
I Will Protect You by rurouni_kenshinxkaoru

Tomoe’s Death

A loud yelp was heard in the distance. Then followed by that sound came loud, vicious barking.

“No! It can’t start yet. It just cant…” a male, human voice said and he started running even faster.
As he entered the clearing, he saw many dogs, no wolves, in the clearing, fighting.

He looked around and jumped when a soft, wet nose touched his hand.

“We are doing everything we can, but we need your help.” The soft voice said. It belonged to a beautiful silver wolf.

“Right. Where is she?” he asked.

“This way. Quick, there’s not much time. She told me to come and find you. Right now she is fighting and is waiting for you to make sure that you are s-“
The feminine voice was cut off as a loud snarl started to become louder before a huge brown wolf launched itself at the man, but the silver wolf intercepted and snapped her jaws down on her attacker’s back, breaking the spine but letting the wolf live.

“Hurry!” the female hissed out.

“Are you hurt?” the man asked.

“Do not worry about me. Hurry! Go straight and then turn left and you will come to the stream where she is.” The sliver wolf directed and then launched herself into one of the enemy’s back.
The man chuckled under his breath when the heard the silver wolf scold the one she jumped on.

“How dare you! Have you no self-respect?! Attacking one of you own kind when there back is turned and is fighting another?”

The man shook his head to clear his thoughts and ran to find the one he was looking for. After a minute of walking, he found the stream, but also something that would be forever imprinted in his mind.

There, right in front of him, was a white wolf, but it was almost impossible to tell, for the wolf was almost completely covered in blood.

“No!” the man yelled and in response, he saw another wolf. This wolf was a dark brown and had a gleam in its eyes that made then man guess that the dark brown wolf was the one that was previously fighting the white one.
The dark brown wolf let out a deadly chuckle and then spoke.

“Well I didn’t expect you to already arrive, human. I will admit that I am very surprised. Now tell me, where is that idiot of a leader?” the wolf barked out.

“She is fighting elsewhere.” The man replied, not sure what the other wolf was getting at.

“Excellent…” he growled and then went into a crouched positing, getting ready to spring and attack. “Prepare yourself…” the dark brown wolf said and then sprung at the man.

The man was drew his sword and brought it down, getting ready to smash the charging wolf’s head, when something flew in front of him, knocking him backwards. A loud crunch sound was heard and a long pain filled howl was let loose. The man quickly got up on his feet and looked to see what he had hoped he would never witness. There in front of him was the white wolf’s body. The man leaned over the body and felt fire rake down his left cheek. He let out a small yelp because the white wolf flailed out and landed a hit on his cheek. The man jumped back and looked up. The dark brown wolf had launched himself, reading to kill him, but the white wolf had intercepted the blow, taking it for herself.

“You… HOW DARE YOU!” the man screamed, but it was too late to do anything. Other wolves had come to stand by the dark brown wolf, which the man had assumed to be the leader of that particular pack.

“T-this isn’t over yet. Not yet. I will defeat you.” The man whispered in a deadly voice.

“Lookin’ forward to it.” The wolf growled out and then left with the others following right on its tail.
The man just stood there, stunned. However, when he heard a small whimper, the man’s attention quickly went to the white wolf.

“T-Tomoe… what have I done…” the man whispered to himself.

The man was looking away from the wolf and he jumped when he felt a soft hand touch his cheek. Where the white wolf was seconds ago, now a beautiful young girl with silk black hair now laid. The girl struggled to speak, so the man had to lean in to catch what she said.

“Its alright. I made that sacrifice so that you could live. Please be safe, for my sake. Kenshin, I love you…” and
With that, the young girl passed away.

“No… TOMOE!”

Then a slight movement caught his eye. When he looked closer, he saw a bush rustle and saw a pair of golden eyes looking at him. Swiftly standing, the man drew his sword and held it towards the bush. The man was not scared in the least, however when he heard someone speak from within the bush, he was somewhat startled, but he was already turning numb from shock.

“Put it down, boy. I ain’t gonna hurt you, but I do feel bad for our leader. She and Leader were close…” the voice spoke.

“Yeah…” the man said, not really listing.

“Hmm, I’m gonna go and get Leader…” the voice said and then the man heard paws hitting the earth in a steady rhythm; the animal was running, and fast.

The man looked up at the sky and his eyes widened slightly. This was the night known as the Wolf’s Moon. This day came once every year. The full moon was just like any other full moon except on Wolf’s Moon. On this night, for exactly one hour, the moon was three times its normal size, and all purebred wolves’ power increases. This was also the tenth anniversary of meeting Tomoe …and now her death.

When thinking that thought, the man’s body no longer obeyed his command. When he tried to take a step forward, his body moved, but his legs stayed where they were. The man felt himself fall, but was unconcerned and was actually looking forward to the pain to come, hopefully knocking him out of the nightmare he was in.

However, the pain never came; instead, human arms wrapped around his waist, stopping his fall. Then the person gently laid the man’s head down in her lap.

“Battousai, are you alright?” a concerned and familiar female voice asked him.

The man looked up at the speaker’s face. It was the face of a young girl, no older than fifteen. The girl had dark brown hair, dark enough to pass as black. The girl had beautiful dark brown eyes. Her face was covered with blood and tears.

You’re the silver wolf?” the man asked.

“Yes.” The girl said, gently, but then her eyes took on a fierce expression. “Who did this? Who did this to her?” the girl asked.

“It was another one of you kind, and it had dark brown fur. I assume that it was the leader of its pack because many others seemed to be following it.” The man explained.

“N-no… it cant be…” the girl whispered.

