
Silver Millennium Vigenettes by alizeP

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“This is the end for us isn’t it?” Venus asked Kunzite as he leaned against the large tree trunk with his hands in his pockets. They stood alone on the Moon, as far from the Moon Palace as they could go. Overhead the Earth shone brightly as if it were a reminder of the distance growing between them, despite the close proximity of their bodies.

“It doesn’t have to be, Minako,” his voice was gruff despite the gentleness of his words.

“I would never betray my Princess the way you have forsaken your Prince,” she spat, trying to hold back the flood of emotions threatening to take over. “What happened to you?”

“The people of Earth fear those of the Moon and I can’t leave them to believe they have been left by those who are sworn to protect them.”

“You can dispel those rumors if you so chose to. Why is it that you don’t want to stop this battle?”

“I don’t have a choice in the matter. This is my calling.”

“You’ve sold your soul to the Devil that’s what you’ve done,” her eyes narrowed accusingly.

“I’m doing what is best for my planet and its inhabitants! Don’t accuse me of doing the wrong thing. If the people of the Moon were to rebel against those of Earth where would you stand? Would you stand by my side and turn your back on them? Or would you do everything in your power to protect them?”

“There is nothing to protect them from. You know that we have no interest in hurting anyone. We are ruled by a peaceful sovereign who wants harmony for the Universe.” He did not respond to her words and instead stood silently with his arms firmly crossed. Her hands were clenched into tight fists and she fought against the urge to physically lash out at him.

“I don’t want to lose you, Minako, but I don’t have a choice in the matter.”

“Kunzite, please, talk to me.”

“I can’t talk to you anymore. This is for the best that we do this now.” He reached forward and enveloped her in his arms, closing the distance between them. She fought against his grasp but he held firm not wanting to allow her to break their contact. Despite her strength he could tell that at the same time she was battling against herself to allow him to be so near to her. He leaned down and gently kissed her eyelids, pulling her head against his chest, where she finally stopped resisting.

They stood pressed up against the tree, trying to stay hidden from view. Her hair fluttered in the breeze and his brown blue-lined cape wrapped around their bodies. This attractive couple would normally be hard to miss except that they took every precaution when ducking away to make sure that no one would be able to follow them. For as long as time allowed they relaxed in each other’s arms, glad to be able to share in this moment with each other. It was growing late and the air was becoming cooler and the woman shivered ever so slightly as the air ruffled the orange skirt of her fuku that no one would have noticed, save for him who could see through every look she gave him to know its true meaning. His hand pulled tighter against her waist, covered by a white top with orange bows and she allowed him to hold her closer. No one could ever touch this Goddess save for this one heavenly king who breathed in her scent and knew that he would never let her go, not as long as she allowed him to love her. This was all the more reason why she would have to stop loving him now. A darkness had started seeping into him that he could not explain, and for some reason he was afraid to confide this detail to her. This revelation startled him as he realized that this was the first time he had ever truly been afraid.

“I have to go now.” Kunzite pulled away from her and started to walk away before his resolve faded.

“Will I see you again?” Venus called after him.

“I hope not,” he answered so quietly that his words were carried away by the wind and never reached her ears.

She watched unmoving as the surreal moment continued to pass before her eyes. There was a change in him - that much she could sense. His uneasiness affected her and she couldn’t help but to reflect the same emotion. Despite the battle that was surely raging inside of him, his outward appearance seemed unchanged. His gait was strong and even as normal; his shoulders remained squared as his cape fluttered behind him. The feeling of his arms around her lingered on her skin even as their physical distance continued to grow.

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