
When Dark Falls by MithrilQuill

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By lunchtime the next day everyone in Hogwarts castle seemed to know about the attempt to steal Gryffindor’s sword. Ernie, Susan, and Seamus had managed to escape the room of requirement without notice just before Filch set up a watch near the portrait of the trolls. The Carrows were keeping a very close watch on Neville, Luna, and Ginny and anyone who attempted to speak to students from other houses in the great hall.

Hannah sighed hopelessly as she realized that there could not be another DA meeting until the careful watch over the room of requirement slackened. The feeling that she was doing something good, something meaningful, the rush of excitement and power – it was all gone now. Ernie squeezed her hand gently on the table and Susan smiled determinedly. They had to find a way to keep the DA alive.

That night in the common room Hannah and Susan were finishing their Transfiguration essays together while Ernie wondered loudly how Neville and the others were doing in their detentions. Hannah thought he might say he had told them so, because he had, but he didn’t. He seemed simply worried about his friends, and the fate of the DA.

Suddenly, just as the last stragglers came into the common room before the nightly curfew, Ernie leaned close and whispered, “Just because they’ve been caught that doesn’t mean we leave the Carrows and those Slytherin bullies to do what they like. I’m going to patrol the hallways and do what I can.”

“Be careful, Ernie,” Susan said. “The last thing we need is you caught as well.”

“Don’t worry – I’m always careful.”

By the time they finished their Transfiguration essay the common room was empty except for a few of the younger DA members who seemed as nervous and worried as Hannah felt. Someone fished out a radio and began idly flipping the channels, turning from one dark story of murder and chaos to another.

“We’ll think of something, Hannah,” Susan said, obstinately. “It’s not so bad. As long as we do our best to keep it alive, to keep defying the Carrows, we’ll be alright.”
Susan was the one friend that had never changed her attitude towards Hannah. Even though she still refused to speak to anyone, Hannah always found Susan beside her, sharing her secrets and worries and ideas with her. Even Hannah’s strange and frightening powers did not seem to faze Susan, who treated her in the same way she always had.

They sat there, waiting for Ernie to get back, and Hannah listened to Susan’s optimistic words and her ideas about how they could keep the DA alive. Her own brain roiled with ideas and worries that she could not share. Finally, it was too much for Hannah.

“The worst thing is not being able to see you all in classes,” Hannah whispered. “I miss it. I don’t really know any of the Sixth years. To them, I’m just the girl whose entire family died. I…”

She took a deep breath and then decided that this was not the time to stop. All of the things she had been longing to say for months came bubbling out of her mouth and Susan took them all in, her quiet attentive presence comforting Hannah.

“When you talk to Neville in Herbology, tell him I miss him.”

“Of course I will,” Susan said seriously.

They spent what felt like hours discussing what they could do to keep the DA alive, working out schedules to help Ernie patrol the hallways, going over good healing spells they could use to help injured students. Finally, Ernie arrived in the common room looking tired, but happy. He collapsed into an armchair and began telling them what he had seen when a very familiar and very cheerful voice filled the common room.

Everyone paused their conversations to stare at the radio, from which Lee Jordan’s familiar voice was issuing. Many eyes were on the fourth year girl whose wand was suspended above the wireless, but no one spoke until the entire show was over and Lee Jordan declared that the password to tune into the next episode of “Potterwatch” was the name “Prewett.”

“I was fiddling with the wireless, and we were talking about Mad-Eye moody and…” the girl trailed off.

Hannah looked around at the now cheerful faces of her fellow Hufflepuffs. No one seemed to want to go to sleep after this. They hung around the common room sharing the cookies that the house-elves always left for them and brewing tea and hot chocolate in the fireplace, planning for a way to keep the DA alive.

It was well past midnight when Ernie brought up the most valuable piece of information they had learned from the pirate broadcast: the taboo on He Who Must Not Be Named’s name. Lee had said that this taboo had been the cause of the capture of many people so far, and they must spread the word about it. Dean Thomas was on all their minds, but the only person who might be able to contact him was Seamus and they couldn’t talk to the Gryffindors without attracting the Carrows’ attention.

