
The Library: Alphabetical by Author
An asterisk(*) denotes a completed story.

Peeping Toms by S. Schumaker Story PG13 Sailormoon  
UM Usagi has decided to move to the Big City of Tokyo to live out her dreams. But, when a small accident has her spying on the sexy neighbor boy, her entire life flips upside down.
* Oi, I Blame the Door by Sabraa Story PG Harry Potter  
It's Harry's decision to break up with Ginny. He doesn't have to get back together with her because other people tell him it's HER choice. (And why do people keep taking Harry's Cloak without permission, anyway?
* Tea: Darjeeling by Sage Darkwoods Story G Firefly  
River’s tap on the shuttle door was unexpected, as was her request. Part of the "Tea" series. Set after "Serenity" the movie.
* Sparring by Sage Darkwoods Story PG Stargate: SG-1  
Jack and Teal’c take some time out of the unending 10-hour loop, and go a few rounds in the boxing ring. Spoilers: Up until "Windows of Opportunity," Season 4 of Stargate SG-1
A Sailor Romance by Sailor Ryo-Ohki Story PG13 Sailormoon  
Serena Tsukino a.k.a Sailor Moon has just discovered something that could change her life. She is going to be a mother. But when she goes to tell her boyfriend Kazuya he runs out on her, her family and friends abandons her. Leaving Serena alone without anyone to turn to but her sworn enemy....Darien Chiba
* Hospital Mayhem, Protect the Pure Heart of a Doctor by sailorgallifrey Story PG13 Crossover  
As two prestigious American doctors arrive at Juuban's hospital and begin working alongside Ami's mother, what kind of trouble will they attract with the Witches 5 and what will the girls discover about them?
* A Grail?!? by sailorknight Story PG13 Crossover  
A Sailor Moon/Monty Python and the Holy Grail crossover?!? No, this isn't a joke! The Sailor Senshi and King Arthur go grail hunting in this crossover/parody... thingy.
Channel Surfing by sailorknight Story PG13 Crossover  
This is a story everyone knew had to be made sooner or later. You take one anime series, combine it with another series - anime or not - and hit frappé, and this is what you get. Pure insanity. Be warned. This story is not for those without a sense of humor. If you don't have a sense of humor, read it anyway. Perhaps you'll develop one. You can th...
* Ballad of the Beta-Testers by sailorknight Poem R Original Fiction  
A bunch of nonsense for testing purposes.
50 Ways Serenity Screwed Up by sailorknight Story PG13 Sailormoon  
Queen Serenity was having a bad day. Kingdom destroyed, daughter dead, herself almost dead. Needless to say, this is not the best condition to be using the most powerful magical artifact in all existence. So during her wish to reincarnate her kingdom, she skipped a couple of small, unimportant parameters here and there. What was the worst that coul...
* Alone No More by sailorknight Story PG13 Sailormoon  
In this story, Minako's life as Sailor V is retold, but this time, she has another partner in addition to Artemis. With the help of her new partner, will Minako finally be alone no more?
Atonement by sailorknight Story PG Sailormoon  
When a friend of Rei's experiences a traumatic event in his life, his flight from his pain leads him to the Hikawa Jinja, where he believes he can find a way to find atonement... with her help.
* Birthday Quest by sailorknight Story PG Sailormoon  
Mamoru has to get a cake and present for Usagi's birthday. Sounds easy, right? ...right?
* Boyfriend Quest by sailorknight Story PG Sailormoon  
Minako has one day to find a boyfriend. How hard can that be?
* Kind of Blue and Gray by sailorknight Vignette G Sailormoon  
The children of the Sailor Senshi discover that their parents' Senshi powers aren't hereditary like they originally thought.
* Kitty Quest by sailorknight Story PG Sailormoon  
Chibiusa is missing and Diana has to figure out where she went. That's what this story's supposed to be about, right? ...right?
Seeing Stars by sailorknight Story PG13 Sailormoon  
Darien's day went from bad to worse. Fired from his movie set job and dumped by Raye in one day. When he got a call from his agent about a new role as a supporting actor in a new movie, it looked good at first... but it also starred the one person who got him fired in the first place... Serena.
