Review by ScarlettShannon |
I almost wish I had read this last night, when I had been functioning on about 2 hours sleep in a 48-hour period, and was hallucinating things.
So dark... and sad... and thank you for ending it on a good note... I would have been so sad, otherwise...
Even though my masochistic (in a very metaphorical type of way) streak wouldn't have minded, probably.)
Author's response:
Heh, reading it like that certainly would have been interesting. ^^;
I actually didn't think it was as dark as everyone else insists that it is, but I think my view's pretty skewed since I wrote it. And of course, the fic is old so there are a thousand things I want to change that won't ever be changed, but I can't help but like it anyway. ^^ Glad to hear you liked it too! Thanks so much for commenting.