The non-original characters in this fanfiction are copyrighted to Kazuki Takahashi, Studio Gallup and Toei where applicable. All other characters are considered public domain by the author and may be used freely, but he does request that you ask permission as a courtesy.
The card names used are translations of the Official Card Game (OCG) names. For the TCG names, see the "Cards used" at the end of the story. And don't forget to e-mail me your thoughts ( Thank you very much for reading.
Chiba rubbed his eyes and awoke unsteadily.
After Shougo'd given Chiba his Star point, Chiba registered as a finalist. Most of the rest of the school was unaware. Only Mark and Isabel knew for a fact that Chiba had made it through, and Chiba'd asked them not to tell anyone. He knew it'd shake up the school.
Chiba heard his PDA ring as he was getting dressed. When he picked it up, the message was: After homeroom, all students must attend an assembly in the Main Convention Room at 10:00am.
Chiba nodded. They're probably going to announce the finalists and the details of the tournament, he thought to himself. I should prepare myself. This is probably going to be a big deal.
YU-GI-OH! Negative Zero: Genex Finals
Turn 36: "Preparation for the Finals! The Sixty Card Rule"
Asuka Tenjouin rubbed her eyes as she sat on her chair, reading over the notes for her speech again.
"You're exhausted from staying up so late and dueling Almaz-kun," Matsutani said. "You should let Raiku-san deliver the speech."
"Thank you for your concern, Matsutani-san," Tenjouin said and smiled. "But it's important that I do this. As head professor of the school, it's my duty."
Kiyotaki shook his head with crossed arms. "Everyone has their limits, Tenjouin-san," he said. "You shouldn't push yourself too hard."
"Some people do not have limits at all, Kiyotaki-san," Tenjouin muttered. "I am simply trying to understand that."
Kiyotaki sighed. Still upset with me, I see, he thought to himself. You should not confuse Heinrich Wright's behavior with my own. But there is no way to convince you of that.
Tenjouin got up from her chair. "I'm going to my personal quarters to prepare further for the speech," she said. "Please have Raiku-san call Ayukawa-sensei. I want to check up on Shougo-kun."
"Right," Matsutani said.
Mitsuo Tahuru, who had been sitting in the room, spoke up after Tenjouin left. "She is certainly a handful, Kiyotaki-san," he said with a chuckle. "You should exercise your authority more."
Kiyotaki drummed his fingers on the table. "Tahuru-san, as sponsor of the Genex tournament, you have your own responsibilities," he said. "Please keep your thoughts towards achieving those ends."
"Ah, excuse me, Kiyotaki-san." Tahuru gave an insincere chuckle in his apology.
Kiyotaki paused to ponder. I know what my organization's goals are, but they cannot be achieved unless Aoyama Shougo and Toragami Hinata are at the tournament. And with Shougo-kun taken with this illness, it may not be possible. Still...
Shougo opened his eyes.
His moments of wakefulness were few and far between. In his dreams, he was very young and exchanging in playful behavior. He remembered dueling on occasion, but always as a playful game, never with Solid Vision illusions.
Ayukawa was at his bedside, holding some printouts. She did not look happy.
"Ayukawa-sensei?" he asked her.
"I'm sorry, Shougo-kun, I want to tell you something good," she said. "But I can't lie. Your bloodwork still looks bad. In fact, it's actually gotten worse. Your parathyroid hormone levels are extremely high."
"I thought it might get worse," Shougo said, sighing with what little power he could muster.
"I'm afraid that..." Ayukawa held her arm in despair. "I..."
She sighed. I should tell him that he needs emergency dialysis, she thought to herself. But... this boy... how can I...
"You just keep resting, Shougo-kun," she said finally. "I'll keep looking at your labs."
Shougo nodded and closed his eyes, and once again he was dreaming.
Ayukawa left Shougo's hospital bed, and started to weep silently. There must be an answer... a way to treat him that isn't so brutal. I should call a doctor in on this case... so why can't I...
What is this horrible sorrow that I feel?...
When Chiba entered the assembly hall, it was already crowded. He looked to where the Osiris normally sat. He knew Shougo would still be in the medical office, but a childish part of him hoped to see him there. However, he did expect Almaz to be there; he wasn't. Chiba remembered Almaz disappearing during Mark's duel with Katsuki, and felt a knot in his stomach.
"Chiba-kuuun!" a female voice called from the other side of the seats.
Chiba turned to see Isabel, along with Mark, calling to him. That's right... they're my friends, too, Chiba thought with a smile as he trotted down the stairs to sit with them. The assembly was about to begin.
