
Educating Sesshoumaru by FluffyFox

previous  Chapter 4: The Start of Something More?

Educating Sesshoumaru

A/N- Here be the next chapt!

I know I haven't gotten really into the story yet but it will in this chapt, Sesshy gets a firsthand look at just how his half-brother's pack normally operates...

Disclaimer- Don't own the series, but this story is all mine!!

Anyway, I hope this pleases you all!!




Chapter 4

The Start Of Something More?


He had no way of knowing just how long it had been.

Without his heightened Youkai senses, he was utterly clueless on what time it was, let alone just how long he had been sitting here.

Kagome was still out, her expression peaceful as she laid on her side, turned to where her body was facing Sesshoumaru.

The kit, Shippou, had attempted to approach several times already and could only get within a few feet of him before getting skittish. At which point he would run to the Taijya, Sango, and proceed to hide behind her until he worked up the courage to approach once again.

It had been amusing at first to see just how much terror he struck into the kit's heart, even as a human. But frankly, after the first four times it grew to be boring and now....well, it was just plain annoying now.

So as the kit approached him yet again, he narrowed his eyes and waited. Letting his prey come to him.

Once the child was within two feet of him, Sesshoumaru lashed out, his large hand easily gripping the kit by the scruff as he pulled him over. Dropping him to the ground next to Kagome, Sesshoumaru locked eyes with him.

"What is it that you want kit?!"

Trembling, Shippou tried to keep eye contact with Sesshoumaru, but man, was he scary! Fidgeting, he opened his mouth only to snap it shut a second later.

When this continued for more than a minute, Sesshoumaru couldn't take it anymore. He attempted to growl again and was pleased to see that it seemed to have worked, for the kit froze, his tail fur bristling in fear. "Answer this Sesshoumaru."

Nodding his head, Shippou pointed at Kagome, "I...I was just worried about Kagome, she's been out for so long. I just don't want anything to happen to her...can't you help her?" Shippou gave Sesshoumaru the best pleading look he could muster, but all it earned him was a roll of the TaiYoukai turned human's eyes.

"The Miko needs her rest if she is to accomplish her duties to this Sesshoumaru. I cannot afford for her to be weak in the midst of battle, do you understand Kit?" Sesshoumaru kept his voice firm and as emotionless as possible, frankly, he was getting tired himself.

Something that he really didn't like, he was a TaiYoukai after all. He only needed sleep at the most once a week, not like a human, who required rest every single day. Frankly it was a nuisance.

Gritting his teeth, Shippou stood and puffed out his chest, "I have a name! It's Shippou, I'm not a kid, so stop treating me like one. I can take care of Kagome just as well as you can!"

Surprised at the kit's strong willed response, Sesshoumaru gave him a thorough once over before making a decision, "alright then, Shippou. If you wish to assist the Miko then this Sesshoumaru requires that you prepare a meal high in meat, this shall restore her strength at a faster pace, understand?"

Nodding his head fervently, Shippou immediately jumped up and ran straight into the trees, leaving everyone blinking at the dust trail that followed him. Everyone except Sesshoumaru were having the same thought, 'what the heck just happened with Shippou?'

Feeling the eyes of everyone in the clearing on him, Sesshoumaru sighed in annoyance, "before you all presume to accuse this Sesshoumaru of anything, the kit has volunteered to prepare a meal for the Miko. He should return shortly."

Not willing or wishing to say anymore, Sesshoumaru turned back to Kagome, it seemed that she had stirred some in her sleep. For she was now facing the forest, while one of her hands had taken a white-knuckled grip upon the hem of his clothes.

Narrowing his eyes slightly once again, he attempted to remove her hand from his person, but it seemed that she was highly reluctant to let go and so finally after a couple minutes of trying. Sesshoumaru gave up, there was no need to exhaust himself further than he already was, it wasn't worth the effort.

Shifting against the tree behind him a bit more, Sesshoumaru crossed his arms before him as he turned his eyes upon where his swords lay. There they were, sitting in the middle of the clearing where they'd had to have fallen when his transformation had taken place.

He knew that he'd need to at least get the Tensega, but for the moment there was no hurry. The miko needed to be fully rested first before he could move, for it seemed as she shifted closer to rub her face against his thigh, his presence gave her some sort of comfort.

'I suppose this Sesshoumaru can stand to wait for a while longer, at least until the miko awakens.' Time continued to slowly tick by though and Sesshoumaru soon found himself beginning to drift off himself, he attempted to keep himself focused upon remaining awake.

But in the end, his new human form forced him to succumb to sleeps allure. And within moments, Sesshoumaru was laying flat upon the ground next to Kagome, out like a light.


Minute’s later Shippou returned to the clearing dragging a small buck behind him, he might have been small but that didn't mean he didn't know how to hunt. His father had taught him and he was glad of it.

Besides, he would prove to Sesshoumaru that he was capable of being a grown-up, he just hoped his body would soon catch up to his skills. Sometimes it really sucked to look like a child and not really be one.

Hearing a light giggle, Shippou looked up and over to see that Rin had finished gathering her flowers and that now there was a proverbial mountain of them surrounding Kagome.

But that isn't what had him letting go of his kill and running over to Rin's side while ignoring the questions the other's were asking, Sesshoumaru wasn't there anymore, 'I don't get it, where could he have possibly gone in so short a time and why would he leave Kagome alone like this?'

Coming to a sliding halt, Shippou had to clamp both his hands to his mouth to keep from laughing. He just couldn't believe his eyes.

He'd been wrong.

Sesshoumaru hadn't gone anywhere, he'd just fallen asleep and was now lying at Kagome's side snoozing away. But that wasn't what he'd found so funny.

It was the fact that he was covered in the flowers that Rin had gotten, which is why he'd been unable to see him before. Heck, if Rin had placed even two more flowers then he still wouldn't be able to see him.

Hearing broken peals of muffled laughter from the other side of the clearing, Shippou knew that the other's had seen what he had as well and were just as amused.

Shaking his head, Shippou reached out and gripped Rin's wrist, she had been about to place a flower on Sesshoumaru's face. Knowing that both Sesshoumaru and Kagome needed their rest, Shippou drug Rin with him over to his kill.

"Will you help me make a meal for when they get up?" Rin blinked at him before smiling one of her toothy smiles, "sure, Rin will help."

Smiling back at her, Shippou started cutting up the buck carcass and as he did, he told Rin what they'd need. The girl just continued to smile as she did as he had told her.


Across the clearing, the mood had sobered somewhat as had the topic of conversation.

"Are you sure we should let them stay here? I mean, without his youki, Sesshoumaru's about as much use to us an old-lady." InuYasha crossed his arms as he narrowed his eyes in his brother's direction.

Shaking his head, Miroku turned towards Sango, keeping his voice low as he spoke. "He does know that Sesshoumaru being defenseless, even as a human, is impossible right?"

A deep growl from InuYasha answered that question, Miroku just flashed InuYasha a small smile as he shrugged his shoulder's non-committal way.

Sango merely sighed, "InuYasha why don't you just try and get along with him, at least for the time being. I mean, he is still your brother after all."

Snorting, InuYasha got to his feet and practically stomped over to where Sesshoumaru and Kagome were laying. It was clear what his intentions were.


A/N- I know it's not a very nice place to stop it, but I just had to...

Anyway, please reveiw, any feedback is welcome!!

Whelp, with my computer on the fritz and another move in sight, I hope I can find time to finish the rest of my stories. This one was done at the library, after all, if you're computer was scragged, where else would you write?

Till next time then...

Ja Ne!

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