
Blue Sky Pearl by Loki

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The sun shone like a frosty orb in a pale-blue sky, and the snow shone diamond bright. Children played in the snow, laughing happily, as they made snowmen, pelting each other, and passers-by, with snowballs. Inside, parents cleared wrapping paper and new toys away, and put their feet up to relax a little before beginning preparations for lunch. People walked in the parks, well wrapped up against the cold, and still others skated on the frozen lakes.

Chibi-Usa squealed with laughter as Melissa and Clare, her two closest friends, showered each other with snowballs. They had come over for the day. Chibi-Usa was glad her mother and the girls had visited the previous night for a special pre-Christmas dinner. Kenji had been away, so Ikuko included Mamoru in the invitation -- after her husband declared he didn’t want to be under the same roof as his daughter’s boyfriend – so much for the Christmas spirit, Ikuko thought and pushed the unpleasant feelings aside. Not even Usagi’s tears could make him change his mind. The rift between father and daughter had deepened as a result.

But Chibi-Usa was happy playing with her friends this morning, blissfully unaware of any tensions between the adults.

“Can’t catch me!” she cried, as she dashed away leaving a set of footprints in her wake.

Melissa and Clare turned to one another -- giggling and winking knowingly -- their eyes following the trail to Chibi-Usa’s hiding spot behind some shivering bushes. The two girls slowly tracked the little footprints like big game hunters, as they continued to giggle all the while.

Eventually, the girls came to the end of the trail, dusting the snow from their gloved hands, hats, jackets and pants. Then shouted loudly, flushing Chibi-Usa from her shelter and the little girl bolted into the snow-covered foliage further on. They hollered loudly, chasing down their quarry, bombarding her mercilessly with snowy spheres.

“We’ll get you!” they cried, as they chased her relentlessly. “Just you wait and see, Chibi-Usa-chan!”

“You’ll have to try a lot harder!” she teased, and squealed as they redoubled their assault on her.

“Bull’s eye!” Clare laughed jumping up and down on the spot like an excited seal.

“Take that!” Melissa followed slapping her hand on her friends shoulder.

“Oh, now it is personal!” Chibi-Usa shouted back, snow littering her amethyst tresses.

“Show me what you’re made of!” Clare challenged, barely able to control her laughter.

“You’re gonna wish you hadn’t said that!” Chibi-Usa retorted, pouting, as she made ready to retaliate.

“I’m shaking!” Clare bit back in mocked offense.

“You will be by the time I’m done with you!” Chibi-Usa’s expression was beet-red and the expression on her sweet, though spiteful little face was so funny, both girls burst out laughing, making Chibi-Usa stamp her feet, this sending a cloud of snow into the air that almost concealed her completely.

“Bring it on, witch!” Melissa taunted with a giggle.

“Gladly! Take that… and that… and that!”

“Two can play that game! Take that!” Clare cried as she gathered a scoop of the frozen ammunition.

“You’re history!” Melissa shouted, blinking to see where Chibi-Usa had gone.

“I’m so scared!” she answered, crouching behind a small rise of freshly fallen snow.

“You should be!” Clare shot back, preparing to launch another chilly missile.

At that moment, Scott emerged cautiously from the temple, ready to dash back inside at the first sign of hostilities. “Hot chocolate, anyone?” he called, and promptly got a snowball right in the face. He stood there, blinking in stunned silence for a few moments, before growling. “That was hot chocolate, not iced chocolate,” he ground out through clenched teeth, shaking the snow from his face.

“Ooops!” Miranda said, laughing. “Sorry, Scott. That was meant for Rei-chan.”

Scott shook the snow off his jacket and chuckled good-naturedly. “I can live with it, Miranda-chan,” he said, and shook his head sending snowflakes flying off his hair. “Come inside and get warm, and then we can finally open our presents.”

“Coming from the man who insisted we wait till grandpa was up,” Rei said, as she linked arms with her boyfriend. Miranda followed close behind, her dark skin flushed, sapphire eyes sparkling. It was about nine, and suspected both Rei and herself were probably the first Senshi awake, and possibly Chibi-Usa, too. Miranda knew Minako would be out like a light, and only an earthquake would get Makoto and Ami up to greet the day, and Mamoru, the only one with any hope of getting Usagi out of bed. Miranda, Rei and Scott entered the room where the girls held their study buddies sessions, suspended until after the entrance exams.

Grandpa and Chad were waiting for them, seated around the table, upon which was set the tray, with five mugs. “Merry Christmas,” they greeted the newcomers. Miranda felt a warm sense of deep soulful happiness wash over her, as both herself, Rei and Scott returned the greeting.