Asuka Tenjouin arrived shortly before the students. She waited for them to quiet down before she began her speech. "Hello, students," she said. "As you may have suspected, this assembly is about the Genex midterm elimination rounds that took place yesterday on this island. We will now announce the eight finalists who survived those rounds."
She then turned on the display behind her, and the names were displayed.
"These are the eight students who have achieved the goal of the Genex tournament, and will now compete in the finals for the title of 'Kaiser'," Tenjouin said as the display screen showed the names in both Japanese logographs and Latin letters.
As she expected, the crowd of assembled students broke out in murmurs as they realized that one of the finalists was an Osiris. Many of them knew who Chiba was, but none of them expected him to be good enough to be a finalist.
"An Osiris as Kaiser?" one said. "You think it might actually happen?"
"Not that guy... he's too straightforward. He just doesn't have what it takes."
"How could he get in the finals? I can beat him easy."
Chiba himself stared straight on ahead, thoughts focused on his teacher. Flanked by Mark and Isabel, two other finalists, he seemed to be putting space between himself and the rest of the school.
"Now, to announce the format of the Genex finals," Tenjouin went on. "It will be conducted in a single elimination format. The brackets will be announced at a later time, but first, I will tell you the deck assembly method."
"Deck assembly?" Ganryu could be heard to ask among others.
"The finalists will be required to assemble a card base, choosing sixty cards for that base," Tenjouin explained. "Before each duel, you will choose 40 cards among that base, and those cards will become your deck. There will be no side decks or replacements; you must choose from the sixty selected cards."
"A side deck is 15 cards normally," Chiba said aloud. "With a sixty-card base, you essentially have a 20-card side deck, it seems... but it's a one-shot deal."
Isabel nodded. "It doesn't leave much room to improvise," she said. "But we know who our opponents are, and we can prepare."
"They can do the same too, though," Mark reminded them both.
"Now, those of you who chose not to participate in the tournament will turn in your reports," Tenjouin said. "Those who were eliminated, you must write a ten-page paper about your experience, relating your duels and what you have gained from your examination."
"WHAAAT?!" many students were heard to exclaim.
"If you thought you would get out of doing work by simply entering the tournament with no intention to win, you made a very large mistake," Tenjouin said and smiled. "The eight finalists must now return to their domitory rooms and assemble their cards. Please return to the technological area within two hours and submit your base decks. This assembly is now concluded."
Mark and Isabel got up, and noticed Chiba sitting down, lost in thought.
"Come on, it's time to go," Isabel prodded him. "If you don't hurry, you'll forget about making your deck."
"Oh... yes, Isabel-san, you're right," Chiba said after a startled moment. "Thank you."
"Hey, don't thank us yet," Mark said with a laugh. "We might become your opponents soon. Just prepare your best deck and come at us full power!" He said the last words in English while flexing his muscle, an action which caused Isabel and Chiba to sweatdrop.
Tenjouin watched the students file out, and sighed softly.
This tournament is bringing out the best in my students... but I still feel uneasy. There's more going on than I'm being told. Kiyotaki-kouchou... what exactly are you trying to find out?
"I'll have to think about my extra twenty cards," Chiba said, walking alongside Isabel and Mark.
"Yeah. I had a deck ready, but now I'm going to have to think about how to use my twenty extra to the best," Isabel added.
"I wonder if two hours is really enough time," Mark pondered aloud. "For real... these guys are really making us work for this tournament. This is unlike anyone I've been in."
"You need some help there, fellow sea dweller?" a voice called.
It was Mizuno.
"You want to help us out?" Mark asked with a blink.
"Why not?" Mizuno replied. "It would make the finals more interesting."
"You sure you want to take that chance?" Isabel pressed on.
"I'm not sure why I'm dong this..." Mizuno said with a moan. "I think maybe it's because of Chiba-kun. I thought it was weird how you knew my name, but I like being recognized. What can I say?"
"Oh, is that so?" Chiba said, and blushed, feeling like he was being put on the spot. "Sorry..."
"Well, I'll just tell you that I don't plan on using the Ultimate D-Card in the finals," Mizuno went on, walking with the three. "Now that everyone's seen it, I can't take the chance on people playing countertactics."
"So what are you g..." Mark started, but Isabel stopped him with a shake of her head.
"I know you won't tell us about what you will use," Chiba said with a curious tone. "But can you tell us about Itou Tomoyo? I know she's chairperson of the biology class, but I've never seen her duel."
