Tonight their gloomy atmosphere fitted in on his depressed mind.
Tell me that you'll open your eyes

Coming to a stop by the huge oak he had been hiding in three years ago he jumped up on one of the large branches. Like a squirrel he climbed up to a big but hidden hole in the bark. Birds had used the hole to their nests more than once, but the things he hid were still there.
Carefully he pulled out a big bag and two ancient swords; a katana and a wakizashi. From the bag he pulled out a piece of paper and a pen. Quickly he wrote a letter to Sano and sealed it.
Tell me that you'll open your eyes

When he had pulled the bag and his katana back into the hole, he jumped down and found a mailbox. There he posted the letter to Sano and silently walked home. In the letter he explained everything and also told Sano where to find his katana and the bag with money. Yes, it was all the money he had made during his four years of assassinations. It was a lot of money and he knew Sano would take good care of it. The apartment building came into view. Sadly he looked at it. Kaoru would never walk into it with him again.
Tell me that you'll open your eyes

He fumbled with the key as he unlocked the front door. The hall was empty and dark, but it suited him perfectly. Inside he knew the flat would be as empty as his heart felt.
Once inside, he turned on the lights, locked the door and walked into the bedroom. There stood their big bed with dark red sheets, still unmade from that morning. How many times had they not made love in that bed? How many times had he not kissed her in the morning and told her how much she meant to him, how much he loved her? Too few, he felt now. He should have said it with every breath, every moment. But it was too late now. Too late for everything.
Tell me that you'll open your eyes

Kenshin lay down on the bed with a sigh. He was lying on Kaorus side. The pillow smelled of jasmine, the sweet fragrance Kaoru had liked so much. The fragrance that was Kaoru. Tears ran down his cheeks again as happy memories assaulted him, only to end with her angelic face beneath that breathing-mask along with the pallor of death on her otherwise rosy cheek-bones.
His tears soon soaked the pillow, and he raised his head to look at the wet spot on the dark fabric. It looked like the stain of blood that had bloomed on Kaorus chest as she fell to the ground. With a groan he turned onto his back and stared at the white ceiling. Slowly he raised his left hand. The wakizashis naked blade stared back at him. He must have lost the sheath on his way home. Not that it mattered. Someone would find it and make a connection later.
All this feels strange and untrue
And I won't waste a minute without you

Gripping the blade with both hands he drove the sharp tip down with all his might. The edge cut through skin, muscle, tissue and pierced his bleeding, black heart. Pain shot through him and threatened to drown him under wave of wave of agony. For a moment he lost his breath but remarkably he found it again. He was impressed by the blades sharpness. For three years it had been in its sheath and not dulled.
Slowly his mind dulled as his body left him, piece by piece. Red, red blood ran over his hands, down his side and blended with the wine-coloured sheets. Pain left him, feeling left him, and memories faded as the darkness consumed his being. His last coherent thought was a bright word, which burned inside his mind in stark contrast against the overpowering nothingness. His eyes closed, he hadn’t the power left to open them again.
Kaoru… Forgive me…
It was two fourteen in the morning of a rather beautiful September day when two hearts simultaneously stopped beating. One was a girl in a private clinic, shot by a jealous man; the other was her lover, lying in a spacious bed, killed by his own hand.

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