The Brooch by sailorknight Story PG13 Sailormoon  
Post-apocalyptic Tokyo. The year is 1992. The Dark Kingdom has revived 50 years before the birth of Sailor Moon and easily conquered the Earth. The city of Tokyo was hit the hardest out of the entire Earth, being Ground Zero for the Dark Kingdom's invasion. Tsukino Usagi is one of the refugees living in the Hikawa Jinja proper. Her entire family wa...
* The Earth Scout Chronicles - Season One by sailorknight Story PG13 Sailormoon  
The first series from my epic fanfic, The Earth Scout Chronicles. During the Silver Millennium, a boy was born to the ruling family of Jupiter. Unfortunately, that boy died during birth without a chance at life. However, thanks to a slight change in the past made by Sailor Pluto, the boy was allowed to live. Now, sixteen years later, the war with t...
The Earth Senshi Chronicles - Book One by sailorknight Story PG13 Sailormoon  
A complete rewrite of the first series from my epic fanfic, The Earth Scout Chronicles, now retitled The Earth Senshi Chronicles. During the Silver Millennium, a boy was born to the ruling family of Jupiter. Unfortunately, that boy died during birth without a chance at life. However, thanks to a slight change in the past made by Sailor Pluto, the b...
* Life’s Labyrinth: A Different Choice by Sammical Vignette G Harry Potter  
A little AU musing of mine. Won first place at the MNFF betaboards AU challenge!
* Unconventional by Sammical Story G Harry Potter  
No matter how much Severus tried to avoid it, he always ended up at the same place... A shout out to my Elical for being her wonderful self and betaing. *huggles*
* Untitled by Sammical Vignette G Harry Potter  
A drabble about Lily and James
* Untold by Sammical Story G Harry Potter  
Before leaving Hogwarts, Salazar wrote one last letter to his former best friend...
* Where did Mum go? by Sammical Vignette G Harry Potter  
Luna wonders where her mother is...
* The Necklace by Sapphiregirl Vignette G Hana Yori Dango  
He can’t remember why this insignificant piece of jewelry is important, he just knows that is. Tsukasa/Tsukushi
* Never Jack by Sapphiregirl Story PG King Kong  
Standing on the roof of the Empire State Building, Ann reflects on how life has a peculiar way of intervening and rendering the best intentions so many empty words. Snapshot of the end of the movie. AnnJack
For Love...or Duty by Sapphiregirl Story PG13 Sailormoon  
Forced to marry as a part of Earth's acceptance into the Silver Alliance, Mina and Malachite can't stand each other. War with Beryl is brewing and soon they'll have to make the ultimate choice. Can they escape fate? Senshi/Generals - Serenity/Endymion
* Fool Me Once... by Sapphiregirl Story PG Teen Titans  
Set between fifth season episodes 'Lightspeed' and 'Titans Together'. Kid Flash is in a perilous position and Jinx has to make a choice. It's not because she likes him. It's because she wants to win. At least, that's what she keeps telling herself.
* The Letter by Sapphiregirl Story G X-Men  
In an ideal world, she would never even have known he wrote it. Rogue reads a letter from Remy after a mission gone horribly awry and realizes he knows her better than she thinks. Romy
* Fairs Are For Lovers by ScarlettShannon Story PG13 Harry Potter  
Harry and Draco being cute at a carnival. Really just piles of useless, amusing fluff.
* Lucid Dreams by ScarlettShannon Story R Harry Potter  
Draco recieves a letter one morning, and needs comforting. Harry does the best he can wilst having sex on the brain.
* Only A Whisper by ScarlettShannon Story R Harry Potter  
Harry thought his problems would be over after defeating the Dark Lord but there’s still a lot he must overcome. But he will learn to trust that he’ll never have to face his fears alone.
* Owned by ScarlettShannon Story PG13 Harry Potter  
Harry and Draco have Potions together. Harry muses about Draco, and attempts sneakiness.
* The Reason by Serena_DLL Story PG Sailormoon  
When did things change? How could she have been so blind as to not notice? When did his heart decide he didn't want to be around forever?
* Tears by Serenity Tsuki Vignette G Original Fiction  
I shed tears when you died
* The Alchemy of Fire - Arc I by Shadowhawke Story PG Avatar: The Last Airbender  
Arc I of a series: The nature of Fire is that it transforms, and so after their victory the Gaang must deal with the aftermath of ‘peace’ amidst battle, growth, self-discovery, and the startling changes and beauty of love. Based on a slightly AU finale.
