Educating Sesshoumaru
A/N- Here is the first chapter of ES, I hope that you will enjoy this! I had a hard time working on this, but I got it done, thank Kami!
Well, sorry about the wait on all this, I really feel bad about it. But I'll keep trying to update! I will! ^^
Anyway, I don't own InuYasha. Isn't obvious?
Chapter 1: For Better Or Worse?
The InuTatchi watched in muted shock as Sesshoumaru was bathed in a purifying light, one that could only come from one thing. The Shikon no Tama.
'But the jewel is still broken, so how can it's power be used, unless...' His eyes widening at where his thoughts were leading him, Miroku glanced at where Kagome stood bathed in a unearthly white before letting his eyes rest upon the Taiyoukai's now glowing form.
His body was bathed in a dark purple glow, a purifying glow. One that had Kagome's heart clenching as the realization of what she had done snapped her out of her haze of anger. 'Oh my god!''s been is that...'
Sesshoumaru was frozen in place. He could feel his youki draining, his strength going with it. It felt as if his true self was being supressed, locked away to where he was unable to acsess it let alone feel it. 'What is happening to me?'
Kagome's legs moved her forwards, moving her until she came to a stop right in front of Sesshoumaru. He could only look at her and wonder why her face was stained with fresh tears, "I'm sorry Sesshoumaru...I...I didn't mean for this to happen...really I didn't."
And then it began.
The wind picked up about Kagome and Sesshoumaru, their hair and clothes rustled in it's strong currents. Kagome could only watch in horror as the effect of her wish began to take it's course.
Sesshoumaru's silver locks began to darken, the white being drowned in a sea of pitch black. Gulping, Kagome clutched at the front of her shirt as she watched the Taiyoukai's markings fade into his skin, his ears following suit as they lost their points and became normal.
He was in pain, she could see it flashing through his eyes as she watched his mouth open in a silent cry and his fangs retreat, leaving human canines behind. Kagome felt her heart clench in pain as a look of utter horror filled the face and eyes of the normaly proud, not to mention stoic, Taiyoukai before her.
'No...I didn't really want this to happen! Stop! Please!' But she knew her thoughts would go unheeded. The wish had been made and whether Kagome wanted it or not, Sesshoumaru was becoming a human.
Her legs shook as Sesshoumaru's claws retreated as well, normal human fingernails taking their place. She hoped that it would stop there but she knew better. Next came his long and sleek tail, it seemed to just retreat into Sesshoumaru's body and just as it dissapeared, another change began to take place.
Sesshoumaru's clothes which were still being picked at by the wind started to shift as the color faded into black.
This was something that was rather strange and Kagome watched in confusion as Sesshoumaru's hakama's shapped into a pair of baggy jeans, his haori and juban soon followed, forming into a plain t-shirt and a button up jacket. Even his shoes had changed and were now a normal pair of tennis shoes.
And then a necklace appeared completely out of nowhere. It was a pendant that had a full InuYoukai howling at a crescent moon. But the last feature to go were his honey golden eyes, they swirled as the gold was replaced by dark blue, finishing off the transformation.
The wind died abrubfully as the glow that had surrounded Kagome and Sesshoumaru dissapeared. Behind her Kagome could hear the shocked gasps of Miroku and Sango, it seemed that the wind had kept their forms hidden as the changes took place and now that it had stopped, they were revealed.
But Kagome didn't care, for her whole attention was focused upon the barely trembling Sesshoumaru before her. He was scared, she could see it in how he stood there, his eyes focused upon his now raised hands with the human features.
He couldn't believe his eyes. He had become the one thing that he hated above all else, he was now a human and it was all the miko's fault. A sudden and pure hatered began to fill Sesshoumaru as he lifted his head, his eyes focusing upon Kagome's equally shaking form and her pittying blue eyes.
He didn't want her pitty, this was her fault and she had no right to pitty him. Narrowing his eyes at the girl, Sesshoumaru let his hands fall to his sides, as he clenched his fists. But just as he was about to confront her, she did something that he never expeced.
She hugged him.
Kagome felt tears tummbling down her cheeks as she tightened her arms about Sesshoumaru's waist, her body shaking in barely held sobs. Her face as burried in his chest and Kagome could feel him stiffen in confusion, taking a deep breath as she struggled to reign in her tears, Kagome lifted her head.
Locking her eyes with the wide and surprised blue eyes above her, Kagome let a sad smile cross her lips, "if there is anything that I can do...anything to show you how sorry I truely am, please...tell me."
Sesshoumaru couldn't believe his ears. This pathetic miko thought that she could placate him. Narrowing his eyes, Sesshoumaru lifted his hand, judging the girls reaction as he wrapped his long finger's tightly about her slim neck.
