
Revenge is Best Served at 2am by stormwalker628

Revenge is Best Served at 2:00 A


Revenge is Best Served at 2:00 A.M.

By Kevin McHorney.

Sailor Moon and all characters created by Naoko Takeuchi.



            BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP, click.  Makoto sighed as she heard Minako mutter a curse and crawl out of bed.  The apartment the two of them had shared for the past three months was freezing and Makoto pulled her covers tighter around her.


            Minako’s work for the university television station as a morning news commentator meant that she could use the studio’s showers and dressing area.  At four-thirty in the morning she only had to spend a few minutes in the apartment, which suited Makoto perfectly.  Her first class at the cooking conservatory wasn’t until ten and if Minako spent any more time at home in the mornings Makoto wouldn’t be able to get back to sleep.  She heard the deadbolt on the front door lock and fell back into a dream about a man with soft brown hair and a warm smile.


            BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP.  Makoto looked around blearily.  The clock on her nightstand said 4:35.  She hit it a couple of times until she realized that it wasn’t making the noise.  She pulled the covers over her head, leaving only her pony-tail exposed and swore, “Dammit, Minako, that’s the third time this month!”  She listened to the beeping and tried willing it to shut itself off, but the alarm kept going.  Angrily, she tore her covers off,  stalked to Minako’s nightstand and shut the alarm off.  She started back to her own bed when her foot caught on something warm and furry.  Makoto pinwheeled her arms and screamed as she fell.


            “Ouch.  Do I attract feet or something?” Artemis said with a groan.  He looked at where Makoto lay sprawled on the ground.  “Oh, Makoto, are you all right?  I thought it was Minako again.”  Makoto swore under her breath and made no attempt to get up.  Artemis looked around in confusion.  “It’s still dark, what are you doing up this early?”


            “I’m awake because my damned roommate forgot to turn off her alarm clock again.  I swear, I’m going to kill her this time.”


            “Actually, I have a better idea.  How would you like to get her back and teach her to turn her alarm off at the same time?” Artemis asked.  Makoto looked at him quizzically.  He took her silence as an invitation to continue.  “Minako doesn’t have work tomorrow, and she’s already told me how much she’s looking forward to sleeping in.”  Makoto nodded as Artemis continued, “So here’s what we do, first call Rei and ask if we can stay with her tonight.  Then we…”




            “I’m home,” Minako called as she kicked the door shut behind her.


            “Hi, Minako,” Makoto called from the kitchen, “anything interesting happen today?”


            “Yeah, one of the teachers was arrested for drunk driving last night so we had a great story this morning.  Other than that classes were boring as usual.”  Minako walked into the kitchen and saw Makoto dressed in jeans and a jacket and packing food into lunchboxes.  Minako cocked her head to one side and asked, “What’s going on?”


            “Oh yeah, I’m going to be spending the night at Rei’s tonight.  Also, Artemis said he’d be out all night too and not to wait up for him.”  She finished with the food and put the boxes into a duffle bag sitting next to the stove.


            “You mean I’ll have the place to myself tonight?  That doesn’t happen too often.”


            “Yeah, so please, try not to burn the place down.”


            Minako glared and said, “That was Usagi, not me.  I haven’t burned anything.”  Makoto stared at her.  “Ok, I haven’t burned anything this year.”


            “Right, well have a good night.  I hope you sleep well,” Makoto said with a smile.  She picked up her bag and walked out.


            Minako locked the door and said, “I will, I haven’t been able to sleep in in forever.”




            BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP.  Minako woke with a start.  “Huh, wha?” she said as she whipped her head around, trying to find the source of the noise.  She looked at her clock which said 2:00 but wasn’t beeping.  She got out of bed and followed the noise to one of her stuffed animals.  She reached behind and pulled out a small alarm clock.  “What the?” her voice trailed off as she turned off the clock and got back into bed.


            BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP.  Minako bolted upright again.  She looked at her alarm clock which now read 2:30, but still wasn’t beeping.  Then she looked at the small alarm clock which was also silent.  “What’s going on?” she asked no one as she once again got out of bed.  This time she found the clock behind one of Makoto’s trophies.  Minako shook her head in confusion, turned this clock off and set it next to the first clock.  She stared at them for a moment, then crawled back into bed.


            COCK A DOODLE DOO!  IT’S THREE O’CLOCK! COCK A DOODLE DOO!  IT’S THREE O’CLOCK!  Minako screamed as she jumped out of bed.  She stood panting and clutching her chest as the latest alarm clock called out its song.  Minako stalked over to her dresser and found the offending timepiece in her underwear drawer.  She growled and worked the buttons on the clock, but couldn’t figure how to turn it off.  Finally she yanked the batteries out and threw the clock with the others.  Minako didn’t even bother to get under her covers, she simply flopped on her bed and went back to sleep.


            BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP.  Minako rolled over and fell off of her bed with a yelp.  She sat up and said, “Someone’s going to die for this.  Now where is it?”  She reached under her bed and pulled out yet another alarm clock.  She mashed the off button and dropped it on the rest of the clocks.  “That’s it, I’ll get the rest before they can go off.”  Minako tore the bedroom apart.  She pulled out all the drawers, checked all of the animals and trophies, searched under both beds.  Minako even stopped the ceiling fan and examined the blades, but she didn’t find any more clocks.  “That better be the end of this little joke.”


            BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP.  “But I searched everywhere already!” Minako hollered.  She got up and dragged her feet over to Makoto’s nightstand.  It was Makoto’s alarm clock that was beeping this time.  Minako swore and turned it off and glared at the 4:30 cheerfully shining back at her.  Then she noticed the note sitting behind the clock.


            ‘Minako.  I hope you liked our little presents for you.  Oh, and in the future please remember to turn off your alarm clock in the morning.  Oh, and watch where you step, cats don’t make good doormats.  Makoto and Artemis.  P.S. I promise, that was the last one.’


            Minako dropped the note and chortled.  “I’m going to kill them both.  Slowly and painfully.”  She yawned loudly.  “Next time I see them.  I swear.”  Minako dropped back into her bed and stared at the ceiling until she finally fell back to sleep.  Moments later her clock hit 4:35 and began to beep.




Thank you to Gary Kleppe, Nidoking and Karaohki for critiquing this at last month’s FFIRC one-hour challenge.

The cock-a-doodle-doo clock really exists and had a close call with being thrown overboard many a time.

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