
Sailor Moon Trekking by Loki

Sailor Moon Trekking

A Loki 'silly ficlet' =^_^=

Rating: PG13

Genre: Comedy, romance

"Oh, Jean Luc, I must say you doth protest too much. Don't you like this little abode? I did get rid of the resident rat that lived in this apartment, Borg Queens are so tiresome don’t you agree?” Q winked at a gob smacked Jean Luc Piccard.

“You’ll not get any argument from me on that point, Q. But really, why and what is this all about?”


“Ah, shift in location and decor me thinks oh Mon Capitaine ! Yes, that's better. A stylish luxury homestead on Kolona Prime, a lovely world.”

“Q! What is the meaning of this!”

“There you go again, Mon Capitaine … ‘Q…what is the meaning’… Jean Luc! C’mon now, live a little!”

“I don’t have time for this, give me back my ship… now!”

“Patience, Jean Luc! Oh Mon Capitaine … seriously, you need a holiday, and you really ought to visit this fine world," he said, walking about the pool table, picking up the cue and then pocketing the black.

"Q! I wish to return to the battle! I have no time for your... games!" the admiral of the Federation Fleet protested.

"Jean Luc, don't look so glum. I pluck you from that nasty scrap and all I get, as is your customary form of gratitude, is, 'Q! I don't... You know you speak more negatively than a Suvonian diplomat does! Really, Mon Capitaine . Lighten up! Hmmmm, look, the subterranean corridor is quite impressive is it not? The oak paneling, the silver braziers. My friend, they're self-lighting; I thought you might enjoy the sandalwood and rose-scented aroma and the jasmine further down the hall, exquisite, even if I do say so myself, and I do. Don't deny it, I know you burn these all the time at home -- and what is more, they're self-extinguishing and they're guaranteed by the Q continuum! What else could a young self respecting cadet want?"


Q stood there, dressed in his Starfleet uniform. Standing beside him and holding a garnet rod was a pretty green haired girl clad in a revealing black skirt and top with knee-high black leather boots. Jean Luc smiled at her in spite of himself and cleared his throat as she blushed and bowed. The girl was hanging onto his arm, and it seemed, Q’s every word whilst gazing into his silvery-gold eyes in worship like a fangirl. Jean Luc could tell this was feeding Q's already extensive ego.

"Ah, my lovely Setsuna, or as you're known in your, dare I say my dear, 'timeless form' as Sailor Pluto. Take a bow. But not too low as I wish to preserve your dignity. Oh, those skirts are so short. But no matter, I digress... Jean Luke, I have such a lovely young lady arranged just for you!” 'Click!' "You like? She is pretty, klutzy, adorable, and lovable... Oh, I know. How thoughtless of me. But of course, you miss your friends!" 'Click!' "Is she not the cutest creature you've ever seen? She is an exotic young lady, much like your human women, but like the gods of old -- and they're not figments of your primordial imaginations, by the way. You were so naive back then. Earthlings considered such envoys from, Cassiopeia, Rigel 38 and NCG 598 as creatures described as Gargoyles, Nymphs and Sirens etc! But let me tell you Oh Mon Capitaine , this little lady is especially familiar to your culture, she is a 'Usagi' translation, 'Rabbit of the Moon' and she is -- how they say in Japan... kawaii?"

"Q! This is ridiculous, where is my battle bridge? I have no time for this!" he said, walking towards the blue-eyed goddess with the plaits of sumptuous gold that fell about long shapely legs, and despite himself, he allowed his eyes to linger perhaps longer than was WISE in this circumstance, especially when his old friend, Q was involved. He looked at her hair again, no -- bunny ears. The girl making cute 'bunny' noises and batting her eyelashes at him. Jean Luc then spoke in hushed tones to the lovely Bunny Goddess, "and I am sure you're quite lovely, and endearing my dear. But I've a war to fight with the Shachihoko, and they're currently making mincemeat of the fleet. I must prevent them smashing through the Orion line, so please excuse me if a little matter of survival has escaped our generous host..."

"But Jean Luc, I can fix it, I am more than I seem," she said sweetly, running a tender hand over his chest, and despite himself, he touched her cheek and moved forward and kissed her. At first, it was tentative, he thought she'd cast a spell over him, and as the kiss deepened, he pulled her to him and felt the warmth, the supple body, the fullness of her form and the silken smooth bunny ears as every part of her sensual being felt so wonderful under his touch.

"I'm grateful for your affections my dear, you're truly lovely, and, cute as...," he trailed off as a vista of deep space appeared against the end of the corridor, the girl stepped back, raised her arms, and a burst of silvery-pink light announced the transformation, "Moon Cosmic Power Transform!"

Another bunny-eared Senshi then appeared. Jean Luc inquired, "Sailor Bunny # 2?" She giggled and joined the others. He shrugged, "Must be a twin!"
The girl with the very same hairstyle, pink fuku and darker hair joined the other Senshi.
Jordy, Data, Deanna and then a talking cat in the arms of a dark haired Senshi calling herself, Sailor JP appeared and winked at the omniscient Q.