His mouth lifted on one side as a very animal like growl reverberated from deep in his chest and Sesshoumaru felt the smallest amount of relief for that, 'at least I can still sound threatening, that is a blessing I suppose.'
But he was getting off track. He could feel the miko trembling but she made no move to defend herself as he gripped her shoulder roughly with his other hand, giving her a good shake.
"You think that you can change what you've done bitch? This Sesshoumaru should kill you where you stand for doing this." Hearing a twig snap, Sesshoumaru's head shot up, his eyes focusing upon the small form of a kitsune kit. "Stay where you are if you wish her to remain unharmed."
Immediately the child stopped, his green eyes swirling with fear but Sesshoumaru could see the determination and anger shining there as well, which he found honorable...not that he would admit that aloud.
"Shippou..." The broken sound of the girls voice drew his attention back to her and he silently contemplated what he should do with her.
Kagome didn't give him a chance to think for very long about it though. After hearing the threat that was clear in Sesshoumaru's voice as he spoke to Shippou, Kagome made a decision.
One that would force her into an inescapeable sittuation.
Feeling a final fat tear roll down her cheek and splash on Sesshoumaru's hand, Kagome took a deep breath before she lifted her head and locked her eyes with Sesshoumaru's once again.
"I, Kagome Higurashi, give you, Sesshoumaru, Lord of the Western lands, my life in payment for this disshonor I have caused you." Slipping her arms free from about Sesshoumaru's waist as his eyes filled with shock, Kagome fell to her knees at his feet, keeping her body postrate. "You may do with me what you will, My Lord."
Sesshoumaru was utterly speachless.
He was unable to believe that the miko, of her own free will, would offer herself up like that. The way she had spoken and how she was now at his feet, proved that she knew quite a bit about how a debt was paid to a Lord of his status. But how she could have possibly learned about it was a mystery.
"Miko, do you understand the concequences of what you have just done?" He needed to be sure that she wasn't just spouting off nonsence, he did have his honor after all.
The girl shifted, but did not raise her head as she spoke, "yes Milord. I understand and I accept your judgement, whatever it may be." Sesshoumaru tried to stop the small smirk that had begun to make it's way across his lips, but as he spared a glance over at the other clearly horrified member's of the InuTatchi, he found he really didn't care anymore.
'So it is true then. She knows a lot more than she shows, I wonder...' "Get up." His tone was hard and as Kagome immediately did as he had said, he felt a clearly smug smile replace his reluctant smirk.
This was going to be entertaining.
Her fists were itching.
Sango was utterlly appauled and horrified at what Kagome had done, but no matter how much she wished she could do something about it, she knew it was already too late and that really pissed her off.
For once she found herself wishing for Miroku's perversions, that way she would at least have an excuse for pulverizing something.
It took all of two minutes before Sango found that she couldn't stand it any longer. Getting up, Sango ignored the questioning looks being sent her way as she slowly but surely approached Sesshoumaru and Kagome.
The, former, TaiYoukai had taken up residence underneath a nearby tree and had commanded Kagome to sit at his feet. Kagome hadn't said a word and just did as she was told, something that really made this whole situation even more unbareable for Sango.
Finally reaching them, Sango glared down into the deep blue eyes before her and felt her finger's twitch, "Sesshoumaru, answer me this...just what are you going to do with Kagome?"'
Sesshoumaru merely lifted an eyebrow before letting his eyes rest upon Kagome's still and silent form, he regarded her for several moments before he turned back to Sango, "she will be this Sesshoumaru's ward's mother and this Sesshoumaru's servant Taijya...anything else you wish to ask?"
Kagome's head immediately shot up at Sesshoumaru's words, her shock filled eyes falling upon him. At the same time, Sango just gaped in surprise and horror before she steeled herself, "How dare you? Kagome isn't just some piece of property that you can use anytime you want! She's a person...she's kind, gentle, and caring. So you better watch how you treat her, or else I'll put you in your place."
In a normal situation Sango wouldn't have directly threatened Sesshoumaru like this but this wasn't a normal situation. Kagome's eyes were wide with fear and worry, but she didn't utter a single word.
Sesshoumaru just raised an eyebrow in reply before he turned to Kagome, his eyes contemplative. A charged silence fell about them, one so thick that it could be cut with a knife.
"My Lord!" Jerking, Sesshoumaru closed his eyes and silently cursed every god out there as Jaken came running into the clearing, Rin close behind him. The girl had only to look at him before her face lit up with a carefree smile as she ran towards him, her arms spread wide as her voice filled the clearing.
"Lord Sesshoumaru!"
A/N- And that is the end of this chapter!
I am really getting into this storyline and it's making it hard to work on my other's but I'll manage somehow.
Anywhoo, I hope you guys enjoied this!
Till next time!
Ja Ne! =^..^=