
Unspoken Oblivion by Jaded Catalyst

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It was just another day in the slums of the Gaian continent. The land was unofficially divided into four sections in the north, south, east and west. The north side was the most technologically advanced but also the most corrupt. Despite its advancements in machinery, the north’s disastrous condition and treacherous inhabitants have given it a horrid but well deserved reputation.
And Aricin didn’t mind it a bit.
He sat among the drunkards of town in a rather small town, as he usually did in his free time. Countless scars covered his exposed arms and face, and one could only imagine what other marks lay hidden on his torso. His battle-worn appearance kept all but the bravest men at bay, and his eyes were enough to turn such men into statues, frozen with terror.
Only a complete fool or a most compassionate soul wouldn’t fear Aricin at first sight. His dark eyes, blackened with hate, burned with chaos and terror. A man once said that to unleash the chaos sealed in those eyes would send this world into complete damnation.
Those were the man’s final works before his blood stained Aricin’s blade.
Aricin was seen as a ruthless killer, a harbinger of death. That was a reasonable reputation for him; he was, after all, Gwydion’s right-hand man and most trusted warrior.
Unbeknownst to Gwydion, however, Aricin had planned his betrayal from the very beginning. Few beings loved this planet more than he did, and Gaia would not fall as long as Aricin was around to defend it. He was a part of the planet, just as it was a part of him. The end of the Illusion wasn’t unknown to him; it signaled the coming of his betrayal.
Revenge was not always a fast process. It sometimes took years, maybe even centuries to accomplish, and the cost was heavy no matter how long it took. Thoughts of vindication robbed the demon man of his emotions, and drove him to slaughter his own people by Gwydion’s bidding. However, that blood would soon be repaid. Gwydion would meet his end by Aricin’s blade.
But for now, Aricin was content with drinking his troubles away. It was going to be a night like all the rest, one where he could enjoy a few drinks with his comrades, who he was slightly reluctant to abandon.
 “Hey, Big Guy, mind if we have a seat?”
 “Sure,” Aricin responded.
A tall man with distinct golden hair stood shoulder to shoulder with a woman, whose refined beauty was unmatched. The two were rarely seen apart, and their prowess in battle was only enhanced by each other’s presence.
 “I’m going to grab a few drinks. Wait here,” said the man with a large smile.
 “Alright, Ty. Hurry back,” chimed his companion, her voice like music to his ears.
Even as Ty left, his height and unruly, golden mane made him easy to spot in the crowd. The woman giggled at the sight and turned her attention to Aricin. “Are you okay, Aricin? You look a bit more distracted than usual.”
His eyebrow twitched slightly, but his voice remained monotone. “You can tell?”
 “A little.”
 “You never cease to impress me, Kia. Ty’s lucky to have you. Keep an eye on him for me, will you?”
Kia laughed again. “I’m always keeping an eye on him. Who knows what would happen if I didn’t?”
 “Are you guys talking about me behind my back?” Ty jumped in, carrying a tray of drinks.
 “As always.”
Ty shrugged it off and gave both Aricin and Kia a glass. “Cheers to a night off!”
After raising his glass and taking a sip of the bitter liquid, Aricin quickly ended the light-hearted conversation. “What’s the report from Gwydion?”
 “Nothing much. He’s been really temperamental lately,” Ty commented, already on his second glass.
Kia looked at both men thoughtfully. “It’s true. I wonder what’s happening that’s making him so upset.”
 “Either way, it looks like things will finally start to be getting interesting around here.”
The demon man downed the rest of his drink, accepting the bitter shot as a punishment for all the innocent blood on his hands. It didn’t matter to him, though. He knew the blood would forever stain his soul, but as long as Gwydion’s blood stained his blade, he would find redemption.
His betrayal had been planned from the very beginning.
 “You haven’t the slightest idea, my friend,” Aricin muttered under his breath.

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