* Awaken by Shadowstar Story PG13 Crossover  
The first story in the 'Awaken' series. When Clark Kent and Mamoru Chiba are kidnapped, there's nothing linking the two together at first glance. But digging deeper, into the past, has always been the Senshi's specialty. Now, if only they could figure out what all this 'awakening' business is about...
* Want by silver Vignette R Sailormoon  
Venus dreams, wants.
* Unforgivable Sinners by silverstarlet Vignette PG Crossover  
Two lost souls sought solace in the night to escape from their pain.
* Guide to Paradise by silverstarlet Story G Sailormoon  
Perhaps it was his charisma, or perhaps it was his gallantry, there was something about Nicholai Richardson that intrigued her, and called out to her soul.
Retribution by silverstarlet Story R Sailormoon  
The people we think we know aren't always what they seem. Sometimes it's better not to learn the ugly truth.
* Surrogate Father by silverstarlet Story G Sailormoon  
On a fine afternoon, Makoto reflects her relationship with Artemis.
* The Last Farewell by silverstarlet Vignette G Sailormoon  
Kunzite can’t stand the sight of the ring Danburite has given Minako.
Experimental Dreams by Snakefeather Story PG13 Crossover  
What if no one cared enough to speak your name? What if you had a purpose in life, yet it was one set against your will? If you were born as an experiment and denied the right to dream, would you let them stop you? After all, who does not hope?FF7/PSO [AR]
* Eyes of Blue by Snakefeather Vignette G The Legend of Zelda  
Post-Ocarina of Time, Pre-Majora’s Mask ficlet: The child-princess with memories of the future and the wants of a woman, dreams of blue eyes. Zelda’s pov
A Complicated Love Story by snapes_allie Story R Harry Potter  
Hi there! My name is Alexandra Kathleen Potter, one of the legendary Potter twins, also known as the twins-who-lived. I'm known as one of the Gryffindor know-it-alls; the other know-it-all's are my best friend Hermione Granger and my mother, Lily Evans. It's great to see Hermione again, though I could do without having to be around some of the peop...
Contest Entry * flowers for negaduck. by Sokudo Ningyou Story G Darkwing Duck  
Spring has arrived, and Negaduck is not happy about it.
A Different Story by Sokudo Ningyou Story PG13 Sailormoon  
Volume 11 of Pretty Soldiers (according to the old manga volumes). A written interpretation of the "Another Story" Super Famicom game, this takes place about a month after "Shunshin."
* building a better flytrap. by Sokudo Ningyou Story PG13 Sailormoon  
Her personal motivations may be ambiguous, but the end result is the same; you can catch more flies with honey than vinegar.
* from afar, she watches the rainbow. by Sokudo Ningyou Story G Sailormoon  
Those colours exist now only in her memory. And she knows that now, they can leave her behind too.
* hail to the queen. by Sokudo Ningyou Story PG13 Sailormoon  
Sometimes, making amends only makes things worse.
* in the absence of five for the future. by Sokudo Ningyou Story PG Sailormoon  
Mamoru ruminates on his decision as the crater that marks Shinjuku reminds him daily.
* just a couple of shooting stars. by Sokudo Ningyou Story G Sailormoon  
What happens when a victim turned villain is finally allowed her freedom? The defeat of Galaxia may not have brought the happiness it was supposed to.
* La Famille LeBeau by Sokudo Ningyou Story G Sailormoon  
Alex reflects on her relationship with her father.
* on a cold day, she can see the future. by Sokudo Ningyou Story G Sailormoon  
A sequel to "from afar, she watches the rainbow." One of those one-shots that just kind of comes out of nowhere.
* one last sweet taste. by Sokudo Ningyou Story G Sailormoon  
Growing up is never easy. Neither is realizing you never can.
Pretty Soldiers by Sokudo Ningyou Story PG13 Sailormoon  
A general re-write of the Sailormoon manga. Plot holes are explained, new characters are added, and everyone gets their due. A work in progress since 2000.
* Shunshin by Sokudo Ningyou Story PG Sailormoon  
Part of Volume 10 of Pretty Soldiers, it takes place several months after the events of Act 33. A stand-alone story about the tall red-head.
* solitude, with reservations for two. by Sokudo Ningyou Story PG Sailormoon  
Perhaps their dedication to the mission had a second purpose as they faced Galaxia and certain death. Neptune and Uranus were always quick to anticipate one another, after all.
