Shoujo and Broomsticks
My name is Aino Minako. I was nervous, and for good reason. I was terrified of flying to England, or even to Osaka and Kyoto. The flight was uneventful; thank the Kamis. I had worried so about the plane dipping into an air pocket, and crashing. So much of that on the news services lately, eep.
My eyes kept darting towards the central aisle of the plane, fearing smoke would drift from the crew's cabin and youma would spring an attack on the unsuspecting passengers at any moment. I listened to my IPod and texted my friends back home in Juuban Prefecture.
So I am paranoid, bite me! I didn't want to have to transform and do my thing, and fight youma. I was crazy for feeling this way, but my preflight anxiety became on-flight anxiety. I was even bracing myself for a would-be terrorist group attempting a hijack and producing Molotov cocktails or pressing a semi-automatic pistol to a pregnant woman's head and demanding we fly to the tropics and land in an isolated jungle somewhere and worse.
I didn’t want to be saving people and having my vacation ruined by youma or other threats. This, was perhaps a little selfish on my part, but I want to have a little fun for a change; wasn’t that reasonable? Was I wrong for wanting to have a little time out, and besides, if I’m having fun, the passengers are as well I rationalized. Should I even be worrying about things that haven’t happened and probably wouldn’t?
The girls, the guys, and I had done our duty for Kamis’ sakes. We deserved some R and R.
"Minako? You seem pensive, what's wrong?" Takehiko asked, concern etched on his face.
I squeezed his hand and stroked it, "Mmm? Oh, nothing, just trying to relax and let go of my intermissions is all," I lied, darn if he didn't correct me, "Yes?"
"Inhibitions, Minako, inhibitions..."
I gasped and slapped the back of his hand, "Not now, not in front of all these people. I'm as frustrated about not getting hot and bothered as you are, but its only fourteen hours!" I giggled, "I think the passengers, and crew and our friends wouldn't want us to become exhibitionists and flaunt it by joining the mile high club, do you?"
"Minako!" Artemis whispered from the floor at my feet. I dropped a biscuit into his gaping mouth and ruffled his ears.
“Arti, nice cream shortbread, you love those…don’t you?” I giggled. "You should be paying special attention to Luna, you know, Mauans have more room to move and get a little frisky and-" he scratched me, the little furball had the nerve to scratch me. I winced and squeaked, "That hurt!"
"Right, it was supposed to, Minako, now zip it," the white cat huffed before slipping away under the seat in front of me where Usagi and Mamoru sat.
"Look out there! Mountains!" Takehiko said, trying to distract me from rubbing my ankle and complaining.
"Swiss Alps,” I muttered. “Where they make chocolate and watches.”
"There they are, Harry, c'mon, this is their flight. I've never met Japanese witches before!" Ginny exclaimed, jumping up and down. I arched an eyebrow and tapped my chin, this was indeed going to be interesting. I winked at Luna, she winked back, and we made our way through to the Muggle arrivals lounge, sat, and waited.
"Usagi, this is Harry Potter," Luna gushed, almost like an MC at a rock concert. She was almost, no, she was glowing and as I looked again, I could swear I could see faeries dancing around her head, transparent sprites and other tiny creatures clapping and waving at me. This, was going to be a unique meeting for sure.
"Hi, I am Aino Minako, pleased to meet you and this is Takehiko, Ken, Isamu and Xavier. Oh, and here are Tsukino Usagi and Chiba Mamoru."
"Hi guys!" Usagi called out as the London wizards and witches bowed en masse in the Japanese fashion surprising the others.
"I'm most impressed, you're going to love England. We're all staying at Hogwarts, it is leased for the next two weeks and then we'll spend the last portion of our holiday in the south of England getting a little sun." Hermione said, as she cast a lightening spell making the luggage feather light as I picked up a suitcase, almost heaving it and myself through the doors towards the taxi stand. Gathering myself up with as much dignity as I could manage, glowering at the taxi drivers eyeing off my legs, I pulled down my skirt to cover my panties with their kawaii kitten motifs. I climbed to my feet, made a rude gesture and stomped back into the terminus, my super-light bag balanced on the top of my head making the girls laugh. Luna Lovegood was most impressed.
I grinned and set an overnight bag on Artemis's back. He winced, but sighed with relief, as the weight wasn't an issue. “Mina!” Artemis whispered.
"Had you going there, Artemis, didn't I? Oh, Harry, I'm looking forward to communing via your magical train!" I said, not realizing I messed up again and giggled at their expressions. Rei and Usagi rolled their eyes and I winked. We all laughed.
