Ripples In Time
A/N- Here's the next chapt! I do hope you guys enjoy it!!
Disclaimer- I don't own Rurouni Kenshin, but I do love trying to play with the characters!!
Now onto the flick!! ^^
Chapter 3: Bound By Honor
Slipping into a defensive stance, Kaoru decided to oblige her soon to be victim. "The names Kaoru, I'll make sure you remember it, for what little time left you have."
Kaoru launched herself forward after that and was surprised to see that her dagger clashed with the Battousai's. Kaoru pushed against him, trying to force him back, but he failed to move an inch.
Taking a chance, Kaoru pulled back and was pleased to see him fall forward from his own momentum. But he caught himself quickly and launched his own attack against her, Kaoru had to back up to avoid the down thrust of his dagger.
Kaoru decided to try something else, moving fast, Kaoru began running towards the nearby street, hoping that the traffic and cars may give her some kind of higher ground.
She watched as the Battousai ran alongside her keeping up with her pace effortlessly. Reaching the sidewalk, Kaoru ran towards the street and jumped onto the nearest moving car. Balancing herself, she ignored the driver’s protests and the points and stares of the pedestrians.
The Battousai had leapt onto the roof of the car at her side, Kaoru reached into her back pocket and threw four silver throwing daggers at him. He evaded all but one, it grazed his arm, burning the flesh it touched. Smirking, Kaoru was about to throw four more when the car she was on suddenly stopped.
With both of her hands being used, she was unable to keep her balance and rolled down the front of the car. She landed with a thump on the asphalt, continuing to roll into the oncoming traffic. Unable to move fast enough, Kaoru could only stare as an oncoming truck came at her.
Just when the truck was about to hit her, she felt a pair of strong arms wrap about her waist and leap out of the street, while in this persons arms. Kaoru's heart sped up when they landed far away from the street, the person set her down gently and Kaoru looked up at her savior.
Kaoru felt her heart almost stop when she locked gazes with none other than the Battousai, 'how the hell did this happen?'
"You are definitely nuts if you keep doing stunts like that, you sure are different than all the other slayers that have come after me." Kaoru noticed the amusement in his eyes and no matter how much her mind screamed at her to rip his head off she only gritted her teeth.
All the while she tried to think of ways she could get out of this stupid situation she had put herself in. Her memory flashed back to how she had failed to concern herself with her surroundings, groaning she rubbed the bridge of her nose, feeling a headache coming on.
Kaoru could feel the Battousai's eyes on her and could swear that he was laughing at her. Growling low in her throat, Kaoru clenched one of her fists as she stomped over to the nearest tree and began to tear it to pieces, all the while spouting several choice curses.
After about five minutes of this Kaoru finally calmed, she took a deep breath as she turned to look at the rather confused Battousai.
Taking a deep breath, Kaoru prepared herself for whatever reaction she was about to receive. 'No matter how much I don't want to, on my honor I have to repay him. Damn it!' Kaoru slowly lowered herself on one knee, her eyes focused upon the ground.
"What are you doing?" Kaoru gritted her teeth and fought down her first urges, the desire to rip her hair out and scream her head off seemed like a really good choice right about now.
"You saved my life. That makes my obligation to kill you void, on my honor I...I..." Kaoru sighed, 'just get it over with.' "I pledge myself to you, Battousai. I am in your dept and in payment of that dept I..."
A hand was placed over her mouth, preventing Kaoru from finishing. "I see...just so you know, that means that you would belong to me now. Also, the name is Kenshin. Only my enemies call me Battousai, now’re coming with me, Kaoru."
Kaoru simply nodded her head, she had no choice, she was bound now and there's nothing she could do about it. When he let go of her mouth, Kaoru waited until he made a move.
Battousai, 'Kenshin,' gripped her wrist and pulled her to her feet, he then flashed one sympathetic smile and started to drag her after him.