* standing on the edge of 50% chance. by Sokudo Ningyou Story PG13 Sailormoon  
Venus has seen more, done more, and wished for less. Is it really so difficult for that wish to be granted?
* what's your name? by Sokudo Ningyou Story PG Sailormoon  
After losing so many things in his life, Tomoe Souichi has precious little left to him.
* with eyes on a purple prize. by Sokudo Ningyou Story PG13 Sailormoon  
Sometimes, revenge is not the quick, unsubtle process one sees on TV. It can wait for years, even centuries, if need be.
* Twenty Year Silver by Sokudo Ningyou Story G The Dresden Files  
It's Harry Dresden's first day on the job as a self-employed private investigator, and frankly, he really didn't expect a client. But he has to pay the bills somehow.
* The Fall Of Lamia by Sokudo Ningyou Story PG The Hyperion Cantos  
Brawne Lamia is the mother of The One Who Teaches. She's also alone in an alleyway, bleeding to death, and pissed off about it.
* reasons to kill your buddha. by Sokudo Ningyou Story PG X-Men  
A quick little ficlet done after reading more tripe about the Romy ship. Gambit's thoughts on his relationship with Rogue after the Apocalypse debacle, and Sunfire's advice to "kill the Buddha."
Darkness Is Relative by StarryNight101 Story PG13 Sailormoon  
Takes place during the season R breakup. Usagi is depressed and leans heavily on her friends for support. Mamoru starts dating someone else and Usagi doesn't take it well. At all. But is all as it seems? New enemies and new challenges arise.
* According to Alice by Starsea Story PG Fruits Basket  
A story about brothers, about sisters, and about chasing white rabbits. Sometimes, the truth doesn't hurt, it only sets you free.
* All That Glitters by Starsea Story PG Harry Potter  
For some children, Hogwarts is not a surprise. For them, it is a goal, something to be dreamed about and wished for. Ron Weasley was one of these children, and he couldn't wait to get to Hogwarts and move out of his brothers' shadows. But he soon realised that being Ron Weasley wasn't so bad after all.
* Cat's Paw by Starsea Story G Harry Potter  
Rufus Scrimgeour needs an excuse to see Harry Potter and Percy Weasley is the perfect candidate.
* Corridors of Power by Starsea Story PG Harry Potter  
Kingsley and Remus discuss the implications of Tonks and Remus's relationship in the real world. A sort of sequel to "For The Benefit Of Professor Lupin".
* For The Benefit of Professor Lupin by Starsea Story PG Harry Potter  
Remus's friends and loved ones conspire to thwart his plans for a quiet birthday, despite his best efforts.
* Mentors by Starsea Story PG Harry Potter  
George and Fred find out about Remus and Sirius, while Tonks finds out about Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot and Prongs.
* Misunderstanding Pretty Boys by Starsea Vignette PG Harry Potter  
James/Lily/Sirius -- James is 100% straight
* Son of the Shadows by Starsea Story PG13 Harry Potter  
Sirius and Remus confront each other about their demons as dusk falls.
* The Art of Browsing by Starsea Story PG Harry Potter  
It's amazing what you can find when you're not actually looking for something.
* The Hope of Better Days by Starsea Story PG13 Harry Potter  
In the aftermath of the Battle of Hogwarts, Ginny and Harry have an emotional reunion and Harry returns something that was stolen.
* Tiger Lily and the Lost Boy by Starsea Story PG13 Harry Potter  
Lily realises that her relationship with James is getting serious and Sirius isn't too happy about it.
* A Different Heart by Starsea Vignette G Sailormoon  
Rei and Taiki discuss the language of flowers. Written for the "Tiger Lily" challenge, July 2006.
* A Dry Spell by Starsea Story PG13 Sailormoon  
Makoto needs to resolve her issues with Nephrite so she can move on. Nephrite wants Makoto to be happy. If only she knew what would make her happy.
* Aquatic Hypnosis by Starsea Story PG Sailormoon  
Torn between fascination and repulsion, Zoisite really doesn't stand a chance against Princess Mercury when she's in her element.
* Breathing Easy by Starsea Vignette PG13 Sailormoon  
Yaten finds that being a man is not all it’s cracked up to be. Winner of "Best Description" for sm_monthly July 2006 challenge.