Rei extended her hands to Hermione and Luna. "I think we're going to all get along great!" she breathed and shook hands with the guys. Harry and Ron were enchanted by our female contingent while Hermione and Ginny exchanged knowing looks.
I continued with the introductions, "Last but not least my fellow Senshi: Hino Rei, Kino Makoto, Mizuno Ami, and of course, Furuhata Motoki and our cats, Luna and Artemis."
"Pleased to meet you,” everyone chorused.
“I am as you've probably guessed Luna, Luna Lovegood." Luna looked at the surprised expression on the Mauan of the same name, that is, Luna, not lovechild.
"Oh how rude of me, this is Hermione Granger, Draco Malfoy, Ron and Ginny and oh... who are you gorgeous kitties?" Luna sighed, kneeling to pet Luna, still wide-eyed and Artemis, who was chuckling under his breath at Luna's reaction to the fact she'd met another, 'Luna' and was dumbstruck.
We were soon on the train to Hogwarts, the magical energy wrapped us in its velvet-soft touch and I gasped as the jelly frogs came to life in a confection box and started playing a game I learned later was called, 'Jacks' tossing squeeing jellybeans in the air. I also loved the dancing mice. Luna and Artemis rolled their eyes when I suggested they join the rodents.
"Minako! I am a cat, yes, but neither Artemis nor I will perform like seals! We're not dancing with mice, nor with humans. No offense, but I prefer playing rock, paper, scissors and chess with Ami." Luna huffed and strolled off towards Usagi and hopped onto her lap and she glowered at me from across the carriage. Meanwhile, Artemis and Takehiko were trying to swat the letters from a magical novel of some kind that kept landing on their noses. It was a riot!
As soon as we arrived, we were shown to our quarters. The school was steeped in historical tradition and Hermione and Harry shared their many adventures, getting a little sad at the mention of Professor Dumbledore and Snape, I think it was. I was shocked to hear about the Dark Lord and relieved at the fact Harry and his friends had done him in, so to speak. I was spellbound, we all were.
Later, before the evening meal: Hermione, Ginny, I and my fellow Senshi had a girl's time out and the guys were taking lessons in Quit- it, I think it was.
When we finished comparing notes on magical attacks, villains, boys... we went to check out our heartthrobs.
Isamu kept waving his arms at Xavier who kept falling off his broom. Harry and Ron looked at each other. Were those two making a bet? I cackled at Xavier's expense. But he soon got the hang of it. I laughed so hard, watching the practice from the balcony above.
We all drank English Breakfast tea and scones with the most amazing fillings, and these were huge and kept getting bigger if you left them on the plate too long uneaten. Draco was a charmer, and he was direct, blunt, but never rude. But Hermione told me what he used to be like when they first met and I shuddered. “Glad he’s as you say, ‘a good sort’ now.”
“He’s not so obnoxious these days, although he still has his little moments.” Hermione put in, as Ron sat and put his arm possessively around her shoulders and she leaned into him, closing her eyes and opened them and gasped. “You’ll love Hagrid, we’re going down to see him tomorrow, so fun!”
I nodded and smiled, taking another giant scone and devouring it before it got too big for my mouth. “Mmm.”
I loved the magical bath, but not so much the flying soap that sang arias and blew purple bubbles while making faces at me.
“Stop it, I don’t take kindly to bars of soap making fun of me.”
“But you’re so much fun, Minako, lighten up lady, let’s make of it a clean start shall we. Now, don’t look so glum,” it cackled, and belched. I stomped out of there grabbing my things.
Pulling my own soap out of my wash bag, I later tossed the protesting giggling, yup, it was actually giggling, to Ami. Ticklish, so it turned out. I had to laugh. She compared notes with the talking soap that complained it couldn't please me and I cackled as the Mercury Bubbles were playing with the purple singing ones. Ami clapped delightedly. I groaned and shook my head. Hogwarts would take a little getting used to I could tell the minute we set foot here.
As I stood in my bathrobe, red-faced as the mirror let out a loud wolf whistle, I shouted at it, “Stop that!” it apologized as I draped a thick towel of Usagi's over its leering countenance. "Pervert, Hentai!" I growled and stomped out of there, nose in the air.
"I will not dance with mice, but I will try my paw at quidditch.”
I fell onto my butt and laughed till I cried as Artemis played quidditch, having convinced Luna to try it, and I’ll be damned, they were good and won the team the match!