
Reviews on What's in a Name by Kihin Ranno

Review by feifu 2006-02-22

I normally don't reading fics that have Mamoru paired up with any other girl besides Usagi, but then you made this pairing work. Wish you'd write a continuation to this coz I'm really curious what consequences will come out of what those two did.

Author's response:

Nice to get you out of your comfort zone. XD My issue with these two is that you never even get to see them interact one-on-one in any of the Sailor Moon versions (with the possible exception of Sera Myu, though I doubt it). I think there's so much unexplored potential in the fact that they almost seem to purposefully avoid interaction that I had to take a stab at it. The end result was definitely interesting.

I may one day write a companion to this as I'm interested in what came of this tryst as well. I think on some level they'd regret it, and on another they'd be glad it happened. Especially since I think they were going to lose it if they didn't do something.

I'll PM you if I ever write a sequel. ^_^ Thanks for the review!
Review by feifu 2006-02-22

I normally don't reading fics that have Mamoru paired up with any other girl besides Usagi, but then you made this pairing work. Wish you'd write a continuation to this coz I'm really curious what consequences will come out of what those two did.

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