Kenshin tensed as he watched the woman named Kaoru pull something from her back as she came at him quickly. Kenshin pulled out a dagger he had hidden and smirked when he saw that was what she had as well, 'we think alike, I like that.'
Kenshin held his ground as he felt her push against him, suddenly she moved back and he felt himself fall forwards. Catching himself quickly, Kenshin moved forward towards Kaoru, he was impressed yet again when she avoided the blow.
Suddenly she turned about and took off towards the nearby streets, smirking, Kenshin rushed after her. He was having fun and this was a challenge that he would enjoy to the fullest, reaching the sidewalk, he watched as she leapt onto a car. Following suit, Kenshin landed on the car next to hers, 'she's fast but not as fast as me.'
Balancing himself, he watched as Kaoru pulled out four throwing daggers. Tensing himself, he dodged all but one, it burned his arm when it grazed it. Kenshin kept his expression neutral while his mind was shocked, 'silver throwing daggers...ingenious.'
He watched as she tried to balance herself when the car suddenly stopped, but she slipped, rolling down the front of the car and into the street. He mentally shook his head at the amateur slip-up that she had just made, it seemed that even a skilled human like her made mistakes.
He leapt back onto the sidewalk, he was about to turn and leave when something made him stop. His eyes focused on the woman as she rolled to a stop, by the look of things she was too dazed to dodge the oncoming truck.
Kenshin tried to hold his ground, but when he saw her just freeze and await the blow, his body moved on its own. Leaping next to Kaoru, he pulled her against his chest as he jumped out of the street and moved into the trees.
'Why did I just do that? She's my enemy...but why did I...' he could feel her curl against his form as if it was a perfect fit, 'maybe she is...' shaking away his darker thoughts he looked about, searching. Finding a semi-secluded spot he let go of her and took a step back.
His eyes appraised her heavily breathing form with much interest, 'she is the only hunter to stand against me in battle, even though it was for a little while. That fiery spirit of hers really suits her and it is refreshing to know that there is someone out there willing to stand against me.'
"You are definitely nuts if you keep doing stunts like that, you sure are different than all the other slayers that have come after me."
He smirked to himself when he saw the way her jaw seemed to tighten at his words, the look in her eyes stirred dark emotions in him and he nearly shivered as a dark voice started to whisper to him. 'She's wild that one, taming that spirit would be a great challenge. But the way her eyes give away all her emotions...priceless.'
He watched with much amusement as she stormed over to a nearby tree and began to pulverize it, he could just feel his body shiver in delight at the savage way she went about it.
Her voice filled the air with many curses that he never thought a female would ever know let alone utter, but as he could see she was a one of a kind female.
'Why don't you take her, she is pure by her scent...come on, you know you want to...' Kenshin's thoughts trailed off when he noticed Kaoru kneeling before him.
"What are you doing?" Kenshin knitted his brows as he watched Kaoru fidget slightly and turn her head to look him straight in the eye. "You saved my life. That makes my obligation to kill you void, on my honor I...I..." Kenshin felt an emotion surge through him at her words.
An emotion that he hasn't felt in years, smug possessiveness, he wanted the woman before him and now she was in his debt. He made up his mind and he was determined to go through with it. 'She has honor...I've never heard of a hunter with honor, at least not a female one. I have to have her, if only as a friend, then so be it. As long as she is mine.'
That was when her next words hit his ears and he mentally cheered. "I pledge myself to you, Battousai. I am in your dept and in payment of that dept I..." Kenshin had heard enough so he placed his hand over her mouth, stopping her midsentence.
"I see...just so you know, that means that you would belong to me now. Also, the name is Kenshin. Only my enemies call me Battousai, now’re coming with me, Kaoru." Seeing her nod her head, Kenshin smirked as he gripped her wrist and drug her after him.
