
Vignette Collection: Virtue and Vice by Starsea

Fandom:Sailormoon Rating:G
Created:2006-06-14 Modified:2006-06-14
Summary:An early morning chat between Luna and Usagi, takes place in the first series. Written for the "Seven Deadly Sins" challenge at the "sm_monthly" LJ community.
Virtue and Vice

Title: Virtue and Vice
Author: Starsea
Theme: Seven Deadly Sins (Usagi & Mamoru)
Genre: Comedy
Version: Manga (Dark Kingdom)
Rating: G

Usagi's eye cracked open to look at the alarm clock. An hour and a half before school began, perfect. She just had time for a quick lie in. She reached out to switch the alarm off.


Usagi froze, literally caught in the act. The growl was unmistakeable. Licking her lips, she glanced over the blue mound of cover and saw Luna, curled up by her feet, also with one eye open, the blue hard and accusing like ice. Usagi dropped her arm and sighed. "Just five minutes, Luna, it won't hurt..."

"Usagi, five minutes is never five minutes with you!" Luna hissed, getting up in the slow way that always fascinated Usagi. First she stretched out both her front legs, as if admiring her paws and extended her claws, pushing her back right out and closing her eyes; then it was her back legs, slowly pushing up, and then she was almost on tiptoes for just a moment. Then she sat up, feet gathered neatly together like a ballerina and began to wash her face, just like she did every morning.

"How come you get up like that, Luna?" Usagi asked, watching from the comfort of her blue haven.

"Because it's the proper way to get up," Luna answered, still washing. "You humans should try it - then you wouldn't pull so many muscles. Your bodies would be better prepared. And speaking of getting up, Usagi..."

Usagi groaned and pulled the cover over her face. "Five... more... minutes..."

"Sloth is one of the seven deadly sins," Luna muttered, sinking her claws into the cover and pulling it back.

"Seven deadly what?" Usagi said, staring at her. She sat up and began to run her fingers through her hair, making sure there weren't too many tangles before she pinned it up in her usual buns.

Luna cleared her throat. "In the Catholic Church, there are seven deadly sins, and sloth - laziness - is one of them."

Usagi rolled her eyes, swinging her feet from the bed into her slippers and reaching for her hairbrush. "What are the others?"

"Greed, gluttony, envy, pride, lust and anger," Luna rattled off, watching as Usagi brushed her hair. "And they're deadly because they tarnish your soul."

Usagi made a face at her reflection as one bun slowly formed on top of her head and half her hair lifted up off the floor. "But everyone suffers from them sometimes, Luna... I mean, nobody's perfect!"

"Well, diligence is what should be used to counter sloth, maybe you should think about that," Luna said pointedly.

"I'm trying, okay?! It's not like I knew I was going to be a sailor senshi! Nobody told me I was going to do this, it's all new to me, why can't you just give me a break-?!"

"Usagi, keep your voice down!" Luna hissed. "I wasn't talking about being a sailor senshi. I know you try hard in that area of your life; it's everything else that lets you down."

Usagi sighed, pinning the other bun. "So what are the other virtues?"

"Generosity, patience, abstinence, humility, kindness and love," Luna replied

"Well, I was kind to you when I took that plaster off your forehead and I was patient when you scratched me," Usagi retorted. "And I try to be loving and I'm as generous as can be!"

"Yes, but humility is out of your reach at the moment," Luna retorted smartly and left the room before Usagi could reply.

DISCLAIMER: I do not own these characters or their environment. It all belongs to Naoko Takeuchi.

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