Grandpa was the first to hand out his presents. Miranda received a handmade rug of blue, green, red and yellow, woven from thick soft wool, and her eyes were full of tears as she embraced the small man. “Thank you, Grandpa,” she said, her voice trembling.

Chad’s gift, a new guitar to replace the one he’d brought with him on his arrival at the Cherry Hill Temple over a year ago. Scott was given a temple robe. Receiving such a gift had touched him deeply, as it meant he had been fully accepted into the small temple family. Rei got a new alarm clock, the other having given up the ghost. Miranda hid a chuckle as she handed out her presents. She had spent the last few weeks working on some of her best sketches, and now handed four of these out. Michiru had arranged for these to be framed shortly before she and Haruka left, and they included a watercolor of the bay at sunset and an oil painting featuring a lone cherry tree in full bloom upon a hill. Chad’s presents were of the musical sort, and Scott gave out handmade pottery sculptures, having acquired this talent back on Nemesis. It had been a useful pastime, and attributed his craft to helping him keep a hold on his sanity during his life on said world.

Rei gave her presents last, the glistening beaded bracelets, made up of an array of amazing color were truly magnificent.

Miranda was amazed by the exquisite detail. “You did a really great job on these,” she told her raven-haired friend.


Ami nearly jumped out of her skin when the phone rang. Her clock told her it was only nine in the morning, and she wondered who on earth could be calling at this hour. Her mother was still asleep, and she walked quietly out to the living room. “Hello,” she said softly, so as not to wake her mother.

“Merry Christmas, Miss Mizuno,” Troy Osaka said, and Ami felt as though she would faint from joy. “Merry Christmas, Mr. Osaka,” she said in the same vein, smiling.
“I hope I didn’t wake you up,” Troy said, a contrite note in his voice.

“You did, but I don’t mind,” Ami told him, and she meant it. “How are you?”

“I’m doing really great,” Troy said, chirpily. “I’ve been invited to speak at a special gathering tonight at the Cherry Society, so I was wondering if you’d like to come along. I’d really appreciate it if you were there.”

“I would love to,” Ami said warmly. “What time would you like me to come?”

“I’ll pick you up at six,” Troy told her. “At least that way I’ll know for certain that you won’t pike on me.”

Ami laughed softly. “I would never do that to such a good friend,” she said. “You should know me well enough by now.”

“Indeed I do,” he said, with a buoyant laugh. “Much to my great misfortune.” His tone was so comic that Ami had to clap her hand over her mouth to keep from laughing aloud.

“A misfortune I’m sure you don’t mind,” she told him in the same vein, and he laughed again.

“How very true,” he replied, bringing a smile to Ami’s lips. “Well, I have to go. My grandmother’s expecting me over, and I should make tracks before she has me permanently ostracized from the family. I’ll see you at six, Ami-chan.”

“I’m looking forward to it,” she said, cradling the phone tenderly against her neck.
“I’ll see you later.”


“Merry Christmas, Minako-chan.”

Minako woke up to see Artemis standing on her windowsill, holding, somewhat awkwardly between his paws, a snowdrop. Minako’s eyes all but popped out of her head as she got out of bed and took the flower from her cat. “Did you pick that yourself?” she asked, moved.

“I sure did,” Artemis, told her, and she gave him a hug.

“Thank you, Artemis,” she said, ruffling his ears. “Have you seen anyone else, yet?”

“I saw Luna earlier this morning,” the white cat replied, as he followed his charge to the kitchen. “According to Luna, Usagi-chan and Mako-chan are out like lights. Miranda and Rei-chan were last seen pelting each other with snowballs at the temple, and Chibi-Usa-chan is enacting World War III with a couple of her school friends, while Ami-chan and her friend, Troy are going to a gathering at the Cherry Society tonight.”

Minako hid her smile. “I won’t spill her secret,” she said, as she filled a vase with water and placed the snowdrop in it before setting it at the centre of the kitchen table.

“She’s already told Rei-chan and Miranda,” Artemis told her.

She laughed, “I bet I know what Mako-chan’s reaction is going to be,” she said, grinning from ear to ear. “Merry Christmas, Artemis. And thank you for the flower. That was really sweet of you.” She kissed him on the top of his head, and he blushed violently.



Usagi stuck her head out of her door, still bleary-eyed. “What are you bellowing for, Mako-chan?” she asked crossly.

“Are you for real?” Makoto demanded. She was on the phone, and her face was so comically tragic that Usagi forgot her annoyance and hid a smile. She knew that expression well. Ami’s friend Troy Osaka was back in Japan, and it looked as though Ami was going to be out with him tonight.