*bows and hands her a rose*

Sailor JP then initiated an impromptu tickling war. Everyone joined in. Q, left to his own devices took this opportunity to devour some nachos. He stuffed himself and then transformed himself into a masked court jester, his bell-laden hat ringing to the tune of the Anime, Sailor Moon theme. After eating said Mexican treat and downing it with a banana surprise Margarita, he belched. Q chuckled. The ‘omniscient one’ stopped the riotous tickling fight.


Everyone struggled to their feet, still laughing, but a little disorientated while continuing to giggle, poke and nudge each other.

Q clapped and silence fell upon all. "Now, folks, if you're all good... I will allow you to feast on some Kona coffee, oooh! I thought that would draw your attention... But first, a minor post-quantum adjustment is called for here. Excuse me -- girls, this is like plucking one's eyebrows or shaving one's legs, hmmm? Ne? Now, where were we, ah, yes!"


As the flash of silver light cleared, the Enterprise's crew -- now all in their teens -- the men dressed in grey uniforms, white gloves and black leather boots. The women: oh the women, Jean Luc had to admit, looking sexier than he'd ever seen them on the Enterprise G. Every one of them dressed like Usagi and Setsuna. He gasped, even Ginan stood resplendent in one of these alluring skimpy skirt and top combos, high heels, gloves and bows.

It seemed he'd been sucked out of the jaws of death, he a 160-year-old semi-retired admiral and joint commander of the fleet now in the same Shitennou garb, a crystal mirror provided complements of their generous omnipotent host, Q. He gasped.

Sailor JP began to play Rock Paper Scissors with Lady Araya. Sailor Bunny, the dark haired Senshi, and Loki soon joined in all the fun.

Looking at his reflection, Jean Luc took in the long silvery hair, and noticed he was much taller. "Q! What have you done to me, and why do I sound like a wet-behind-the-ears teenager with silvery hair with sparkling highlights, is this some sort of joke?"

"Oh no Mon Capitaine , you're a Shitennou, and your crew, the new super heroes and heroines who will defeat the nasty enemy. What did you call them?”

“The Shachihoko…” he said, in a disembodied monotone, staring at the leggy Sailor Bunny.

“Nothing to worry about, oh Mon Capitaine … These young warriors will serve you faithfully. Jean Luc, you're far too serious, that's always been your problem. But Usagi here, is a queen, her world made overtures to Earth visiting Japan far off in the distant past, but your people there were both afraid or simply kept bowing before her and her kind. They understandably grew tired of it after clearing some very nasty, what do you call them again my dear?" he addressed the smiling Usagi AKA Sailor Moon, her eyes still locked onto the amorous admiral.

"Youma, my Lord Q, and now, my Shitennou and Senshi, look into your hearts and see what lies there, and we shall defeat your enemies...together! But, wait, I think I like you better this way Jean Luc!"

With a wave of the hand, the reluctant Shitennou found himself in a blue uniform, gold trim taller -- if that were possible -- and more powerfully built with a shock of black hair and a crystal sword of gold strapped to his hip. He gasped.

Usagi seemed almost to go weak at the knees and he grinned in spite of himself. "Well, Q if I am dead, or I am dreaming, it is of no consequence, let us fight for love and justice, shall we?" he found himself saying, knowing all resistance was, 'futile' and shrugged as his equally astonished crew admired their new look.

"Oh, Mon Capitaine . You are all entitled to stay this way indefinitely and why not, you all look great!" Q laughed and bowed.

"Now, Jean Luc, you sound more like the Endy I know and love!" Usagi said, clinging to the man who resembled her husband of so long ago.

"So mon Capitaine , I restore a truism I have always felt under rated by your species," he smirked as Sailor Moon led Sailor JP, Sailor Araya Rose and Loki with 'Endy' the latter beside Moon towards the portal.

"And that truism is, Q?" Jean Luc AKA Endymion asked, arching an eyebrow.

"Fiction is, or should I amend that, to, 'fanfiction' is always stranger than truth!" Q grinned and bowed.

"Q, you have the bridge...such as it is! Endy or Jean Luc winked, squeezing Sailor Moon's narrow waist, her long bunny ears twitching as she planted a kiss on his cheek as they stepped into the swirling portal of stars.

Soon thereafter, the battle was won and the hearts of Shitennou and Senshi alike all found their homes. Time and space, in that eternal moment, that crystal fragment, had celebrated the truly incongruent and love finally won the day as it had our former admiral Piccard! *winks*

"Shall we dine on Lishenai Prime my dear?" Q ventured, stroking Pluto's emerald locks.

"Oh lets!" Pluto replied, blushing as he took her hand.

*Some Q have all the fun!, hope in your alternate universes you all found my little game entertaining, ne? Q out!*

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