* Can't Change The Inevitable by Starsea Story PG Sailormoon  
The shitennou wait to see Queen Serenity, but Kunzite is waiting to see Venus. Sequel to "Quaint Little Concept".
* Cast This Darkness From My Soul by Starsea Story R Sailormoon  
Venus turns up at Kunzite's flat without any warning. There can only be one reason.
* Craving by Starsea Story PG13 Sailormoon  
An argument with her boyfriend leaves Makoto on the rebound and Nephrite is waiting on the sidelines. Sequel to "Sylvan Reverie".
* Crowned With Stars by Starsea Story PG13 Sailormoon  
A romantic dance under the stars leads to an important confrontation for both Makoto and Nephrite. Sequel to "Dutch Courage".
* Cry-baby by Starsea Story G Sailormoon  
How can somebody be a cry-baby and be so happy? What are the thoughts of Tsukino Usagi as she prepares for what may be the last day of her life? A short story about the battle between hope and despair.
* Dancing on the Edge by Starsea Vignette PG13 Sailormoon  
Makoto faces the consequences of her dance with Nephrite. Sequel to "Craving".
* Different Strokes by Starsea Vignette G Sailormoon  
Shingo realises that Ami is far ahead of him. Written for the sm_monthly "Swimming" July 2007 challenge.
* Drinking in the Dark by Starsea Vignette PG13 Sailormoon  
Zoisite tries to discuss Makoto with Nephrite while he's drunk. Not a good idea. Sequel to "Dancing on the Edge".
* Dutch Courage by Starsea Story PG13 Sailormoon  
Makoto and Nephrite discuss the true meaning of courage. Makoto is unsure of what it is. Nephrite knows because it's standing in front of him.
* Empty Court by Starsea Vignette G Sailormoon  
Yaten reflects on the memories Earth has given him. Written for the Image challenge, July 2006.
* Ever Watchful by Starsea Vignette G Sailormoon  
Calaveras finds that the past is not easy to escape. Written for the sm_monthly LJ community quotation challenge.
* Everything Nice by Starsea Vignette PG Sailormoon  
Michiru contemplates the bitterness of solitude. Written for the sm_monthly LJ community "Sugar" challenge.
* Failed Experiment by Starsea Vignette PG Sailormoon  
A one-sided discussion of what might have been.
* Fairest One by Starsea Vignette PG13 Sailormoon  
Written for the "Rarely do great beauty and great virtue dwell together" challenge on sm_monthly. Rated for dark implications.
* Fireproof by Starsea Story PG13 Sailormoon  
Sequel to "Cast This Darkness From My Soul". Minako returns to the palace and faces the consequences of her actions. However, she has an unexpected ally.
* From the Depths by Starsea Vignette PG13 Sailormoon  
Ami has one last night with her lost lover. Weird but I like it. ;) Written for the December theme "Finale" at sm_monthly.
* Haze by Starsea Vignette G Sailormoon  
Michiru contemplates the artistic value of cigarette smoke. Written for the sm_montly LJ community "Cigarette" challenge.
* Inviolate by Starsea Vignette R Sailormoon  
Haruka and Michiru discuss chastity, virginity and the difference between. One of my favourite drabbles. Written for the sm_monthly LJ community "Virgin" challenge.
* It's Always The Pretty Ones by Starsea Vignette PG13 Sailormoon  
Zoisite decides to disprove some clichés in a highly unusual way.
* Keeping the Score by Starsea Story PG13 Sailormoon  
What if Sailor Moon had never been found? What if Sailor V had been forced to carry on fighting the Dark Kingdom all alone?
La Guerrera del tiempo by Starsea Story PG13 Sailormoon  
A collection of Setsuna vignettes that I wrote for last August, when sm_monthly focused on her.
* La Petite Mort by Starsea Story PG13 Sailormoon  
Two former lovers bump into each other in that most romantic of cities and find that old habits die hard.
Labyrinth of Stones and Roses by Starsea Story PG13 Sailormoon  
Breaking away from his high-pressure life as a stockbroker and his demanding girlfriend, Darien retreats to a hotel in the English countryside, working as a gardener. However, this hotel has strange owners and even stranger surroundings. Why do people appear and disappear? Who is Serena? And what is happening in the maze in the hotel grounds?
