
Vignette Collection: The Side Effects of Opium by Kihin Ranno

Fandom:Sailormoon Rating:PG13
Created:2009-04-08 Modified:2009-04-08
Summary:Rei and Jadeite have such a loving relationship.
The Side Effects of Opium

When Rei has once again spurned his advances and he is thus bored and horny, Jadeite turns to the internet. Sometimes he'll relieve himself with a little internet porn in the privacy of his bathroom (because Rei finds nothing more disgusting than masturbation) and sometimes he'll just distract himself with random Wikipedia trolling. On this particular evening, he has decided to look up the side effects of opium.

He raises an eyebrow.

Emotional detachment.

Reduced sex drive.

None of the others really fit and he knows this is liable to get him into deep shit, but he can't help himself.

"Hey, Rei?"

"Hmm?" She is hunched over her tarot cards, oblivious to his presence.

"Are you by any chance an opium fiend?"

This attracts her attention. She gives him a look that at once guts him and makes him hard all over again. Without asking for clarification she leans over and glances at his computer screen. Then she reaches into the stack of cards without even looking and tosses one in his direction. He catches it easily.

She has given him Death.

He grins painfully, hunching around his erection. "Message received. Now if you'll excuse me, I need the bathroom."

He can practically hear Rei smirk when she answers him.

"Having an increase in urination are we?"

 Reviews: 1
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Review by pinkmonkey1985 2010-12-26

Ha ha ha cute. :)

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