"Oh, Tomoyo-san?" Mizuno said with a laugh. "Well, as you'd expect, she runs plants. But I have a feeling she'll throw you for a loop if you're not ready for her!"
"Do you know her?" Chiba asked.
"That's a secreeeet!" Mizuno laughed once more and then ran off. "See you all at the finals!"
"Really," Isabel said as she watched her go. "That Mizuno-san... she's a strange type of person."
"She's interesting." Mark smiled. "Maybe she and I will get to duel."
Isabel just stopped Mark short by holding him by the shoulder. "You're not ready for her type," she said with chagrin.
Chiba frowned a bit. Aino Naomi and Itou Tomoyo... these are two names I know little about as far as dueling goes. If I am to carry through Shougo-kun's wishes, it woud be easier if I weren't paired against them... or Masaki Ganryu-sama, either.
Why am I thinking this way all of a sudden? It's just a tournament.
Chiba shook his head. No, it's more than that. Shougo-kun's given me his wishes. I have to carry them through to the end! No... I will!
He walked with more determination, until he realized that Isabel and Mark were no longer with him, having returned to the Ra Yellow dorms.
I need to be more aware of my surroundings, he thought with much regret.
Alone in her dorm room, Hinata Toragami fanned out her deck in front of her.
She was deep in thought.
I know what will happen in my future, she thought to herself. There is no need for me to feel all this dread. So then what is this new feeling that I can't put into words?
Toragami took out a set of twenty cards to add to her deck in anticipation of today's announcement. Some of them she had been planning to use against Shougo, but now that would not be possible.
You are still resisting your power, Aoyama Shougo, Toragami thought as an unusually remorseful expression came over her face. If you were just to have released your qualms back then, you wouldn't be going through this ordeal. Now, even I don't know what your fate will be.
She then clutched her shoulder, appearing to be in pain and dropping her cards. She held her prosthetic arm until the pain passed, gritting her teeth.
You damned Light... every day is a struggle. She got to her feet and proceeded to pick her cards back up. I'm going to need to call my doctors to check up on my arm again, as well, she thought. Thanks to you, though, I can't tell when my pains are physical and when they're brought on by you.
When she was done assembling her deck, Toragami took a minute to sit on her bed, look at the ceiling and reflect.
Darkness... it would appear our goals are the same. To eliminate the Light of Ruin... but it seems that Judai was right. I can't let go of it just yet.
Shougo opened his eyes, being drawn from a dream once more, to see Chiba at his bedside.
"Chiba-kun, what are you doing here?" he murmured. "You should be working on your deck."
"I already turned it in," Chiba replied. "Maybe I was hasty, but I can't help it. I'm worried about you..."
"I'm worried, too," Shougo sighed. "Something's seriously wrong with me, but Ayukawa-sensei doesn't know what it is. At this rate, I..."
He trailed off, and there was a silence.
"Well, it's only been one day!" Chiba said, laughing. "A lot can change in one day, you know."
"This is serious, Chiba-kun," Shougo said, gripping his sheets tightly. "This isn't something I can change by hoping or believing."
"Maybe you can't change your body, but having a positive outlook can't hurt, right?"
"Can it?" Shougo frowned. "If I go on believing that I'll get better someday, and I never do, won't that just hurt more in the end?"
This comment hurt Chiba when he thought about it. He's right... I don't have an answer for that. To believe with all one's heart in a miracle that never comes is a heartbreak I don't think I could bear. Shougo-kun... are you trying to say you deserve this because you're a bad person?
He frowned and looked off to the side. What can I say to convince you that you're wrong?
"I hope you'll do your best in the tournament," Shougo said.
"I don't know how not to do my best." Chiba laughed.
"Don't kid." Shougo closed his eyes and frowned. "I haven't forgotten... our first duel."
Chiba's laughter was cut short. It was true... he was so caught up in the fun of the duel, he had forgotten to attack with his third Command Knight that day. But that wasn't because he was trying to take it easy on Shougo...
"That was an accident!" Chiba told Shougo in earnest. "I just got so swept away in my feelings..."
"That's not true," Shougo said with a shake of his head. "It's not like you to make a mistake, Chiba-kun. You're like Tenjouin-sensei... you see me as sensitive, as someone who can't handle losing. Maybe you think you got caught up, but I know you were taking it easy on me."
"Shougo-kun," Chiba said with a look of dismay on his face.
"That's okay..." Shougo sighed. "You're right. I still have a hard time with losing... look at how I fell apart when Toragami-san defeated me. I know you've been thinking you're not a good opponent for me, but the truth is, I'm not a good opponent for anyone. Chiba-kun, I look up to you."
