
General Library: Craving by Starsea

Rating:PG13 Created:2007-04-12
Genre:Romance Updated:2007-04-16
Style:General Status:Complete

Craving (PHP)


An argument with her boyfriend leaves Makoto on the rebound and Nephrite is waiting on the sidelines. Sequel to "Sylvan Reverie".

Author's Comments:

Written for the February theme "Sugar" at sm_monthly. If you look up a video on swing dancing at YouTube, you'll see how strong each partner has to be.

 Reviews: 2
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Review by Jessica Pendragon 2007-04-18

I just find it completely ironic Minako is giving advice in such a way in this. But that was probably the point, huh? hehe. And planning a sugar bowl for DIABETES?! She's insane. But this isn't about her, so moving on...

I like how they're progressing from Dry Spell. Some authors keep everything the same and such, you know? But you have real life in mind and well, that's why I love your stories so much anyhow. ;) Mako knows what she wants, and she's being stubborn as always, but s... (more)
Review by Bella*Luna 2007-04-16

Didn't expect Aguilera lyrics to be thrown in there. Hehehe, took me a minute to figure it out.

I like this. I like the fact that you are making them fight what they want. And now I'm off to read the sequels that you've written.

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