* Like the Wind by Starsea Story PG13 Sailormoon  
We know what Haruka's thoughts are about how they met, but what about Michiru? What does she think? What did she feel about meeting Haruka, about her duty, and what lies beneath that poise and elegance? A lot more than most people think.
* Little Girl Lost by Starsea Vignette PG Sailormoon  
Taiki loses herself and finds her destiny. Written for the "Forest" theme. Winner of Best Overall and Best Drama for July 2006.
* Making Lemonade by Starsea Vignette G Sailormoon  
Michiru inherits an old family recipe. Written for the sm_monthly LJ community "Lemons" challenge.
* Momentary Heartbreak by Starsea Vignette G Sailormoon  
Makoto realises that this relationship cannot last.
* Monsoon Vendetta by Starsea Vignette PG Sailormoon  
Zoisite plans things very carefully. Written for the sm_monthly LJ community "Rain" challenge.
* Morphine Allergy by Starsea Story PG Sailormoon  
What happens when you remember something you were supposed to forget? Is it really better to have loved and lost than to have never loved at all? A past-life session taps into something that four friends wish they had left alone...
* Nishi no Hi by Starsea Vignette G Sailormoon  
Makoto asks Nephrite why his colour is red. Written for the February 2007 "Red" theme.
* No Pictures by Starsea Vignette PG Sailormoon  
Yaten and Minako clash on the definition of literature. Written for the "Literature" challenge, July 2006.
* One Last Favour by Starsea Story PG Sailormoon  
Endymion has one last thing to do before he leaves for the moon.
* Party Time by Starsea Story PG Sailormoon  
Zoisite and Small Lady discuss party dresses.
* Phobos by Starsea Vignette PG Sailormoon  
A tense encounter in the Dark Kingdom between a man with a death wish and his brother in arms. Written for the sm_monthly LJ community "Fear" challenge.
Contest Entry * Pilgrims In A Strange Land by Starsea Story PG Sailormoon  
Mamoru experiences his first Thanksgiving at Harvard while trying to find out if his roommate is thankful for anything at all.
* Quaint Little Concept by Starsea Story R Sailormoon  
Kunzite's diplomatic mission to Venus is complicated by the schemes of a certain princess, who's used to getting her way. A battle of wills begins...
* Quest by Starsea Vignette G Sailormoon  
An interesting discovery on a summer afternoon.
* Remember the Rules by Starsea Vignette G Sailormoon  
Zoisite, Nephrite and alcohol: hot air guaranteed. Written for the "sm_monthly" LJ community Monologue challenge.
* Rose Shelter by Starsea Story G Sailormoon  
A meeting between Princess Jupiter and Nephrite in the gardens of the Moon Palace.
* Sylvan Reverie by Starsea Story PG Sailormoon  
Nephrite's retreat is spoiled by an unexpected visitor. Sequel to "A Dry Spell".
* Taking Charge by Starsea Story PG Sailormoon  
Endymion learns to be a leader in Kunzite's absence, then finds that Kunzite has also learned a harsh lesson while he was away.
* The Big Bang by Starsea Vignette PG Sailormoon  
Taiki and Ami discuss the glory of space. Written for the "Glory" challenge. Winner of "Best Dialogue" and "Best Characterisation of Taiki" for July 2006.
* The Circle Complete by Starsea Vignette PG13 Sailormoon  
Sequel to "La Petite Mort". Zoisite and Mercury try to find out where they stand with each other. Written for the lyrical challenge, December 2006.
The Exiles by Starsea Story R Sailormoon  
Inside the box, four souls waited, entrapped in their stones. They were weary of their imprisonment. They wanted their freedom. They wanted redemption. No matter how long and hard the road, no matter what the cost.
* The Garden Regained by Starsea Vignette G Sailormoon  
What happened to Ail and Ann after they left Earth? Written for the sm_monthly LJ community "Afterlife" challenge
* The Heart Is Mute by Starsea Vignette PG Sailormoon  
It is necessary to hold back sometimes. Written for the "Unrequited" challenge, July 2006.
* The Mark by Starsea Vignette PG13 Sailormoon  
Minako has an unwelcome visitor. Written for the sm_monthly LJ community Image challenge.
* The Other Man by Starsea Vignette PG Sailormoon  
Seiya knows that her rival is unbeatable, but she will not give up. Written for the "Mamoru" challenge. Manga-based.