“Way to go,” Ami-chan,” she said, as she joined her indignant housemate. Makoto gave her a look that spelt trouble, but Usagi ignored it. “Well,” she said mildly, as she got herself a glass of water, “I want Ami-chan to be happy, don’t you?”

Makoto nodded, smiling -- feigning indignation in jest. Like everyone else, she was every bit as pleased that Ami’s relationship with Troy was blossoming. “It is Christmas,” she said, once she had hung up, “and miracles always happen at Christmas.”

“Now why didn’t that work last night?” Usagi wondered. There was a trace of pain in her voice as she said this, and Makoto gave her a hug.

The doorbell rang at that moment, and when Usagi answered it, a huge bouquet of red roses stared her in the face. A small card attached to them, and she took it off, opening the envelope and pulling the card out. The message was brief, but it was enough to bring tears to her eyes.

‘To my Usako, the very best wishes of the Christmas season, and all the best wishes possible for the New Year. May it be even better than the old one? Forever yours, Mamo-chan.’

“That’s really sweet,” Makoto said, as she looked at the bouquet. “Well, let’s lug it inside and get it into some vases.”

Usagi nodded, wiping her tears away. Then she spied a second envelope amongst the flowers, and pulled it out. “Here’s another one,” she said, as she opened it and removed the card.

‘PS. I have a second present waiting for you. Come to the park by the railway bridge at eight tonight, in the little garden.’

“A second present?” Usagi wondered. “I wonder what he means.”

“Could be anything,” Makoto said, furrowing her brow. “You’ll find out tonight, I suppose.”

Usagi smiled as she looked at the roses. “I’d better dress up tonight, in that case,” she said dreamily. “It sounds pretty special, and knowing Mamo-chan, he’ll make a big thing out of it.”


Melissa and Clare had to leave after lunch, but Chibi-Usa walked with them as far as the end of her street. “Thank you so much for coming,” she said, as she hugged them. “And thank you for the presents, too.”

They had given her stationery set in pink and white, featuring rabbits and heart motifs. She was very touched by their thoughtfulness.

“We’re glad you like it,” Melissa told her. “We saw it in the shop and it had your name on it.”

Chibi-Usa giggled. “I’ll see you guys around. Merry Christmas.” They waved as they ran down the street, and Chibi-Usa turned for home. But she stopped abruptly when she saw a white glow appear before her. She gasped as it resolved itself into a pendant, shaped like a Pegasus in flight, crafted in the most exquisite detail, on a fine white chain. Every aspect captured in the finest possible way, and the horn shone brilliant metallic gold, the same liquid-blue eyes faithfully reproduced. Chibi-Usa accepted it, awed by this impromptu gift and the manner in which it was delivered.

“Wow,” she said, as she hung it around her neck, touching its blue pearl surface.

‘This is a token of our friendship,’ Pegasus whispered within her mind. ‘You must keep it hidden, little one, because it has a great value, and your new foes will do anything to take it from you.’

‘Okay.’ She agreed, looking at the glowing ball of light hovering before and nodded as she tucked it under her clothes. ‘Thank you, Pegasus… I will treasure it always… And Merry Christmas.’

‘Merry Christmas, to you too, Chibi-Usa-chan,’ Pegasus replied, in a silken tone. ‘The pendant will enable you to talk to me at any time you wish. All you have to do is take it in your hand and say my name, and I will answer.’

‘Will it work even if I’m not wearing it?’ Chibi-Usa wondered.

‘Yes, little one,’ Pegasus told her. ‘It is a link between us connecting this world and my own.’ Then his voice grew a little hesitant. ‘I would like to be your friend, Chibi-Usa-chan.’

‘And I’d love to be your friend too,’ Chibi-Usa told him, her mental voice warm with sincerity. ‘But will I be able to ask you questions about yourself?’

‘No, I’m afraid not…little one,’ Pegasus told her, a note of regret in his voice. ‘But you can ask me questions on other matters. I’m sorry, I cannot explain, but…’

‘I understand,’ Chibi-Usa, told him, intrigued by this magnificent, yet mysterious being. ‘We can still be friends, and I can tell you all about myself. And maybe one day…you’ll be able to tell me. I know you aren’t able to trust me just yet.’

‘You are wise beyond your years, Chibi-Usa-chan,’ Pegasus answered, grateful she understood. ‘Thank you.’

‘That’s okay,’ she said, a bright smile lighting up her face. ‘Can I keep talking to you when we get home?’

‘Yes,’ Pegasus told her. ‘You can.’


“Well, if that was lunch, I’ve had it,” Miranda said, sitting back with a contented sigh. “Compliments to the chef,” she added, lifting her half-empty glass.

“To the chef,” the others chimed, and Makoto blushed.

“It wasn’t me, this time,” she said, and it was Usagi’s turn to blush.