"What? Me?"
"You run the cards you run, and you don't let anyone tell you any different." Shougo smiled a bit. "If I could do that, I'd be better able to live up to the legacy that Yugi-nii-san left to me... and to what Dark Armed Dragon called me to do."
Chiba sat back in his chair. I don't know what he's talking about... but I know Shougo-kun is trying his best. I've got to do the same...
"I'm feeling tired," Shougo said weakly.
"Alright..." Chiba got up. "I'll let you rest. Thanks for talking with me, Shougo-kun. It helped a lot."
Shougo was already asleep, though.
When Chiba was walking out of the medical office, he was deep in thought.
Did I let Shougo-kun win that day without realizing it? I need to overcome that. I need to take all of my opponents seriously, or I shouldn't even call myself a duelist.
Kiyotaki frowned deeply.
"What exactly are you proposing, Tahuru-san?" he said to the Genex sponsor.
"We both have an interest in that boy showing up at the tournament, if just to watch," Tahuru replied. "And we know that woman in your employ won't let him go no matter what you say."
Kiyotaki put his hands together. "And you think you can convince her?"
"I think if you let me try, we'll both draw some benefit." Tahuru smiled coolly. "It's not without risk, but then, what is?"
"I will not have you intimidating one of my employees," Kiyotaki said, his eyes stern in communicating this.
"Oh, nothing like that, I promise you," Tahuru said. "I will simply persuade her that it's in her best interests to let the boy go. Watching a nice, fun tournament would be good for his health, wouldn't you say?"
"The more you talk, the less I trust your methods," Kiyotaki replied. "But as the matter is an urgent one, I will let you talk to Ayukawa-san. However, she will report to me if you try to beguile her or frighten her in any way."
"I'm always a gentleman," Tahuru said, and then bowed. "With that, I'll be off."
Kiyotaki didn't answer, but sat back down at his desk and turned to the window. He heard the door close and could see, by the reflection from the glass in front of him, that Tahuru was gone.
I have a terrible feeling about this, but it's true. For our goals to succeed, Shougo-kun and Toragami-san have to be in that arena together, at least. But Tahuru-san, what are you planning?
Ayukawa read the results of Shougo's blood test one more time, and sighed.
Nothing new is coming here, she thought to herself. I can't feel right with myself unless I start him on dialysis right away. We're not equipped at Duel Academy for that, though. That would mean sending him away...
She looked at the bed where Shougo lay.
It's his dream to be a recognized duelist, but now he's here. I wonder if he'd give up that dream if pursuing it meant he would die. I don't want to be the one to take that away from him.
"Ah, Ayukawa Emi. Deep in thought, are we?"
Mitsuo Tahuru had already arrived at the medical center.
"You're Mitsuo Tahuru, the sponsor of the Genex tournament," Ayukawa said, looking him over.
"That's right," Tahuru said. "I see you know me well."
"I also knew you and Tenjouin Asuka knew each other in school," she added. "And not on friendly terms."
"We had our differences," Tahuru admitted. "But that's not important now. What is important is that boy sleeping over there."
"Shougo-kun?" Ayukawa gasped. "What are you saying?"
Tahuru took a coin out of his pocket and flipped it. Looking at the result, he kept it to himself as he put it back.
"We would really appreciate it if you told a lie for us," he explained.
Shougo: "I'd really like to watch the finals... but I'm not going anywhere unless Ayukawa-sensei says it's okay."
Aino: "Everyone would like it if you came, but Ayukawa-sensei cannot understand the nature of Shougo-kun's illnesses. However, the mysterious Mitsuo Tahuru is here with a proposal.."
Tenjouin: "That boy is always up to something."
Toragami: "He wants Shougo-kun to observe the finals, and tells Ayukawa-sensei to let him go, and then reveals a secret close to her heart."
Aino: "Will Ayukawa-sensei give in to Tahuru's temptation? Find out next time on Yu-Gi-Oh! Negative Zero: 'The Self's Motivation! Tahuru's Promise'. Please enjoy."
Shougo: "Ayukawa-sensei... follow your heart. It's not evil to have feelings for someone!"
Level 4 fire warrior, attack points 1200, defense points 1900. This card gives herself and other warriors 400 attack points, and when other monsters are on the field, she can't be attacked! With two or three of her on the field, your opponent can't attack! That's the patented Chiba-sama Command Knight Lock! Oh, excuse me!