
Reviews on Not a Virgin Anymore by Kihin Ranno

Review by Dejana Talis 2010-03-07

Bwahahaha, that is adorable!

Author's response:

Gasp! The elusive Dejana review!


Thaaaaaaaaaaaank you!
Review by AngelMoon Girl 2010-03-07

*Howls with laughter* Bah, what can I say? I loved ALL of it. The plot, the twist (that I totally expected, haha, but enjoyed all the same! Oh, naive Usagi ^^), Minako's humorous quips (Hee. Hard. And *how* she knew all those positions... I don't even want to know), the Senshi's reactions (especially Ami! XD), and of course your brilliant writing style.

Author's response:

Yay! Thank you so much!

I'm surprised at how much love Ami's getting here, but hey, whatever floats the collective boat.

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