
Silver Millennium Vigenettes by alizeP

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“Why do you insist on keeping yourself distant from me?” Minako asked softly. She stood closely to Kunzite as they hung back in the corner of the room. The rest of the party goers continued to dance and celebrate completely unaware of tensions building around them. Queen Selenity had thrown a costume ball in honor of Princess Serenity and her engagement to the Prince Endymion of Earth. She wanted to ease tensions between the two populations and hoped that this ball would be a welcome start. Kunzite opted not to participate in wearing a costume and instead wore his Shitennou uniform. Jadeite had protested against wearing a costume as well, but after a few choice words from Kunzite gave up the fight and wore his costume as requested (or reprimanded as the case may be). Venus did not want to go against her Queen’s wishes and was dressed in a flowing white gown, her hair pulled into a familiar set of odangos. A white mask made of silk and covered with pearls and lace adorned her face accenting the brightness of her blue eyes. At first he had teased her for her lack of imagination (rifling through Serenity’s closet was hardly a mark of creativity) but soon found amusement in the looks they received from party goers who at first glance wondered why their Princess was dancing with someone other than her betrothed – the scandal that was sure to ensue.

“There has been no distance between us all night,” he protested.

“Don’t patronize me. You have been wearing that smile for my benefit all night. I want to know why you won’t let me get closer to you.”

“And how much closer would you like me to be?” he pulled her hand to his mouth and gently brushed his lips across her knuckles.

“Is this all that I can have from you? Kisses in corners? Do you want nothing else from me?” she said sadly.

“We are not at peace yet,” his eyes appeared distant as he looked over her head, pulling his eyes from hers for the first time.

“Our sovereigns are to wed, that will bring peace.”

“I know that you are not so naïve, Minako.”

“Naïve?” she repeated offended.

“You know that there are those of my planet who will never accept nor recognize this union. The people of Earth are distrustful of the Moon populace and there is no way to comfort them or ease their fears.”

“So rather than promote this union you will surrender to their fears? Are you really such a coward?”

“Coward?” he didn’t bother to hide his anger. “I have led men into battles that you could not fathom. I have fought for a peace that does not want to be. I have killed hundreds in order to protect my Prince. In all this time I have never turned away or asked for anything in return. Everything I do, every breath I take is to better my kingdom.”

“A man faced with an adversary holding his sword may be brave, but a man forced to come face to face with the reality of his heart can still be a coward.” She paused letting her words set in. “Despite your words and your kisses you refuse to allow yourself to be intimate with me. Are you afraid of what might happen if you let yourself go? Will it finally cause you to break? Maybe even show that you are human?”

“Princess, I cannot allow myself to choose between your love and the love of my kingdom.”

“Do you think I have forsaken my kingdom?”

“You are a smart woman, Minako, I’m sure you understand the effects of your decisions,” was his vague reply.

“If I cannot have all of you than I will have none of you,” she pulled away from him and disappeared into the crowd. He knew his words hurt her and even more so he knew that he should follow her and apologize, but she was right – he was a coward. Her touch was enough to bring his walls crumbling down and with tensions running high he needed to remain strong. Tomorrow he would apologize to her before he departed from the moon. She would understand – they were both leaders of powerful forces – she had to understand. In the meantime he would continue to find amusement in the dirty looks he received from the party goers who watched him with anger in their eyes for offending their Princess. ‘Minako didn’t look that much like Serenity!’ he thought to himself.

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