The Poisoned Chalice by Starsea Story PG13 Sailormoon  
Kindred spirits, but separated by duty, the love between Jadeite and Erinya, Princess of Mars, was hopeless from the start. For Erinya, it was an aberration; for Jadeite, it was a torment that would eventually lead to his ruin.
* The Unthinkable by Starsea Vignette PG Sailormoon  
Nephrite realises that he is in love.
* The Watchers by Starsea Story G Sailormoon  
On a starry night, Setsuna contemplates the heavens and tries to ignore her forebodings about the future.
* Thrice-Blessed by Starsea Story PG Sailormoon  
Rei and Minako discuss family issues while Rei tries to help Minako rehearse for her play.
* To Be The Best by Starsea Vignette PG Sailormoon  
PGSM based. The Three Lights discover they have a rival. Written for the "Rivalry" challenge.
* Virtue and Vice by Starsea Vignette G Sailormoon  
An early morning chat between Luna and Usagi, takes place in the first series. Written for the "Seven Deadly Sins" challenge at the "sm_monthly" LJ community.
* Stolen Ghosts by StarzAngelus Story G Harry Potter  
Ginny finds that she shares many things with her sister in law. Implied D/Hr, PostHogwarts
* The Immortal by StarzAngelus Story G Sailormoon  
Small Lady is not quite comfortable with Crystal Tokyo.
Cruel Destiny of An Unlikely SuperHero by StormChild Story PG Sailormoon  
It goes against royal decree that the Princess should fight, but what happens when they don't find the Princess quick enough and just what does Sailor Moon feel about being the Champion of Love and Justice, and what happens if Luna found the Princess before anyone else? And what does everyone else in the story thinks of what goes on around them? ...
Loving Thine Enemy (revised edition) by Stormlight Story PG13 Labyrinth  
Sequel to The Gift. After two years, Jareth has finally returned, but for some odd reason, he doesn't seem to be very thrilled to see Sarah. Might it have something to do with the fact that she's just wished another kid away?
* The Gift (Revised edition) by Stormlight Story PG13 Labyrinth  
Sarah cannot forget. His image haunts her in dreams and in her waking moments, and on the eve of a Christmas three years in the future, a mysterious gift brings to her the realization that perhaps not all was as it seemed...
* A Butterfly in China by stormwalker628 Story PG Crossover  
This is a short, multi-series story showing how a small action in one place can have a large effect somewhere else.
* The Letter by stormwalker628 Story PG Mobile Suit Gundam  
On the eve of the Battle of Solomon Bright Noah takes some time to write a letter.
* Curses by stormwalker628 Vignette G Ranma 1/2  
Ranma tries to get his curse removed... but how many curses does he have?
* Duck! by stormwalker628 Story PG Ranma 1/2  
Is Akane falling for Mousse? Or does she just like ducks?
* Panty Raid by stormwalker628 Story PG13 Ranma 1/2  
Ranma tries to stop Happosai's usual activities. Happosai responds by trying to bribe Ranma... with Akane's undergarments.
* Where's Ranma by stormwalker628 Story PG Ranma 1/2  
Ranma dissapears from the Tendo Dojo and the Nerima Wrecking Crew go crazy without they're usual catalyst.
* A Little Violence by stormwalker628 Story PG Sailormoon  
The girls have a day off and Rei has some tickets to a park. So why do Ami and Makoto have guns?
* Public Service Announcement by stormwalker628 Story G Sailormoon  
After the events of "Sailor Venus no kako, Minako no hiren!" Sailor Moon is asked to perform some community service.
* Revenge is Best Served at 2am by stormwalker628 Story PG Sailormoon  
Minako has a bad habit that Makoto decides to break her of.
* Silly Scenes you won't see in Sailor Moon Sailor Stars by stormwalker628 Story PG13 Sailormoon  
A series of scenes that could have happened during the fifth season of Sailor Moon... but didn't.
* Alternate Histories by superkate Story PG Crossing Jordan  
Several years later, two characters hang out on a suburban patio and wonder about how things might have turned out differently.
* Barfly Breakfast by superkate Story G Crossing Jordan  
Crossing Jordan fic. Nigel has a drink and a conversation in a bar, and it comes back to haunt him in an interesting way.
