
Vignette Collection: An Almost Encounter by Kihin Ranno

Fandom:Veronica Mars Rating:PG
Created:2006-09-23 Modified:2006-09-23
Summary:Logan saw her five years after it ended.
An Almost Encounter

Logan saw her five years after she'd thrown a wine bottle at him and walked out of his apartment (his town and his life) in a bookstore.

He found it hilarious that they were together again in so innocuous a location. It was too quiet to have a proper argument. There weren't even weapons around (except for razor sharp wit). He nearly laughed out loud, but that would have been wrong. He settled for a smirk.

He started to walk over to her, ready to announce his presence. She would hate him for continuing to exist and for calling attention to them and their past. He would do so with pleasure, watching her face turn as red as one of the books she was carrying. It would be nice to provoke a reaction out of her again.

It would mean that he still meant something to her.

But what if she met him with nothing but indifference? What if she had stopped loving him, stopped hating him, stopped feeling anything for him at all? What if he didn’t mean anything at all?

The thoughts terrified him enough to keep him quite, knowing she would sense his presence eventually.

She never did.

She had always made him feel like he was somebody. And now she had done the exact opposite by never knowing he was there.

It hurt like hell.

“So long, Veronica Mars,” he whispered to no one and slipped out of the bookstore once and for all.

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Review by Starsea 2006-09-29

Poor Logan... he's always the last to move on. Veronica fulfilling his need to be validated is quite sad but it makes a lot of sense. Even negative attenti... (more)

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