
Poetry Corner: A Moment of Time by cwiddy

Fandom:Original Fiction Rating:G
Created:2009-01-27 Modified:2009-01-27
Summary:Every person has moments when their hearts cry out to someone to listen, this poem is about one of those moments.
A Moment of Time

My heart is aching,
As I think about life…
Of where my future and happiness lies.
I think of the man, who has stolen my heart,
And wonder if I could have stolen his too.

I ponder my loneliness when he is not near,
I ache when I cannot speak to him,
Or when he seems not to care.
I long to understand where he sees me in his life,
What part he wants me to play.

I am confused by his actions, his ambivalence towards me.
I don’t understand how to open the door to his life.
I search for the window that will let in some light,
That will answer these questions hid from my sight.
I wonder if faith is enough to deal with this strife.

Open up your heart and mind,
See that I want let in!
I can be trusted with most truths.
I have a good ear to listen, mind to think through,
And heart to enter your secrets for safe keeping, too.

I am not perfect, no one can be,
But I strive for a balance,
Truth I try to up hold.
A truer friend is hard to find.
Just open up your mind, your heart, and soul.

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