* A Policy of Dos and Do Nots by superkate Story R CSI: Crime Scene Investigation  
Outside of the lab, some of the rules are different. But some rules aren't.
* Big Girls Don't Cry by superkate Story PG13 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation  
Jacqui Franco is a calm, rational adult. And she most certainly doesn't cry. Aloud.
* Expectations, Great and Otherwise by superkate Story PG CSI: Crime Scene Investigation  
You can't expect perfection, but you have to expect something.
* Five Months, Twenty-One Days (Forty Messages Dance Around Truth) by superkate Story PG13 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation  
Forty e-mails, in order, that Greg never deleted from his hard drive.
* Good Neighbors by superkate Story PG13 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation  
Nick Stokes moves in next door, and Bobby finds himself facing a wall.
* Less-Travelled Roads by superkate Story PG13 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation  
There comes a time in every woman's life when she reaches an impasse. Unfortunately for Jacqui Franco, her impasse is guided by the five stooges, and pits her against the one woman she can't stand up to: Sara Sidle.
Navigating by superkate Story R CSI: Crime Scene Investigation  
In his time with Bobby Dawson, Nick learns to navigate his way through many trials and tribulations.
* The Demographic of Everybody by superkate Vignette PG13 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation  
Honesty isn't always the best policy.
* The Education of David Hodges (Trials and Tribulations of a Not-Stupid Man) by superkate Story PG CSI: Crime Scene Investigation  
The inevitability of things is that David Hodges is not a stupid man. Most of the time, anyway.
* The Pretender by superkate Vignette PG CSI: Crime Scene Investigation  
Nick likes to pretend things, and Bobby helps him.
* When You Can Only Watch (What Sara Said) by superkate Story PG13 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation  
There are certain things that happen when you can only watch, and certain truths to what Sara said.
* A Sure Thing by superkate Story PG House  
It's very, very middle school for Wilson to be jealous of House's date with Cuddy. Which is precisely why Wilson is not at all jealous. Really. Honest.
* After Hours by superkate Story R House  
They have more in common than leaving the hospital at the same time.
* Anatomy of a Lie by superkate Story PG House  
Wilson has never lied to his wives. But that doesn't mean he hasn't lied, either.
* The Best Laid Men (Of Mice and Plans) by superkate Story PG House  
House and Wilson join George and Jon in their endless quest to annoy Cuddy...with interesting results.
* The Last Five Years by superkate Story PG House  
A lot can happen in five years. Especially to Stacy.
* Wednesday, Wednesday by superkate Story PG House  
George and Jon like playing around with the president of their retirement community. Too bad for the president... Lisa Cuddy.
* Measuring Years by superkate Story R Law & Order: SVU  
A year in the life of two Manhattan detectives, as they go from being partners to friends to something all-together different.
* Noise Versus Emptiness by superkate Story R Law & Order: SVU  
Sometimes, the reason you start something isn't the reason you keep doing them.
* Asanuma Itto and the Skeleton in the Closet by superkate Story PG13 Sailormoon  
Six years ago, Asanuma Itto saw Chiba Mamoru for what he thought would be the last time. Now, thanks to a telephone call and the meddlesome ways of Kino Makoto, he's going out to lunch with Mamoru and has to decide whether or not to tell him the one thing he's kept from almost everyone: He's gay.
* illimitably by superkate Vignette G Sailormoon  
It's a new day, but it isn't any different.
* We Ain't Got by superkate Vignette PG Sailormoon  
Something has to fill the void.
* Fast Car by surrenderdammit Story PG13 Rurouni Kenshin  
A young girl moves in next door in the dingy apartment complex, and it changes everything. How far can a car ride take you?
* Blind Ambition by swayinginlights Story PG13 Sailormoon  
"If the world did end, would you be my apocalyptic friend? Until tomorrow then," sang Ed Harcourt. Aino Minako will not live to see the new regime taint her beloved land. Of that, Naka Hisoka is sure.
* Casablanca Melodies by swayinginlights Story PG13 Sailormoon  
Rei just can't avoid Casablanca when it comes to this guy.
* High Flying, Adored by swayinginlights Story PG Sailormoon  
The coronation of Queen Lady Serenity through the eyes of one quiet guardian.

The community was founded in 2005. It is currently a static archive.
The current design and source code were created by Dejana Talis.
All works in the archive are copyrighted to their respective creators.