“Susan and I have Herbology with them on Thursday,” Ernie said.

“But that’s two whole days and we need to let them know about this as soon as possible.” Hannah replied.

This conversation was repeated many times before they all headed to their dormitories. It was the only thing they spoke about at breakfast the next day too. Hannah stared down at her toast, trying to think of a way to send a message without being seen to do so. The coins wouldn’t work for sending such a complicated message and no one knew how Hermione had enchanted them to do what they did, so they couldn’t use the same spell on a larger object. Most of the members of the DA could make a decent Patronus, but that wasn’t exactly a discreet form of communication. “There has to be a way to let them know,” Hannah said, relishing the fact that she could contribute to conversations now, but wishing she had something more useful to say.

Suddenly, Susan stood up, knocking over her glass of orange juice and not bothering to pick it up. She had a very determined look on her face, so no one questioned her.

They watched as she marched across the Great Hall to the Gryffindor table and sat down right beside Seamus. Before anyone could react Susan put both her arms around Seamus’ neck and kissed him rather fiercely.

“Well,” Ernie broke the shocked silence at the Hufflepuff table. “I guess that’s one way of doing it.”

“Hannah Abbott,” Snape said coolly, “…the Hufflepuff.”

When Blaise did not respond the headmaster scowled at him impatiently. “It cannot have escaped your notice, Mr. Zabini, that the girl’s power has become rather erratic… and that it is growing. The Dark Lord wants you to watch her and keep her away from students who may be involved in the Order of the Phoenix. If it is necessary you are to befriend her, try to sway her thinking. You do not lack subtlety and in this mission you will need to use it.”

Blaise let out a long breath. “Does he intend to recruit her?”


“And… Nott?” Blaise asked probingly.

Snape was eying him somewhat searchingly now. “The Dark Lord was pleased with both of you for your efforts to alert me to the attempted theft the other night. You have each been given a separate mission which is better suited to your…abilities. This is your mission, and Nott has been told not to interfere. You may tell him if you wish – if he becomes curious – but it is your mission alone. The Dark Lord fears that Nott may have a soft spot for the girl and he does not wish for them to be brought too close.”

“I understand, Sir,” Blaise said. There really was no more to say. Blaise sensed that the Headmaster wanted to share something with him – he had been treating both Blaise and Theo a little differently since the beginning of the year, but Snape was one of the Death Eaters closest to the Dark Lord so confiding in him or showing him any personal doubts or fears was therefore out of the question.

“I am certain you will also understand that Mr. Nott’s mission is also his and his alone.” There was a hint of warning in Snape’s voice. Blaise understood that too.
Nodding, he stood to leave, but Snape held him back with a very penetrating stare. “You will receive a gift from the Dark Lord sometime tonight, in appreciation of your good work and your loyalty.”

Blaise inclined his head and walked as calmly as possible out the door. His mind was roiling with the things Snape had just revealed to him; things both said and unsaid.

Supposedly, they were being rewarded for their good work in helping capture Weasley, Lovegood, and Longbottom. On the other hand it was clear to Blaise that he and Theo were becoming too obviously close, and that this was not as pleasing to the Dark Lord. Most of all, he wondered about Hannah Abbott.

It was clear to everyone in the school that she was powerful. Students were afraid to be paired with her in Dark Arts classes, especially since they had moved on to the Cruciatus curse. Even Amycus and Alecto seemed a little apprehensive, no doubt worried about pushing her the wrong way, because they knew they could not seriously harm her or they would anger the Dark Lord, but they also knew that her new power was unpredictable and explosive.
What worried Blaise the most was how he was supposed to be “subtle” about it. Hannah Abbott was the last person at Hogwarts who could be convinced that the Dark Lord’s cause or method was anything short of disgusting. She had lost every last member of her family and, even were it not for that, she was a Hufflepuff. He shook his head and stepped into the common room.

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