“You mean you did all this,” Rei gasped in joyous surprise, indicating the remains of the huge spread.

“Yup,” Usagi declared, beaming from ear to ear. “Mako-chan wanted to make Christmas lunch, but I told her to stay out of the kitchen on pain of death.”

“I am really impressed,” Ami stated, a smile gracing her lips. “You did very well, Usagi-chan.”

“I’ll drink to that,” Minako agreed, raising her glass. “Oh, it’s empty.”

Makoto poured her another glass of cherry cola, the only beverage left. “Thanks.”

“Well, time to start washing up,” Usagi announced, standing up, reaching for a T-towel.

But was pushed back into her chair by Makoto. “You did the cooking,” the brown-haired girl told her, waving an index finger playfully before Usagi, who tried to nip it. “You’re not to lift a finger… I think I will draw back mine in case I lose it, Usagi-chan,” Makoto laughed as Usagi giggled, handing her the T-towel.

“I’ll help,” Ami offered, standing. “I need to ask you about something anyway.”

“Okay,” Makoto nodded, and started clearing the table. Minako and Rei picked up the wrapping paper and put it away, leaving Miranda and Usagi seated alone at the table.

“Well, this has been the best Christmas I can remember,” Miranda told her mother, and Usagi laughed.

“It’s only your first Christmas,” she told her daughter, and the raven-haired girl joined her mother as they laughed together.

“True,” she agreed. “Those roses are really lovely, by the way. Who gave them to you?”

“Mamo-chan,” Usagi replied, her eyes glowing. “They were delivered here at about five past nine this morning, and he wants me to meet him at the railway park at eight tonight, so he can give me another present. He was very mysterious about it.”

“Knowing my dear stepfather, I’m not surprised,” Miranda, said winking at her mother. “He’ll have something up his sleeve, I can tell you that now.”

Usagi smiled as she nodded. “Although he gave me a really sweet present last night,” she said, indicating the bracelet on her right wrist. It was fashioned from the most stunning cultured pearls, these, a deep creamy-gold, with solid gold clasp.

“That is beautiful,” she sighed, and took a closer look. “It matches mine.” Miranda grinned, and held up her wrist. “That was really thoughtful of him to give us matching ones.”

“You’re right, Miranda,” Usagi agreed. “Chibi-Usa-chan loved her bracelet. You could tell.”

“Did he like his present from us?”

Usagi blushed, and her daughter laughed. “I’ll take that as a yes.”

“Well, he did insist on thanking me personally,” Usagi said, blushing more violently than ever. Miranda almost fell from her chair, she laughed so hard.

At that moment, both mother and daughter heard a soft growl; they turned and went white with fright. A huge black panther sat calmly in the middle of the room, and more astounding, Artemis and Luna weren’t in the least afraid of him. They came up to him and he bent his massive head to touch noses with them. “Kantaro!” Miranda exclaimed, as she rose from her chair, nearly knocking it over in her haste. “What are you doing here?”

“I came to wish you, as you say on your world… a Merry Christmas,” he announced, and stood up.

He moved with fluid grace, and padded across the floor to her side, his footfalls clicking a little from the tips of his retracted claws as they brushed lightly upon the kitchen tiles. “And to give you a present.”

He raised himself up on his back paws, gently resting his massive forepaws on her shoulders, his huge golden eyes on a level with hers. And once again, she felt as if she were falling into a well of golden light. She placed her hands upon the backs of his paws. And then, he kissed her -- cat style -- on the cheek. His tongue was as rough as sandpaper, but Miranda didn’t mind in the slightest, and she stroked the sleek black head. “Merry Christmas, Kantaro,” she said softly, as he dropped back on all fours. “You being here is present enough for me.”

“But I do have something to give you.” His eyes flared with golden light, and Miranda gave an exclamation as a golden orb appeared in her hand. It was translucent, so that she could see through it, dimly, as though she were looking through a fog-shrouded window. “What’s this?” she asked.

This device will enable you to communicate and see me whenever you wish,” Kantaro told her. “Simply focus your thoughts on the globe, and I will appear. Your sister has received a similar means of communication with my brother.”

“Pegasus is your brother.” Miranda said incredulously.

“Yes,” Kantaro replied, casually. “But I cannot say more than that. I ask you to leave it at that for the moment… You’re just going to have to take my word for it… its not the time.”

“No, of course not,” Miranda agreed, not wishing to press him further and nodded her understanding. “Thank you, Kantaro.”

He bowed his head. “It is a pleasure.” Then he was gone.

“Whoa,” Usagi exclaimed. “That was weird.”

Miranda looked down at the golden orb in her hands and said nothing.

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