
Reviews on Fireproof by Starsea

Review by LovelyLytton 2009-01-03

Urgh, what's the matter with Mars? So spiteful... or jealous?
Anyway, loved this, thank you!
Review by Bella*Luna 2007-01-30

I read this back to back with "Cast This Darkness From My Soul." I like the fact that it didn't skip a beat, like you planned this to be the sequel (you probably did).

Rei is not a surprise, Ami is not a surprise, Makoto is a surprise. I would have thought that she would have been further on Rei's side than a the fence-sitter she seems to be. Not really having an opinion, just happy that Minako is safe.

Serenity is no surprise at all; from the all knowing way that she looks onto Minako to the calm way that she addressed the incensed Rei, she is the forgiving and loving, best friend of the Senshi Serenity that we have all come to know and love.

I was also a little surprised at the calm way that Kunzite took the psudo-attack from Rei. He didn't get bowed up, he didn't get irritated, he remained calm and allowed Minako to use him for support; while at the same time using her as his I imagine.

I read Endymion's line, “He said he’s serious, do you really believe he would go back on his word?” Endymion asked., kind of hostily. Not sure if you wanted it this way or not....I sensed tension when I read it though. Probably just the situation...

Again, great write, great read. Good job ;)

Author's response:

I definitely had this in mind from the time I saw the "Rage" theme.

I see Makoto as the most emotionally mature of the inners: she is annoyed but Rei is overreacting so much that she feels she has to hold it all together.

Kunzite was calm about Rei's attack because he expected it. And she wanted him to get irritated, so he wouldn't give her the satisfaction. Kunzite is not easily irritated.

I think Endymion is a little annoyed by Rei's question, but then he forgets that he knows Kunzite so much better than she does. I did mean to put a little tension in there.

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