
Vignette Collection: Look and See by Kihin Ranno

Fandom:Sailormoon Rating:PG13
Created:2006-07-07 Modified:2006-07-07
Summary:Do you want to see my scars?
Look and See

"Do you want to see my scars?"

That’s what Minako had asked. He didn’t know how she made it sound erotic, but she did. Maybe it was the look in her eyes or the dress she was wearing and not her words at all.

Then it was the dress she wasn’t wearing, and Yaten found himself learning all about Minako’s scars, placed in such a way that he almost thought she’d put them there herself for this kind of situation.

If she had, the pain had been worth it. He kissed every last one of them. And some other things besides.

 Reviews: 1
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Review by shetan83 2010-11-11

Lol, it just occurred to me that this might be one of the worst pickup lines ever.

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