“What? What’s wrong?” the man asked when he felt the girl’s body stiffen.

“…Just give me a few seconds and then I can tell you…” the girl said and then gently picked up the man’s head that was lying in her lap, and set his head down on the soft grass. Then the girl stood up and her body began to shake. The man sat up and watched the girl.

The girl’s body began to shake even more and then in a loud snarl, the girl’s human teeth had transformed into sharp canine teeth. The girl’s eyes had turned from a dark chocolate brown to a very light brown, and were still going lighter. Then the girl lifted her head and did her best wolf howl.

Almost at once, wolves started to appear. The man looked around and saw twenty-eight eyes watching the girl. The girl looked around and nodded, satisfied.

“One of you, track her and see if she really did betray us.” The girl said and at once a jet-black wolf bolted in the forest where the dark brown wolf had left.

“Who?” the man asked.
“…It doesn’t matter…”

The man’s mouth opened to protest but then quickly shut it, not really caring anymore.

Five long minutes later, the black wolf returned with a sad and desperate look on his face.

“L-Leader, i-its true… she did it…” the wolf whispered and then fell back into its position in the rank.
The girl stiffened and then bowed her head. “T-thank you, Swiftrunner.” She said and then turned towards the man.

“S-she called you ‘Kenshin’ and we call you Battousai, but what would you like us to call you?” the girl asked.

The man sighed and then replied with a heavy voice. “I wish to remember this day no longer. I wish that your pack will call me ‘Kenshin’, however, I wouldn’t mind if you, yourself called me ‘Battousai’, but whatever works best for you.”

“Fine… Kenshin…” the girl said and then transformed. “I know that you will probably never forgive me and my pack for what has taken place here so we shall leave and never trouble you again…” the now silver wolf said.

“W-wait! Who said that I ever blamed you for all of this? This was one hundred percent my fault.” Kenshin said.

“…No… it is not your fault. It is mine, however now is not the time nor place to discuss this matter. If what you say is true, that you bare me and my pack no grudge, then perhaps I will see you once again. Now we must bury Tomoe, as it is a custom of ours to bury our dead…” the silver wolf said.

“Okay, but tell me. Is it true that you are the leader of this pack? No offence, but you look like you are still so young…” Kenshin said.

The wolf sighed and then smiled the best a wolf could do, considering the circumstances. “Yes, it is true. Maybe some other day we will meet and I can fully give you the explanation that you deserve. But until then, we must go. However, you are welcome to come along.” the silver wolf said.

“Please tell me, what is your name?” Kenshin asked.

“Well, what color am I?”

Kenshin was taken off guard by the question.

“Well your fur is silver…”

“Yes, that is my name. I am called Silverfur in this pack, but you humans refer me referred to as Speed Demon. “

“W-why?” Kenshin asked.

With a whoosh, the silver wolf disappeared. Then two seconds later, she reappeared.

“I want you to walk about one mile deep into the forest. There you will see a hot spring and a hole that is right beside it. Bring Tomoe’s body and that is where we will bury her.” Silverfur said.

“What? You already dug a hole?!”

“Yes. Now come on, lets get moving…” she said and then turned to lead the way.

With a silent huff, Kenshin picked up the body of Tomoe and started to walk. Kenshin noticed that as he continued to walk, more and more of the wolves disappeared until it was just him and Silverfur.

“Your pack? Where did they g-“

“They know how dear Tomoe was to me and to you. Out of respect, they have allowed us to be alone with her for one last time. You are luck because you will be the first human ever to witness a burial of one of our own. The only reason that you may stay is because she loved you and you her. It is only obvious to let you stay while we bury her.”

Kenshin and Silverfur just continued to walk in silence. Once they arrived at the springs, Kenshin jumped down into the hole and gently laid Tomoe’s body down. Then he placed one last kiss upon her lips and jumped out of the hole.

“Good bye Tomoe. I’m so sorry…” was Kenshin’s last words as Silverfur covered the hole up with dirt.

The walk back to the clearing was silent and depressing.

“What will you do now?” Silverfur asked.

“I think that I will just wander around for a while.”

“Hmm, I see. Well please take care of yourself. I think that I will leave the pack to my mate and will also walk around. Of course, I will reclaim my place as the rightful leader once I am old enough to understand things more better.” Silverfur said.

“Ah, well would you like to accompany me?” Kenshin asked.

“As fun as that sounds, I think that I will stick to being alone, just for right now. I think that I will try and find out more about why she killed Tomoe.” I said.

“Who?” Kenshin asked for the second time.

“Uh… forget it. I will tell you later.” Silverfur said. “Good luck on your journey. My major plan is to try and find a nice home to stay at. Hopefully since I am still a puppy to some humans, one might take me in, or at least that’s what I am hoping for. And if someone does, I will indirectly pay them back by protecting them. Well, I have to go and speak with my pack. Please be safe on your journey and I wish you well.” Silverfur said.

“Yes, same to you. I really hope to cross paths with you as well. Good bye, Silverfur.” Kenshin said and then, using his inhuman speed, left without a trace.

“Hmm… Kenshin Himura… what an interesting man. First he goes on a killing streak during this war and somehow manages to bring Tomoe into this. Oh well, what’s done is done. I truly hope that he will be safe…” Silverfur said to herself and then walked over to her pack to tell them that she was leaving.

No she had no idea how long she would be gone and that hurt her terribly, but she knew that she really did need to leave. To try to restart some of her life and then in time, she would rejoin her pack and take control once more… with one final howl into the night, the Wolf’s Moon was over until the next year came around…

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