
General Library: A Complicated Love Story by snapes_allie

Fandom:Harry Potter
Rating:R Created:2008-12-29
Genre:Romance Updated:2008-12-30
Style:General Status:Incomplete
Setting:Alternate Universe

Chapter One- Once Upon A Dream (PHP)
Chapter Two- Lateness, Conversations, Success, and Detention (PHP)


Hi there! My name is Alexandra Kathleen Potter, one of the legendary Potter twins, also known as the twins-who-lived. I'm known as one of the Gryffindor know-it-alls; the other know-it-all's are my best friend Hermione Granger and my mother, Lily Evans. It's great to see Hermione again, though I could do without having to be around some of the people I know I'll have to get along with. Thanks to Professor Dumbledore and Draco Malfoy, I am stuck in the year 1973. I won't be able to return to the 1990s until two years from now. Ahead in my journey I'll experience love and hate (what kind of teenager doesn't?), I'll learn the difference between the truths and lies of my life, and I'll learn to trust people I never thought I would ever trust. Want to know more? Read along and follow me on my adventures, if you dare. Bye-bye!

Author's Comments:

I hope everyone likes this. It's kind of slow at the beginning, but then again most stories are.

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