Kenshin pulled her along until they reached where he had first seen her, he could feel something off about 'Kaoru', stopping he turned to look at her. Kaoru had her head down and was acting submissive. Kenshin shook his head at this, 'I don't want her to act this way...I like her aggressiveness...' "Kaoru, look at me."
Reaching over he took her chin in his hand and brought her face up to lock their eyes. "There's no need to be so submissive, yes you are in my debt, but I will not force you to do anything..." he released her wrist and took a step away.
"Only come with me if you really wish too," Kenshin mentally slapped himself, 'since when am I so lenient? You just met her and now you’re being all noble, just to make her happy...something is wrong with me.'
Kaoru couldn't believe her ears, he had just declared that she was his and now he was giving her a choice? 'Maybe I should make a break while I have a I owe him my life and I must repay him...even if that means becoming his possession.' Sighing, Kaoru locked Kenshin's eyes with her own.
"I made an oath and I am not going to break it...but let's get one thing straight, Kenshin, Battousai...who ever you are. I don't like you, so don't expect me to be happy about this. Got it?"
Kenshin felt a smile grace his lips as he mentally cheered. ", since that is out of the way, do you have anything you want to take care of before I take you to my home?"
Kaoru looked at him as if he had just grown a third head, 'what is up with this guy?' "I guess...I do have a friend that I'd like to inform what has happened. If that's alright..." Kenshin chuckled and nodded his head.
Still eyeing him warily, Kaoru pulled out her phone and dialed Misao's number, it rang a few times before it picked up. "Hello?" Kaoru turned to look away for Kenshin, for some reason she found the way he was looking at her rather un-nerving.
"Misao, it's me, Kaoru." There was a slight pause, "Kaoru? Did you accomplish your mission that fast?" Kaoru sighed dejectedly, 'Misao's not going to like this.'
"No Misao...the mission is off. I need you to call the client and inform them that I have decided to change my mind and decline the mission." Kaoru steeled herself for what was to come, '3, 2, 1...'
"What?! What do you mean, ‘declined?' Kaoru, you've never declined a mission once. What happened to make you change your mind?" Taking a quick glance at Kenshin, Kaoru decided to hold off telling her just yet.
"I'll tell you later Misao. Just take care of it." Before Misao could put a word in edge wise, Kaoru turned off her phone and replaced it.
Kaoru was about to speak when she felt Kenshin grip her hand and being dragging her off again. Glancing to her side she caught him looking at her before adverting his gaze again, 'he is really weird...some legendary killer my ass, more like some shy school boy if you ask me. But he was kind in letting me call Misao like that...'
Kaoru let out a deep sigh as she slowly let her fingers entwine with Kenshin's, surprising him in the process. Keeping her eyes focused forward as they began walking past the children and families that still littered the area, Kaoru cleared her throat.
"Thank you...for letting me call my friend." A light chuckle answered her, bemused, Kaoru shot Kenshin a fake glare. "What's so funny?" Kenshin smiled as he looked at her, Kaoru could swear that she felt her heart skip a beat as she looked back at him in slight awe.
"It's simple Kaoru. One, you just finished saying that you didn't like me and here we are, holding hands." Kaoru gaped at his words, trying to pry her hand from his and only succeeding in bringing him flush against her side.
Kenshin's smile only widened at that, "two, here I am taking you away from everything you've ever known and you thank me. Who wouldn't be amused...Kaoru." Kenshin made sure to say her name with an obvious purr and was pleased to feel Kaoru tremor slightly beside him.
Taking a deep breath, Kaoru looked away, suddenly really embarrassed. 'How the hell can he do that, but his voice did sound rather sexy...Ahhh! Stop it! Think about something else, quickly.'
Trying to divert her attention to something else, Kaoru ended up failing every time she glanced at her side and saw the red head. She let out a groan as she felt that headache steadily returning, 'this is going to be a long day.'
A/N- And there we go, I do hope you enjoied the chapt!
So until next time, please review!
Ja Ne! =^..^=